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Housekeeping: A Note About TTAG’s Use of the Term “Slave State”

Robert Farago - comments No comments


“I hope you enjoy preaching to the choir,” TTAG reader JLR wrote underneath our post on Maryland’s new gun laws, “because this constant ‘slave state’ nonsense convinces absolutely no one.” Although we’ve touched on this issue before I’ve gotta weigh in again. And here’s the thing: I agree with JLR. Well almost. Given the way the world wide web works there’s bound to be a few souls for whom the term “slave state” was an overhead lightbulb moment. It was for me . . .

When I first encountered the term applied to gun control-heavy states the words crystalized my thoughts about civilian disarmament. They signalled that some state governments (e.g., New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts, California, Rhode Island and maybe even Colorado) had reached an important and reprehensible waypoint in the arc between personal freedom and government control.

“Slave states” may seem like needless hyperbole to some, but it was political Mennen Skin Bracer to me. But hey, that’s me. And this is the website that I founded. When I started TTAG I thought I’d invite all sides of the “gun debate” into an online exploration of gun rights X 3. Only it turns out it’s not a debate. It’s a fight for the survival of individual liberty.

No matter how we “soften” the language deployed on these pages, TTAG is unlikely to “convince” a large number of people that they’re up against it. But TTAG can provide an hourly updates for gun owners who already have this view, and those who are gradually coming to it. So they can examine the current state of play and their options going forward and feel a sense of solidarity. Hangin’ with their homies.

Bottom line: TTAG is preaching to the choir. Our editorial is skewed heavily towards readers who want operational knowledge of gun control advocates’ strategy and tactics, successes and failures. Readers who realize that gun control “progressives” want to make citizens completely subservient to the government. That there are slave masters who hold sway in some [mostly northern] states. Slave states.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Housekeeping: A Note About TTAG’s Use of the Term “Slave State””

  1. In a conversation over the very article concerning Maryland, a co-worker, as well as the husband and wife customers we were with (both ccp holders in a completely different state mind you) all chimed in unanimously “Sounds right, I like it!”, & the perspective they are now a “Slave State”.

    The difference between a Free Man & a Subject is ones ability to radify a Will possessed by either.

    Carry on…

  2. If NJ Senators didn’t fully grasp the conducive abilities of self preservation through armed motive, why then give themselves anonymity to the regulations they propose… Another evil concept of special treatment that the constitution & bill of rights defimates.

  3. As long as there is a reasonable doubt about Personal Liberty (which, admittedly, can never be as free and complete as some would like it in a structured society), the term “slave state” serves as a reminder that Big Government wants only submissive thralls that will never threaten its sense of Security and Dominance over The People. So, the term works for me and every time I read it I am reminded that The State wants to control my Life, which does not, and never will, work for me.

  4. I am reminded of a critique of the ‘slippery slope’ argument that I heard years ago in school, that it is a poor argument because there is no inherent reason to believe a first step in any direction will inevitably result in progress down that path.

    I thought then and now that it was a load of crap. The reality is that the slope is slippery because there are people greasing it with propaganda and campaign contributions, and pushing as hard as they can to get everything moving.

    Therefore, you have to figure out the desired end state of the opposition. When you are talking guns, you look to the UK and the subjects of the crown. And I will not be a subject to any man. The term slave state should remain.

  5. Seems like a more practical Police Robot design would be less humanlike and more Armored Machinelike to be more intimidating, lethal looking and appear to be damage resistant. Is this thing shown like a drone with a human controller in a remote location, or autonomous? Checking Boston Dynamics.com.

    • This is designed for testing Chemical Suits for Humans. The anatomical capabilities are impressive, however…”If I only had a brain…”.

  6. Interesting, I wrote a law school paper on this topic, and examined how tort and criminal intent would attach to robots. It’s completely theoretical, but I learned that researchers believe liability would depend on how sentient the robot is. If it’s a drone or semi-intelligent, you may go after the controller or owner. If sentient, it may be liable if the law doesn’t (wouldn’t) require you to go after the operator first.

