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Question of the Day: How Much Self-Defense Stuff Do You Carry?

Robert Farago - comments No comments


When I go to the gym, I put my gun in its own separate locker. And a 10-round magazine. And my Kimber Pepperblaster II. And my Zero Tolerance knife. And my wallet and keys. And that’s it. Except for the days when I carry a back-up revolver and/or a flashlight. What’s your everyday carry kit?

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Question of the Day: How Much Self-Defense Stuff Do You Carry?”

  1. I’m OK with them selling rifles to products to NY cops.

    Well, as long as those products are of the same standards for which the citizens are allowed to own.

    Supply the cops with 7-Round ARs all day long for all I care. Go for it.

    – D

  2. I am sympathetic to Armalite’s plight. However, it seems that New York has taken control of the situation. If Armalite does sell to LEO’s, they’ll be in violation 0f the aforementioned statute and could be restricted from selling in that state altogether!!

  3. Taurus TCP + extra mag in pocket
    Glock 26 in the car/under desk + 17rnd G17 mag
    Kershaw Leek
    Fenix PD20 flashlight
    Thomas Jefferson dollar coin in plastic case, a reminder of a great man, how great this country once was, and the greatness I hope it will return to

  4. LC9 loaded with Critical Defense in a Galco pocket holster, Kershaw Brawler, tactical pen, keys, and wallet. CZ 82 with Silver Bear HP is usually “available” in my truck. If I’m feelin’ old school, I rock the S&W 642 in a Desantis Insider. If I ever score a good holster for it, I have an S&W 457 I shoot as well as my Buckmark. I would have 7+1 just like the Ruger, but it would be 230 grain Winchester Ranger .45!

  5. Meh – I can’t have my gun with me at the office or in my car while I’m on company premises. So – in general – just a pocket knife.

  6. Is the green laser LED used in this one of the new ‘true green’ lasers, or the old DPSS green laser LED’s (which are infrared lasers that use a crystal to double the frequency to get to green).

    DPSS lasers are (1) less rugged due to the crystal and (2) use twice the power. This is why Crimson Trace and others haven’t done a green laser until now.

  7. Police are our betters. They have their own Law Enforcement Officer Bill of Rights in most states, because the regular Bill of Rights isn’t good enough.

  8. Double barrel joe, good one! If he went wabbit hunting with cheny I don’t think he would be a commin back.///Obviously the grabbers want us to live in their psycho world, good luck with that, I haven’t seen guns pried out of skinhead hands yet either, maybe they just haven’t finished reading the tatoos, Randy

  9. The auto-play ads have caused me to take TTAG out of my “always open tabs” list. The ads might be silent for an hour, but then all of a sudden they’ll start playing audio and video while I’m doing something else in another tab.

    That’s intolerable, so now TTAG is on my list of “maybe visit every couple of days” sites.

  10. Well, we have 2 tactical shotguns and guns listed below in the house and we have bumper sticker that says…
    “I’ll Keep MY, Money, Guns and Freedom. YOU Can Keep the Change!
    That was enough to get a cop that pulled me over to ask me repeatedly if I had a gun in car?, if had a gun on my person?, did I have a carry permit? did I mind if he searched my car? (I declined his offer). Guess the concept of a political statement was beyond his comprehension. It also got my van keyed a week later.
    Those two incidents ‘persuaded’ me to git ‘er done.
    Anyway, next week we are going for our carry permit (TN).
    Wife: Beretta 25 cf or she might switch to her Mosquito
    Me: Glock 21 SF

  11. CZP01, small folding knife, cellphone, and a small pocket sized first aid kit with gloves and a CPR barrier. My keyring has a small flashlight. Its rare that I carry a spare mag.

  12. nutnfancy style!

    Benchmade Mini Griptilian in O.D. & black
    Steamlight Protac AAA (tucks into corner of jeans pocket nicely)
    Leatherman Juice S2
    cell phone
    paracord bracelet

