Home Evil is Kept at Bay by the Credible Threat of Violence East St. Louis IL courtesy preservationresearch.com

East St. Louis IL courtesy preservationresearch.com

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File Name : DSCN0001.JPG
File Size : 1.6MB (1628517 Bytes)
Date Taken : 2004/02/18 15:46:14
Image Size : 2560 x 1920 pixels
Resolution : 300 x 300 dpi
Bit Depth : 8 bits/channel
Protection Attribute : Off
Hide Attribute : Off
Camera ID : N/A
Camera : E5000
Quality Mode : FINE
Metering Mode : Matrix
Exposure Mode : Programmed Auto
Speed Light : No
Focal Length : 7.1 mm
Shutter Speed : 1/432.9 second
Aperture : F6.3
Exposure Compensation : 0 EV
White Balance : Auto
Lens : Built-in
Flash Sync Mode : Normal
Exposure Difference : N/A
Flexible Program : N/A
Sensitivity : Auto
Sharpening : Auto
Image Type : Color
Color Mode : N/A
Hue Adjustment : N/A
Saturation Control : Normal
Tone Compensation : Auto
Latitude(GPS) : N/A
Longitude(GPS) : N/A
Altitude(GPS) : N/A

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