Elbert P. Tuttle Courthouse, Atlanta, home of the 11th Circuit.

The lawsuit challenging Florida’s law banning gun owners aged 18 to 20 from purchasing a long gun, as is legal in most other states, is being hashed out this week.

Testimony in the case NRA v Bondi began Tuesday before the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta. The case concerns whether the state’s law barring young adults from purchasing shotguns and rifles is constitutional under the Second Amendment.

The measure was passed by the legislature and signed into law by then-Gov. Rick Scot in a knee-jerk reaction to the gruesome mass murder at a high school in Parkland, Florida, in 2018. While federal law states that you must be 21 to purchase a handgun, only a handful of states restrict long gun purchases to 21 or over.

After passage, the National Rifle Association filed a court challenge against the ban. A federal judge in 2021 upheld the law, finding it was a kind of “longstanding” restriction that courts had upheld in the past. While the NRA appealed, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its 2022 Bruen ruling, setting new standards for deciding Second Amendment cases.

However, in March 2023, a three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court again upheld the law, saying it was in line with the nation’s historical tradition of gun regulation. But the NRA asked the full appeals course to hear the case.

In a July brief filed in the case, the NRA outlined several reasons why the court should rule the age restriction unconstitutional.

“In Florida, persons aged 18 and older are legal adults for purposes of the civil rights and obligations of adulthood,” the brief stated. “Florida’s young adult citizens aged 18 to 20 can vote, contract, and marry. They may be required to appear for jury duty. And they may choose to risk life and limb by serving in our military or Florida’s law enforcement agencies. But they face prison for exercising their right to buy a firearm because Florida bans young adults from purchasing any firearm for any reason.”

As the brief discussed, this restriction violates the 2022 Supreme Court ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen.

“This law is unconstitutional,” the brief continued. “The Second Amendment’s text protects young adults’ right to purchase a firearm, and the State has not proven that the ban is consistent with our Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation. The Young Adult Ban cannot stand. The district court upheld the ban without the benefit and guidance of Bruen. After the Supreme Court decided Bruen, a panel of this Court affirmed based on a motley assortment of incomparable and far-too-late laws from the Reconstruction Era that contradict the Founding Era tradition permitting and requiring young adults to acquire firearms.”

Pro-gun Florida lawmakers tried to repeal the law during the last legislative session, but their efforts came up short. The House passed the bill, but it later failed in the state Senate.


  1. No 2A civil rights for 18 year old abults. But yes to sex change operations for 11 year olds. Without their parents consent.

    Sex is a distraction with the facists.

    • “yes to sex change operations for 11 year olds. Without their parents consent.“

      What evidence do you have that supports your claim?

      “Even in states where gender-affirming surgery is legal for people under age 18, parental consent is required before a minor can undergo such a procedure.

      “Of course everything in this statement is false,” Dr. Meredithe McNamara, an adolescent medicine physician at the Yale School of Medicine, said in a Monday email. “Of course surgery of any kind happens in a qualified medical center and not in a school. Of course parents are the medical decision-makers for their kids, especially when it comes to gender-affirming care.”

      Landon Hughes, a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and a co-author of a recent study on the prevalence of gender-affirming surgery in the US, said in a Tuesday email: “There are no instances of children receiving surgeries or access to surgeries from their schools.” Hughes added: “No provider in the US would perform surgery on a minor under the direction of a school, let alone without parental consent.”

      For minors, parental consent is also required in the US for non-surgical gender-affirming medical treatments, like puberty blockers and hormone therapy. Various guidelines and standards for medical care of transgender adolescents, from entities including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, explain that parental consent is needed.

      “Any gender-affirming medical care or surgical care would legally require the consent of (both) parents/legal guardians and assent of an adolescent under 18,” Dr. Laura Taylor, medical director of the gender-affirming care program at the University of Southern California, said in a Tuesday email. “This includes puberty blockers, hormones, and surgery.”

    • Washington state law now allows allow children as young as 13 years old to have a sex change operation without parent consent. It was a result of SB 5313, although the bill its self didn’t provide that when its combined with previously passed legislation the law in Washington state now allows children as young as 13 years old to have a sex change operation (and other ‘gender affirming care/treatment) without parent consent.

      And also they forced insurances to cover it: Via SB 5889, Washington democrats forced insurers to cover gender dysphoria treatment and gender-affirming care for minors between 13 and 17, without parental consent. It mandates that insurers deal directly with the patient without requiring the policyholder’s authorization.

      • “Even in states where gender-affirming surgery is legal for people under age 18, parental consent is required before a minor can undergo such a procedure. ”

        False – no longer true.

        Washington state now allows as young as 13 years old to have gender-affirming surgery (a sex change operation) without parent consent.

    • “No 2A civil rights for 18 year old abults. But yes to sex change operations for 11 year olds. Without their parents consent.”

      True – in its context.

      there is an organization behind all this called “The World Professional Association for Transgender Health.”. they currently ‘subjectively’ define age 14 as the minimum age without parent permission. But are now advocating for as low as 10 years old to change their ‘standard’ again without parent permission, for drug ‘therapy’ to begin and depending on determination of ‘sucess’ at age 11 a sex change operation can be performed without parent permission.

      Washington state democrats have already started pushing the boundary of age 14 making it age 13 in law without parent permission. But wanted it lower at age 11, and are waiting for “The World Professional Association for Transgender Health.” to put forth the ‘pseudo science’ ‘standard’ for it.

      • correction for: “they currently ‘subjectively’ define age 14 as the minimum age without parent permission.”

        should have been “they currently ‘subjectively’ define age 14 as the minimum age with or without parent permission.”

    • BREAKING: Study exposing treatment harmful to teens hidden by political activist “scientist”.

      h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6MZz_gVFRU

      • Are you suggesting that 18, 19 and 20 year olds, who are old enough to serve in the Armed Forces and die for their country, to work as adults, to contract, to marry, and to enjoy all the other rights under the Constitution, are too young to vote?

        • Mark. It’s Nword. He hasn’t found a group he likes yet.

          Judging by the baby boomers comments he must not like his own parents or grandparents.

        • according to Kamala in a past speech 18 year olds are stupid and not able to make decisions. Which is odd because she wants them to vote for her, so essentially an 18 year old would be stupid to vote for Kamala.


        • Yes. They NEED to do and live all those things FIRST before they can gain enough life experience to be able to cast a vote.

    • Molon Llabe. I’m a: retired; military, martial arts instructor, never committed a crime or been arrested, free adult American citizen. When you come for my guns, mask up and destroy my security cameras. Shoot my dog. Do all of the things the totalitarian state wannabees do. I’m not trying to start another civil war. But you will by your NASDAP/SD actions.

  2. The problem in FLORIDA is the RINOS in the senate/house and most are from Miami…Cubans who dishonor their grandparents
    …who brought or sent their families to Miami….too save them from castro….IMO


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