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10 Best Home-Defense Firearms

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Reader Jeremy Hopper writes:

Home defense should be a serious consideration for all homeowners and renters. It’s impossible to predict if a criminal will single out your home for a robbery or an invasion. So make sure that you’re prepared to defend your home and your family in close quarters by investing in one of these or — better yet — a collection of the best home-defense guns.



1. .357 Magnum Revolver

The .357 revolver is a favored firearm among enthusiasts. Revolvers are powerful, versatile, and heavy. What makes revolvers stand out as the best home defense handguns amongst other home and self defense guns is that their ease of use. Unlike semi-automatic pistols, revolvers can be used by someone with very little firearm experience while the gun’s weight will minimize felt recoil.

This allows other members of your family (or first-time users) to use the gun should they be required to defend against an intruder in close quarters while you’re not home. A .357 is also versatile, allowing the use of many different types of ammo from light .38 loads to heavy-hitting .357 rounds.



2. AR-15

An AR-15 may be a surprising addition to a home defense weapon list, but works for a variety of reasons. If your home or your property is unfortunate enough to be targeted in a home invasion or by multiple intruders, the AR’s capacity and pointability will serve you well.

In a multiple bad guy situation, an AR-15 will help even the odds by giving you the advantage of distance, velocity, and ammunition capacity that smaller weapons can’t match.



3. Smith & Wesson Governor

An impressive piece of machinery, a Smith & Wesson Governor is a very versatile handgun that can fire shotgun shells as well as centerfire rounds. The Governor is also relatively lightweight which makes it a perfect home-defense firearm to be used by family members who are physically incapable of wielding a heavier or more cumbersome firearm for home protection.

You can load the Governor with .410 shells, .45 Colt or even .45 ACP rounds (with moon clips) which gives you options to handle different situations.



4. GLOCK 17 or 19

The ubiquitous, reliable GLOCK 17 is one of the most popular handguns in the world, and for good reason. Its polymer construction makes it lightweight and with a 17-round capacity, you’ll be able to handle almost any situation.

If you’re looking for something a little smaller, you can opt for a GLOCK 19. The barrel is slightly shorter and it weighs a little less than the larger  G17. And while the standard magazine for the G19 is 15 round, it will take the G17’s 17-round magazines and will even even run GLOCK’s larger 33-round mags.



5. 12-Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun

The intimidation factor of a pump shotgun can’t be overstated when it comes to home defense. Once an intruder sees you point the barrel of a shotgun in their direction, they may decide it’s just not worth the effort.

Besides the intimidation factor, a pump gun also provides significant stopping power when loaded with buckshot or slugs.  And at longer distances, when shooting buck or bird shot, a 12-gauge shotgun gives you a little more room for error if your aim isn’t perfect.



6. SIG P226

The SIG Sauer P226 is widely used by the military, law enforcement and other professionals all over the world. They’re well built and are available in 9mm, .40 S&W and .357 SIG. Its full frame size and double-stack capacity means you’ll have plenty of firepower to handle a personal-defense situation. The SIG’s DA/SA and decocking capability make the P226 a reliable, safe alternative for home-defense use.



7. CZ 75

The underrated CZ 75 sports a full-size frame but is still extremely comfortable to shoot. Its barrel and sight radius mean quicker aiming and more accuracy in personal-defense situations. Noted for its low felt recoil and solid construction a CZ 75 will provide homeowners and gun owners with years of peace of mind.



8. Beretta 92

A staple firearm of police departments across the globe, the Beretta 92 is also the weapon of choice for the United States Military. This is due to the fact that this pistol consistently surpasses the U.S. military requirement of a 10-shot group of 3 inches or less at 50 meters.

This large semi-automatic pistol has an open slide and a short-recoil delayed locking-block system for a faster cycle time which delivers reliability, accuracy and quick follow-up shots. The semi-auto pistols are available in double action/single action as well as single-action-only models to enhance safety.



