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Smith & Wesson’s New M&P45 Shield M2.0 With Integrated Crimson Trace Laser

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

JWT just reviewed the Smith & Wesson M&P45 Shield Performance Center pistol. Worth a read. Now, Smith’s announced a new M&P45 Shield M2.0 with an integrated Crimson Trace Laser. A big plus: the new gun will also come with the much improved M2.0 trigger as standard equipment. And it has a very reasonable MSRP of only $499. Here’s their press release:

M&P Shield M2.0 .45 Auto with Integrated Crimson Trace Laser

Smith & Wesson Corp. today announced that it has expanded its M&P Shield M2.0 pistol series with the addition of the new M&P®45 Shield™ M2.0 pistol with integrated Crimson Trace® red and green laser, chambered in .45 Auto.  An ideal choice for those looking for a concealed carry firearm in a larger caliber, the new M&P45 Shield M2.0 pistol builds off of the proven M&P Shield M2.0 pistol series, providing confidence and reliable performance, day or night, in a slim, lightweight, and easy-to-carry profile.

The M&P45 Shield M2.0 pistol with integrated Crimson Trace red and green laser delivers all of the familiar M&P Shieldpistol operating features, including a slim profile and 18-degree grip angle for a natural point of aim.  The M&P45 Shield M2.0 with integrated laser features two laser modes and ambidextrous laser activation.  The pistol is designed with a compact 3.3” barrel and the enhanced M2.0 feature set, including a light, crisp trigger and the M2.0 aggressive grip texture for enhanced control.  The M&P45 Shield M2.0 pistol ships with two magazines: one seven round extended grip magazine, and one six round flush magazine.

The M&P45 Shield M2.0 pistol with integrated Crimson Trace red laser has an MSRP of $499, while the configuration with integrated Crimson Trace green laser has an MSRP of $549.

For more information about the M&P Shield M2.0 family of pistols, including spec sheets and images, please click here.

To stay up-to-date on the latest news from M&P, be sure to follow Smith & Wesson Corp. on FacebookTwitterInstagramand YouTube.

About Smith & Wesson

Smith & Wesson Corp. is a provider of quality firearms for personal protection, target shooting and hunting in the global consumer and professional markets. Smith & Wesson is world famous for its handguns and long guns sold under the Smith & Wesson®, Performance Center®, M&P®, Thompson/Center Arms™, and Gemtech® brands.  Through its Manufacturing Services Division, Smith & Wesson Corp. also provides forging, machining, and precision plastic injection molding services to a wide variety of consumer goods companies. For more information on Smith & Wesson, call (800) 331-0852 or log on to www.smith-wesson.com.

0 thoughts on “Smith & Wesson’s New M&P45 Shield M2.0 With Integrated Crimson Trace Laser”

  1. Is someone gonna make a holster for it or are we gonna Mexican carry and risk blowing our fish sticks off?
    No one makes a Retention holster for my Springfield xdm.45acp 4.5″ brl. That will accommodate the CT laser
    So there sits my $100 laser in the safe for the last 2 years. I use the laser for a cat toy now-a-days.ffs!

    • Crossbreed Holsters will probably have a holster for this pistol out soon, since it is a S&W and will likely have a large and widespread distro. IMHO, Crossbreed is the best at accomodating autoloader pistols with accessories mounted on the rail, like CT Laserguards.

    • Belly band.

      You can spend $70 at Crossbreed, or you can buy the same thing on Amazon for under $20.

      They’re absolutely awesome and work with every piece of clothing you own.

  2. If only. 🙁
    You see, many of us in NON FREE states (commie kalifornia) simply cant own. Cause the gray suited overlords that rule, say these are just too DANGEROUS in the hands of the unwashed serfs. Of course, law enforcement is exempt. Ain’t freedom and liberty great?

  3. Relentless Tactical The Defender Leather IWB Holster For S&W M&P Shield At $40 From Amazon Is The One One I Purchased. Shot My M&P Shield CT Edition In 9mm For The First Time Just Two Days Ago (7/31/2018) At My Local Indoor Range. Pretty Sweet Firing Pistol For Self Defense Especially Considering The $399 Price OF Admission. Granted I Added a Pair OF TruGlo Tritium Front and Rear Sights For Another $100.- But Still All In All Very Happy With This CCW Weapon Of Choice…

    • The Only $500 “Paper Weight” I’ve Purchased In The Last Year Was A Google Nexus 6P Smartphone That Has Since Died On Me And I Have No Way Of Repairing It – Huawei in China Makes That Phone And I Don’t Want The Hassle Of Shipping It All The Way Back To Them…
      My S&W M&P Shield 2.0 However Is a “Paperweight” I’d Trust My Very Life To…


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