Missouri state Rep. Aaron McMullen’s introduction of a concurrent resolution supporting the continued commercial utilization of Lake City Army Ammunition Plant is being applauded by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and others who have been following the political attacks on the utilization of the important factory. The resolution would mark the Missouri General Assembly’s support for the commercial utilization of the facility and urges the U.S. government to reject calls to end the program that allows the Lake City ammunition plant to remain fully staffed and able to operate at a sustained peak capacity to meet the ammunition needs of the U.S. warfighter.

“Lake City Army Ammunition Plant is undeniably a critical asset to our nation’s military readiness. The capability to supply our nation’s warfighters with the essential ammunition is made possible because commercial utilization invests in the skilled personnel and equipment, maintenance and training,” said Larry Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President & General Counsel. “Calls by certain politicians to end this program are incredibly short-sighted and dangerous. NSSF is grateful to Representative Aaron McMullen for his leadership to protect the critical role Lake City Army Ammunition Plant fulfills in our national defense.”

The U.S. Army began permitting commercial utilization over 20 years ago after officials realized during the ramp up to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that the facility did not have the trained workforce and production capacity to meet the military’s surge in demand for ammunition to support the U.S. warfighter. The Department of Defense (DoD) was forced to buy ammunition from foreign countries. The U.S. Army wisely adopted commercial utilization to ensure military readiness.

House Concurrent Resolution 62 notes that Missouri’s Constitution recognizes the pre-existing right of the people to keep and bear arms, which necessarily includes ammunition. It also notes that public officials who swear an oath to support the Constitution are inappropriate in remarks that seek to end the supply of ammunition to law-abiding citizens. The resolution details the critical role of Lake City Army Ammunition Plant in national defense and how commercial utilization of the plant that has ensured peak readiness and sustainability of ammunition production has been achieved since 2001.

Lake City Army Ammunition Plant employs more than 700 good-paying union jobs, which would be put at risk if commercial utilization were to end. Commercial utilization of ammunition production enables investments in trained and skilled workers and replacement and maintenance of necessary equipment that ensures a steady supply of ammunition to the U.S. Armed Forces and America’s allies.


  1. Woe to you oathbreaker! There’s an apocalypse coming & it won’t be pleasant🙄☹️

  2. The Biden adm. has an obvious hatred for this nation and will do everything it can to destroy and dismantle every resource we have. This is one of many.

    With that said…
    Companies that manufacture ammunition do not see much (if any) reason to invest more money in more plants and facilities specifically FOR ramping up production. They all seem to be stuck in that old way of thinking that this will all cool down and they will be left with product they can’t move. This is the ONLY reason that the Lake City Plant can be used as leverage in the first place. It’s no different from so much of the fudd thinking that is embedded. This is all quite simple. Wake up and smell the coffee. More manufacturing means less the left can do to destroy. Particularly if it’s companies that support the American way of life. There are more gun owners and more of a need for the 2nd Amendment now that used to be. I know raw materials are at issue. But this cannot be fixed by reliance on this one plant. Doing that is a setup for failure.

    Then there is still very much a need to the population of this country to understand that every vote for a Democrat translates to the disintegration of everything that matters. It isn’t just about the US. It’s also about what happens globally.

    It does no good to worry about Lake City when you continue supporting those that are dead set on death and destruction. It just renders this place completely meaningless.

  3. The end times are coming. And it’s not what you think. But keep laughing at the christians. Go right ahead. Keep laughing.

    As you keep voting for the proud g@y married with children governor in Colorado. And the hundreds of others like him, in these red communist states.

    As they take your civil rights away.

  4. The funny thing is that if LC stopped making ammo, yeah it would hurt the civilian market for a period, but I suspect that it would get stronger at the expense of our national readiness in the long term. I wouldn’t be surprised if a major flare up somewhere would at that point cause them to be buying off the commercial market.

