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8 Outstanding Gifts For Concealed Carry

Sam Hoober - comments No comments
concealed carry christmas gifts
Credit: aliengearholsters.com

Want to stuff somebody’s stocking who concealed carries? Put something they’ll love under the tree? There’s plenty of absolutely great gear out there, and some that lots that will fit almost any budget.

While the obvious seem to be guns or ammo, not every state is friendly towards that. So we’ll mostly stick to awesome carry-oriented gifts that don’t require showing an ID or undergoing a background check. These are bits of gear that will either make concealed carry more easy, aid in training, or things that almost any armed citizen will appreciate.

So let’s dive in with 8 outstanding bits of gear that the concealed carrier will really like.

Shot Timer

Credit: Brownells.com


First up is the Pact Club Timer III shot timer, which is essential in concealed carry training. After all, the goal of training when it comes to the defensive use of a handgun is to shoot accurately in a compressed time frame. Ss Bill Jordan amended the famous phrase, “speed’s fine, but accuracy’s final…if you’re given time to display it!”

The Pact Club Timer III has a delay function, records splits between shots, displays par times and is known for a loud, positive beep as well as being ergonomically easy to use. That’s why it’s a popular timer for competition shooters and trainers. It runs about $120.

Range Ammuntion

blazer brass range ammunition ammo
Courtesy Palmetto State Armory

While we might have said we were going to steer mostly clear of guns or ammo, ammunition is at least easy for most states. Our apologies to those in California, Hawaii and other states (including CT, AK, residents of Cook County, IL, MA, MD, NYC, NJ, PR or Washington, DC) that make buying bullets online difficult or impossible. But frankly, a big box of range ammo is a pretty awesome gift.

Which is why a Blazer Ammo Can is a darned good gift. Prices start at just under $70 and go up to just under $100, depending on the caliber/grain weight. You can get 200 rounds of .45 ACP, 250 of .40 S&W or 350 rounds of 9mm, with the corresponding number of boxes inside a durable plastic case.

Electronic Shooting Training System

Credit: Amazon.com

The MantisX training system is a serious training tool, perfect for the person training for concealed carry, competition or just looking to get better at handgunning. The system is a dongle, which attaches either to the rail of your pistol or via a magazine base pad adapter (sold separately, available for almost all semi-autos and even some revolvers) that gathers telemetry.

The data, which can be gathered from dry or live fire, is then fed to the MantisX program, which can be installed on a desktop, tablet or mobile device, that gives the shooter feedback, instructions and even training exercises to improve their shooting technique. It’s like a digital shooting coach. It’s buy-once-cry-once proposition, but with the basic system starting at $158.47 …you won’t wince too badly.

glock magazines spare magazine
Courtesy GunMagWarehouse.com

Spare magazines are always a great gift. When you ask a gun owner how many magazines he or she needs, the answer is always: more.

You can save money by buying in bulk, like this 10-pack of Magpul GLOCK magazines for $100. Or buy them singly for a perfect stocking stuffer. Whatever gun(s) the people on your list prefers, a new magazine is always appreciated.

If you’re looking for more stocking stuffer ideas, here are some good ones.

Small Range Bag

Credit: palmettostatearmory.com

A Palmetto State Armory small range bag is perfect for toting just a few small items (a couple boxes of ammo, eye and ear pro, maybe a staple gun or a shot timer) to the range for pistol practice. After all, concealed carry training doesn’t usually require a huge amount of gear, so setups can be pretty minimalist.

At 9″ by 12″ by 9.5″ it can even fit a pistol case inside, and has some exterior pockets for magazines and other small bits. For $25, that’s a pretty good little gift.

Complete Gun Cleaning Kit

Otis cleaning kit
Credit: Amazon.com

OTIS Technology makes some of the best, most convenient cleaning kits available. While there are plenty of other good ones – hey, those Hoppes clamshell kits aren’t bad and aren’t too spendy! – but spending a little more gets you a whole lot more.

Their Patriot series of cleaning kit goes for $15, and includes quite a bit of stuff in such a small package. You get a bore brush, mop, a bristle brush, and their breech-to-muzzle patch system, which picks up a lot more detritus than standard rod-and-patch systems. Not a bad stocking stuffer at all.

Break-Free Weapon Wipes

Credit: palmettostatearmory.com

Speaking of cleaning, another consumable inherent to the firearms hobby is cleaners and/or lubricants. I don’t know about you, but I’m a big fan of wipes since they clean AND can be used as a patch while cleaning.

Great for maintenance after shooting or if your pistol just needs a wipe down after a couple weeks of holster wear. Great examples include CLP wipes, pictured above and available from Palmetto State Armory for $4.99 in a handy 20-wipe canister, or if you prefer a different product line, RemOil, FrogWipes (by FrogLube) and other brands are out there. A few packs…makes an ideal stocking stuffer.

Concealment Vest

Travel Safe Concealment Vest
Courtesy concealedcarry.com

If you’re buying for someone who carries a gun, they’re always looking for an effective method of concealment. One easy way to do that while keeping their firearm quickly accessible is the Travel Safe Concealment Vest.

It’s a great option because it doesn’t have the tactical look of other “shoot-me-first” type vests. The Travel Safe Vest also has lots of pockets and compartments to carry gear (or a firearm, if that’s how someone chooses to tote one.

It’s well-made, comfortable, available in three colors and runs about $89.

Obviously, every single bit of gear that makes a great gift for a concealed carrier would take months to compile, so we thought we’d give you some solid starting points for this year’s shopping. Anything else you think makes a great gift for concealed carry? Let us know in the comments!

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