You have to think the move will work out in the long run. Right now, though . . . Did Smith & Wesson Make a Big Mistake Chasing the Outdoor Market?
There was logic behind abandoning Smith & Wesson as the corporate name, even if it seemed foolhardy to take down such a well-known brand from the marquee. American Outdoor was seeking to diversify its revenue streams away from firearms, and the outdoors market was considerably larger and offered greater growth prospects.
Ever since acquiring Battenfeld Technologies in 2014, the firearms manufacturer sought to downplay the role guns had in its business while pointing out the outdoors market was orders of magnitude larger.
Gun sales always have their ebb and flow. Particularly when events cast a shadow on the industry and the potential for stricter gun laws seems greater, gun sales surge and then fall back as the crisis fades. Entering a new, parallel market that both supports its primary firearms business, but can also grow independently of it, gave American Outdoor the opportunity to smooth out many of the hills and valleys.
For now, Smith & Wesson American Outdoor and Vista are having a tough go while the pure play, Sturm Ruger, is doing relatively better. But diversification is a long term move. Which strategy will turn out better over time? We’re not stock brokers and we definitely don’t play one on TV.
This must be what is meant by “lipstick on a pig”.
What could a new jersey person do with bump stock? It has to go an actual firearm to be of any relevance.
oh…i know…they want to keep criminals from getting their hands on it. well this aught a work perfectly for that.
I’m gonna echo serge on this. Dropping a gun is by definition an accident unless the gun is being drop tested or someone is being pretty darn dumb. It’s also a foreseeable accident. Therefore the gun should, when properly maintained, be “drop safe”.
The crowd that says “Don’t drop your gun” well, there must be a hell of a lot of stupid people out there because this comment is fairly common (not necessarily here on TTAG but I’ve seen it elsewhere).
I’m going to put out something that I’ve said before and add this “Honor Guard” thing to it. Here’s the fact: A great many people who carry a gun really are not that bright about it. [The truth hurts. Sorry.] They haven’t really thought through it and they just figure it’s some sort of magic talisman. Call them “keyboard commandos” or “mall ninjas” or whatever, the thread that ties them together is that they say stupid shit that reveals they don’t often engage their brain.
The most alert people can still be ambushed. Crazy shit happens. People who are not really that close to you can change direction and close distance very fast. Professional criminals know their business and they know how to take advantage of someone who’s temporarily distracted. This is how robbery boys earn a living and the ones who are bad at it are in jail, dead or in the ICU.
There are A LOT of situations where someone can get close enough that drawing your gun and getting it into the fight is a touch-and-go proposition. If you make a misjudgment in these cases you can end up in a struggle over the gun or it can be knocked out of your hand. In that situation do you really want one that has a pretty high probability of going bang when it hits the concrete/floor? Probably not.
This pisses me off. As someone who visits California often, I fear something like this could happen to me. My best hope that it doesn’t is I’ve printed out a copy of the laws regarding transporting firearms directly from the California AG’s website with their AG’s signature on the document. I keep it packed in the lock box with the unloaded pistol. I put a little chamber flag in the pistol for icing on the cake.
This woman should be allowed to go free and paid compensation by NJ. These thugs are violating federal law protecting the transport of firearms by legal owners across state lines.
(f) “Militia Rifles” shall mean the firearms designated in Section 4 that are made in America and suitable for use in self-defense, community defense, defense of States and defense of the Nation.
It should say made in America or designated as a legal import.
All references to caliber should state military calibers preferred but all commercially available calibers accepted. Specifically in reference to the AR-15. The 300BO, 6.8SPC, 6.5 and a host of other commercially available calibers are available and extremely popular!
“England, a country with effective gun control and minimal gun violence”
That is amusing and a flat out lie.
Sweet site, super pattern, rattling clean and utilise friendly.
I received the volunteer-upgraded P320 in return last week. The trigger experience was quite the opposite of yours. There’s now a notch in its pull, and an additional detent. In other words, it’s like a THREE-stage trigger. Sent a note in to Sig and have yet to hear back about it …
They did the same thing with M855, got flamed during the comment session and withdrew the proposal. And that was under Obama, a truly anti-gun President.
I have a suspicion this will go the same way. Just another way for the government to say “Well, we tried”.
I won’t really be worried unless the comments go in favor of a ban or they ignore the comments and do whatever they want anyway. If they either of those things comes to pass they’ll get sued and they won’t have leg to stand on.