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Most First-Time Texas Gun Buyers Are Voting for Biden

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Just over a third of Texans polled say they own at least one gun. Some 17% of gun owners bought a gun within the past 90 days, and of those, more than half were first-time buyers.

The pace picked up substantially in August.

Most of the people who bought their first gun this summer bought it in the past two weeks. Of the people who bought a gun in the past 14 days, 84% were buying for the first time.

Almost half of the 1,150 Texas voters surveyed expect that the pandemic will lead to civil unrest. About a third own at least one gun.

“I think there is a general panic and unrest,” said poll respondent Tony Ashcraft, owner of a gun center in Pearland.

Demand by first-time gun buyers began to spike in March, said Ashcraft, who said that in six years selling guns, he’s never seen as many first-time buyers as in the past six months.

“There’s no one flavor of humanity that comes in. A big panic is panic in everybody’s mind. Everybody is worried,” he said.

The survey results bear that out.

First-time gun buyers favor Biden over Trump, in fact.

– Elizabeth Thompson in First-time gun buyers in Texas fear civil unrest, poll shows

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