“The regular sight of people walking in the mall with long-guns will make it difficult for security officers to keep up, he told Peters. Plus, a well-meaning Good Samaritan with a concealed carry permit could decide to take matters into his or her own hands, Stepp said. “They may say, ‘Hey, I’m going to be the hero’ and take out this guy they perceived as a threat,” even if it’s someone who just bought a gun or is returning one, he said. There are already too many ways for a bad, or careless, guy with a gun to hurt people. Do we really need to make it any easier for them?” – Rick Christie in Guns, shopping malls are a bad retail mix [via mypalmbeachpost.com]
If things get rough, he can draw down on them with a nerf gun.
Things that have never happened for 500 Alex.
The stupid runs deep in this one.
Someone somewhere read that and thought to themselves :
“It worked! Our brainwashing, er, ‘educating’ really worked!”
ever heard of a soft rifle case? now everyone raise your hand that would shoot a guy carrying one!
How about a box? Ever heard of a box? Like the ones rifles come in?
Very few gun stores do repairs. Big Box Retail, as far as I know, never.
Only Gun Store I know has a Gunsmith on site is McBride’s in Austin. I took a handgun to change out stock front sight out for different one. Had handgun in original box with new sight.
25 minutes and $25.00 back in box with original sight in it.
Here’s a tip, call before you take a weapon back call firearms department and ask if they have a Gunsmith in house or could recommend one. Might just keep lockdowns at a minimum and avoid having SWAT team show up!
A lockdown was triggered by a guy bringing a long gun in to a mall here in MN. Oh the panic! (The article says that the guy with the gun had it in the case,
even) http://www.kare11.com/mobile/article/news/man-looking-for-gun-service-prompts-eden-prairie-center-lockdown/89-493665237
From the article:
“Once he learned the lockdown was because of him, he left.”
Pretty effective “lockdown” there.
I didn’t think big box stores accepted firearms returns. I didn’t think CCLs were in the habit of shooting long gun carriers. Dick’s moved into the mall up the road a couple of years ago and I know nothing has happened. I’m unimpressed with Rick Christie and I believe he should try harder next time.
Duty to retreat means you can run faster as an bullet ……………….
I don’t hate Christmas. M’kay?
I wish all of our readers, their family and friends a merry Christmas!
PS. As an African American, I’m looking forward to the start of Kwanza.
Don’t remember the author of this one, but;
How to tell the good guys from the bad guys;
Does the person have their gun holstered or slung? Then for all intents and purposes = Good Guy/Person.
Does the person have their gun pointed at others, or are they making threats, or actively shooting at people? = Bad Guy/Person.
It ain’t rocket surgery there gomer…..
Rich Christie must have some sort of financial stake in not having a Dick’s at that mall.
At least, I hope for his sake that he does and that’s why he is spouting this specious horse crap. Otherwise he is an idiot.
Or both.
Does anybody else here remember when Sears, basically the Cornerstone of every Mall ever, used to sell firearms? Maybe it’s just me but I sure as heck don’t remember a whole lot of shootouts and Duels at new high noon in the middle of the Mall during that time.
It warms my heart to know that a store like Dick’s, who threw their customers under the bus during the gun control scare of ’12, are now getting screwed over by the same people who they tried to appease with their politically correctness.
I live in Washington State. Several years ago, I was going to go shooting with a friend, who lives on the Olympic Peninsula. Getting there involved a ferry ride. I went as a walk-on passenger. I carried my rifle in a case. No one even raised an eyebrow.
I wonder what the reaction would be today. The funny thing is that it’s not a firearm, but an expensive German air rifle.
And Dick’s gun department would differ from Walmart’s gun department exactly how?
Mall people are much higher class than Walmartians.
It’s .05/round in Denver. I WISH it was .036, but a nickel a round is a lot better than two dimes.
I just purchased 10,000 rounds. It cost me about $525.00. I will continue to stock up because I have too much fun (and a suppressor). Hopefully, it will all be in vain and my stockpile will remain at about 20,000 or so.
Rick Christie and Rosie O’Donnell have a lot in common — neither one likes Dick’s.
Hit an unannounced sale at Cabela’s, then got a checker with a friendly smile and a random 25% off, so I picked up a case of 3,250 for $126.00.
The grand daughter now has a pretty good supply.
“Gun owners are no longer worried that ammunition might be hard to find in the indefinite future.”
Wow speak for yourself. I live in a slave state. Online sales and transporting it from out of state are verboten come January 1. Now I’m just hoping the venders are even able to get the right licenses to sell. And I hope my ammo purchasing card doesn’t cost too much and lasts several years.
My Major concern is quality. All the plants going from 40 hour weeks to 24/7 can be problematic for quality of all ammo type’s.
The reason we don’t see “research” artickles by “scientists” supporting the idea that the earth is flat, is the same as the reason real “scientific researchers” are always “pro-gun.” No matter what your original beliefs may be, the actual evidence clearly points in one direction, and “real” scientific experts go where the data lead them. Guns in civilian hands are not a public safety problem, and probably even confer an increase in public safety; they certainly do not do the opposite.
CZ 75 SP01….about -30 degrees below zero today
I went cheap this year. Got myself a SAR B6C 9mm compact. I wanted a higher capacity in a gun that I wont care about. By getting scratched or a bit beaten up.
Lots of .357Mag ammo and western-style holster and gun belt for my Vaquero.
“[W]e’re gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fvcking Kaye.”
— Clark Griswold
New registry location…
Of actual gun stuff, I got a Gen 2 Keltec Sub2000, in 9mm, Glock mags. In a gun-inspired stocking-stuffer, I got a desk pen holder that comes in the form of a six round revolver cylinder. It’s nicely understated. If you didn’t know what you were looking at, you might not recognize it as other than just a design of a pen holder.
