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The 5 Best AR-15 Rifles Under $500

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

As someone once wrote, this is both the best of times and the worst of times in the firearms industry. If you’re in the business of making guns, the election of a pro-gun (or, at least, not anti-gun) CINC meant that the pre-election push to head off any Hillary-approved restrictions of the number or kind of firearms Americans can buy and own came to a crashing halt last November. Increased production capacity and stuffed distribution channels meant that inventories have skyrocketed.

And since no one’s been able to repeal the laws of economics yet — try as they might — all of that supply coupled with reduced demand has meant one thing: falling prices.

Which brings us to the best of times…for gun buyers. If you’ve got the cash and are looking to buy, you haven’t seen prices this low since at least before Sandy Hook. And probably long before that. Especially for “commodity” items like, say, AR-pattern rifles. If you’re looking for a scary black gun, there’s an embarrassment of riches out there now at extremely affordable prices.

All of which means that sifting through the plethora of low-cost AR-15 options can be daunting. Well, we have you covered. Here’s our list of the five best AR-15 rifles out there for less than $500.


You can see this and hundreds more videos from God, Family and Guns at their YouTube channel here

0 thoughts on “The 5 Best AR-15 Rifles Under $500”

  1. Gun makers need to force the state of CA to allow their non compliant arms into the state. A huge market that would take the excess of EBR’s.

    Or they need to come out with something new and exciting instead of just another ar15 or glock.

  2. I hunt, though generally that entails taking my bow or a rifle for a nice stroll in the woods. If I wanted to just harvest game, which is fine if that’s what you do, I would be very successful just opening my door and downing one of the deer on the property. I prefer to spot and stalk, though, and only harvest if I really need the meat.

  3. I don’t want to act too much like a troll but, given how apropos it is, I’m just gonna cut and paste my comment from the Blumenthal thread.

    I said:

    “What exactly does Blumenthal propose that would work? Bueller, Bueller, Anyone? And I do mean what *exactly*.

    Make a proposal, tell me exactly what you want to do and then make a compelling case for how it would work – you gotta make the sale. Phrases like, ‘keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people’, ‘limit access to assault weapons’, ‘eliminate the gunshow loophole’, and the like are not serious proposals, BTW. What do you propose to do that will make it harder for a crazed individual to shoot up an elementary school and how would this be implemented and how much will it cost and who will it affect – go ahead, tell me.

    Oh, I see, you don’t have a meaningful proposal and can’t establish any justification – You just want to virtue signal. In that case, shut up, I don’t have the time.”

  4. “‘The department needs to replace our handguns due to some documented malfunctions and reliability concerns over the last couple of years,’ Bismarck Police Chief Dan Donlin told the Trib.”

    Translation: The Chief’s retirement account just increased unexpectedly.

  5. Can we get videos with gun bunnies in them? Let’s not pretend that there is gender diversity in this wacky echo chamber of freeeeeedom known as TTAG. It’s mostly us guys.

  6. Hmm. Well, this may be my only chance to shoot one anywhere, seeing as how I’ve been waiting without luck to buy one since they first came out. If there’s been one delivered for sale to the state of Iowa, I sure haven’t heard of it.

    I’m trying to be patient, and I know Hudson is a small private company. I wish them every bit of success, but they have to understand that when they hype a new product for months prior to launch, and then fail to produce product to meet the demand, it has a cooling effect on customer’s desire for the product.

  7. What’s really scary, is that the company they trade those former police M&Ps to will likely sell them to a distributor like CDNN – and we’ll have former police tools of death being sold on the streets! The guns are probably racist, too – even worse! /sarc

  8. That’s something which is possible in New York, at least for handguns. All handguns must be registered within the state…

    Not all handguns must be registered (Haynes v. US), only those legally owned. The gang bangers, drug addicts, convicted criminals, etc. don’t have to register their guns, so the cops won’t even know about them.

    I suspect if more people knew about Haynes v. US, fewer people would support the idea of a gun registry, because it would not legally apply to criminals.

    • NY passed a law known as the SULLIVAN ACT. It was supposed to curb crime by prohibiting guns going into & out of NY City.

      That remains one of the most draconian anti-gun laws on the books.

      So, the law was passed over 100 years ago. Please tell me how well it has kept crime out of NYC.


  9. apparently the electorate in New York is more than willing to support gun control? quite a shame, as there are some beautiful parts of the state, but Albany seems more than willing to dance to the tune of The City?

  10. Actually, NY only has a list of handgun owners that waived their civil liberties and “volunteered” to follow the unconstitutional laws in NY….all the other legal handgun owners in NY who didn’t waive their civil liberties and signup for the confiscation lists colloquially known as CCW license and registration… Will still own, keep as carry whatever and wherever they want any arms.

  11. And I’m sure if this gets the green light, I’m sure the brave, honest, and respectful NYPD will calmly knock on the doors of those convicted of a domestic. Of course, they’ll never knock on the wrong door or kick a wrong door in and raid the wrong apartment. They’re the police, they never make mistakes and nobody ever dies when a cop makes a mistake, it’s always the suspect who makes a mistake and forces the pig… I mean lore officer to fire dozens of bullets at them.

  12. Hunter education needs to be redefined. The public needs to learn it’s better to cull the herd than let 80 to 90 people a year be killed and eaten by APex predators. Thats what happens in India when tigers, leopards, and other big cats kill humans every year.

    The number of people attacked and killed by APex predators in the USA is going up.

  13. I have hunted a fair amount, especially the last 9 years although I don’t think I will get out this year. I pretty much stick to deer hunting and started when I was 16 years old.

    I hunt for four reasons:
    (1) Rejuvination (Getting out in the forest is good for the soul.)
    (2) Acquiring high-quality, truly organic meat
    (3) Improving my woods-craft
    (4) Honing my marksmanship skills

    I use all manner of tools to hunt. Compound bow. Crossbow. Shotgun (with slugs for deer). Rifle (.270 Winchester shooting 150 grain softpoint bullets). Muzzleloader (with 295 grain, .50 caliber bullets). And I even use a .44 Magnum revolver (with an 8-inch barrel) as well as a .44 Magnum rifle for deer hunting. All of them are extremely potent if I do my job correctly.

  14. I would have to say an AR-15 is the best for home defense. For handguns, I would pick the Springfield XD Mod.2 tactical in 9mm for home defense with 17 +p rounds loaded up (16+1). Nice long sight radius and very reliable. I have the Mod.2 service 9mm model and love that gun. I can’t disagree with the .357 mag, a 7 shot with at least 4″ barrel would be devastating. I keep electronic ear protection on my night stand as well.

  15. Wow! Police executed this man and got away with it. Only a cold blooded murderer could sleep at night after doing such a thing to an innocent civilian. I hear hell is hot though.

  16. Look at the reactions of these types of folks any time they see something they don’t like, hate, vitriol, and violence. Never Trump! or whatever the target of the week may be. They know their own tendencies and fear what they might do with a weapon, then leap to the assumption that the rest of us are like them. Ban Gunz!

  17. Total B.S. on the part of Mike Weisser.

    I cannot find the survey now, but I read one several months ago that stated the younger the American is, the less likely he or she is to believe in gun control.

    Someone whose search skills are better might be able to find it.


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