From 80 Percent Arms . . .
Since 2013, 80 Percent Arms has designed and manufactured industry-leading jigs and 80 percent lower receivers in Southern California. 80 Percent Arms has prided itself on providing individuals with the best tools to build their own firearms, legally and safely, from the comfort of their own homes.
Due to the increasingly hostile climate towards the firearms industry in California, we have decided to leave our home state for Fort Worth, Texas. Until the California legislature recognizes the harm they are doing to the individual freedoms of the average taxpayer, we don’t believe we would be serving the best interests of our customers and stakeholders by remaining in the state.
After we’ve completed the transition, our customers can expect even more exciting products from us. We are expanding our manufacturing footprint and plan to bring a slew of new offerings to the marketplace. With a new facility over three times the size of our current space, we plan to continue to grow and meet the evolving needs of our customers while maintaining our position as a premier manufacturer of 80% products.
In the meantime, new orders will be delayed as we make our transition to move but we will do our best to get your order out as soon as possible. We truly appreciate our loyal customers’ patience and continued business during these difficult times.
Although the move will delay some customers’ shipping orders, we expect to be back up and running by July 15th, 2022 and will do our best to ship what orders we can until then.
To our California customers, thank you for many years of business. Unfortunately, we have stopped the sale of our 80 percent AR lower receivers, the GST-9 MOD1, however, we can continue to sell items that are currently permissible under existing law. If you have any issues with your products, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Service team and they will take care of you accordingly.
For California Orders:
A cut off date for all CA residents’ orders starting June 15, 2022 so that we could guarantee order fulfillment before July 1 (when the states’ laws are due to change). However, in general, we will still be supporting our customers with certain replacement parts and tooling — such as jigs, drill bits or Speedmills, but not the MOD1 jig or any 80 lowers.
If you made an online order prior to June 15th, 2022 your order should have already been shipped out from our warehouse by now.
Additionally, with the passing of AB 1594 in California, Governor Newsom’s regime has unleashed the public’s ability to have free reign over filing any and as many frivolous lawsuits against manufacturers like ourselves in the gun industry. That is not something we can abide by nor is it something we’d be able to weather.
These new laws have greatly impacted and informed our strategy going forward which helped us make the decision to move to a new facility in Fort Worth, Texas where we are very excited to be relocating to this summer.
It was a difficult decision to make as many of us have deep personal ties to this state and it has been our home for many years. Nevertheless, our mission remains the same: enable as many people as we can to exercise their freedom to enjoy a privately made firearm.