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Texas Senator Cruz Chastises Colleagues “Squishy” on Gun Rights

Robert Farago - comments No comments

When the history of Uncle Sam’s post-Newtown push for civilian disarmament is written, Senator Ted Cruz will figure heavily. It’s hard to know how much of this account [from the FreedomWorks Texas Summit in Austin, TX] is shameless self-promotion and how much is the God’s own truth. Either way, it’s certainly true that American gun owners’ political activism has worked to stem the surge of gun control—so far. On the federal level. In others, in blue states like New York, Maryland and California, in purple states like Colorado, defending Americans’ Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms against government infringement may come down to a vote at the United States Supreme Court. For gun owners behind enemy lines without a Senator like Cruz, a strict definition of the Heller decision’s “reasonable regulations” can’t come soon enough. In theory.


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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Texas Senator Cruz Chastises Colleagues “Squishy” on Gun Rights”

  1. The more I see this man speak, the more I would really like to see him run for Pres. He already has more creds than Barry.

    • He’s a solid candidate. I really hope that the DNC is stupid enough to put up somebody to the far left. They are really alienating the moderates in this country and a relatively moderate (comparing to the neo-cons) Republican can probably take a good chunk of the moderate vote.

  2. I haven’t read all the comments so forgive me if someone else already said this. Plenty of armed criminals have become angered that their victim doesn’t have enough money and then stab or shoot them or whatever in “retaliation”.

    The old strategy, “You can trust the nice armed criminal who just threatened your life.” is insane in general and downright foolish give that many armed criminals are not satisfied with the amount of money you have or don’t want witnesses and proceed to stab/shoot/bludgeon the victim.

  3. Every time I hear from this guy, I’m even happier I gave him my vote. The fight isn’t over though, folks- nor will it ever be. Don’t let down your guard, or let up on your representatives. Keep them constantly reminded that they work for US, and we CAN fire them if they don’t dot eh job their employers have hired them to do.

  4. My YouTube video response:

    Excellent senator who understands that additional gun control is not in the best interest of the American public. The content of both senate bills would have cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, with negligible benefits. I refuse to support bad legislation simply because the president chastises the American public. We could see a real benefit to public safety by allowing teachers to carry concealed – and taxpayers wouldn’t be stuck with another outrageous bill.

  5. Great job, Nick. It was awesome to watch some clips from the competition. Makes me want to get into 3-gun.

    Keep up the good work!

    • Dont have any experience with Henry’s rifles, but i do own a Remmy woodsmaster and the thing is RELIABLE as all hell. very pleased with that gun. It has taken a Bear, Moose and Deer.

  6. I know this is sorted with EDC, but shouldn’t this be over at TTAK. I’m getting the impression that no one is reading TTAKs! Sorry for being a a$$hat, but unless someone has used one of these in a DKU, I don’t need to read about it at TTAGUNS!

  7. It’s all he’s got. He can’t attack people like he did on the campaign trail – remember the cling to guns and religion quote? Man, he got hit hard over the head for that one. It’s easy to target the NRA because everyone assumes it’s an evil group of rich lobbyists when in fact it’s supported by a small industry and dues paying members. Nothing like the big money he’s received from banks or the other industries that pump big money into politics like tobacco and energy.

  8. There are a lot of stupid people out there in this world, and I am one of them because I like the show! I would even buy a gun from them, because I need another wall hanger that doesn’t work!

  9. I got to test this thing out a couple weeks ago at the Best of the West range and it rocked! Image recognition technology allows the system to stay tagged on your moving target. Practically could not miss. Told the TrackingPoint guys they were like the pretty girl in the bar, judging by all the dudes congregating around, gawking.

  10. Ooh tell me more. I just stepped into a Freedom Munition brick and mortar and picked a couple of boxes of 45acp and .223 reman.

    I need …er we need the gory deets. They had litteraly pallets of 9mm and .223 orm-d in stock at pre-sandy hook prices.

  11. Congrats Nick,
    Nice run on the shooting star with the shottie.
    I love those run and gun stages! Brings back fond memories. I just may have to get back into this.
    If I may, one helpful hint from Hellouise?
    Say the word and I’ll tell you how I went from 20th to the top 10 at the SOF 3 gun alongside Bruce Piatt, Jerry Barnhardt, Jerry Miculek, et al…and yeah, I can prove my placements.

  12. First, They try to take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens Now they are trying to tell individuals what breed of dog they can own or not own . I am a Animal Behaviorist -Professional dog trainer, and ignorance in our country is running ramped.Dogs aggression for the most part is a by product of the ignorance of the owner, not necessarily is Breed specific! Soon the so called powers to be will be dictating what FOODS we eat,What cars we can drive, and try to totally control the American people. We the American People need to ask ourselves What is wrong with this Picture!

  13. The problem is that this still impacts law abiding folk only. What they need to do is compromise by taking suppressors and/or SBRs out of the NFA for example.


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