“After donating $2.5 million to the Democratic Senate Majority PAC, former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg is signaling that his great crusade against guns is running out of steam,” reports. Not “signaling” in the sense of the Bat Signal. More like throwing his cash behind – rather than against – Senate Democrats “soft” on “gun safety” (e.g., AZ Sen. Mark Pryor, NC Sen. Kay Hagan and AK Sen. Mark Begich). Scribe Noah Rothman reckons that means gun control is on hold. I don’t think so. I think it indicates that the anti-ballistic billionaire is learning the practical value of realpolitik. That makes him more dangerous. During a dangerous time; the post-Newtown disarmament laws are kicking-in and clamping down. Meanwhile, gun sales are through the roof and OFWW are down at the range. As we enter the New Year, are gun rights advocates winning, losing or holding steady?
My feeling is that Mark Begich, son of the AK representative whose plane vanished forever over Alaska, along with Rep. Hale Boggs, is a solid anti-NWO guy. Strong on the C and BOR.
By the way, Alaskan bush pilots follow regular flightpaths; it’s necessary to life itself in those foreboding mountains, crevasses and vast glacial localities. No one disappears forever, yet no trace of the former Warren Commission’s plane has ever been found. What can account for this? Only a bomb that went off in mid-flight somewhere…
We should all go on a march. All of us just go to CT. Bring your guns.
No doubt we have stopped the assault on gun rights for now. But its far from over, at best its a stalemate. When the Hughes Amendment is repealed, then I will say we are advancing.
I`m not sure if we are going to win long term, even though it appears that many of the under 30 demographic are taking up gun ownership. The government educational system is a major fail when it comes to teaching the Second Amendment and the Constitution in general. So I am not sure if my grandchildren will enjoy the right to bear arms. Another point of concern is how quickly Connecticut gun owners developed a linguini spine. In spite of the rhetoric from New York gun owners and the tacit backing of sheriffs and county commissions, I doubt they will stand up against Il Duce Cuomo. He still has his brown shirted thugs in the NY state police.
Confiscation?? Say it aint so!!!
Living in Texas, I’ve never seen a pre-confiscation…err..registration form. I’ll assume it has a section for description and serial number.
What will Connecticut do when several hundred thousand subjects who do not own a gun get these letters because several hundred people pulled names and addresses from the Bridgeport phone-book and sent in registration requests with bogus (but look real) guns/serial numbers on their behalf?
Nationally? Holding steady. Otherwise, the direction all depends on where you live. Some states are loosening laws, and a few are obviously going the other direction. As an Illinoisan, I feel like we’re trending positively. Heck, more people have signed up for CCW permits since the state police started taking applications on Sunday (15,000) than have bought health insurance on Illinois’s ACA exchange (7,400).
And so it begins….
Never bothered me either. For me, it’s ergonomically more efficient than that GGG. Granted, I’ve only had my SCAR 17S for 6 months and only gone through a little over 1000 rounds. The more I use it, the more I like it.
In California, we are still losing, and all news is bad news. Yes, Sheriff Baca, a virulent opponent of concealed carry in Los Angeles county, is “retiring” (under pressure of scandal after scandal in his department), but there is every reason to believe that his hand-picked successor will be no better. Long guns must be registered, and a bill has been introduced to close the one “loophole” in that bill by requiring that even home-built long guns (the so-called 80% lowers) will need to apply for a serial number from the DOJ and have it engraved on the lower before the rifle can be constructed. [Federal law does not require a serial number on home manufactured firearms until they are sold.] We have every expectation that Senator Yee will re-introduce his EBR ban. Several towns–including San Francisco–are now trying to ban 10+ mags that were grandfathered in under current law. San Francisco’s ban, interestingly enough, does not exempt police officers, who under state law are allowed to purchase any weapon of any capacity they choose (except full auto weapons that may be purchased only with department approval and may be possessed only so long as the officer remains on active duty.) The Ninth Circuit has a half a dozen firearms rights cases pending, and I think all have been argued, some more than a year ago, but it is sitting on its decisions for reasons unknown. I suspect that the SCOTUS will not accept a “carry” case until the Ninth weighs in, and I also suspect that the Ninth knows this as well, which means that the delay is political. Then there is the microstamping mandate that has barred the introduction of any new pistols into the state for the foreseeable future–that is, until the mandate is overturned (questionable) or manufacturers start making pistols that comply with the law (unlikely). Meanwhile, the list of pistols dropping off the roster, and therefore becoming unavailable for sale, continues apace. I also suspect that an ammo bill blocking internet sales and requiring “registration” of purchases will be reintroduced.
Nor is there any potential that things will improve. The antis are committed and not termed out (yet) (only Yee is on his last term), and the great majority of voters in this state are democrats from large urban areas.
We are definitely not winning on the Left Coast.
Good luck on getting the nine back.
One reason not to have only one side arm in the safe.
Otherwise it was a very good outcome.
From being an accomplice to a possibly pleaded vehicle trespass, to a possible charge of felony murder… Sucks to be the g/f.
Just what I was thinking
Minor quibble but how can the Police “recover” a leagally owned and leagally used firearm from a crime scene? If they “collect” the weapon for evidence then we should say that. “Recover” has the implication that something was improperly possessed and that the Police have taken it out of circulation for the public good.
Marine was probably dumb enough to let them have it. I wouldn’t worry about him getting it back – this is Washington not Connecticut. WA has very strict pro-2A law.
The tide ebbs and flows…
Some states are getting better, some are getting worse.
Unfortunately, it’s ultimately a zero sum game, someone has to lose for someone else to win.