9. Ruger P Series

This impressive pistol sports a 25-year record of being reliable and durable. While no longer produced, Ruger’s P series handguns are reliable, economical options that you can depend on when you need it. This firearm has a textured grip and ambidextrous safety/decocker for added peace of mind. Relatively compact and lightweight, this pistol will serve you and your family well without costing you a fortune.



10. Bersa Thunder

The Bersa Thunder is a smaller, metal-frame pistol that offers not only the best in combat features with multiple safety controls. While a smaller pistol, the magazine extension affords the shooter a full grip. The Thunder, chambered in .380 ACP will better fit shooters with smaller hands and women, and is easier to rack than many of its full-size competitors.

When choosing the best handgun for home-defense, the best advice is try before you buy. If possible, borrow or rent one of these guns before laying down your hard-earned money. The most important factor, though, is to know your gun and how it works. Practice may not make perfect, but in a life-or-death, home-defense situation, you’ll be glad you know what your gun can do and how to use it.

More from The Truth About the Guns:

Gun Review: Springfield XD-E 9mm Pistol

Taurus Judge: Not the Best Choice for Concealed Carry?

Gun Review: Remington 870 DM Magpul Shotgun

Gun Review: Mossberg 500 12 Gauge

Gun Review: Smith & Wesson M&P SHIELD M2.0 9mm

Gun Review: GLOCK 19C Gen 4 9mm Pistol

Gun Review: Ruger PC Carbine w/Aluminum Handguard (pistol caliber)

0 thoughts on “10 Best Home-Defense Firearms”

  1. American culture glorifies sticking up for somebody getting abused. The righteous hero is never the lording superiority over lessers. It’s the guy who you didn’t realize was a badass until that’s called for, or finds a strength when needed, to stop some abuse.

    When the bully or thug can’t be reasoned with, won’t be bargained with, and absolutely will not stop, well, everybody should have the option of replying in kind, and even tiny people maybe should have an equalizer.

    “Anti-gun” isn’t about violence, or even guns; it’s an objection to people showing competence, judgment, and autonomy to protect themselves. They object, ultimately to you choosing that your are worth defending; the opposite of what’s glorified in American cowboy movies, and heroes’ tales.

  2. I wouldn’t want to fire a 16″ AR indoors without ear protection or a can. Even a 12ga is going to be far less punishing on your ear drums. No gun is going to be quiet, but I’ve had an AR ring my bell just by standing next to it when some cretin launched a round down range during a cease fire. That’s on a covered outdoor range. I can only guess how much more painful it would be in an enclosed space.

    For those of you answering with a “harden the fuck up”… if you’re disoriented because you just flashbanged yourself, you’re not shooting. No amount of “hardness” will let you walk away from an auditory shock like that.

    • “Even a 12ga is going to be far less punishing on your ear drums [than an AR-15 with a 16-inch barrel].”

      Are you guys absolutely certain about that? I would never have guessed that in a million years. (I hear outdoor 12 gauge shotgun blasts from miles away at my home.)

      Looks like I will be sticking with a .40 S&W (pistol caliber) carbine for indoor home protection. That 16-inch barrel radically reduces the report. I was recently exposed to one shot in an enclosed space without hearing protection. One ear rang a little bit and was slightly muted for about one hour. The other ear did not ring at all and was not muted at all. And I don’t give up much in terms of terminal ballistics since I am still launching a .40 caliber, 165 grain hollowpoint bullet at 1,350 fps (which equates to 667 ft-lbs).

      • A “high pressure” shotgun round might have a pressure level of 11K PSI.

        A 9×19 will be in the 35K PSI range, as is a .40 S&W. The 10mm is a tad more, in the range of 37,500 PSI.

        Modern, centerfire rifle rounds are in the 55K PSI and up range, and modern 5.56 NATO spec ammo is in the “and up” pressure range – like 63K PSI.

        Older handgun cartridges have significantly lower pressure levels. The .38 Special is under 20K PSI (unless we’re talking +P loads), the .45 ACP in the 21K PSI area, the .45 Colt in the 14K to 18K area.

        When you look at sound pressure levels for guns, you will see only a few dB of difference, but remember, decibels are log-based. A few more dB can hurt – a lot.

