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8000 Army 1911’s On Their Way to the Civilian Marksmanship Program!

Robert Farago - comments No comments

U.S.A. –-(Ammoland.com)- The CMP has been authorized to receive 8,000 1911 type pistols from the United States Army.

The 1911s have been received by the CMP. A complete inventory will be conducted over the course of this week. The pistols will then be securely stored until the Army-approved 1911 building and armory infrastructure is completed.

That completion is anticipated to be approximately 60 days from now.

Once the 1911 armory is completed, inspection, grading, repair, and ultimately test firing of the pistols will begin. (Please be aware that the CMP was led to believe that we were ready to move forward, but three weeks ago facility requirements were changed, and we are now fulfilling those requirements.)

The CMP 1911 order packet will be posted 90 days prior to the order acceptance date and opening sales date. No orders will be accepted prior to that date.

Please visit www.thecmp.org, click on the Sales icon then 1911 Information, for the latest. CMP customer service has been inundated with calls and emails concerning the 1911s and no further information is available at this time.

The CMP will keep everyone posted as we move through this process.

About The Civilian Marksmanship Program:Civilian Marksmanship Program

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is a federally chartered 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. It is dedicated to firearm safety and marksmanship training and to the promotion of marksmanship competition for citizens of the United States.

For more information about the CMP and its programs, log onto their website.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “8000 Army 1911’s On Their Way to the Civilian Marksmanship Program!”

  1. This is definitely a step backwards in time.
    It’s like the old “pepperbox” guns from the 1800s that had multiple, heavy, bulky barrels to achieve the same effect as a revolver that used only one barrel and a cylinder.
    Actually, it’s more like the “volley guns” that were invented even earlier, in 1339 A.D. and used in the 15th century!
    See Wikipedia’s entry on “volley guns” which says:

    “The Ribauldequin was a medieval version of the volley gun. It had its barrels set up in parallel. This early version was first employed during the Hundred Years’ War by the army of Edward III of England, in 1339. Later on, the late Swiss army employed it.

    Multi-barreled artillery pieces continued in use during the 16th and 17th century. A double-barreled cannon called Elizabeth-Henry, named after Charles I’s youngest children,[2] was used by the Cavaliers during the English Civil War and fired 2oz charges. It could also fire grapeshot. The barrels were wrapped in leather to prevent rusting.

    On the continent, 16th century Aragon developed a 15-barrel volley gun; German and Polish gunsmiths invented handheld multi-barrel guns. These were sometimes combination sword and axe pistols such as Henry VIII’s Walking Staff, a 3-barreled gun and battle mace. Henry VIII also owned a multi-barreled German wheel lock rifle capable of firing a superimposed charge.[3]”

    See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volley_gun

  2. Well, Taran is now on the list along with Troy, Springfield, and Rock River.

    That’s Ok though, maybe the a new Weatherby rifles is worth checking out again, and everybody can use some more Magpul stuff.

  3. I enjoyed the show. My only issue with it was that for the thousands of rounds Hemsworth fired, I saw him change magazines once. Must not have been California compliant.

  4. This is a piss poor piece not up to the usual TTAG standards. How about edit so it is clear WHO the bimbo yapping was. Not this Taran guy. The comments above illustrate than some of the less literate are way confused.

    This was a rental booth babe yapping to a chick “beauty” magazine.

  5. The Stupidity of the “Unwashed” is infinite. Wave a the religious icon of the Flag under their noses and they either volunteer to get their heads blown off or give you all of their hard earned money for a worn out piece of crap that should have been melted down for scrap iron over half a century ago. The CMP (Criminal Modern Predators) must be banking on the idea that Neanderthal Man is really not extinct (at least not in Hillbilly America).

    The real facts are the greed mongers at the CPM eager to rape everyone one of every last penny they can steal from you have just admitted the guns will not go directly to the public because they are in no shape to even work or in some cases be safely fired as they are actually in that bad of shape but they expect us to pay $1,000 and up for this scrap iron.

    When you rebuild a collectors item with cheap ass cast iron parts and then add insult to injury and refinish these clunkers and claim they are collectors items just to make a fast sale to people who have more money than brains they deserve to be ripped off because if the CPM does not rob them someone else will.