Senate Democrats “soft” on “gun safety” (e.g., AZ Sen. Mark Pryor, NC Sen. Kay Hagan and AK Sen. Mark Begich).
Can’t yell at people in other states when you have 2A detractors in your own back yard. Until they are all taken out office we are all screwed.
On topic, no, no we are not winning. And, even if we are winning, we should think like we are not because we cannot let our guard down.
And so Bloomberg specifically, now that he is out office he has more time to work on MAIG initiatives. Until he dies or runs out of money, we are screwed.
Even if we win the senate with pro-gun senators this fall, the anti-gun crowd will do their dirty work at the state level. If not at the state level, then the local level.
There is no winning, we just need to keep fighting for forever and be vigilant — if you believe these people will quit, you are wrong — and the next tragedy (and there will be one) by the next mentally unstable person will start the debate all over again.
This is an old story however it isn’t 9mm vs 45 ACP. It was Marine against douchebag and GF. Switch the firearms and the Marine still wins. Given the Marine a 1911-22 and the Marine wins. The Marine wins because he is a Marine.
I wonder how long it will be before LEO’s are using these to shred the American people that do not cow-tao to their ‘authorita’? I’d bet’cha a dollar bill that these WILL be used by LEO’s and not available to the average civvy. Sad state of affairs if ya ask me.
Maple Valley? Usually cases like that are from the South Sound.
Either way, glad the Marine was unhurt.
Maple Valley, Auburn, Kent – all basically one zone of meth.
You wanna talk South Sound/Lakewood, etc. then we’re talking crack.
Anyone up for a good 9mm v. .45ACP debate?
And, dare we ask about the capacity of each firearm used?
Just sayin’
: )
FirearmsConcierge is the James Yeager of FFLs.
hey – the “shoulder thing that goes” idiot is retiring.
I was hoping the lung cancer from smoking several packs per day got her first, but I will settle.
Good shooting devel-dog! Sempre Phi from a Navy brother.
2013 was a good year I know in another post someone stated that Bloomberg & the commie left had a 10 yr plan to disarm the nation, the left doesn’t have 10 yrs, they probably have 3-4 yrs max. 2013 was their shot at the federal level. We have many lawsuits going on eg. the safe act, chicago’s ban is unconstitutional, drake v filko & many others. Yes CT & CA has more restrictions but I personally don’t believe we are or close to losing . There is one aspect people here on this had not considered. Our currency is devaluing monthly today our dollar will crash before guns will be nationaly banned.
A guy with a 9 beat a guy with a 45? Bu-bu-but that’s impossible.
Smart lady. I have been using Looper’s duty rigs since my first day in law enforcement.
Black & tan, time to hit the bar.
“UNLAWFUL USER OF” the answer is NO because it’s use in that area IS NOT unlawful! I don’t smoke or live in CO, but if I did that would be my defense.
One inch at 21 feet. Damn I guess it really is me, not the gun.
Are we winning? I have to say yes. True, in a few Progressive Mecca’s there have been more oppressive laws. However, those fights are far from over because the court challenges are just starting. And even there, the mag limit in New York has come in our favor. Frankly, I think a big part of their push is motivated by desperation; push as far as you can so even when the courts knock things down you are still left with some gains.
In a monument to irony, Obama has been the unwitting best friend of the 2nd Amendment. People are not arming for fear of street thugs or crackheads. You get a conceal weapon for that, not a rifle. They are not arming to protect against a mass onrush of rabid racoon or coyote. They are arming from fear and anger directed towards the federal government. Obama is reminding an immense segment of the nation as to WHY we have the 2nd Amendment. Though the media tries to spin it otherwise, the disarmament faction is losing ground despite Bloomberg’s best efforts.
Moreover, Obama and his allies know this. They are also taking steps to mitigate it. We see it in the purging and cuts in the military. We see in in the militarization of DHS and urban (in particular) police forces. We saw it in the use of Park Rangers as armed thugs in the shutdown last fall. We see it in the increasing shrillness of their war of words. They know it’s not enough and that they are outgunned if things get violent.
Progressives tried nudges and they were met with a stern warnings. They tried shoves and were met with the sound of uncounted millions of charging handles, bolts and slides being racked. Will they take the next step and shoot, even though they cannot win that confrontation?
I don’t know. Perhaps they will. If so, not because they think they can win but because they think they can make the fight ugly enough that the nation won’t resist. I truly hope they don’t take that final irrevocable step. I hope not, because I believe Progressives have sorely underestimated the American people, the degree of their (so far) contained rage and the fortitude that will be found when that rage is unleashed.
I bought the Public Defender Polymer for $299, because I could! And after watching both video’s, I’m more convinced that its the good choice I thought I was for home defense/bedside & “walking the property” snake/varmint use. My wife even manages to hit pretty good groupings w/it in backyard practice & its much easier for her to do so since its a revolver. My EDC is still my Glock 30S or 26, but for the $$ I spent & the scenario I want it for, this will do just fine. The wife can grab the Judge & I can grab the Mossberg & my Glock – we should be pretty formidable.
the people in the video show true ignorance. one said how “because of recent events…” that just prove that these people judge things just based on their current emotions.
Man, been there. No good.
where can I pick up a surplus MRAP with 5000 miles for 2k? seroiusly. It’ll look great in my suburban driveway, plus its great for hauling a gaggle of kids to the mall. It’s a lot cheaper than a Ram 1500 with 5k miles.
Wait… are you going to tell me there’s government subsidies involved- because, I dont need the leather seats?
I wish Doogan was my bestie
The dreaded AK-47 Shotgun.