        • Sound level is a weird equation based on total shock tube volume, pressure, and initial projectile exit velocity. A .410 gage shotgun is surprisingly quiet, actually.

  3. Down size from the 12 gauge to a 20 gauge. Same effect less recoil. And Yes Harden the F@#K UP. If you or your families life is on the line. You better be ready to be flash banged or be DEAD.

  4. I also think .357 magnum is a bit loud for indoor close-quarter use, and it’s doubtful in a HD situation you’d have to worry about hard barrier penetration. 9mm or 12ga should suffice.

  5. “…gunman…”? Can we say “murderer” or “ spree killer”? You never read about a “knife man” or “club man”.

    C’mon, TTAG, you’re better than that.

  6. Number 3 is an absolute no go. Watch Paul Harrells 3 part series testing the Taurus judge and you’ll see that there is zero benefit to loading a revolver with shot shells. 45 colt is fine, 45acp is good, 410 shows no meaningful improvement in damage or hit probability in self defense distances.

  7. 1, 4, 5 or 6 not necessarily in that order. The B-92 is not a good choice. Charging the gun can inadvertently engage the safety. Scratch this one.

    • You ca n probably chalk this up to me just doing it wrong, but I always found the scallops at the front of the sli de to be much more useful than the serrations at the back for racking the 92. Point the weapon toward the ground in front of you, pinch the front of the sl ide and r ack. Won’t work if your fingers are really sweaty though. If you’re racking from the back just go ahead and flip the sa fety down, it works much better than the serrations. Just be aware that you’ll have to flip it back up to fire, but it’s not an issue for anyone who practices with it. I’d take it over the judge any day.

  8. Sometimes there are literally hundreds of people rolling through the casino. How can this determine who the ‘hit’ is on? How can they even find the person in the crowd (it only goes 6 feet)? Other people in front of you block the microwaves. Sounds gimmicky to me.

    Kind of dangerous. Microwaves vibrate molecules making heat. Can see lawsuits claiming physical injury to the body. If you start feeling warm there is a problem.

  9. This is hardly news — this kind of “cold tracer” ammo has been around for years. (Google “Glow Ammo” — I’ve got some of that on my shelf.)

    Does it work? Kinda sorta, but nothing like the real McCoy. In a low light situation, you can see it. In sunlight, forget it.

  10. “The poll comes as the nation approaches the fifth anniversary of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.”

    Interesting how the left dates everything in relation to Sandy Hook. There was once a time in America when everything was dated from something else entirely.

  11. 72% think armed guards or police will help prevent gun violence. Wow, the sheepole really just want to pay to have more jack booted thugs telling them what to do in their everyday lives.

    I guess people are that stupid because they’re more likely to be shot by aggro cops in a church, school, or hotel than a mass shooter or a gangbanger.

    My fellow Americans, government funded and trained officials of any capacity are not your friends.

  12. culture of violence. are you fucking kidding me? then WTF do you call places like Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, AFRICA, N KOREA, etc., were there is LITERALLY perputual violence??????? oh yeah, facts don’t matter to these people.

    and besides, what violent movies and games was it that, Gengis Khan, Mao, Polpot, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler all watched and played????

    “i do not know what weapons WWIII will be fought with, but i do know what weapons will be used in WWIV; rocks and sticks”-A. Einstein

  13. There is no proven linkage. In the idyllic 50’s and 60’s, westerns were a popular genre, and there were many more shootings and killings than today’s entertainment. It was also more sanitary and less horrific with the baddie falling to the ground without a mark instead of blood and brains spraying everywhere.

  14. Those weapons are made in other countries, by fine dedicated employees. Most particularly the Rock Island bunch, those folks showed up to make sure the factory was OK after a flood when they didn’t have to. They do a great job of putting reliable, consistent firing guns in our hands.

  15. That AP , can range from 15k to over 60k depending on the model , his is lower end though .

    Babysitter , you know that’s a joke right ? I’m a LT on the FD , more then once I’ve told,folks I’m a babysitter . I babysit the ghetto .

