It’s only been a few days, but are you already starting to climb the walls from being in such close proximity to family members? Are video games not your thing? Looking for something productive to do during your coronavirus quarantine?
Here are three dandy gun-related ideas to keep you busy (and sane).
1) Clean and lubricate all of your guns

Some people are fastidious about maintaining their firearms. Others…aren’t. Friends and coworkers of mine have gone more than a year between cleanings of their carry guns or home defense rifles and shotguns. Some of these yokels even seem proud of it and that’s something I just don’t get at all.
A clean, well-lubricated machine is one you can depend on to work if and when you really need it. You can’t run your car without oil, and you shouldn’t ask your guns to, either.
And don’t hand me that “Well, my GLOCK…” tripe. Modern poly striker-fired guns need lubrication, too. And if you aren’t cleaning and lubricating your AR…you aren’t doing it right.
It’s a gas gun design from the 1950’s, folks. You get the best results from gas guns when they are kept clean and well-lubed.
You’re stuck at home, right? Time to lean, time to clean, as the old saying goes.
2) Load all of your magazines

If you have spare magazines and plenty of ammunition, why not combine them? It’s like leaving chocolate and peanut butter separated. They’re practically meant to be together.
Lots of gun owners have plenty of spare magazines. It’s surprising how many of those mags lay around unloaded. In an emergency, empty magazines are about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.
If you have plenty of ammo — and we know you do — and you also have empty mags, gather them all together, dig that Uplula out of your range bag (or just toughen up your thumbs) and get to it.
Because you always need more magazines and having empty mags at home is dumb. Just ask Clint Smith.
Finally, once all of your guns are clean and your magazines are loaded, there’s always . . .
3) Dry fire practice
If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a thousand times (and we’re going to say again). Dry fire practice is one of the most effective ways to hone and maintain your shooting skills.
W.D.M. Bell did thousands of dry fire reps while on the march during his hunting years in Africa. That’s how he was able to perfect the Bell shot and drop elephants with a 7mm Mauser (and shoot cormorants and flying fish out of the air with a rifle).
Ask any top flight competitive shooters or self defense instructor who’s worth his salt and they’ll tell you how important it is. You can do it at home in a spare room, basement, garage…whatever. It’s a great way to practice and perfect your draw, presentation, trigger pull and re-holstering.
So yeah, it’s a great exercise and you now have a lot more time on your hands. So get after it.
For those of you who reload…this is a pretty good time to crank out a lot of rounds. You’ll be able to add to your ammunition supply a lot easier everyone who’s out there going from store to store looking for gun food.
Any other great ideas for gun-related things to do during a COVID19 quarantine that you can think of? Sound off in the comments.