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Honolulu PD’s “Gun Safety” Protocol Revealed!

Robert Farago - comments No comments

SPOILER ALERT! Keep the gun in the holster until you’re ready to shoot and keep your finger off the trigger until you’re really ready to shoot. Wonder how the HPD managed to have three negligent discharges in the past month – one fatal for an officer showing his gun to a friend at a BBQ – given their common sense protocol and rigorous training? Does the HPD’s apparently cavalier attitude toward “gun safety” have anything to do with the islands refusing to “allow” residents to exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms? Probably not.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Honolulu PD’s “Gun Safety” Protocol Revealed!”

    • It’s not a browser issue. If you are savvy enough to view source, you can read the tag lines. They’re short and mostly meaningless…

      Debates over gun laws in Arizona are older than the state itself. In the 1880s, three decades before Arizona became a state, Tombstone and other towns adopted gun-control ordinances. But after statehood, those measures were overturned as Second Amendment violations.

      At Arizona’s constitutional convention in 1911, a proposal to regulate the wearing of firearms in the newly created state was voted down.

      Beginning in the 1960s, assassinations and mass shootings nationwide spawned a broader call for control of firearms, especially handguns. Arizona prohibited concealed weapons.

      Three decades later, though, the pendulum began to swing the other way, with Arizona lawmakers beginning to ease restrictions on gun possession and ownership. Today, the state’s laws are considered among the most gun-friendly in the country.

      Here is a look at some of the key gun laws in Arizona since 1991:

      Law takes effect strengthening the state’s prohibition against carrying weapons on school campuses. It bans anyone, including security guards, from carrying guns or other deadly weapons on a school campus, except for such school-sponsored events as gun-safety classes.

      July: Law takes effect that allows most adults in the state to carry a concealed weapon by getting a $50 permit.

      October: State begins conducting criminal background checks for handgun sales.

      Law takes effect letting people with concealed-weapons permits carry firearms in public parks. Also lets communities ban weapons in public buildings but says that if they do so, they must offer to store the weapon.

      “Shannon’s Law,” named for a 14-year-old girl killed by a falling bullet in 1999, increases the penalty for random gunfire from a misdemeanor to a felony.

      Gov. Janet Napolitano signs a bill into law that lets gun owners visiting Arizona carry concealed weapons if they have a permit from their home state.

      Gov. Janet Napolitano vetoes a bill that would have let patrons carry loaded guns into bars, nightclubs and restaurants as long as they didn’t imbibe.

      She signs a bill that lets schools offer a one-semester elective course in firearms marksmanship to be called the “Arizona Gun Safety Program Course,” including instruction on gun safety and basic operation, the history of firearms, the role of firearms in preserving peace and freedom, marksmanship and the constitutional roots of the right to bear arms.

      Lawmakers pass 20 new laws involving guns. Among the more notable:

      A law that eliminated a two-hour class once required for renewing a concealed-weapon permit. The permit still must be renewed every five years.

      A measure that says walking into a hunter’s gunfire will be fault of the guy who gets shot, not the shooter. A person putting himself in the line of fire can be charged with a misdemeanor.

      A law that makes it more difficult to prosecute someone who claims self-defense after shooting a home intruder by shifting the burden of proof to the prosecution instead of requiring the person to prove he or she acted in self-defense.

      A measure that generally prohibits the state, except for the Legislature, and local governments from creating new laws or rules relating to the possession or storage of firearms. It expands on the state’s existing restrictions on local laws dealing with transportation, possession, sale and use of guns.

      Gov. Janet Napolitano vetoes a bill that would have allowed people to have a hidden gun in vehicles without a concealed-carry permit.

      Law takes effect letting those carrying concealed weapons go into bars and restaurants that are licensed to sell alcohol, as long as they don’t drink. If those bar and restaurant owners don’t want guns on the property, they must post a sign indicating that they are not allowed.

      Another law prohibits property owners and businesses from banning firearms in their parking areas, as long as the guns are locked in privately owned vehicles.

      Law takes effect letting Arizona residents at least 21 years old carry a concealed weapon without a permit. It requires individuals to answer honestly if police ask if they are carrying a weapon and lets officers to take temporary custody of a weapon during stops. It also stiffens penalties for individuals who commit crimes while carrying a concealed weapon.

