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His Everyday Tools: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

John Boch - comments No comments

Bryan from South Carolina shares his “Everyday Tools” with us via Everyday Carry.

By the way, the good people there welcome more folks like us to submit a photo of the stuff they carry everyday.  Don’t be bashful.  If you’re worried about people making fun of you, post under a pseudonym.  It’s okay.  Have fun with it!

Anyway, Bryan writes up this description of his stuff and why he carries it nicely…

Here are a few of my everyday tools that get switched up everyday so I can’t really say this is my.edc because it’s really not I probably only carry 3 things in the photo everyday but that’s besides the point just got the 11 pro max and love it, the copper scales from flytanium make this brouwer 1000x better I love this thing so much now and the smock is amazing I’m really waiting to get copper scales for it as well but if you could help me find some plain green micaela scales furniture I’d really appreciate it. The ti click pro is awesome I’m backing the copper versions and they can’t come quick enough, the earpods gen 2 work good they actually fit your ear the olight seeker 2 is probably one of the best bigger EDC lights the 2 trayvax links and keychains are a must for anyone that needs a bottle opener and to get to your keys quickly and lastly but certainly not least the sig p320 is a beauty and shorts just as good especially with the romeo1 red dot. I’m sure there are a ton of spelling and grammar errors but dont feel like going back and checking everything so I hope you are able to understand everything 🙂 keep up the good work watch your channel helps me see and find new EDC gear that I never knew I needed or wanted. Also please help me find the smock and the brouwer a set of micaela scales.

I didn’t understand a big part of it, but I’m an old man and don’t know copper scales from micaela scales.  Scales?   What the heck are scales?

I give up.

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