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Man Driving Truck Reportedly Killed Six in Lower Manhattan, Then Shot by Police After Pulling ‘Imitation Firearms’

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

UPDATE: The latest reports indicate that Sayfullo Saipov, a resident of Tampa, Florida, was the driver of the rented truck that ran down people along a bicycle path in lower Manhattan this afternoon. The death toll has risen to eight with at least 12 more injured.


At least six people are reported to have been killed in lower Manhattan near the World Trade Center as a man in a rented truck plowed into bicyclists on a crowded bike path.

At least six people were killed Tuesday afternoon when a speeding Home Depot truck plowed along a Lower Manhattan bike path, running down helpless riders from behind, sources said.

Eyewitnesses told police the driver yelled “Allahu Akbar!” — Arabic for “God is great!” — after leaving the mangled bodies scattered behind his rental truck.

According to northjersey.com,

The official was familiar with the investigation but wasn’t authorized to speak publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The rented Home Depot van drove onto a busy bicycle path and struck several people, then the driver emerged from the vehicle screaming. The official says the man had two imitation firearms.

Police say the man was shot by officers and is in custody.

As the New York Times reports,

The driver was being treated at a nearby hospital. He also crashed into a school bus as he careened down as many as 20 city blocks near Stuyvesant High School, a senior law enforcement official said. It was unclear if anyone was on the bus.

A large section of the West Side Highway was closed for the investigation as hundreds of officers, including the bomb squad, responded to the scene. The truck came to a rest near Chambers and West Streets.

The police said they were not looking for additional suspects.

While it’s too soon to draw any conclusions, it certainly appears to be a terror attack followed by an attempt at suicide by cop. Watch this space.

0 thoughts on “Man Driving Truck Reportedly Killed Six in Lower Manhattan, Then Shot by Police After Pulling ‘Imitation Firearms’”

  1. The Royal Mathematical Society has yet to quantify a term with a large enough numerical value to correctly answer that question.

    • Exactly !! That is a great idea all rental trucks (Enterprise Truck, Home Depot, Penske Truck, U-Haul etc ) should do background checks before a customer can rent and drive away with the vehicle. If the truck is under 4000LB no background check will be required. If is vehicle is over 4000LB the company renting the truck would be responsible to do Life Scan at their place of business.

      They will be obligated to get back the results to the customer within 7 business days. (Sort of like a cooling off period) If the results comeback as a prohibited person the company renting the truck must alert local Law Enforcement that a prohibited person tried to rent a vehicle. If the customer is denied they can appeal the decision with a written appeal at the customers expense. The agency governing the background check will have 90 days to review the case and issue it’s decision.

      Finally, I have seen how dangerous these trucks are and what they can do to people. In fact 90% of recent polls show people want background checks. Please Like share, subscribe and donate today !! We can do this…

  2. Not gonna tell y’all what I thought that product was, looking at the first picture. Then the next thought was why would she need more than one or two of those at most. The later pictures gave me a better understanding of the size of the product, that and the fact it was in TTAG made it clear I had misunderstood!

  3. This is much more acceptable as a solution – to the extent that the problem exists – of unauthorized housemates gaining access to the gun than a so-called “smart” gun would be.

    I still don’t want one, but I have no ideological or political objections to it being marketed.

  4. Biometric safes are a terrible idea for self defense guns. They won’t read if your finger is wet, dirty, greasy, bloody, scraped or cut

  5. Just remember that it’s a trigger lock and using it on a loaded weapon is unsafe. That’s also mentioned in the owner’s manual.
    That means you quickly unlock it and then load it.

  6. Local radio station is reporting that the suspect was taken into custody after being shot in the ads by first responders. I don’t know if it is true, but I sure hope so.

    • Oops, just noticed it changed ass to ads. Although if TTAG got shot in the ads I don’t think anyone would shed a tear either.

  7. An expensive gimmick. For $90, MidwayUSA will sell you a steel box with a 5-button combination lock. No worries about failure of a biometric lock and, with buttons, you can open it by feel in the dark. As is, it will keep the rug rats out. Sunk into the floor with no room to get a pry bar under the lid, it would be pretty burglar proof.