    considering a rape whistle, incase my bad attitude doesn’t put them off

  13. Being a college student at the tender age of 42, I am somewhat restricted on which items I carry. At school (as well as everywhere else) it is usually just my SOG Flash II and my mind. Of the two, it is my mind that is the most important. Why? Good question. Situational awareness allows me to avoid the terrible little aspects of trouble while conducting my own business. Couple that with the fact that the mind is the single aspect that makes any available tool useful and you have what I am stuck with in the “everyday” scenario.
    The hardware part of the program will greatly depend on a few things:
    1.) Where am I going; If the lady unit and I are planning to head out to an area that has a history of violence and bad carry laws (she has family/friends in Chicago) then I tend to bring a pair of pistols in the overnight bag, my EDC knife and an ASP baton. The pistols will stay in our house there and everything else will come out with us. If the area is is rural, such as the cabin in mid-state Wisconsin, then I bring it all. We have a range there, and the point of a vacation is to have fun, right? If we are just heading out for dinner, the SIG 220 or my SA 1911 usually fit well with the program. If we are going to be including alcohol, then I am down to my fist, foot and whatever else I can scrounge at a moments notice. For some reason, scotch and weapons mix with the same results as scotch and car keys.
    2.) What am I going to be doing; There is a distinct difference in mission statements between going grocery shopping and leaving the house at 3:00 AM because one of my/our friends is in trouble. Carry accordingly.
    Who am I going to see; As terrible as it sounds, when I buy or sell a firearm, I carry. Meeting a fellow (or a fellow and his friends) in a parking lot (FTF transfers are legal here) there is a margin for badness to happen, and I like to think that I am prepared.
    At home, you would be hard pressed to knock on/kick in my door without discovering what brand new invention came off my reloading bench. Best advice, let’s not go there.
    In short, I carry as needs deem fit. I would feel just ducky doing the 24/7/365 thing, but I swim in a variety of waters that do not let that happen legally. The pocketknife is already an infraction both on school and clinical grounds. When I get the job at the mental health center, it will be a liability, thus no more.
    When in doubt, carry. When in doubt and you cannot, keep what I said about the mind fresh and sharp. When I carry, it is to come home with all who came with, and no other reason.

  14. Why, I work in a wonderfully blissful “Gun Free” zone. Why would I need to carry anything for self defense? There are people watching over my shoulder out for my safety.

  15. I will hate if they ban internet sales if guns and ammo. It can be impossible depending on where you live to find certain guns and ammo. They sell absolutely no 7.62x54R in my area and never have, even before the run on guns and ammo. Of course MA banned internet sales so I have to wait until I leave the state soon to buy the ammo I need. What’s stupid is FTF sales can be done in cash and not tracked but with online sales they have your name, address and CC info but internet sales is bad!

    • Its cheaper and easier to buy bulk ammo online than in person. If they can stop the cheaper and easierness of bulk ammo sales, things like shooting camps for kids/teens to teach them gun safety will get more expensive and will happen less often. It also means fewer people buying massive amounts of ammo and becoming great shooters and doing youtube videos of how much fun shooting can be in practical pistol/rifle games. Also means that the shooters who shoot thousands of rounds a month will clear out local gun stores and other ammo shops which means no ammo for the casual plinkers/hunters/target shooters causing strife and in-fighting inside the gun culture.

      That’s why they do not like Internet sales.

  16. I am a law abiding citizen and ‘the people’ of the United States. I will not let you bully me into thinking your way because I oppose your train of thought. I am not the criminal you profess me to be. If I do not think the way you do does not make me a criminal. If anyone is the criminal here it is you and the president. All this talk about the children what have you done to protect them. No taking away over 300 million guns from law abiding citizens does nothing for the children. These crimes against children will happen again and again. You as part of my government scare the hell out of me. It has always been about taking the guns away. Fast and Furious, Benghazi and our second amendment rights when are you going to realize it is you who is at fault. Whatever weapon I choose to protect myself, find food, protect my home and family is the right gun for me. Not because my government says so, but because I say so!

  17. Sig P239 .40 w/speer gold dot in a grandfather oak iwb, sig paddle or don hume clip on. Two extra mags in a mag holster if I’m going somewhere seedy. Spyderco endura folder. Iphone. Wallet. Sunglasses. Keys. Victorinox watch. Same setup 24/7/365.

  18. Bare minimum “summer carry”:
    G17 or Sig C3 both AIWB carry
    Kershaw Breakout auto

    Formal dress or winter includes above plus:
    Streamlight Protac 2L
    Wilson cop tool
    2x 1911 mags or 1x G17 mag, 10 o’clock belt
    Sometimes 4 o’clock OWB instead of AIWB

    Breakout and keys even in pajamas

  19. So that’s the most terrifying thing on the internet…

    Has Adrian Chen actually ever *used* the internet, or does he just write stupid things and hand them to someone else who knows how to use teh webz? The most terrifying thing about the internet is the fact that asshats like Chen can be seen and heard on it.

    • Exactly. Consider that the internet has pictures of Carolyn McCarthy on it. If that’s not bad enough add some “Rule 34” to the mix.

  20. “There’s a federal law, there’s a 30-round magazine right in front of you – what do I do?”

    Ignore it just like you do the illegal aliens.

  21. Dude let his FFL Lapse because he did not want to track where the guns were going. IRS was involved as well.
    This was a bad guy selling guns to bad guys…
    Has TTAG done any further investigation into this story or are you guys just passing on the media version?

