The Skorpion vz. 61 is one of my favorite firearms of all time. The gun is an absolute pleasure to shoot, but alas there aren’t many semi-auto versions available for those of us without tons of cash to spend on buying and licensing a full-auto gun. Thankfully, with the advent of 3D printing, we no longer need to re-engineer and mill our own lower receiver for the gun — we just need to download the appropriate files and print one out ourselves! That’s just what someone has done to the old vz. 61, and the option is now available for anyone who wants it. Make the jump for the test fire . . .

It used to be that you needed some special work to re-weld a demilled receiver and make a functioning cold war era Soviet firearm here in the United States. Thanks to 3D printing, though, that’s no longer the case. Print it out, paint it black, and you’re good to go.

I love technology!

[h/t 3DPF]


  1. I really should know this, being an engineer and all, but how hard is it to assemble a working skorpion from a parts kit? What tools do you need?

    • They aren’t too bad, if you have a good receiver (e.g. Czechpoint or some others). The two worst parts in my opinion are assembling the rear sight and getting the barrel pressed into the trunnion in the upper. The sight is annoying because it’s all juggling tiny springs and detents. The barrel isn’t difficult, it’s just getting it aligned properly, cutting a crosspin slot and pinning it in.

      I actually have a semi-auto vz61 pistol here that I helped rebuild when a local fly-by-night “gunsmith” mucked the whole job up. It runs like a top now, and actually has an assembled rear sight!

  2. I’m actually surprised they didn’t just print a copy of the original (select fire) lower. There’s no practical way to stop them and then they have a working machine pistol.

      • Yeah… Because if you look at my comment history, I am totally pro-ATF… [/sarc] I believe that the NFA is an unconstitutional piece of toilet paper.

        • Not a crime.

          1. Advocating is covered by free speech. (Go look up the relevant court cases.)
          2. The NFA can only cover firearms in interstate commerce. (It only has legitimacy as a tax bill.) Since the “firearm” is never involved in commerce, the NFA has no standing. (Some reason you can mill your own AR receiver without a serial number.)

          The second is just my opinion, but its based on relevant case law. No recent NFA case has been brought against somebody who only made their own machine-gun receiver for their own personal use within state lines. The ATF does not want to bring such a case because it would give the defendant standing to re-challenge the NFA in its entirety. (Not a challenge it would survive given Miller and Heller.)

        • “I believe that the NFA is an unconstitutional piece of toilet paper.”

          I take offence to the notion of holding them in such high regard. Seriously, what has toilet paper ever done to you to deserve such an insulting comparison?

        • My head just about explodes every time an idiot sheeple says that saying anything that could be deemed as advocating the commission of a “crime” is in itself an illegal act. Its like people are trained up from a young age to blindly do what the overlords say… Oh wait, I guess that’s called the public school system, isn’t it. 😐

      • Difference between printing the NFA lower and the semi lower? One you can make a video abut on the internet without being “visited”. Guess which one.

        • It would be a very hard case to make and not in the ATF’s interest. It’s the reason why the ATF is crapping their pants over Hollis v Holder. A person would have standing to challenge the NFA on at least three grounds.

        • The problem is that if you make a stand and lose, you end up in a federal prison. Or, alternatively, you win in court, but spend thousands of dollars on lawyer fees. Most people deem it not worth the risk.

          Of course, if you wish to be a test case and sincerely believe that you’ll be successful in overturning NFA that way (or establishing a clear precedent that manufacturing NFA items for personal use is okay), you’re welcome to do so.

  3. I want one! I just wish I had a 3d printer and the money for one. I bought a CETME L kit last week and found It has made me want to buy more parts kits to hoard/build. A Skorpion is on my really want list.

    The cat at the end of the video reminded me that my cats like to lay on guns an sit next to them, but they are deathly afraid of guitars wether they are making noise or not.

  4. Have fun eating the bolt — even in 32acp, mere SLA has no business arresting a bolt under full blowback, especially one as energetic as the VZ61. Very cool way to test out a model that will be machined, but not a long term solution (the builder is aware of this, if it is who I think it is)

  5. What about metallurgy in a 3-D printed metal firearm? How strong and/or brittle is the metal? A traditionally machined firearm has hardened steel in some locations. And you never want brittle steel anywhere in a firearm.

  6. I really want a Skorpion, but have little interest in .32 ACP. But the straight magazines for the .380 and 9×18 versions just don’t look right. A Commie gun should have a curved magazine, dammit! What is a boy to do?

  7. The NFA and the full auto ban are being challenged in two federal court cases. There is a reasonable chance the full auto ban will be struck down… There is a lot more to the cases, but the short version is the legal minds involved our optimistic. At first overturning it was a long shot, but the ATF’s response to the suit has been nothing short of foolish… “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” Napoleon Bonaparte

    Anyway, with luck and a little lawyering we will be able to print our own Class III weapons soon. 🙂

  8. “…there aren’t many semi-auto versions available…”???

    Okay, I do live in the Czech republic, but you can buy a semi-auto one here for like $170. Legally.
    Full auto ones are even cheaper, say $100, because permits for those are may-issue and carry some disadvantages too so hardly anyone bothers.

    Is it really that difficult to import some into the USA?

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