  8. If I’m carrying a suppressed handgun I want a .45, its already subsonic anyway so I lose nothing in terms of penetration or expansion. But for EDC I’ve gone from a 5″ Colt to a 9mm CZ 75 SP01 for the capacity and quicker follow up shots… yes, a heavier gun. I don’t think the weight or printing issue is a big deal, I carry in a home made supertuck style holster I made myself on a crossbreed belt. Yes it’s uncomfortable, but it’s not 60lb pack, 20lbs of armor, 10lb rifle, and 7 loaded magazines uncomfortable so it’s not a big deal to me. YMMV.

    • Good. We need him alive to give him the Wallachian special. Time for “common sense” “religion control”… Nobody needs an “assault religion” like Islam.

  9. If hypothetically concealed carry was legal in NY could this have been stopped sooner than it was? Reading this got me thinking. the guy barreled down for 20 blocks. The city is loud and noisy, you probably wouldn’t notice the truck coming until it was on your block. Crowded streets downtown are kind of disorienting. And they can be so crowded that there would almost certainly be collateral damage if you weren’t re 100% accurate. Would a concealed carrier have had a realistic chance to react here? Having lived in Philadelphia and atlanta, its something you think about. You guys should do an article on urban carry.

    • Honestly, I’m not seeing it. He was running over people from behind, what does a CC gun have to do with that? OTOH, all the dead and wounded having a loaded gun in their possession would not have made the situation any worse.

    • One or more concealed carriers getting off shots in the first five blocks would have created a very audible warning which would have saved people’s lives in blocks 15 to 20. Maybe stopped the attack if they carried serious handguns capable of defeating windshield glass, say a G20 or G29.

    • The bicycle Nazis insist the their hobby roads be 8-10ft wide (and paved). Perhaps a 5ft wide or with some bollards would have worked out better.

  10. A Sig 229 is expensive at over $1,000
    The Sig is a nice gun, if a little heavy for daily carry
    The spare mag with a belt clip is a nice touch, another 15 rounds
    The drone is certainly something different
    Gun, spare mag, flashlight, knife and gloves
    Seems like a good load out for e d c

  11. Well i am going to get one i hope it looks nice and is not junk i wish it came with the tools etc i would have been glad to pay more and a sling would have been nice and i am sure those two things couldn’t not have cost too much it could have been sold as a extra i have read that a few things are a little rough but so be it.

  12. No motive for the “terrorist truck attack” in NYC today. Let’s see, The killer was screaming Allah Akbar, as he ran people over with a truck. No that doesn’t ring any bells. His attack was Terrorist, so that’s not related to anything. The poor man is from Tampa, so that’s no help. I guess we may just never know.
    I am sure of this, We need more common sense gun control, and more Muslim refugees in the country right now! yea yea that will make everything feel all better. Guns are bad and Islam is really peaceful, right???? Or maybe we could start feeding Muslims to the Hogs, and not stop until we have gotten their undivided attention.

  13. When the full story comes out, as usual we can expect to learn that the killer was “known to police” or “known to intelligence services.” It’ll be a guy who shouldn’t have been trusted with so much as a 64 oz. Slurpee from 7-11, yet nevertheless was free to roam the streets and plot attacks.

  14. “In two instances, it didn’t open the first time”

    It only needs to fail one time to cost you or someone else their life…no thanx…

  15. It has been said before and I will say it again: With over 300 million guns and over 100 million gun owners in America, if we were a problem, you’d know it.

  16. Eric Clapton, Mark Knopfler, Carlos Santana, Frank Zappa, Jimi Hendrix, BB King, Johnny Winter, Ted Nugent and Robert Fripp to name a few great guitarists. These air guitar people are pathetic.

  17. How many cars does Jay Leno have? How many cars “should” one person have? How many dresses did Jackie Kennedy have? How many girlfriends did JFK have? How many shots of bourbon did LBJ and Tricky Dick have every day before noon? How many tokes did former Presidents take without inhaling? How many little boys have been molested by priests and Boy Scout leaders? How many dogs have been shot by the NYPD? How many burgers per day did Bill Clinton really eat? How many tacos? Enquiring minds want to know.

  18. Thats why when I use my shotgun heavily in the fall it gets a full disassembly every weekend at least, more when it gets dirty and wet (which is everyday when duck hunting). The bolt group and choke are what I pay the most attention to for wiping down and oiling up.

