Adam Johnston over at the Foundation for Economic Education recently wrote an article examining Biden’s anti-gun policies by contrasting them to the gun-related works of JFK, Frederick Douglas, and Samuel Adams. This caught my attention partly because some friends were discussing JFK as the last pro-2A president a few days ago. Johnston states JFK saw the Second Amendment as a right that must be upheld due in part to the fact it protects other rights.
Johnston used the following to explain:
[W]e don’t need to hearken back to the colonial era to understand the importance of the Second Amendment. One of America’s most revered Democratic Presidents, John F Kennedy, stressed the importance of an armed citizenry during a commemorative message on Roosevelt Day in 1961:
“In my own native state of Massachusetts, the battle for American freedom was begun by the thousands of farmers and tradesmen who made up the Minute Men―citizens who were ready to defend their liberty at a moment’s notice. Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort.”
It’s important to note that JFK preserved the link between the “Minute Men” of America’s Revolutionary period and ordinary modern-day American citizens. Unfortunately, that linkage tends to be broken whenever there is a debate over the “true meaning” of the Second Amendment.
Johnston briefly touches on the verbiage of the Second Amendment, noting how the English language has indeed evolved over time:
Without going into a full blown history lesson, “well regulated” in the 18th century had a slightly different meaning than the word “regulated” does today. Around the time of the writing of the Constitution, “well regulated” referred to something being in proper working order, calibrated correctly and functioning as expected.
Back to the idea of Kennedy as a great pro-2A president. JFK was a lifetime member of the NRA, something that might cause heads to explode today, but was seen in a different light nearly sixty years ago. Kennedy was the only Democratic president with a lifetime membership. We’ve had eight Republicans that fit the bill including Nixon, Reagan, and George H.W. Bush. And yes, JFK’s reputation while in office tended to tilt toward supporting gun rights.
There are many who argue the last time we had a reliable pro-2A president in office was JFK. Some say it was Reagan (something you might want to research more completely). And there are those who feel Trump has done a good, or at least passable job of protecting our gun rights.
What constitutes a pro-2A president? What do they have to do to prove themselves in your eyes? Do one or two slip-ups of a sort negate great things they may have done to further gun rights? Who do you think the last solidly pro-2A president was?

What did he actually do, as oppoosed to some talking, to expand 2A rights? Lots of Dems and Republicans do a lot of talking today, but no positive action. Even worse, they do a lot of phony supportive talking, then turn around and vote our rights away.
Trump has been pro-2A for decades. He was, though, influenced by his NY background for a long time.
Problem with ideologues is that they become dogmatists. They judge not based on intent, effect, or sentiment, but on adherence to an orthodoxy.
Trump banned bump stocks because they effectively create full-auto fire. I have elsewhere made originalist argument that would preclude full-auto from 2A protection. I’ve also raised ideas which, while not serving self-indulgent desires of some, would actually make intent of 2A–efficacy of civilian Militia–stronger, & probably more legally secure.
Perhaps you think all that makes me not pro-2A. Yet, in reality my ideas make RKBA something MORE sustainable today. My aim goes beyond 2A, in fact. It is to see an armed citizenry, not simply a citizenry with a right to own guns.
Truth is, Trump is the most pro-2A GOP POTUS since Teddy Roosevelt. He’s learned to depart from some problematic stances, and he stood strong after Parkland. Be objective.
The murder of JFK, his brother, and many others by the hands of the CIA should have awoken Americans that a Deep State exists and its not an imagination of TV series Get Smart or Man from Uncle script writers. For Gods Sake most Americans still believe the 9/11 attacks on the WTC and Pentagon were carried out by Camel jockies.
The corruption within the US Government is so deep and wide that a hundred more years of elections wouldnt change a thing for the better. Why ? Because the Deep State is not an elected body. Because the Deep State is Global. Because the Deep State exists to destroy America from within. And the Deep State controls the elected ones.
And to those who arrive in DC primed and ready to do good for mankind, the American people, or even their bookie, they soon will be drawn into the sharp toothed jaws of ther Deep State minders. They got to Trey Gowdy in 4 years. Others we believed to be Patriots and Soldiers have made sudden decisions in favor of the Deep State. Trump is remaining tough but he may hang on too long like JFK did. Of course the Deep State will kill him and anyone else who gets in the way. Its beneficial to count our enemies by their endurance in Washington, or in endurance in offices of State and Local Governments. Pelosi, Schumer, Mcconnel, and the long list of old men and women who grow grey and then white haired in office. Are they really working on your behalf ?
Sure the enemies of freedom know us, read our mail and messages and know all about us. Its also never too late to go dark.