  22. There will always be conflict between people of morality and tyrants. So it has been throughout history, so it will always be. What’s the difference today? People have been weakened and made complacent by modern comforts such that they’re afraid to take that final, no-turning-back step. People have been brainwashed into thinking of other people’s willingness to enact laws that harm them as “opinions” and politicians who would commit treason as “doing the people’s will.” However much we like to fancy ourselves defenders of liberty, the founding fathers would be disgusted and ashamed by our lack of direct action and our selfish concerns over what we might personally lose or have to deal with.

    Also, the mass media’s unprecedented ability to reach and indoctrinate so many people. Also, never has the citizenry of a nation been so disproportionally outgunned by their government (drones, carriers, etc). To be fair though, that bit is sort of pointless considering the surest way to bring political cowards down is through true guerrilla and precision tactics, but still.

  23. Has anyone else had their fill of life long Politicians lecturing us about Morals?
    Poor Uncle Joe hasn’t had an original thought since he was put in charge of fixing our gun control problem. I may listen when he gives up his round the clock protection or when they protect him with a shotgun and 2 shells.

  24. So what would happen if, in theory, the pro-gun side would stand as one and tell the politicians this ” We, the people of this state will adhere to 2nd amendment and your law is not binding upon us. We are the true militia and control of our arms is not negotiable. This God-given right shall not be abridged.”

    The Jim D.

  25. I carry a Springfield Armory XD .45acp in a Blackhawk Serpa CQC, two 13rd mags, and a Mini Maglite LED AA everywhere I go. Sometimes a Remington 870 Express Tactical in the trunk. Looking at the Streamlight TLR-3, or TRL-4 for the XD. In NC we are an open-carry, and shall issue CCP state. As of 2011 we have a “castle law” to include your dwelling(permanent or temporary), vehicle, and place of business. We are no longer obligated to retreat from a threat of serious bodily injury or death(stand your ground).

  26. Unfortunately, the majority of the population in NJ seem to believe this BS. The “Thin Man” that rules NJ will sign these bills with glee in front of the cameras while getting his ego stroked.

  27. I have two of the Ruger polymer magazines. The springs are junk. This is my pickup and tractor rifle. It is always loaded and always within reach. I do not trust the Ruger polymer mags anymore. They only feed the first round reliably. This is after being fully loaded for less than two months.

  28. Texas was already pretty good, but every day it gets even better. Other states are raising taxes, in bottomless debt, disarming their citizens, losing jobs, and Texas is on the way to open carry, has no income tax, the smallest per capita spending in the country (last I checked,) businesses swarming in from the slave states, protection for its people against federal intrusion on gun rights, and a Senator that is out for progressive metaphorical blood.

  29. All you people who think CO can FOAD and that it’s our own fault, I was transferred here less than a year ago thinking it was a 2a friendly state and I know a lot of people who did the same and more who support gun rights. If more and more states pass laws like this how long do you think it will be before the feds do it? We need to fight this kind of legislation in every state. Don’t think your state is going to be the only bastion of gun rights in the country when everyone else passes bans.

    We might not even need people to donate mags. These bills passed the CO house by only a few votes and the senate will be similar. We just need to put pressure on and get FIVE senators to flip and vote no. The governor is wishy-washy on it too so we can possibly pressure him no to sign. You can do that here

    Here are the email addresses for every CO senator. Copy and paste and pressure them to shoot these bills down. If CO falls other states and the feds will take it as a sign that they can pass similar infringements.

    greg@gregbrophy.net kevin.grantham.senate@state.co.us angela.giron.senate@state.co.us mark.scheffel.senate@state.co.us gail.schwartz.senate@gmail.com ellen.roberts.senate@state.co.us steve.king.senate@state.co.us randy.baumgardner.senate@state.co.us senatorlambert@comcast.net owen.hill.senate@state.co.us john.morse.senate@state.co.us bill.cadman.senate@state.co.us senatorrenfroe@gmail.com john.kefalas.senate@state.co.us kevin@kevinlundberg.com jeanne.nicholson.senate@state.co.us senatormattjones@gmail.com rollie.heath.senate@state.co.us senatorhudak@gmail.com cheri.jahn.senate@state.co.us jessie.ulibarri.senate@state.co.us andy.kerr.senate@state.co.us vicki.marble.senate@state.co.us lotochtrop@aol.com mary.hodge.senate@state.co.us linda.newell.senate@gmail.com david.balmer.senate@state.co.us nancy.todd.senate@state.co.us morgan.carroll.senate@state.co.us ted.harvey.senate@state.co.us mike.johnston.senate@state.co.us lucia.guzman.senate@state.co.us larry.crowder.senate@state.co.us pat.steadman.senate@state.co.us governor.hickenlooper@state.co.us ireneaguilar.md@gmail.com

  30. I remember watching an interview with a report who talked about the news paper he worked for once had a policy of being “constantly outraged”. I wondered how in the world are they supposed to report the truth if every story has to have a demeanor of outrage. That was years ago and my first exposure to media bias.


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