My wife had already selected a silver bracelet that she wanted, so I bought that, but I got to pick the three little charms to be attached. I selected a small rifle, a Star of David (inside joke, she’s been playing up the Jewish angle with gusto since she found out recently through 23 and Me results that she’s about a half a percent Jewish), plus a blank Texas-shaped charm which I had engraved with “Molon labe” on one side and “#Texit” on the other.
Nothing really but I scored major points with my wife for the Taurus SS Ultralite 85 I bought her…” now I can get my CCL”. Oh and my son got me a camo knife & mulltitool set with a pouch perfect for holding magazines on my belt.
My first AR15 rifle. A Daniel Defense. It reminds me of my time in the army only much better.
Rise 140 trigger and pro comp muzzle brake for the AR10. Great stocking stuffers.
Only some punches and cleaning supplies. If I have a bit of cash left over maybe something old and 32acp. Hopefully something from between the two big wars.
Santa brought an FN49 to me in 8mm Mauser. I’m cleaning it up today and taking it out to the range later this week.
“The mall hasn’t been just about shopping for decades. It’s considered a “safe space” for residents, who might otherwise never see one another, to gather with little fear of the social and political tensions of the outside world.”
That is, how you say, the warm leavings of a male cow.
The same pack at Walmart in Maine is $22.97…still, just glad its there and not $50.
Nothing on the shelf in W-Mart last time I checked, probably June or July, I don’t go there very often.
New shoulder now 2 days old (after 2 knees & reattached Patella in 2-1/2 years.) – lots of busted caps & spent brass over 72 years. More to shoot.
Dick’s in the local mall in Garden City, NY never had a problem, or a shooting. Christie’s just another “Chicken Little” crying the sky is falling when there is no problem! He must have had one depraved childhood!
My local Rural King is attached to a mall. They sell a lot of guns—-the most guns of any Rural King in the state of Florida.
How do they prevent the issue this idiot mentioned? Well, first of all,they only sell NEW guns—so they all COME IN BOXES. But secondly, they don’t allow gun purchasers to walk out the mall entrance. All guns purchasers are walked to the outside exit by an employee.
This guy’s dumb.
“Developed in Italy, manufactured in the European Union, and designed specifically to fulfill the preferences and highest expectations of the U.S. market,” because none of the poor slobs in Europe would ever be allowed to own one to defend themselves form the endless hordes of Islamic ‘immigrants’ their governments have invited into their countries.
Beyond that, with all these gee whiz developments that make guns practically shoot themselves, I have to wonder how anyone ever hit anything in the past hundred and fifty years of modern handgun (post muzzle loader) history. I guess my Glock, Beretta and XD are so behind the power curve in ‘modern’ developments that I shouldn’t expect to ever be able to hit anything with any of them.
Wow that was long-winded. To sum up: California sucks. Them that HAVE get…
well color me shocked!! To think that carry permits in a liberal utopia such as California’s Los Angeles county would be reserved for the wealthy and politically connected? My my what ever could happen next to shake my faith in progressivism? Next you’ll tell me all those social programs they want aren’t really free and in fact are an unfair burden on all working people in the state except for the obscenely wealthy whom mount their respective soap boxes to shout at the unwashed masses to adopt more and more socialist and communist ideals whilst never realizing that should such ideals actually come to fruition they themselves would lose their vast wealth to the masses just like everyone else.
NOTE: This may or may not be sarcasm 50 years from now.
Just make the criteria for:
A. Voting
the same.
Problem solved.
(Imagine when all ~4,500 voters in New York City go to vote on election day)
I’d rather carry five knives than one XD.
Is that a hair tie in there? My daughter uses those for her ponytail.
Wait, you have a man bun don’t you? Hahahaha
It was asked earlier if a class action suit could follow from this. I believe that it has merit, but for a different reason.
Anyone who has attempted to obtain a CCW in CA and was denied, and later some harm (up to and including death) occurred as a result of the ‘good need’ provided in the original CCW would have fair standing.. After all, the criteria is:
good cause shall exist only if there is convincing evidence of a clear and present danger to life, or of great bodily harm to the applicant, his spouse, or dependent child, which cannot be adequately dealt with by existing law enforcement resources and…..
To me, this would indicate that law enforcement explicitly FAILED to deal with the stated problem, and therefore, they should be liable for any consequences.
Sure, it won’t happen, I get that.
He won’t be charged, just will never this particular firearm again.
On another happy note, CCL holders have shot just under 1 the same amount of people as CPD.
“The only problem here: the un-named concealed carrier’s license was issued in Indiana.”
Is he likely to get charged?
I was given a holster for my Taurus SP10 and 100 rounds of 22 Magnum Ammo.
I gave my brother a heavier AR10 buffer and a stronger buffer spring. That’s what he wanted.
what is the reviews on shooting buckshot in the stoeger a3000
Jews should be thankful for the Holocaust, the same as African Americans should be thankful for slavery.
In both cases, the events of history allowed them to gain more power and influence then they would have been able to achieve otherwise.
Last I checked, the bill was poisoned
Vandalizing statues commemorating causes or people one might disagree with creates a precedent. If one side feels free to desecrate the other side’s monuments they should not be surprised when their own monuments get vandalized in return!
So people turned in “Assault Rifles” then, in addition to long guns? A separate category which is misused by the elite media. Show me any assault rifles taken in; a fully auto AK or M16 or FAL. OK, so quit using the term until they can verify . Two separate identities, modern sporting rifles and these “assault rifles”. Even using their copy pasta , you should bracket their terminology or else it just propagates the myth.