  19. I bought a .308 with the 23″ barrel. I’m thinking of hitting up Ironwood designs, who I bought furniture for my Yugo m76, and making a Veprunov. It’s shoots well. It does dent brass a bit more than the Saiga .308 I sold a few years ago. That one had a 16″ barrel. It shot around 2″ groups at 100 yards. The Vepr I haven’t taken past 25 yards yet. I also have a Vepr 12. Now that is a fun shotgun!

  20. who cares if accuracy is degraded when fired at longer distances

    when you want to clear a room or other small area or just firing for effect is just what the dr ordered these things really cant be beat

    when the societal collapse happens the guys that have these are going to exceedingly glad

    the guys that dont like johannes paulsen will wish they did

  21. I was playing my air guitar last night, and an air string broke right in the middle of a really great solo.


    Fortunately, the rest of my air band covered for me. A roadie was able to quickly hand me my backup air guitar, and I was able to continue playing.


  22. A warning on NYC permits? Adding that should take about 10 minutes, considering how few there are.

    About 97% of MA permits are accepted? BFHD! FID cards are for “non-large capacity “ rifles and shotguns (aka normal hunting arms). LTCs can be restricted to, say, target shooting only (which would only allow you to carry concealed to and from the range), so that wouldn’t really be a CCW permit as understood in a Free State. G.O.A.L. published some numbers last year showing that many issued permits were restricted.

  23. “Voting for the lesser of two evils”.
    There is not such thing as a utopia. You vote for the person who will harm you the least.

  24. “Undocumented immigrant” is code speak for hairball breaking the law. Unless your name is Willie Wonka stop sugar coating that shit. This ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADER killed a US citizen after being deported FIVE TIMES. Surely even liberals can count to five unless they have had a traumatic lawnmower accident. If the US fails to control it’s borders, the “one a week” murder of our sovereign citizens will continue. It boggles the imagination that deaths associated to “un-diagnosed psychos” with guns make the left gnash their teeth and stomp their feet but the parade of illegal alien killers that parades across the border daily nary makes a wave.

  25. Nobody has mentioned that Charter Arms also markets a 9mm revolver – their 5-shot Pitbull rimless revolver in stainless at 22 oz. with a 2.5″ barrel and NO need for moon clips, and $200 cheaper. Some would criticize CA’s quality compared to a Ruger, but I’d dispute that. I have three CA revolvers (including a .45 ACP Pitbull) that work properly, are tight and (once I had action jobs done to smooth the trigger pull) accurate at self-defense distances. I compared them against my S&W Airweight and could find no real differences in quality or function. The only difference I note is that the S&W loads faster with a five-shot charger, whereas each round must be loaded into the Pitbull individually, or with a loading strip, and the cartridges require a little extra shove to fully seat them in their chambers because of the unique spring clip ejection device.

  26. If You Trust God Why Do You Need a Gun?

    I am certain that God calls some people at some times to ignore any concerns for their personal security. (Reference Jesus sending his disciples into the world with quite literally nothing.) What God most certainly does not do, however, is call all people at all times to ignore any concerns for their personal security. (Reference Jesus sending his disciples out into the world with a money bag, cloak, and a sword.) Someone who believes that God is calling them to ignore any concerns about personal security must not assume that God is calling everyone in like fashion, against the clear teaching of Scripture.

    Second, both creation and the Bible as a whole show us that God expects us to work in partnership with Him on most, if not all, matters. For example the Bible tells us that God will provide food for us. That does not mean that God makes food appear in our mouths. Rather, He provides the necessary components (soil, sunshine, water, seeds) and we work those components to produce fruit. Fruit is thus the result of a collaboration between God and man. Similarly, God provides the necessary components for self-defense (hand-eye coordination, dexterity, strength, resources for self-defense tools/weapons) and we work those components to defend ourselves from violent attacks. Self-defense is thus the result of collaboration between God and man.

    That is why I trust God AND why I keep and bear arms for self-defense.

  27. There are two questions here.

    As to the first, even the most devout Christians don’t believe that God will protect them against all worldly harm. They may believe some very odd things, but not that.

    Jews know perfectly well that God will kick them in the teeth sooner or later. Owning a gun is no defense against the creator of the universe.

    As far as religious people being in favor of gun control (the second question), there are many such. It has more to do with their political rather than religious beliefs. The two are separate.

  28. What’s the point of this article? They are showing a KAK brace but saying that one person at the ATF rendered an opinion on the SB Tactical arm brace! Talk about misleading dribble!


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