By Lee Williams
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms recently called on Congress to block funding for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives until “Democrats and federal bureaucrats publicly recognize Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, and stop their attacks on legal gun ownership.”
If they lose all or part of the $1.9 billion Joe Biden wants to give them in his FY2024 budget proposal, the ATF only has itself to blame. The agency writes its own laws and then overzealously enforces them – a fact that has finally caught the attention of a few courts. The ATF is out of control and seemingly immune from the normal checks and balances other federal law enforcement agencies face.
While many of its scandals are infamous and widely known, especially those that resulted in the deaths of innocent Americans, here are a few blunders and little-known facts the ATF would prefer you don’t know about.
Non-serialized firearms
The ATF does not distinguish between homemade firearms, which don’t legally require a serial number, and factory-made firearms that have had their serial numbers illegally altered, defaced or removed by criminals. The ATF considers all firearms without a legible serial number to be “ghost guns.”

The ATF has been manipulating the statistics on “ghost guns” since the term was invented. It should be noted that building homemade firearms is perfectly legal in most free states.
Administrative charges
The majority of ATF’s criminal charges are filed administratively after another law enforcement agency has made an arrest. When police arrest an armed criminal with a previous felony conviction – a prohibited person – they may ask ATF to pursue federal charges, which usually carry a stiffer penalty than state charges. Of course, the ATF takes credit for the investigation and subsequent prosecution, once again manipulating the stats, by claiming it was part of its Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) program.
The Firearm doesn’t trust ATF
Bumpstock manufacturers, the makers of certain aftermarket triggers and the genius behind the pistol brace, which was originally designed for disabled veterans, all have one thing in common: They all received determination letters from the ATF that said their accessories were fine and not subject to regulation by the National Firearms Act, which would have killed their business. Then, after succumbing to political pressure, the ATF changed its mind.

Bumpstocks and certain drop-in triggers became machineguns, and more than 40 million pistol braces could become Short Barrel Rifles. While the agency’s newfound zeal to write and enforce its own laws will likely be resolved in court, it will be a lengthy and expensive process. Meanwhile, I know of at least one small trigger manufacturer who’s waiting for the next administration before sending anything to the ATF for review.
ATF’s Leadership is reviled by its staff
Some of ATF’s rank-and-file agents are gun guys or gun gals. They joined the agency for a variety of reasons: to take bad guys off the street, to protect the public or to qualify for a federal pension.

