It’s almost as if Andrew Cuomo and his anti-gun cronies didn’t think through any of the logistics of enforcing the SAFE Act when they slammed it into law in the middle of the night five years ago . . . County clerks want meeting with Cuomo over handgun laws
County clerks across the state are seeking an emergency meeting with Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other leaders about a Jan. 31 deadline for re-certifying handgun licenses under the 2013 SAFE Act gun control law.
County clerks, who keep track of handgun licenses in their individual counties, say they are being besieged with questions about details of the new requirement. And they have their own questions about enforcement of the law.
“We are unable to answer the numerous questions from our mutual constituents and other interested parties,” reads a Dec. 7 letter signed by Association President Annette Hill, of New York City.
Just over 200,000 handgun owners have “re-certified” their permits so far.
The 2013 SAFE Act which Cuomo pushed through following the massacre in which 20 children and six adults died at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Ct., is best known for its ban on assault-style weapons.
But the law also requires recertification of handgun licenses every five years. With the law’s fifth anniversary approaching, handgun owners who were registered prior to January 2013 are due to re-certify.
But there are an estimated 1.25 million handgun owners in New York. Most of them were issued permits before the SAFE Act became law. And they only have until January 31 to get re-certified. Tick. Tock.
Part of the problem, (New York State Rifle and Pistol Association president Tom) King said, is it’s unclear how complete or up-to-date the current records are so it’s difficult to gauge the level of compliance.
What could possibly go wrong?
“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” Aricle I, Section 1, United States Constitution
Show me where it says legislation can be farmed out to Bureaus within the Executive Branch of our Government.
I’m sure there’s a shit-ton of case-law but there’s been a long standing spirit of non-delegation of legislative powers dating back to the days of John Locke.
Tis a slippery slope. And once we go down it, there’s no putting that genie back in the bottle.
My biggest gripe about anti-liberty types like Asner is that karma hasn’t caught up to the likes of him quickly enough.
“A pump-action 12-gauge shotgun, with its excellent stopping power, would be far better.”
“The experience in Australia is even more dramatic: No mass shootings have occurred there since assault weapons were outlawed in 1996.”
Australia also BANNED and CONFISCATED all pump action shotguns as “assault weapons” in 1996.
Israeli draw FTW (especially on striker fired guns). If you really need to walk around with a bullet in the chamber, then you’d better have a SA/DA hammer gun.
I think they’re missing the price point. That seems a bit steep.
Poppycock in my case. Trigger now has a Wall that was not there. Slide lifts on dry fire, also a New condition. Sent in 2 , 1 came back clean w/factory regrease 1 came back dirty. IMHO the Upgrade was not an Upgrade
She pulled over in the emergency lane to text.
The cop thought she was broken down.
Stupid people in stupid places doing stupid things.
It started with her.
The rest of the treatment is so 1850s!
Well, we stopped them cold when they tried to ban M855. Let’s get to it. The second amendment expects each of us to do our Duty.
Uh, why didn’t he bring the 5 year old inside with him??
“Why does organized medicine abhor gun ownership?”
Oh, I don’t know, maybe because so many M.D.s and Ph.D.s have GINORMOUS egos and superiority complexes?
Those ginormous egos and superiority complexes result in the mindset that “they know what is best for us”, and need not consider anything that we say. It should be readily apparent, then, that it is next to impossible to break through something like that.
“Organized medicine” doesn’t hate guns and making statements like this can create it, just like fake news can influence public opinion. Pretty irresponsible to publish generalization statements like this. Then the comment section turns into a neanderthal chest beating insult contest toward doctors and their egos? You guys have had too much lead exposure. This is literally the stupidest thing I’ve read on this site as I personally know more doctors who are pro-2A and have gun collections than those who don’t.
Agree completely.
Time to move
How much extra will it cost to just order ammo over the net to your local FFL and pick it up from them?
What is the fee for the background check and what are gun shops charging to accept an internet order in California?
When tax payers continue to subsidize a breeding program for the lowest performing rung of the societal ladder, the result is feral youth.
Stop entitlements for children and single mothers, divert that money to more prisons and work camps.
No Free Lunches.
The box o truth already did the book thing with various calibers
Not .50 desert eagle, however!
It turns out that a bookshelf can be quite effective in stopping bullets, especially if struck length wise
MD’s have let themselves become drug pushers for the drug industry. Buyer beware.
Welcome to NY, where this has been the norm since the SAFE Act.
I have a couple oddballs. Manton Percussion shotgun, from the 1830s. Never fired it, but might at some point. An 1871/94 Uruguayan Mauser, the Douditis Mauser, needs a firing pin, was clipped. 1894 made S&W safety hammerless in 32 S&W. Shoot that at least once a year. Last an 1898 Mosin. I have ammo, but have not shot it yet,
Fender makes a series of guitars called “Relics” that appear to be heavily worn guitars. They cost four times more than the same guitar in new condition!
What kind of dork wants a new product that looks old? I can do that same thing myself with a couple of years of using it carelessly. Sheesh!
A fool and their money …..
I once “worked” with a conservation company and I’ll tell you this for a cold hard fact. They must be stopped. Not only do they know they are wrong because the facts and statistics are out there but it’s how they gloss over it which is the scary part. That and they are “non profits” that funnel donor “donations” directly up to local politicians who make a killing of it. I have witnessed the liberals in their natural habitat and they are both moronic and cunning somehow in the same breathe.
This has been tested and proven as a sub MOA rifle with the 5R rifling they incorporate. Most I’ve seen show 1/2 inch and sometimes tighter groups at 100 yards. Sorry your such a shitty shot and your groups weren’t better. But don’t blame the rifle. This is probably dollar for dollar the best AR under 1000. And he’s exaggerating about the trigger. It’s much better than most stock AR triggers easily. It’s smooth and has a clean break. Not sure what the hell this moron is talking about. But it is Nick, the worst reviewer on here. His lack of knowledge of firearms and laws is scary. I would take the opinion of the old guy behind the counter at wal mart before I would take his 100 out of 100 times
Show me the evidence! The government didn’t “keep track” of anything. Weapons back then were not serialized and not traceable by any means. The individual militia men (regular citizens just like anybody else), themselves, kept track of their own weapons. And that was the best solution. It was the cheapest solution. It put all the responsibility on the individual militia men, and in doing so, it gave them the most freedom (liberty) to implement whatever method they would like to choose to keep track of their own weapons, or keep track of some of them and maybe not others. As long as they had a weapon when they were called.
It makes sense that they could be fined if they didn’t report with a working weapon. Because it costs money to repair their weapon, or replace it. And that money doesn’t materialize out of thin air.
To suggest that the “government” (I.E. a government agency, government employee, or government official), which is akin to what “registration” is today, kept track of their weapons is a complete total fabrication.
Well yeah… we’re fighting to not give up our rights, the Progressives voluntarily surrendered theirs…