Guns can be carried openly in Michigan schools by concealed carry permit holders. A bill is moving through the Senate to legalize concealed carry as well. But some districts are flouting the law . . . Can Ann Arbor and Clio schools legally ban guns? State Supreme Court to decide.
The state Supreme Court will decide whether schools can legally ban guns on school property. The court has agreed to hear the case, in which gun rights groups are challenging gun bans in Ann Arbor and Clio. They say state law preempts school policies, and that gun bans don’t keep schools safer.
Gun rights orgs have sued to have the law enforced.
“You’re going to keep the good people out, but if you’re not going to do anything to keep the people out that truly are intent on harm, the ones we truly need to worry about, then what are we doing here?” said Tom Lambert of Michigan Open Carry.
But school officials say it’s the job of superintendents and principals to make sure students and teachers feel safe.
Uh huh. Just like they did at Sandy Hook.