Reader Brandon Harker writes:
Sometimes it’s the simple things. Simple, cheap and easy has been promised by many products but it doesn’t always pan out that way. In this case, the mini-shell adapter shoe fits.
The OPSol Mini-Clip adapter (designed, tested and made in Texas) from Optimum Performance Solutions LLC, is an outstanding product for those looking to reliably cycle Aguila Minishells in their Mossberg pump shotguns. Not only does the Mini-Clip work, it works perfectly, while being simple, cheap and easy to install. (Editor’s Note: The current version is the OPSol Mini-Clip 2.0 Flex).
Who needs a Mini-Clip? Maybe not everyone, but those little 1.75-inch buckshot, birdshot and slug shells from Aguila are great for home defense and a blast to shoot. The reduced-recoil response is great for getting new or recoil-sensitive shooters the capability of shooting the Mossberg 12-gauge platform without the usual recoil response. And they seriously increase a scattergun’s capacity — albeit with reduced power.
The problem with these little shells is that they tend to jam pump actions designed for standard 2 3/4-inch or longer shotgun shells. The OPSol Mini-Clip adapter eliminates that problem completely, in seconds, with no tools, no gunsmithing.
The adapter is made of a medium-density rubber and can best be described as a small, ramped thing-a-majig. Remember, we’re keeping it simple here folks.
Installing it couldn’t be faster or easier. There are two “tabs” on the rear of the adapter that must be squeezed while inserting into the rear of the Mossberg shotgun’s loading port of the shotgun at an angle. The front then rotates down into position. The two aforementioned tabs fit into two corresponding indents in the receiver forward of the trigger assembly and keeps the adapter in place. This is best done with a closed action.
It sounds more complicated than it is. The adapter won’t allow the use of standard-size shotshells while it’s in your shotgun, but it uninstalls even faster than it installs. Simply open the action, reach in through the ejection port with your index finger and push the adapter down and out of the receiver through the loading port. You’re good to go.
All testing was done with the pistol-grip Mossberg 590 Shockwave and Aguila birdshot and buckshot. Unfortunately, I was not able to acquire any slugs for testing. The Mossberg Shockwave is a ridiculously fun gun to shoot, but getting those Minishells to cycle took all the fun out of it. They turned an enjoyable range trip into a jam session.
But a delivery by the big truck from Amazon and five seconds of install time had things humming along nicely. I ran 200 Minishells through the gun with the adapter installed with zero failures of any kind.
An interesting thing happened during testing. I found at least one shell out of each box of 20 seemed to have reduced recoil/noise compared to the rest. One box had three “questionable” loads. These weren’t all the same lot number but it did make me wonder about the overall quality of the ammo.
I really can’t say enough good things about the Mini-Clip. At only $15, it will run you about as much as a box of decent field ammo and installs and removes in seconds. Opsol Texas is a Made-In-The-USA company that is also veteran-owned, another bonus when spending your hard-earned money.
The adapter is currently only available for the 12ga Mossberg 500, 590, 590A1, Maverick 88, and the 12-gauge Shockwave Firearm.
For color-conscious buyers you can get it in any color you want as long as it’s black. Sorry to those that must FDE all things, I guess you’ll have to put it on your wishlist. It also just sits there, won’t make coffee runs, and is not Bluetooth capable.
The Mini-Clip stays in well, but you may want to tape it in with electrical or Gorilla tape for close contact or heavy-foliage environment applications
If you can get past those limitations and want the flexibility of running Aguila’s Minishells through your Mossy scattergun, you can’t really go wrong.
SPECIFICATIONS: OPSol Mini-Clip (Now the Mini-Clip 2.0)
Weight: .8 oz
Material: Rubber
Shotguns: Mossberg 500, 590, 590A1, and Maverick 88 models
Price: $15 online
UPC: 736902383995
Rating (out of five stars):
Overall * * * * *
It’s inexpensive and installation is simple. Most of all, it works on the trusty Mossberg 12ga platform (but not Winchester or Remington). If you have a Mossy, buy with confidence.
(Editor’s Note from the opsolmini-clip.com website: The Mini-Clip 2.0 Flex has the flexibility to accommodate a wider range of short shell lengths, should Aguila ever want to make an even shorter (or longer) Minishell. Those interested in reloading were very interested in this accommodation as are buyers of Exotic Products Shorty shells in varying lengths. The 2.0 Flex will feed all but the longest in their line, the 3 Buck.)
