Bump fire stock ban atf trump
Bump stock outfitted AR.

An Illinois law banning the sale and use of “bump stocks” and other devices that increase the firing power of semiautomatic weapons remains in place despite the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision last week striking down a federal ban on such items.

“Illinois law is not affected by the decision,” a spokesperson for Attorney General Kwame Raoul stated to Capitol News Illinois.

This situation has sparked debate as both sides of the gun control issue await the Supreme Court’s decision on whether to hear a broader constitutional challenge to Illinois’ 2023 assault weapons ban, which includes the state-level bump stock ban. This decision could arrive in the coming days and alter the course for other state bans depending on how the Court rules.

State bans on bump stocks are still in effect. States that have enacted such bans include California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Delaware, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Maryland, Vermont, Rhode Island, Minnesota, Nevada, Washington and Washington, D.C. Each of these states and the District had their laws in place prior to or independent of the federal ban.

The Illinois bump stock ban was part of a broader assault weapons ban enacted in response to the Highland Park shooting in 2022. This law bans numerous firearms defined as “assault weapons,” large-capacity magazines, and attachments that increase the rate of fire of semiautomatic firearms. The legislation, passed during a special session in January 2023, was quickly signed into law by Governor J.B. Pritzker.

Legal challenges to the Illinois law are ongoing, with mixed results in federal courts. The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in November 2023 that the law could remain in force while challenges are being considered. The U.S. Supreme Court’s pending decision could have significant implications for the future of gun control legislation in the state and potentially nationwide.


  1. Can you fire in bursts of 80 to 100 rounds without a bump stock? No, of course not.

    Could you if you had a machine gun? Hell yes.

    Well the Vegas shooter shot around 500 people in 10 minutes. He didnt have a machine gun or the finger of Flash. He’d did have a bump stock.

    • So nobody can have a truck because the guy in France killed 80+ people with one?

    • he seemed to do just fine with the other 11 or so rifles that weren’t equipped with bump stocks.

      • ZERO legitimate proof the Vegas shooter had a bumpstock! Likely belt fed. Oh yeah ILLANNOY. Good luck on the millions who did NOT register their gats.

    • No one knows what he had because law enforcement hasn’t released the information. We also don’t know if he used a real machine gun or not. He had dozen of weapons, some had bump stocks, some could have been converted to real select fire. I can convert any AR to select fire in a few hours and still have time to take a long lunch and a nap. I can say the same for an AK.

      • “No one knows what he had because law enforcement hasn’t released the information“

        You know, I actually accepted that you were some sort of ‘officer’, right up until you posted that bullshit.

        Any individual employed as any level of LEO would know how to access this information which has been publicly available for years.

        “Guns found inside Mandalay Bay rooms 32-135 and 32-134:

        Colt M4 Carbine AR-15 .223/5.56 with a bump stock, vertical fore grip and 100 round magazine. Front sight only.
        Noveske N4 AR-15 .223/5.56 with a bump stock, vertical fore grip and 40 round magazine. EOTech optic.
        LWRC M61C AR-15 .223/5.56 with a bump stock, vertical fore grip and 100 round magazine. No sights or optics.
        POF USA P-308 AR-10 .308/7.62 with a bipod, scope and 25 round magazine
        Christensen Arms CA-15 AR-15 .223 Wylde with a bump stock, vertical fore grip and 100 round magazine. No sights or optics.
        POF USA P-15 P AR-15 .223/5.56 with a bump stock, vertical fore grip and 100 round magazine. No sights or optics.
        Colt Competition AR-15 .223/5.56 with a bump stock, vertical fore grip and 100 round magazine. No sights or optics.
        Smith & Wesson 342 AirLite .38 caliber revolver with 4 cartridges, 1 expended cartridge case.
        LWRC M61C AR-15 .223/5.56 with a bump stock, vertical fore grip and 100 round magazine. EOTech optic.
        FNH FM15 AR-10 .308/7.62 with a bipod, scope and 25 round magazine.
        Daniel Defense DD5V1 AR-10 .308/7.62 with a bipod, scope and 25 round magazine.
        FNH FN15 AR-15 .223/5.56 with a bump stock, vertical fore grip and 100 round magazine. EOTech optic.
        POF USA P15 AR-15 .223/5.56 with a bump stock, vertical fore grip and 100 round magazine. EOTech optic.
        Colt M4 Carbine AR-15 .223/5.56 with a bump stock, vertical fore grip and 100 round magazine.
        Daniel Defense M4A1 AR-15 .223/5.56 with a bump stock, vertical fore grip and 100 round magazine. EOTech optic.
        LMT Def. 2000 AR-15 .223/5.56 with a bump stock, vertical fore grip and 100 round magazine. No sights or optics.
        Daniel Defense DDM4V11 AR-15 .223/5.56 with a bump stock, vertical fore grip. No magazine. EOTech optic.
        Sig Sauer SIG716 AR-10 .308/7.62 with a bipod, red dot optic and 25 round magazine.
        Daniel Defense DD5V1 AR-10 .308/7.62 with a bipod and scope. No magazine.
        FNH FN15 AR-15 .223/5.56 with a bump stock, vertical fore grip and 100 round magazine. No sights or optics.
        Ruger American .308 caliber bolt action rifle with scope.
        LMT LM308MWS AR-10 .308/7.62 with a bipod and red dot scope. No magazine.
        Ruger SR0762 AR-10 .308/7.62 with a bipod, scope and 25 round magazine.
        LMT LM308MWS AR-10 with a bipod, scope and 25 round magazine.”


