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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Machine Gun Pistol”

  1. I once had a sear (or more technically, a thingamajingie) give way and my .45 auto would do that. However, by the third shot mine would be pointed straight up. I'm a little amazed that the video hands can hold the pistol mostly on target.

  2. Nice weapon until the cretin cops catch you with it, then you become a victim of the CORRUPT and broken Judicial System. Even though a good weapon, NOT WORTH THE TROUBLE. Cops and Judges have no sense of humor or compassion. It's an automatic, It's a G-U-N.

  3. It looks suspiciously like a Maxsell M925 Machine Gun Pistol. It walks, it talks, it cries real tears, but it doesn't actually shoot. It handles only 9mmPA rounds, or blanks if you prefer that terminology. A toll-free phone call will snag you one of these puppies for "only" $299. Guaranteed to scare the crap out of your local burglars and constabulary. Unfortunately, THEY will be using real bullets when blow your ass to Kingdom Come.


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