    I’m sure that anyone attacking them would be on the hook for destruction of property, or subject to new laws equating attacks on police bots as attacks on flesh and blood officers. Some jurisdictions treat police dogs that way, I believe, so there will be precedent on this issue.

  7. It’s needless and senseless hyperbole, just like “civilian disarmament movement” and even the almost benign by comparison, “gun grabbers.”

    But, you guys need all the help you can get, being on the wrong side of the argument. Even Ted Nugent’s brother agrees with us on certain things.

    So, carry on, with your exaggerated phraseology and your imaginative connections like the Mennen Skin Bracer. Like you said, no one is convinced who wasn’t already.

  8. If S ever HTF, there are lawmen who will stand with people. Most of them will be sheriffs and deputies. I know in my burg, if my state inacted draconian firearms laws and seizures were taking place, my local PD (at least the brass) would march lockstep, whereas my local sheriff has already gone on record that he would not. Even though my state is as safe as one can be (only as safe as the current powerbloc makes it), I’m still vulnerable because I live in the city. And the city controls utilities.

  9. Your hitting the nail on the head Robert!! Ok, im going to address the big white elephant in the room that alot seem to miss or not speak about. Our President has lied coinless times to us, and the media has caught him doing so. He bugged his own press core. He broke his Oath of Office that he swore to defend the CONSTITUTION against any threat, foreign or domestic. Didn’t Nixon get impeached for less???? Now for the elephant, he {President} is a black American, and has surly bin discriminated against at least once in his life do to his skin color.
    So common sense would tell you that the last thing he would want to do is restrict freedom of any kind! But that’s not the case at all, he has embarrassed the Office of the PRESIDENT, and don’t think other countries haven’t noticed. They get the news and internet over seas as well Mr. President. And by him embarrassing the office as he continues to do, it very well could bring more terrorist to our front doors. Those kind of people pray appon weakness, and this guys as weak as they come! Plus is loosing popularity points by the day. Asshat BLOOMBERG is having funny videos made all over the world by people making fun of his CONTROL ISSUES!! There investigating the IRS about some funds or something tied into Obama admin… Some good news, I got a phone call yesterday from a pro 2a org that has raised 800,000 bucks to start impeachment process’s on Obama! We can only hope, pray, and VOTE these freaking TYRANTS OUT OF OFFICE!!!!!
    I feel bad for the PRO-GUN DEMOCRATS that voted against the SLAVE LAWS!! Because I seriously doubt you’ll see another DEMOCRAT take office for another 12 years do to the SHIT STORM this campaign has started against the American People! They should be embarrassed and sickened by using those murdered teachers and children to push there propaganda bullshit gun control agendas!!!

  10. From reading that article it sounds like the witnesses were physically holding the robber.

    Matt brings up a good point though that shooting a fleeing crook would not be advisable and there would be nothing to prevent the crook from running away. Nothing of course except for the fact that he or she would have no way of knowing whether the gun holding victim/bystander would shoot regardless of what would be the “right or wrong” thing to do. That’s sort of what the crooks count on…the victims not knowing whether the robber will really shoot or stab them. Should work for us good guys as well.

  11. High tech problems are usually best defeated with low tech solutions. Fill a squirt gun with paint and aim for it’s eyes. You’ll need one of the plunger style ones that shoot a water jet to allow for the thicker liquid. Even if it has multiple sensors it won’t be difficult to map them all out, politicians love bragging about their new “tools” for public safety.

    • Long-wave IR and sonic imaging are paintproof.

      Steel bola; even if the thing can stand up to a howitzer, it’ll have limited strength.

  12. Unfortunately, slave Tate as connotations which might discourage some readers from taking the trouble to absorb content. This would interfere with the stated goals of TTAG.

    However, slave as in controlled by, with no free exercise of will, is about right. Like a slave cylinder: it doess vot it iss tolt!