      Other laws take effect:

      Prohibiting any county or local political agency from enacting any ordinance relating to firearms that is more restrictive than state law. This law also prohibits local governments from banning firearms in public parks.

      Saying Arizona-based firearm makers and owners Personal firearms, firearms accessories or ammunition manufactured in Arizona and kept in Arizona are not subject to federal regulation, including registration.

      Gov. Jan Brewer vetoes two gun-related measures. One bill would have required state and local governments to either allow guns in public facilities or secure those buildings with metal detectors and armed guards. Another would have allowed guns on college-campus rights of way.

      Brewer signs a law making the Colt Single-Action Army revolver the state’s official firearm.

      Compiled by researcher Joanne Dawson from Republic archives.

  1. “gun fired accidentally”, not “gun was accidentally fired”. Interesting choice of language.

    Also, “IF they have to use the restroom”?? Unless some of the cops are robots, it seems inevitable.

  2. Showing a gun at a bbq. Wanna bet there was alcohol involved.

    My standard rule of gun handling is that all guns are always loaded even if they’re not. Since I was a kid that has served me well.

  3. The gun fired itself dontcha know. It says so right in the video.

    And having been in Honolulu many times, it is my considered opinion that HPD cops are, by and large, nitwits.

  4. Many long term residents learned gun handling informally (no ranges or range rules, just Unca Kalani taking you hunting up mauka. Seems likely some became cops and never really had gun safety ingrained. Not bad-mouthing here, I’m pretty much the same at least until lately.

  5. In the video they talked about holster discipline, nothing about trigger (trigger finger) discipline, more important than holster. If the unpleasant happens and I have to sit down in a public restroom, I take my pistol out (concealed carry). I don’t want it down about my ankles. My only AD was 5 decades ago my first time hunting.

  6. Now we know why Hi is a “no issue” state–since not even their “well trained” police can competently handle firearms, why would they even consider allowing “untrained” civilians to do so?

  7. I hope TTAG is sending the Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day award to this shining example of one of Honolulu’s finest. Because only police officers are professional enough and highly trained enough to carry a concealed gun while off duty (Yes, the news local news reported that the officer involved in this latest ND was off duty in the Target restroom stall. http://khon2.com/2014/09/09/hpd-investigates-after-officers-gun-fired-in-store-bathroom/). Chances are good that the officer WILL NOT be prosecuted for Reckless Endangering. If it was Joe Civilian, one would be looking at a Class C felony (5 years incarceration) under Hawaii Revised Statutes. Very sad….

    • Don’t you understand that ND’s are just going to happen, regardless of how safe people try to be? It only makes sense that if we can reduce the total number of guns in people’s hands, through laws or even confiscation, that the lives we save from the unavoidable ND’s will be worth the sacrifice people will make in giving up their guns. At the very least we should do it for the children. If we can save just one life it would be worth it. [Sarc].

  8. I hope the cops are not stupid enough to put their finger on the trigger while un-holstering just to comply with the policy as written since they may end up shooting their leg or worse such as shooting a little kid.

  9. I live in Honolulu. They’re transitioning to Glocks from the S&W.

    There are lots of things to dislike about Honolulu politics, etc; but this is pretty typical of anytime an organization switches equipment – accidents happen.

    Now the BBQ one – that was definitely a blatant gun rule violation, but the others are just the typical Glock NDs for new users. Not being blase about it – that’s just the reality. Look at other places they’ve switched to Glocks you see the same thing.

    • +1.

      Honolulu PD has carried the S&W 5906, a traditional DA/SA pistol with manual safety since the late 1980s. They’ve only partially transitioned to the Glock 17 this year. I agree that the sharp uptick in these incidents among HPD officers means that their new duty weapon is probably a contributing factor here. However, the damned things won’t go bang unless someone or something pulls the trigger, so ultimately it’s not the fault of the gun, but the bag of flesh that’s carrying (or mishandling) it.

  10. In the range-shooting portion of the video, did anyone else notice WHAT LOOKS LIKE A LANYARD attached to the dustcover rail??? What the HECK is that about?


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