    My watch is a Blackface Explorer II though .

    I’d like a higher end Royal Oak though .

  16. Nicole Made Thіs – Purveyor οf the Ᏼest Bath Goodies оn tһe Planet.
    DB: I thіnk balancing tһe business ɑnd social aspects oof thyis position ɑre one
    and the same. All the writing we’rе doing now, howeber mᥙch we cսrrently disdain іt, will ƅecome wonderful
    verbal snapshots ⅼater on.

  17. I have both kinds of holsters, but my ED holster is a High Noon IWB that is slim, leather, and quite comfortable when in the exact right place. Gunbelt is a Bull Belt from DaltechForce that is sturdy, discrete, and holding up very well after several years of continuous daily wear. Would I rather carry OWB? Sure, why not? I have a pancake holster from Kirkpatrick that is perfect for the task. Such holsters are quite comfy; but this is California and I don’t want to run the risk.

  18. Yes, well, the survey results above show that 40 percent of respondents think stricter gun laws would do “not much” or “nothing at all” to “prevent gun violence.”

    51 percent of respondents think that “allowing” more public firearms carriage would do “a lot” or “some” to “prevent gun violence.”

    Bottom line: carrying guns in public beats stricter gun laws for preventing “gun violence” by 50 to 40 percent. Well, that’s how I spin it.
    Spin it indeed. You’re substituting the percentage of respondents who answered negatively about gun control for the percentage who responded positively. The correct comparison is 60% believe stricter gun laws would help, and 51 percent believe more armed citizens would help.

  19. Has the lawyer claimed that Mrs. Lanza gave teh gun to her son knowing that he planned to murder children?

    I seem to recall she tried to get teh State to restrain him teh state refused or was unable.

    Then she was murdered, the first victim.

    The lawyer should surrender his diploma and license.

  20. A Freind A D’d his TV with a 300 Win mag, while in his house. But I don’t think it was as loud as when my employer touched off 357 in his pickup. .The forgotten 30-30, slayer of bear to bad men.

  21. I can’t even stand a few coins in my pockets so there is no way I would go IWB. I’ve got a pancake from MASC Holster generally about 8:00 that has been exceptional and a custom fit for my Steyr’s.

  22. “Squirrels everywhere will be quaking in their little boots.”

    The squirrels in my neighborhood do not wear boots and the cats have no pajamas.

  23. What does the term “stricter gun laws” mean?

    it means AUstralian-style gun laws…which all the (serious) gun-grabbers make no bones abt!

    in the US, of course, that would mean a CIVIL war …. so…they usually try to down-play/deflect the AUstralian gun laws meme …. but…their own words condemn them on that one….

    which “begs the question” …. would any serious attempt to actually impose/legislate for AUstralian-style gun laws @ the federal level be sufficient justification for US citz to declare war against fed(dot)gov [?]

  24. I use a cheap IWB above my hip pocket, for a ” here’s my wallet” situation. The OWB is bb gun 1911 carried on side for ” here’s my gun”situation’s, the .25 is in front pocket opposite from the OWB , the 25 is sans holster. ,,,,,. ,,, These pop-up adds r giving me fits tonite

  25. Wow, that’s gonna cost someone one heck of a lot of money.

    Talk about shitty timing.
    His wife & family will think of the millions of things that could have delayed him that day by a split second and have the bullet just zip by instead.

  26. I always say my prayers before going to any kind of range. Condolences to the family. Christmas is ruined likely because of an idiot.

  27. 10 random guns that can be used for home defense 🙂

    But seriously, the only takeaway I can get from the list is that a home defense gun should be fairly reliable – it is the only thing the guns on the list have in common.