    Another term you should consider is nascent totalitarian state, which is perhaps more accurate. The wet dream of NYs “leaders” is that everyone lives in a Logan’s Run dystopia, accepting the Overseers’ assurances that they are living in the best of all possible worlds.

    Language is important. If you cannot express it, you cannot usefully think it. Slave state says it pretty well.

    Lastly, the phrase I use in conversation is “states under occupation.” That works, too, and I’m proud to be a fiver.

  13. “Slave state” has a lot of punch, yet we are being treated as serfs not slaves.

    “Slave state” drags in government over people vs. by the people, states as their own thing vs. a single homogenous federal super-state, and the US history around the civil war. Great word smithing there except for the other connotation – chattel slavery based on race (vs. say, conquest.) “Slave” is a loaded word in the US. If gun people are caricatured as OFWG closet racists, why hand the anti’s the – er – ammo.

    We are being treated as serfs not slaves. There’s no great, loaded term like “serf state” with the same punch as “slave state.” Yet, state-first classism has longer, broader history, more local and recent than slavery.

    “I am not a serf.” works individually. Even better is turning it around to call out would-be overlords on what they’re gunning for – use satrap, proconsul, mandarin, viceroy or Raja. Every time I use one of those they start sputtering about what they’re *really* trying to do, vs. reciting the programmed calumnies about me or us – dumb, reactionary, racist and etc.

    The point is, it isn’t about making ourselves feel better, which “slave state” certainly does. It’s about making *them* feel uncomfortable when they’re being, well, jerks. Maybe we’d be better served to talk about what we’re for – “citizen states.”

  14. It doesn’t surprise me that the people who strongly object to the term “slave state” and childe the editors for using it contribute nothing to TTAG and never post anything except their complaints.

    We have a name for such people. It starts with “T” and it rhymes with Hole.

  15. I’m slightly surprised that Combs’s bodyguard wasn’t armed. Maybe just being large and menacing is considered enough when working personal protection these days.

  16. Slave State works for me. Slaves are people who have no choice. WE have no choice. WE can’t live on our OWN LAND without paying OUR MASTERS for the privilege. So is it really OUR’s?
    Evils abound that enslave us. The worst being PROPERTY TAX. Income tax (tithing) is fine, but property tax ASSUMES you have income forever. So you don’t work for the master you get kicked out into the street, whipped bloody and raw by the force of government law… that’s slavery to me.
    Americans should be able to own their own land with NO STRINGS to government at all. If they want to retreat to their property and never come out then the government can never go in and must leave them strictly alone. THAT is freedom, anything else is government FORCING us to work for “the man”…
    Gun grabbers just want to make sure the slaves are helpless to fight back.. AS our founding fathers predicted and tried to defend us agains. Our job to keep our freedom. All need to go door knocking to GOTV.
    HELP NEW JERSEY this election cycle 2013 if you are at all able. This battle rages on many fronts, in 2013 it’s Jersey’s legislature with all 120 seats up for grabs.

  17. This is why all of the gun control bills that came up in the legislature this session (and they were terrible, on par with the worst) were sent back to committee to die a quite death.

    The gun owner here is likely a Democrat who voted for Obama twice and straight Democrat in local elections. There are lots of these types in Oregon.

  18. If they ever rolled out robo-popo it would be a safe bet they would apply a harsher felony to damaging or destroying it than felony murder. Humans are cheaper to replace and those ultimately in charge hardly care about them.

  19. There is a blacklash coming 2014! I was surprised to see Sheriff Douglas Darr of Adams County on the list as he is a Democrat and term limited. I will call his office on Monday and thank him as a county resident.

    This is gun country I’m surprised the Dem’s were this STUPID! Going to be hell to pay in 2014. I also think Senate President John Morse of El Paso County will be recalled.

  20. I doubt you’d need a gun to defeat it. I’d like to see it walk or run on uneven ground and on different surfaces like long grass, gravel, dirt, mud etc. Like someone said above, a track driven robot would be much more effective but all you’d need to do then is find a doorway that it wouldn’t fit through or some stairs or a ladder. There is no substitute for the engineering feat that is the human body.