  5. If you’re not learning to reload, you are so so wrong.
    Get a “Lee Loader.” Specific for your caliber. It’s a great, low-cost way to get started into reloading. They are less than $50 for a complete kit. You can by the “How to books.” Or use your local library. Like I did.
    But always use the most recent load data.

    There are many, many, “how to” videos out there.

    “Reloading on a budget.” video 7 min long

    • I started with a Lee Classic Turret i think it was called. Cheap but served all my needs. Ive since moved on to a Hdy LnL

      • Reloading takes components.
        And just in case you don’t know the powders being made now have a built in decomposing shelf life. No more 20year old still works fine’s. The only emu that would have lasted can no longer be purchased. Wolf made in Russia, NORINCO made in China.

    • I guess reading comp and logical thinking are not your strong suits.

      Production lines that do not remain in operation relatively full-time atrophy and critical skills are lost. When we are not a nation at war – whether directly or by proxy – there is only so much ammunition the US military needs and the production capacity that allows those needs to be met quickly as stocks are used must be maintained through commercial sale.

      If not, then what? Idle the entire production chain – the plants and people who make the components of the ammunition, not just the assemblers of those components at Lake City?

      When those capabilities are lost, then what? When the commercial brass suppliers for cartridge cases slow or idle their facilities? When the commercial cartridge case makers slow or idle their facilities? When the commercial primer makers/bullet makers/powder makers – and all of THEIR suppliers – slow or idle their facilities? (BTW, LCAAP does NONE of those things. It merely assembles ammunition from bulk purchases, from the commercial market, of the components necessary to assemble ammunition.

      Then what when the critical core components aren’t available in the quantities needed for the rapid mass assembly of mission-critical ammunition needed as supplies run out during preparation for and potential engagement in war?

      That is why large-scale commercial production of comparable ammunition is important at LCAAP. It keeps the entire production chain producing at a level that can easily be increased during times of critical need.

      • Hmmm, wheres all the civilians keeping their 105’s 155’s, 800lb blombs, mortars missiles and gremaides?
        How come I don’t get none?

        • There is a reality to all this that simply does not get talked about. Things that don’t get said. A very large amount of our munitions have been shipped to Ukraine. Much of which will very likely end up being given to Putin one way or the other (if not anti-American militant Islam). Biden like so many other high ranking world politicians have a bent for playing both sides against the middle. This is the same thing Soros has always done to make his money. These people can claim they are doing something good on the surface with the way it looks while at the same time doing something very bad ‘under the table’. We have seen this play out with various things like Vietnam and other sorts of military skermishes. Meanwhile, the American people get the short end of the stick.

          None of this is about Trump. His part is simply that he sees this and wants to stop much of it and start giving power back to the American people. The elites in Washington (the swamp) can’t have him doing that and will stop him at any and all costs. Regardless of how many human lives have to be sacrificed globally. We are dealing with evil here and no one on Earth has as much power to stop it as American voters. That’s why Biden fears MAGA Republicans so much. Personally, I find it funny that so many people have been so brainwashed to think that it’s r4c1st to want America to be great. I’ll bet that the residence of any country on this planet would love to see their own country be great. But it’s somehow wrong for us.

          You have every right to have the things your asking about. They remain out of reach largely because of the 1934 and 1968 gun laws. Congress can and should change this. Will they? Not likely. They can defund things like the ATF too. They need to but that isn’t likely to happen either.

          We all dance around the issues jumping through hoops playing their games while people get killed. They can make gun registries illegal but then do it anyway using the 4473 form.

          You can have one facility producing everything or several smaller places making less. The same thing applies to electricity generation, automobile manufacturing, and everything else in life including food distribution and education. This is a website specifically about guns so that is the topic but there is a bigger picture. It’s more that so many people can’t grasp it and end up writing it off and dismissing it.

          Those that are upset about TikTok being owned by Chicoms will ignore the fact that those same people make the tech that every single one of us use and enjoy every day.

  6. I really like the entertaining game Uno online, you can try it whenever you have free time with your friends! None of this is about Trump. His part is simply that he sees this and wants to stop much of it and start giving power back to the American people.

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