Cuomo hazy on status of ammo sales database — ‘not a significant aspect’ of SAFE Act
New York gun control vaporware . . .
…(T)he governor said that he wasn’t aware of the current status of the state’s plan to build a database for ammunition sales, an element of the 2013 SAFE Act that remains in limbo more than five and a half years after Cuomo signed the controversial gun control bill.
California, in contrast, is set to move ahead with its version of such a database next year. Golden State voters approved the system in an August 2017 referendum.
One possible reason for New York’s relatively laggardly pace: The 2015 memorandum of understanding signed by then-state Operations Director Jim Malatras and Senate Republican Majority Leader John Flanagan that stipulated the database could not be implemented until both signatories agreed that it was ready to be switched on and no money would be allocated to fund its operations. Cuomo’s Counsel Alfonso David insisted at the time that the database was still coming — but that was more than three years ago.
Weapon of Choice review – chilling portrait of a ‘top gun’
The very idea of civilian-owned firearms freaks out the British media . . .
If a rightwing firearms fanatic stumbles across this absorbing investigative documentary about America’s love affair with the Glock handgun, director Fritz Ofner’s voiceover soon lets them know what they’re in for. Near the beginning of the film he calls the gun’s Austrian manufacturer Glock “merchants of death”. The company is owned by Gaston Glock, 89, a secretive billionaire who might have been ripped from the pages of a John le Carré novel.
Reliable and easy-to-use, the Glock was an instant bestseller when it hit the market in the 80s. It is popular on both sides of the law in the US, as the service weapon packed by many police forces and the go-to gun for gangs. In the brand-conscious world of hip-hop, the Glock has been rapped about by everyone from Wu-Tang Clan to Biggie Smalls (it helps that “Glock” rhymes with a lot of words).
Parents Upset Over Active Shooter Drill Done ‘To Expose Students To Sound Of Gunfire’
And how will those students react if, God forbid, they encounter the real thing? . . .
Nanette Adams has a son who just this year enrolled in the High School. She and some other parents contacted KDKA-TV News saying they were concerned about the drill; more specifically, the fact that blanks were bring used.
“Students have been prepared; although, I have not been advised about what that preparation consists of,” Adams said. “My concern is for students who may have some sort of issue with anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, special needs students.”
The high school principal sent emails out to parents saying in part that the drill will include an alleged shooter in the building.
The police will be firing blanks to expose everyone to the sound of gunfire in the building.
In the email, he said the blanks will not be fired at anyone, however the sound may be heard throughout the school.

Montreal man gets 51 months in Vermont border gun smuggling case
Wait, isn’t that illegal? . . .
A Montreal man has been sentenced to 51 months in prison after he admitted smuggling about 100 handguns into Canada across the Vermont-Quebec border.
Alexis Vlachos appeared in U.S. District Court in Burlington, Vt., on Tuesday.
He will be given credit for the 43 months he has been in custody since he was arrested in Canada prior to his extradition to the United States.
Chilling anti-gun violence statues make debut this weekend
3D art . . .
“Creating a life-size representation of this lock down drill, we’re forced to confront this issue face to face,” (co-creator Sean) Leonard said.
Leonard and fellow advertising professional Dan Crumrine brainstormed and came up with this project idea. Then they reached out to Manuel Oliver, whose son Joaquin was killed in the shooting in Parkland, Florida. They said Oliver encouraged them to broaden the project’s impact, leading to a partnership with the Giffords nonprofit, and the deployment of 10 identical sculptures across the country.
These are multimedia pieces of art. Leonard and Crumrine said the desks are actual school desks. The girls, however, were 3D-printed; a deliberate symbol in light of recent debate over legalizing 3D gun-printing designs’ being published.
“We’ve been able to 3D print part of this statue and show that there is good that can come from 3D printing,” said Leonard.
Our Robbery Unit is made up of some incredible people! It’ll be at least 17 years before this guy can victimize anybody else! #LMPD #RobberyUnit #WinForTheGoodGuys #NotASheep #GreatPoliceWork
— LMPD (@LMPD) September 14, 2018