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I thought the shockwave was a no-no here in Texas?
They just changed the law
Effective September 1
The way the law was written it “maybe” was illegal. Due to somewhat vague wording it could have been interpreted as being illegal or not. As above, they changed the law to clarify it.
Interestingly, I can get those mini-shells to work in my Mossbergs, but I do need to be careful and deliberate with the cycling of the action. Which slows t hings down.
Still, one of these is on my wishlist.
For Jay, try an 18.5″ shotgun with the Raptor grip (available from Amazon). The length is well over 26″. But, as always, check your local laws.
I’ve never used this brand of mini shell but the herters brand of mini buck shot cycles fine in my mav 88 and recoil similar to birdshot.
I want one of those shockwaves…
I have a 18.5″ 590A1, and I put a Raptor grip on it. Handles real well. I’m now in the market for a Maverick 88 18.5″. Less expensive than the Shockwave, with the Herters Minis it will hold 7 in the mag. Still legal.
The Shockwave carries a price premium now.
You don’t have to deliberate the action or hold the gun sideways, just shoot & pump the action as usual. The shockwave also holds 8+1 of the mini shells, can be held and fired with 1 hand. I bought the shockwave, mini clip,& mini shells for my wife as her home defense gun, & she loves it.
Why bother? Every source I have found for the slugs lists them as “Out of Stock” and most say “No back order” if I can’t find enough to to train with at a reasonable price I see no reason to buy them or the reviewed ” clip”
Safe to say Aguila is making them as fast as they can. Did you think they would be out-of-stock forever?
Meh…I can shoot an extra shell in my Maverick 88(Mossberg,) with Herters minishotshells-2.25″. Available and CHEAP. Unlike Arguilla…besides for home defense it has to work.
Second user of Herters here. Mini buck stays in the tube.
It might be that they know they have an issue with powder variation from round to round. Birdshot and Buckshot will come out of the barrel even with a plastic watering at a lower charge. A slug usually is rifled on the actual slug body which comes in contact with the barrel. This may cause the slug to get lodged in the barrel on a week charge causing a catastrophic failure with the next round. Maybe they’re trying to get their powder loads consistent before they release the Slugs. Although I think at the SHOT show we fired the Shockwave with Buckshot birdshot and I thought slugs as well. I didn’t notice any difference in the consistency from round to round but then again the shells were sitting out in the sun
Another invention by Pat Pending.
So, whats the viability of the minishells as a home defense option? I live in a condo a REALLY don’t need over penetration issues…
If over penetration is the biggest concern than maybe you could load #5 or #6 bird shot? (Most do not recommend this)
The mini’s typically carry a smaller payload at a normalish velocity. In other words, 6 pellets of 00 buck instead of 8 or 9. So penetration should be similar. My first round is actually a slug, followed by buckshot with more slugs and buckshot on the side saddle. (It gives the opportunity for a more precise first shot)
If your self defense ammo will penetrate to the badguy’s vitals then it will go through at least one interior wall and probably 2 or 3.
Shotguns are difficult for most untrained shooters inside a home but bird shot does have reduced penetration. AR-15 actually penetrates less walls than a typical handgun round. If using a handgun, take a look at Federal’s Guard Dog EFMJ. It expands even when hitting walls, reducing penetration.
Please let me know if you had to really modify the Magpul Mossberg handguard to fit the shockwave shotgun, I found it impossible to install, and attempt to do so without modification. Thanks for your help. I found the OpSol an Great mod for mini shells too! 200 rounds no problems whatsoever….great product.
The handguard does take substantial modification to work on the shockwave 590. It’s not overly hard, but there is a lot of material that has to be removed. Type this into google “installing a moe forend on the short mossberg action tube” for a breakdown of the modification. Best of luck!
I used the mini-shells when I introduce my daughter to shotgun shooting. They are great. We did have two or three jams, but she still had a great time! I will be buying this product ASAP!
Lost me there. Did you save enough to help buy back your scruples?
Where did you get the foregrip hand stop??? I like that better than the strap!
The Aguila mini shells, particularly the buckshot round, have plenty of penetrating power for self defense. The Opsol Texas youtube channel has some good videos of them shooting into the FBI ballistic torso. My wife and daughters love shooting shotguns now!