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9MM IN STOCK AMMO ALERT: Tula 9mm 115gr FMJ Ball for $29.99 a 50-Round Box

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Palmetto State Armory has Tula 9mm FMJ range steel case ammo for $.60 cents a round in 50-round boxes.

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0 thoughts on “9MM IN STOCK AMMO ALERT: Tula 9mm 115gr FMJ Ball for $29.99 a 50-Round Box”

    • I’ve noticed that. Self defense ammo is only marginally more expensive than “range” ammo nowadays.
      16 months ago I was buying brass cased range ammo for $170-$180 for a case of 1000. The steel cased was like $150.

  1. With Russia rattling sabres and stacking troops on the border in Europe, no way in HELL will I put one penny in Putin’s pocket…

    • I am more concerned with the enemy within, Russia doesn’t bother me and what they do in Ukraine is none of our business considering the numerous, major issues we have on our own land. But I get your point, nothing wrong with what you’re doing.

      • I am WAY more concerned about the enemy within (globalists, marxists, and corrupt deep state) than I am about Putin.

        NATO is almost the axis of evil at this point. NATO (AKA USA oligarchy) had been openly hostile to Russia ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

        • I’m also far more concerned about communist China than I am Russia. Russia isn’t our enemy. The oligarchs here in the USA are far more hostile towards the American people.

    • Typical triggered lib. Muh Russia! As others have stated the globalists are a bigger threat to the world than anything else. Some could say Putin is admirable for the way he has taken his country back from leftists. Sometimes the ends really do justify the means.

    • Sub 20¢ a round for commie guns, it is alright (AK,SKS, Makarov). It is the absolute bottom of the barrel ammo, and I would only pay 60¢ a round for it if I was EXTREMELY desperate. I’m not that desperate.

      I did recently pay 38¢ a round for some Wolf 7.62*39. That is expensive, but 38¢ is less than 60¢, 7.62*39 is a more potent round than 9*19, and Wolf is a little step up in quality from Tula.

  2. AIM Surplus has Russian surplus and PPU 7.62x54R, as well as Czech-made surplus .308 in stock, in case anyone’s interested.

  3. I saw American Eagle brass case 9mm for $.50 a round in Academy yesterday. One or two box limit (don’t remember which) and still way too expensive for a guy who has a fifty cal ammo can full of brass , about 1000 bullets, and enough powder and primers to build those rounds. The brass case stuff can be reloaded so I’d go for that rather than the more expensive steel case Russian junk.

  4. Sub 20¢ a round for commie guns, it is alright (AK,SKS, Makarov). It is the absolute bottom of the barrel ammo, and I would only pay 60¢ a round for it if I was EXTREMELY desperate. I’m not that desperate.

    I did recently pay 38¢ a round for some Wolf 7.62*39. That is expensive, but 38¢ is less than 60¢, 7.62*39 is a more potent round than 9*19, and Wolf is a little step up in quality from Tula.

  5. Dad burn it, I went to the web site and the only ammo I wanted to buy is out of stock. Unless you want to spend $900 on 1500rnds.
    Shooting is becoming a rich man’s hobby, maybe that’s the plan?

  6. .60 for steel Tul? Gawd. Remember when Freedom Munitions had brass range ammo for .15 per round?

    Ahh, the good old days.

    2+ years ago…

  7. They hate freedom.
    Despite the fact that there are no laws on the books prohibiting shipment of ammo to NY, and many other companies are happy to ship ammo right to your doorstep in NYS, these cucks at PSA refuse to do so.


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