        • If you can still find it listen to the audio of the incident. There are no breaks long enough in the firing to accommodate either reloading or dropping one rifle to pick up another. Even if he had someone handing them to him he couldn’t have sustained the rate of continuous fire found in the audio.

    • 80 to 100 round burst.
      Some like it hot, some like it hot.
      You don’t know how hot until you try it.
      Feel the heat.
      Burning you up.
      Burning you up.
      Why are sparks flying out my barrel?
      Paddock is on some resort island sipping on Margaritas and shooting the sht with Osama bin Laden.

      • “80 to 100 round burst.

        You may be unaware there are manufacturers producing 90 round magazines for AR pattern rifles, and it appears the Las Vegas shooter had one of these:

        “POF USA P15 AR-15 .223/5.56 with a bump stock, vertical fore grip and 100 round magazine. EOTech optic”

        • Oh we know that they exist, some are even somewhat reliable but most not so much. Bump stock reliability would also be a question. Doesn’t matter as this event was detail omitted more than the Trannifesto.

      • Royal Firearms Store: Where Excellence Meets Tradition.
        Discover a premium selection of firearms that blend cutting-edge technology with timeless craftsmanship. Whether you’re a hunter, collector, or defender, Royal Firearms Store offers unparalleled quality and service, ensuring you find the perfect weapon to meet your needs. Experience the regal standard in firearms at Royal Firearms Store. Shop with confidence following our link 🔗 below. Worldwide delivery 🚚


    • Tell me you’ve never fired either a bumpstock equipped rifle or a machine gun without actually telling me.

      Your fantastical 80-100 round bursts are not particularly feasible, bump stock or not, with anything that is not belt fed and very well cooled. Not to mention that 500 rounds in 10 minutes is not a “burst” of any type but, a bit less than one round per second. There are lots of people who can fire 1 round a second, a whole lot, nearly anyone. Try this, see if you can count, kinda slowly, while flexing one finger, to 500 in 10 minutes. Bet you can. For bonus points, stop every thirty seconds or so and blink your eyes ten times. Bet you still can. See, if even you, someone who has very clearly never handled an actual select fire weapon or real live (and oooooh, scary, machine gun) can move your finger repeatedly for 600 seconds. If you can then you can perform the essential functions the dirtbag in LV did and, if you can, then anyone can do it. No bumpstock needed. (We should all praise the Lord that he had relatively lousy aim.)

      (FWIW, I see bumpstocks as a bit of a plastic novelty. If I wanna actually shoot, and hit, something, I use other tools.)

    • I just find it humerous how many bump stocks are for sale again on gunbroker and similar sights, 15 minutes after SCOTUS said they are not illegal.

      CLEARLY ATF got most of the half million of them out there, and nobody destroyed theirs. God know I did not destroy or turn in mine.

  2. Yawn. Much ado about nothing. Bump stocks shouldn’t be illegal, but they are only a novelty. You want to shoot full auto? Buy one. Join the Marines. Maybe L.E. Those guys will pay you to shoot machine guns with free ammunition. Of course, the rest sucks a little bit.

    • When they can legally be purchased in every state and models produced after the 80’s are widely available I would begin to accept that thinking. As things stand the restrictions defy logic especially when someone passed high school shop class…..or has access to a 3d printer as we are increasingly seeing. With that said yeah the bump stock is gimmicky even if it shouldn’t be illegal. The forced reset triggers are interesting but I think illegal in either of our states.