  28. I was at Bills in Minnesota the day after a suicide, about 3 years ago. The downstairs range is mostly run by younger “kids”. Guy comes in and rents a 357 magnum and a box of cartridges. Puts on eyes and ears. Fires a few rounds to test for function. Lays down horizontally on the floor of the firing line. Shoots himself in the head, while maintaining strict muzzle control, sending the bullet through his brains and then downrange. I knew the kid who rented him the gun. A really downhome, respectful young man. He never went back to work, so I can only imagine how hard he took it. I was mad that the suicidal guy had to inflict such emotional damage on him. The most amazing thing about the entire incident? The press, either on tv or in our newspapers never mentioned a word. The Minnesota gun form was on fire for days. It wasn’t a secret. But not even a mention. I have my theory. Bills is the most famous indoor range in the state, and a very common place for law enforcement of all stripes to hang out and shoot in. I think they helped bury the story. Anyway, my condolences to the family of this Houston man. I hate hearing stories about these preventable tragedies. These things are never accidents. Always a bit sobering. I’m just grateful that when it comes to gun safety I have no ego. In fact, the longer you own/handle Guns, the more important it becomes to practice strict adherence to the 4 rules. It’s how I taught my wife and daughter, too.

  29. I’ve use mine for turkey hunting. Bought it at Cabela’s on sale. Have killed one every year since I’ve owned it using 3 1/2″ shells. No problems at all. Sad to see all the bad reviews on a shotgun I’ve been happy with.

  30. Ain’t nothin’ dumber than a murderous outlaw gang that doesn’t seek cover in a gunfight or Buffalo soldiers that let obvious killers get the drop on on them and then try to make up for it by having guys pop out of the floor.

  31. ‘Ain’t nothin’ scarier than a man with a g un.’

    I don’t know, I think a woman with a g un is scarier than a man. If a woman pulls a gu n she probably intends to use it.

    • Reminds me of something James Yeager once said (yeah- I know some people don’t like him)- he said if you’re ever on scene during an active shooter/Terrorist attack, and there’s a woman involved, shoot her first, because she’s really committed and it’s likely the others are following her.

  32. “A shocking internet gallery shows fans of the second amendment proudly brandishing their weapons on their big day.”

    Poor bridesmaid on the right: she doesn’t have a gun of her own. Embarrassing. 8>)

  33. Gee I’m doing a NICS TODAY…don’t blame me. Fake News is aptly named. A leftard is a leftard. Good on those gals in the wedding party…it beats those lame dances.

  34. Good show but its sad that one of the best lines in the movie had to be uttered by the villain. It decades past, it would have been delivered by john Wayne.

  35. I took a co-worker to a local gun store a week or so ago. She had a revolver(Taurus 85, I believe), but wanted a smaller revolver so as to be more concealable. She wanted to stay with a revolver because she said she couldn’t rack the slide. I was hoping the guy at the store would be able to talk her into a semi-auto like the P320 or XDs. Long story short(er), she really *couldn’t* rack the slide on the XDs, and one other that I can’t remember. NO hand strength in her left hand. The sales guy and I both conceded that she should get another revolver…

  36. Republicans dodged a bullet with Jones. Moore was a deeply flawed candidate. Had he been elected, there would have been constant political drama going on.
    Jones on the other hand is somewhat pro-2A. He’s a hunter and has cases of guns. He wants the laws already on the books enforced and advocates keeping firearms away from people who shouldn’t have them while allowing the law abiding access.
    Obviously the rest of the Democrats will attempt to sway him to take a tougher stance along with Capt. Kelley and Puppet sticking their noses up his ass already. I’m sure that along the way, Bloombag will be shelling out money as needed where legal, for reelection and such.

    In short, I think in this election there is a silver lining to the dark cloud.

  37. Family, Country, Guns, all intertwined. I’m an agnostic who senses that there probably is a super-powerful divine being out there somewhere, but why it would want to have anything to do with the mostly vile and vicious human population of Earth is beyond me. I was raised Lutheran, but they lost me as a teen after we kids in church confirmation class were told by our minister that the Catholics and the Baptists and all other faiths were going to hell because they didn’t believe exactly as Martin Luther prescribed for his church during the Reformation. Never could figure that out, since we all worship an essentially identical godhead, and all advocate for good. I’m pretty tolerant of others’ religions, as long as they don’t try to ram it down my throat. I’ll keep my powder dry for the three things I mentioned.