There are two ATFs, they’ll tell you; the careerists who put in the time and do the work, and the politically appointed leadership. Every single agent I’ve ever met eventually tees off on their leadership. The agents blame political appointees for the agency’s long list of deadly mistakes, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Fast and Furious – all of which resulted in the loss of civilian lives.
Secret gun registry
ATF has been caught red-handed at least twice creating an illegal gun registry, which is a violation of federal law. First, we learned agents were digitizing thousands of Form 4473s, which we shipped to the agency by gun dealers who retired, quit or went out of business. Then, an Arizona gun dealer caught an ATF inspector photographing his paperwork with her cell phone. To date, no one has been disciplined for these clear violations of federal law.
Selective memory
The ATF’s website has no mention of Ruby Ridge, Randy Weaver or the 11-day standoff that killed Weaver’s wife, son and Deputy U.S. Marshal William Degan. Nor is there anything on the website about slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, who was murdered by a gun the ATF let walk into Mexico as part of its “Fast and Furious” debacle.
The ATF devotes only one page to the deadly siege at Waco, although it is still attempting to deflect blame for the more than 70 deaths.
“A subsequent investigation by the Departments of Treasury and Justice regarding the actions of law enforcement agents during the siege determined that some tactics and decisions were poorly executed; and certain actions by ATF were criticized. However, the September 1993 U.S. Department of Treasury Administrative Review concluded: ‘… the agency is made up of dedicated, committed and experienced professionals, who have regularly demonstrated sound judgment and remarkable courage in enforcing the law,’” ATF’s website states.
ATF recruited mentally disabled informants
In 2013, a Milwaukee newspaper revealed that the ATF had set up storefront stings, and that agents specifically recruited mentally disabled people as informants. At first, the use of these informants was attributed to “rogue agents” operating solely in Milwaukee, but the newspaper revealed the tactic of recruiting “low IQ” informants was commonplace and also used in Pensacola, Albuquerque and Wichita.
FFL revocations for clerical errors
Revocations of Federal Firearm Licenses have increased more than 500% since Joe Biden declared war on America’s guns. Many of the revocations involve nothing more than clerical errors – errors that would have been resolved with a pencil eraser before Biden took office. Nowadays, ATF’s new zero-tolerance policy allows for no excuses. Any error is considered a willful violation of ATF rules, which results in revocation.
Ignores FOIA requests
The ATF has a habit of complying with Freedom of Information Act requests, or FOIA requests, only if their response won’t prove to be too controversial. They ignore FOIAs if the response would prove embarrassing to the agency. Whether the ATF likes it or not, the Freedom of Information Act is federal law. That a federal law enforcement agency knowingly violates federal law is unconscionable.
Bonuses for bosses
Two years ago, an ATF whistleblower told the public that ATF was awarding 25% bonuses to administrators who did not qualify for a bump in pay. The Law Enforcement Availability Pay, or LEAP bonuses, were meant for “criminal investigators” only – those working irregular shifts or on-call at all hours. LEAP bonuses were not meant for administrators. A subsequent investigation by the Office of Personnel Management found ATF paid at least 94 employees inappropriately and concluded ATF “engaged in prohibited personnel practices.”
Lee Williams publishes at The Gun Writer. This post originally appeared there and is reprinted here with permission.
Very few of the 3 letter agencies should be allowed to continue to exist. The ATF absolutely is one that should have gone a long time ago.
I am listening to Bongino and he needs a crash course in the History of Gun Control. That way can he can define Gun Control according to its roots in Racism and Genocide. And Sean Hannity…I knew bill o’really was a closet azzhat and yesterday when o’really promoted his state Gun Registry Book he confirmed it. Fortunately Sean Hannity returned some fire.
Bongino also needs to keep it in mind the biggest Gun Sales Duo in US History were the rapist bill clintoon and b.h. obama…Two nitwits on top of the Gun Control loving democRat Party.
I’m sure once Bongino finds Gun Control’s Center-X he will be a force to be reckoned with.
one can too many.
America was a better place when Alcohol Tobacco Firearms was a sing on the door of a general store.
some of the arson/bomb investigator types could have justifiable employment pursuing antifa/blm/cair suspects
Their time might be better spent just going after high ranking Democrats.
“Bumpstock manufacturers, the makers of certain aftermarket triggers and the genius behind the pistol brace, which was originally designed for disabled veterans, all have one thing in common: They all received determination letters from the ATF that said their accessories were fine and not subject to regulation by the National Firearms Act, which would have killed their business. Then, after succumbing to political pressure, the ATF changed its mind.”
That’s bullshit, hard stop.
By the ‘Rule of lenity’, the ATF had their chance, and blew it. Someone drop that in the SCotUS’s in-basket, ASAP… 🙁
Bruin already covers it.
Las Vegas police: Armed bystander helps mall security with knife-wielding man >
Just a reminder: Daily across the United States there are ~1,400 criminal knife attacks. They rarely get reported on. Most are against defenseless citizens and over 80% of those are (collectively) seriously injured or die (most later after the attack) as a result of the attack, of the ones which happen to law abiding ordinary armed citizens who employ DGU to defend themselves or others over 96% of those victims do not suffer any injury.
When it comes to Gun Control the old adage, The squeaky wheel gets the grease applies. History illiterate Gun Control moms and dads drag their kids into the offices of worthless law makers and demand Gun Control at the top of their lungs.
And who can blame those calling for Gun Control when they have been led to believe Gun Control is the greatest thing since sliced bread? They got that way because those who claim to be on point defending The 2A allowed it to happen.
Today we reside in a country loaded with knee jerk History illiterates who have no clue the Gun Control they are wallowing in like pigs is rooted in Racism and Genocide…Thanks to Gun Owner Silence watch crowds of useful idiots gather around today like the Gun Control wing of the democRat Party known as the kkk gathered around to come after Blacks and Gun Control nazi brown shirts gathered around to come after Jews.
Extrajudicial actions, abusing the indigent, hiding/deflecting failures, clerical errors, failing upwards.
Isn’t this every government agency?
“ATF’s Leadership is reviled by its staff
Some of ATF’s rank-and-file agents are gun guys or gun gals. They joined the agency for a variety of reasons: to take bad guys off the street, to protect the public or to qualify for a federal pension. There are two ATFs, they’ll tell you; the careerists who put in the time and do the work, and the politically appointed leadership.” Same BS song as at the FBI.
Said every SOB under Heinrich Himmler – YES, I refer to jackbooted thugs.
ATF, where that “minority” 99.99% give the rest a bad name.
Hey, I know as guy who’s making booze and selling it for $7 a jar. He also sales marijuana.
Freedom Liberty and Injustice for All.
“Every single agent I’ve ever met eventually tees off on their leadership. ”
And the leadership were the ones executing on the ground at ruby ridge and Waco?
The guys showing up at houses without warrants are leadership? The guys showing up with warrants at manufacturers selling ATF compliant parts are leadership?
“Following orders” hasn’t worked since the 40’s. Unfortunately I can’t give a pass to “gun guys” who swear an oath to the Constitution, then violate the Constitution to keep getting paid, while they expect their victims to spend money to fight it in court, as if their families are any less deserving of eating. Or living
Your families are less deserving.
what I meant, couldn’t edit. 😉
Are we supposed to believe another Sean Scamnitty-like lie that the rank & file in the ATF are patriots? Sorry I didn’t fall for it the first time when “mixed martial arts ‘expert'” repeatedly told his viewers/listeners that 99% of FBI agents were “honorable”. They’re sniveling servants, bloodsucking parasites beholden to the bureaucracy for a pension, never trust them, if you are unlucky enough to have an encounter with them record everything.