  3. I’m sorry Shoots but when I listened to the videos of that shooting I heard a belt fed. The false flag that was blamed on the patsy was obvious to many of us who heard the difference in the military.
    As far as bump stocks go, I consider them to be silly toys.

    • Simper, when I first saw the video I thought it was true full auto. Not so. Still got to say. Shot full auto from 1979 until 2014 professionally. It really holds no mystery for me. Full auto is fun, but not much more than any other firearm.

  4. Well it didn’t take Nostradamus to make that prediction.
    I just don’t think the Supreme Court is banging their wooden hammers loud enough. Seems like nobody is listening.

  5. Must be my day for it, not only moderated but a fine notice from the HOA. Of course I won’t be paying the idiot HOA since they fined me for not painting my porch with the color they approved the day before the project start day that they approved and I finished the day I was to start. Really tough for them to get a picture of it unpainted after the approved finish day.

    I h@te the H0A almost as much as Democraps.

  6. “Illinois law is not affected by the decision,” a spokesperson for Attorney General Kwame Raoul said with an ev!l chuckkle. Heard over the phone in the background was “I’ll get you my pr3tty & your little d0g too!”

  7. And implied from the Democraps was “I’ll get you my pr3tty & your little d0g too!”

  8. Is there any definitive proof of what firearms were actually used in Vegas? Only thing I am certain of is the facts are being hidden. Link please!

  9. The USSC ruling should help the cases against states, other than that the bumbstock is a contraption I have no use for. A Binary Trigger with the selector is much more desirable IMO.

    As for the procrastinators waiting for manufacturers to just about give them a firearm biden’s inflation seems to be putting an end to that at least component wise. IE. My last stripped Aero M4E1 upper receiver was $75.00 delivered and now it is around $170.00 from Aero and a bit less elsewhere, packaged Anderson stripped lower receivers were $45.00 from my FFL and now about twice the price. Angstadt BCG is $125.00 at Primary which is a $30.00 increase. Stripped Aero AR-308 lower receivers from Primary? $210.00 that’s up $110.00 from my last purchase.

    At this point a penny pinching newbe or procrastinator should pay attention to the increases and shop locally or at GB, etc. for a bread and butter AR like Anderson, etc. If the seller is reputable and offers layaway do it. Note…The aforementioned is not intended for trust fund babies, high rollers, azzhats, etc.

  10. You will have to take the word of fedzilla…since the perp is dead no independant group will ever have access to the evidence. You do trust Big Brother, right?

  11. Royal Firearms Store is where Excellence Meets Tradition.
    Discover a premium selection of firearms that blend cutting-edge technology with timeless craftsmanship. Whether you’re a hunter, collector, or defender, Royal Firearms Store offers unparalleled quality and service, ensuring you find the perfect weapon to meet your needs. Experience the regal standard in firearms at Royal Firearms Store. Link below 👇, shop with all guarantee.


  12. Royal Firearms Store is where Excellence Meets Tradition.
    Discover a premium selection of firearms that blend cutting-edge technology with timeless craftsmanship. Whether you’re a hunter, collector, or defender, Royal Firearms Store offers unparalleled quality and service, ensuring you find the perfect weapon to meet your needs. Experience the regal standard in firearms at Royal Firearms Store. Link below 👇, shop with all guarantee.


    • You know, I agree, this was a great ruling taxing the wealthy elite who attempt to hide their money overseas.

      “Justice Kavanaugh, writing for the majority, ruled that the tax fell within the authority of Congress under the Constitution. Kavanaugh was joined by Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Kagan, Sotomayor, and Jackson. Justice Barrett wrote a concurring opinion, joined by Justice Alito. Justice Thomas dissented, joined by Justice Gorsuch“

      • Fun fact: other people don’t exist, just to serve as tax cattle, for *your* benefit. Why did your parents raise you to “think” that way?

  13. I have no need or want for one, but I’m gonna get one because some ass hole says I can’t!! EFF em in the biden!

  14. How is it that ONE deranged individual leaves the mindless fear that EVERY gun owner will eventually become a Criminal Killer? Since 1934 the murderous actions of the FEW have Ruled those that would NEVER have the FREE Will to murder scores of peaceful individuals.

  15. Good thing the Las Vegas shooter didn’t use a belt loop (instead of a bump stock) to do his bump-firing technique, or belt loops would have been banned for all men.
    Whoops, I may have given the BATF and NJ Governor Phil Murphy an idea for their next ban…

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