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TTAG Daily Digest: A Rare MSNBC Talking Head, The Confused National Interest and New York Teacher Carry

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

I’ve Supported the Second Amendment My Whole Life. It’s Time for Reasonable Gun Control – Oh look, TIME finds an MSNBC analyst who’s for gun control. There’s a real black swan event . . .

I grew up around rifles, shotguns and handguns. My family lived on the outskirts of a small Mississippi town near a hospital. Once in a while, an inmate receiving medical treatment there would escape, causing some excitement among those listening to the police scanner until the inmate was caught. As a child, an escapee knocked on our door one night, asking to use the telephone. My aunt declined to show hospitality. The inmate bolted, probably into the woods. Soon enough, the police knocked on our door, too, as they tracked the escapee. (They caught him.) Though my aunt never touched a gun that evening, she certainly had ready access to plenty of options, and the incident impressed upon me why it could be helpful to have one in the house.

But the Parkland shooting in Florida, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, was the culmination of several troubling years of legal guns winding up in the wrong hands, and I am now convinced that those of us who have previously been Second Amendment absolutists — myself included — should support common-sense gun control. The American government is so broken it is literally killing people, as well-funded bureaucracies fail to keep guns out of the hands of men and women who are not fit for the awesome responsibility.

In High School, I Fervently Supported Gun Control. Now, I’m An NRA Member. Here’s What Changed – He grew up . . .

A few years into conservative thinking, reading, and arguing, I recognized my opposition to guns came from social snobbery more than reason. I genuinely believed all we needed was a government declaration that guns were no longer legal. None of those ideas were challenged in a way that changed my mind. To this day I am uncomfortable around guns and do not have an interest in owning one. What changed was my view of my rights.

My grandfathers and dad held a deep understanding of their right to own and carry firearms. It was so normal to them it seemed absurd to suggest otherwise. My dad chose not to have a gun around, although he never let go of a childhood rifle he kept locked away “just in case.” His desire to protect me from harm motivated his restriction on my gun education as a child, but he never forbade me from pursing it as an adult. It was always my choice.

These Are the 5 Most Deadly (and Portable) Guns on the Planet – They illustrate the Ruger 10/22 Takedown with a photo of the Ruger Charger. And three of their five “most deadly” are .22’s. Maybe the National Interest should stick to, you know, national security and stuff . . .

Firearms have a well-deserved reputation for appearing large and bulky. Long, thick barrels, heavy-duty receivers and banana-shaped external magazines often make firearms look burdensome to carry on a long trip, particularly by foot. Some firearms are designed for portability, or to combine two different functions within the same compact platform. The result are firearms that offer security and the ability to hunt or do a little plinking in the backcountry.

Louisiana Democratic Party Chair Suggests Repealing the Second Amendment – Thank goodness no one really wants to take away our guns . . .

The chairwoman of the Louisiana Democratic Party is the most high-profile Democratic official in the country to date to call for a repeal of the Second Amendment.

Karen Carter Peterson on Tuesday shared a New York Times op-ed by former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, who arguedthat the Second Amendment should be repealed because the initial reasons for its creation are “now a relic of the 18th century.”

The Washington Free Beacon reached out to Peterson and the Louisiana Democratic Party for comment and clarification, but no response was offered.

Peterson also serves as a Louisiana state senator and as a vice chair of the Democratic National Committee.

BOCES teacher’s aide Gillian Jeffords charged with carrying loaded gun into Jesse Kaplan School: police – As a licensed concealed carrier, she should have known that’s a no-no . . .

Police Officer Peter Walker said Jeffords was licensed to carry a concealed firearm in New York and Pennsylvania. She was issued the New York permit by an Orange County judge.

“At no point was this weapon displayed or used in a threatening manner by the teacher’s aide,” Walker said.

Detective Lt. Glenn Dietrich said he would not speculate on why Jeffords took the gun to school but, even if it was by mistake, the law is clear that possession of a gun on school grounds is a felony.

“As a gun owner with a permit, you should know what you can and cannot do,” Dietrich said.


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