  21. Stupid people cause death every day. If it had not been a gun, it might have been texting and driving, drinking and driving or something else an intelligent person would refrain from. We can take comfort in knowing that the only life she took was her own. If her husband killed her and is trying to cover it up, it’s doubtful he’ll get away with it.

  22. 3 things every owner of an older Mini should do:

    1) Examine inside of muzzle for wear due to improper cleaning technique. LOTS of Mini barrels have been screwed-up in the vital last few fractions of an inch by ignorant owners.
    2) Identify your Mini’s barrels’ rate-of-twist (Ruger used different rates over the years) and use the correct weight bullet for YOUR barrel.
    3) Either bed your barreled action into the original wood stock, or buy a tighter-fitting synthetic stock.
    4)Adding an Accu-Strut to the MINI will GREATLY reduce size of groups, as will Cryo-Treating the barreled action. The Accu-Strut is DIY. (No financial interest).
    I own both a Colt Match HBAR and a 185 series pencil barrel Mini-14. The Colt is definitely more accurate, but my tweaked Mini-14 will do 2 MOA all day long with good quality ammo.
    Long story short: I’ve won a LOT of bets from shorty AR owners who were long on expensive gear, but short on shooting under pressure.

  23. I could see their practical application in traffic enforcement. But that would be a huge bummer because that would kill officer discretion and I’m fortunate enough to have been born with a Golden Horseshoe lodged somewhere up my rectum.

  24. I’ve got a white 2o13 Boss 302 in the garage that would dispute that statement about white cars and man cards!

  25. Someone once observed that the chains of a slave are heaviest who do not realize they are a slave. Some slaves are physically enslaved yet their minds and hearts are still those of free men, and others are enslaved body, mind and heart.

  26. They know what they have to do. The longer they put off doing what needs doing, the bolder the communist legislators get.

  27. I just purchased a 19 gen 4 a couple of weeks ago. I took it home and started experimenting.

    All the magazines loaded to capacity with no problem. I ran several hundred rounds without a single feed problem. I used factory rounds from various manufacturers and a bunch of reloads that had been giving me feed problems in my other 9mm. As I said, no problems.

    Sights were dead on right out of the box. I truly love this gun.

  28. What manufacturer is going to want to go through the process of retrofitting equipment and adding additional manufacturing steps just for California? More likely they will just sign California off as a lost cause for now (effectively banning guns in California). Also, the California residents will have to flip the bill on the new guns, the new process, and the losses incurred by the manufacturer’s. In the end… the criminals however will still be using cheap disposable jimenez/bryco/jennings Saturday night specials from Nevada.

    The attorney general’s mandate does nothing except take guns and raise the price of guns from law abiding citizens – which is basically gun control overall in a nut shell.

  29. The driver, elderly man, supposedly fell asleep behind to wheel (possible medical related), was going 25-35 MPH. One of the hospitalization has already been released. Driver was hospitalized also.

  30. It’s legal to drink your own urine too but that doesn’t mean it’s something that won’t weird other people out…Most of these people just want more ad revenue on youtube, and in the process make all gun owners look stupid.

  31. If Kokesh had 500,000 people signed up now instead of 5,000 I doubt a single 2A person would be poo-pooing the idea. It’s fear! I understand, I’m scared of what might happen too. But I keep reflecting on the fact that a few thousand COULD be stopped. Hundreds of thousands COULDN’T……..they would politely escort us wherever we wanted to march. The success or failure of this depends on guts.

  32. And thus, there will always be people who I will always fundamentally, morally, and ethically disagree with. These people have been known throughout history as collaborators, appeasers, apologists. They believe what they are doing is for the greater good. If the zombie apocolypse ever occurs, they will try to empathize with them, even try to make peace. Eventually, they would seek to bolster their “rights” just because they are different (and potential Democratic voters).

    Unfortunately, putting up with her is the price we pay for living in a (moderately) free society. Coincidentally, her kind is exactly the type we’ll fight hardest against in order to keep our free society.


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