  38. I’ll just take your word about the videos. I don’t have the patience or time.

    Shotgun Sam, I think it would be great if you took on Steve S. as a project. This situation requires a bona fide professional, not some Internet Jockey.

  39. Seems to me the idea of privatized sidewalks has some merit. Now I wont have to bake the gay cake, since I can just keep the gays away from my store.

    Hell, make it so I can buy entire city blocks of side walks. I can fence in the undesirables and charge a toll to let them in or out of “My Personal Ghetto”. Its like an ant farm but even more entertaining.

  40. Clearly SOMETHING happened at Sandy Hook. Do we have the whole story?!? Nope but do we ever have it? This dude is a jerk…good on Clint Eastwood.

  41. This! With a stock (SBR) and a Can. I’ve fired one in that configuration + red dot sight + Streamlight. Incredible accuracy at 10 yards, whisper quiet, no felt recoil.

  42. I am amazed at how well I shoot my 320 out of the box compared to other guns I own. That said, with the light trigger, I expect an increase in NDs.

    Wish I could get a new 320 for $200…

  43. Three words:

    Fear of lawsuit

    I agree: don’t blame the cops, blame the shooter, but there are more than a few lawyers thinking about a payday.

  44. Why do they not want national gaurd help? If I was mayor, I would be begging the governor for enough to station on every street corner in Austin and Oak Lawn.

    Rules of Engagement, do not fire unless fired upon but immediately communicate all crimes and suspicious activity to police. Also ability to detain anyone directly observed actively committing crime until police arrive.

    No curfews, no random searches, no arrests. I think the presence would be enough to make a difference.

    It would die down for a few nights and move to other neighborhoods, but it would still be a useful “combat mission” training for our troops.

  45. Carrying a weapon in such a way as to be easily seen and grabbed by an attacker sounds pretty retarded to me. That’s a big reason right there I don’t open carry, especially on my hip where any f**k chop could walk up from behind and grab it. No wonder the guy is carrying a BUG. Heck, if I was doing that, I’d make my BUG a .45 of some sort with wicked-ass hollow points. Someone grabs my gun, they die. You have to assume that someone grabbing your gun is a very dangerous thing.

    However, I don’t carry in such a method as to attract unwanted attention by open carrying a gun which in my view is a huge look at me sign saying I’m an idiot tool with small hands and if I could afford it, I’d drive a bright red Corvette. Honestly, I haven’t met a daily open carrier I liked. Every single one I have run into comes off like a knob.

  46. Yeah, I could shoot an elephant if I was on a legal safari hunt. The reason is because legalizing hunting of elephants helps to preserve them. I could participate in that.

  47. I’d say manslaughter charges are in order for the Swatter and probably the SWAT officer who pulled the trigger.

  48. Damn. If Wilson bought McCormick, that means the prices are likely to go up. I’d better buy a couple more while the getting is good. P.S. Does McCormick really make a ten round mag for 1911s? I’ve only seen 8s.

    I have two mags for my 1911, a Kimber 7 round, and a McCormick 8 round that I bought when my Kimber kept on having failures to return to battery and failures to feed (nose dives). (Ultimately it turned out that it wasn’t the mags.) I think I need another. Three mags for my AR, two PMags and one steel (all ten round, unfortunately), and three for my Kahr. When I bought an XD, the special kit with mag holder and holster was out of stock, so the seller threw in two extra mags. None of my other firearms have detachable magazines.

  49. when did ‘state’s rights’ supercede ‘people’s rights’?

    anyway..this’ll keep up until the people start dragging politicians over to the nearest lampost and applying judicious use of a rope.

    You can’t reason with them that continuing down this path eventually results in a whole lot of blood and dead and change of regime. Until that happens, they never listen but when it does, they seem surprised. Same thing cops are beginning to dimly grasp.. abuse your power and eventually people start taking it back with extreme prejudice. Cops have the temerity to be surprised and hurt that public opinion is starting to turn against them.


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