    When you can buy a modern 1911 built with better harder steel and built to much closer tolerances than the soft steel rattle trap workmanship of the original 1911 pistols for often not much more than $350 bucks only a retarded munchkin like Jeff Sessions would consider such a deal gone wrong even before the sale. But when was the average gun owner ever noted for having any grey matter between his ears?

    I think if the greed monger charlatan gangster criminals of the CPM end up sitting on their scrap iron long enough you just may see the price drop to somewhat reasonable levels i.e. $200 bucks the average scrapper to $400 for one that looks half decent without being refinished and rebuilt with modern cast iron parts (if there even are such guns still in half decent shape).

    Lets face facts the younger generation wants high tech, high capacity plasticky and stamped sheet metal pistols and with pistol prices at rock bottom now on the plasticky imports paying $1,000 dollars for WWII scrap iron will send the younger and smarter generation into fits of hysterical laughter . The 1911 is not even in their vocabulary and the old and dying Grey Beards have already collected their share of “real original” 1911’s decades ago and are not dumb enough to be raped out of at least $1,000 over a rebuilt parts gun. What an obscene joke.

    • They let you on the computer again? Someone should tell the orderly your unsupervised online again. And that you haven’t been taking your meds.

  6. Yaaaa she wasn’t tired for her thinking skills or opinions…. And soon enough she isn’t going to young and hot enough for people to fake like they care about her as a meatbag

  7. That is a very sad situation. As noted, you really need to stay attentive and prepared when you’re doing something that’s even a bit out of the ordinary.

    A couple of years ago in Puget Sound, a gentleman died of hypothermia, wearing a dry suit, while acting as a rescue victim in a dive training class! He’d been in the water for an extended time, being rescued in various scenarios. Apparently, his condition wasn’t being monitored properly, and as he slowly became colder and less responsive, nobody noticed. Once they figured out something was amiss, he was too far gone to revive – with rescue personnel on site. Cold water is a fast killer.

  8. “I’m not demonizing retailers by any means.” BS, that’s exactly what you’re doing with your *system* and overpriced book.

  9. My first AR build was a PSA kit with an 80% lower. I got the upgrade with a stainless barrel. MIL everything else. Like some other commenters mentioned, the trigger is crappy, but it’s MIL-SPEC and works. Once you try a Geissele, you’re ruined. Yes, the bolt carrier, and bolt, have a rough finish, but a few minutes with some flitz fixes that problem for good. The problem is with the coating, the actual metal is well machined. My review would include the fact that the bolt is impossible to clean. Carbon cooks into the thing and nothing short of a chisel gets it off. Again, once you clean a nickel-boron coated bolt and BCG, you’re ruined. The pistol grip was cheap plastic, the handguard is near impossible to remove, the buffer spring sounds like a pogo stick when you shoot. I put a vortex red dot on it, and dang if it doesn’t hit everything I aim it at. It’s around 1.25MOA with just about every cartridge I’ve tried in it, from PMC bronze to 77g hand loads. I’ve never shot it beyond 100 yards. Likes any/every mag I’ve ever tried. Compared to my more expensive AR’s, its very lightweight, handles well in a hallway, and is so cheap, I won’t care if I have to use it to pry a car door open.
    Would I compete with this rig? No.
    Would I hunt with this rig? No.
    Would it be the thing I grab when the SHTF? Yes.
    Would I trade it for a JP CTR-02? Immediately.

    This rifle represents a functional, dependable value. What it lacks in style and features, it makes up for in practicality, simplicity and cost.

  10. People should be less proud of their “Branding” names. Smaller is always better and try not to name it after a 1980 gay porn magazine.

  11. 1. The Mfg of Full auto manic Firearms Is N.F.A Rules do apply too. Is type-(010) gold License too. They mfg making guns too. There 3 year renewals should be a lot higher too. Is rate $$$ 990,000 every 3 Years or more $$$$$ to renewal them too. to mfg making Full auto Guns only in the the U.S.A. too . Agree!!!

  12. WOW again What is the problem this device fixes ? I never knew the way my rifle sounds when its firing was suppose to matter if I struck my intended target ? Oh I’m sorry did the “Sprong” noise cause you to knock over your Starbucks mocha late with sprinkles on top ? I hope you don’t spill it on your skinny jeans I weep for humanity !

  13. Lock your gats up when you’re not around especially with kids in the home. Nancy Lanza paid a pretty steep price for her indulgence of her deranged spawn. No I don’t think you need a law…


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