TTAG has been all over the Hudson H9. We’ve reviewed the gun extensively, and TTAG readers got their chance to compete with H9s during the last TTAG get together at The Range at Austin. Not to mention . . .
that it won The Best New Handgun 2017 TTAG Readers’ Choice Award.
For 2018, one of America’s most innovative pistols just got even better. Threaded barrels will allow for suppressed shooting, and the Hudson H9A (for aluminum) frame cuts a full HALF POUND off the original 34 oz pistol.
And it still shoots just as flat.
Bonus: Hudson says consumers should expect the MSRP to drop to approximately $949.
New sight options for users wanting something more precise. A lower front will also bring up the point of impact for those who found the H9 to shoot a bit low.
The stoke is real y’all.
Custom Cerakote job by Blown Deadline.
I’d give my right arm for one of those.
Frankly, I’m worried that Arizona is heading towards Kommiefornia, because of all the influx of them moving across the boarder and voting for liberal whack-jobs.
I’m trying to enjoy my freedom in AZ for as long as I can before it becomes just another suburb of LA.
H45A PLEASE. ( Begging)