It appears that people with concealed weapon permits in South Carolina will now have an easier time finding a place to have dinner. South Carolina is just a signature away from joining the vast majority of states that don’t prevent people with carry permits from bringing their personal defensive firearms into restaurants that serve alcohol. The legislation would, however, prohibit people legally carrying weapons from consuming alcohol in those establishments. Governor Nikki Haley seems likely to sign the bill, which passed the house with an overwhelming 90 to 18 majority . . .
The House’s 90-18 vote Thursday sends the bill to Gov. Nikki Haley, who says she’ll sign any gun bill that doesn’t restrict rights.
As shown on the map above, nearly all states allow permit holders to carry weapons in restaurants. South Carolina is one of the last holdouts, with only Louisiana and North Dakota still prohibiting the practice. Restaurant carry passed the Louisiana House 64-24 last year.
In an amusing nod to federalism and the vagaries of legislative action, Montana only allows restaurant carry if the firearm is carried openly; Alaska and Arizona only allow the practice if the firearm is concealed.
©2014 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
Gun Watch
Wow this is great, i rolled in a wreck, and was trapped inside w airbag fumes gagging me. I grabbed everything i could find to try and break the window with including a knife that did not do a damn thing for me, i wish i had my gun handy that day! I kicked as hard as i could but no luck until a passerby pulled a door open and drug me out
It’s funny that NJ allows it yet the average citizen can’t get a carry permit.
Title translated: “Self Defense (With Permission) Coming to South Carolina”
Uhm… anywhere that’s not Constitutional-carry is “self-defense (with permission).”
I object to Maryland being green on this list. Businesses don’t even need to think about whether carry is banned in a restaurant, because its virtually banned period. Carry is only available to a select few like delegates, prosecutors, law enforcement, and a handful of business owners – and who is going to ban them from eating at a restaurant without their personal protection?
Actually this new law has other elements that I find more useful, it abolishes the 8 hour minimum classroom time for CCW classes, allowing instructors to train how they see fit, and it allows firearms to be carried anywhere in a vehicle instead of just the glove compartment or console.
Gov. Nikki Haley is for the most part a RINO, who tripled the Medicare rolls in SC while all the time saying she would not expand Medicare, but she has so far been as gun friendly as you can hope any politician to be.
How is Nikki Haley a RINO, beyond the Medicare example you cited? Not doubting you – just an honest question from someone who lives nowhere near SC. All I hear about her comes mostly from the mainstream media (blarg!) and whatever little blurb might pop up on social media or a blog like this one. Generally, I had thought that she was doing a pretty good job as governor.
Stand down folks.
Obama can’t do squat to hurt gun rights.He’s an empty suit in one city.The most damage he can do is cause another temporary demand spike.
EO mandating private sale BG checks ? Good luck.Half the states in America would file suit the moment he said “Go”.And soon after the judiciary would strike the EO down with prejudice because -and this is something the antis knew even in the 90’s- the Brady Act derives its authority from the Commerce Clause, which doesnt apply to intra state commercial activities.
AWB? Who’d enforce it ? The FDA? There ain’t enough bodies in DC to account for the magazines and ARs in South Dakota alone.Considering Obama can’t even launch a website for his core politicial project, there’s no way he’d be able to establish an online gun registry.
And no way to enforce it either, as every rural Sherrif would give him the finger-and they’d be legally empowered to do just that.
Folks, if Irans political leaders can laugh at this guy, we can too.He’s not a threat to our guns, our rights , or Iranian nuclear scientists. We may as well worry about a medically impotent man committing rape.
Remeber his executive order banning the re-importation of military surplus guns? That’s a start. Barry has done a lot of damage already, and he’ll continue to do more.
The article and the title both say that the restaurant carry is with a permit. If you are one of the fortunate (connected) few in Maryland, you can do it.
At last week’s town hall meeting with my own congressman, in a district that voted 60% for both him and Romney, many attendees lobbed the impeachment question at him. His reply centered on the impossibility of conviction in the Senate, anyway, so it’s a waste of time. Well golly gee, lots of things seem impossible until somebody does it.
This kind of defeatist, apologist, go along get along, nonsense out of the GOP, which refuses to use the power it does have, is why we’re suffering under this lawless president. My Congressman had the nerve to say that the real power is the power of the purse, which the House controls. True enough, but he’s not using it. Instead he’s just voting to pass the continuing resolutions and the budget.
So what’s his grand plan to defeat Obama? In ten years, he expects he’ll have the seniority to be chairman of the Appropriations Committee, then he’ll roll up his sleeves and show the Democrats what’s what. 10 years. We all walked out in disgust. I’m voting Libertarian this time.
I NEVER sit in a blind…it takes all the fun out of stalking and hunting your prey.
Tracking Point or No Tracking Point…GET OUT OF THE BLIND AND DO SOME REAL HUNTING!
Obama is a dangerous KLOWN who reminds me of the “BATTY BATTY BATTY” character in the movie HOLLYWOOD SHUFFLE. Never use the words CRACK or COKE in front of him unless you have some…
This looks like an obummacare distraction, hopefully we can stay on course. The pres is just one head game after another. Sure he can roll his tanks down the roads… are they going to get out though? He has to look strong to the “daddy is all powerfull crowd”, their way of life depends on on it. He looks more like a lemming to me, Randy
“The best way to prevent rape – for both the intended victim and society – is to stop it at the sharp end. With a gun.”
People have a fundamental right to self-defense, and by extension, effective (i.e. armed) self-defense. Yes, there probably needs to be a cultural shift, but the reality is that no matter how much “awareness” BS you put people through, there are always going to be individuals who just don’t care and are going to do what they’re going to do regardless. So assuming you get this (in my opinion mythical) cultural shift, you’re still going to have a subset who will continue unabated. Is that an “acceptable loss”? I don’t think so. Stopping attacks at “the pointy end” is the single most effective form of rape prevention, period.
All that being said, the feminist movement has, in a lot of ways oddly enough, worsened this problem with the idea that young women should be able to wear anything, go anywhere, do anything, say anything. Well, we don’t live in a land of candy and unicorns. I spend a lot of time on a college campus, and seeing what some of the girls wear is just shocking. They’re going to classes on a daily basis in clothing that is in many cases one small step above lingerie, and then scream bloody murder when A) nobody takes them seriously, in a professional sense or B) they get viewed by their peers as sexual objects. Even the campus police are fed up with it, and have gotten in hot water for being blunt with students about their personal behavior. It boils down to the tried and true axiom of avoiding stupid people, doing stupid things, in stupid places, at stupid times. The corollary to that is that you cannot BE the stupid person doing a stupid thing, at a stupid time and place. A lot of people would be a lot safer if they stopped living in a world they think should exist, and started living in the world that is.
Rolling back the stumbling blocks one baby step at a time.
For entertainment: MattV2099
For information: Hickok45
For pure awesome: RatedRR
For ammo reviews: tnoutdoors9
The Quinn brothers (group effort) do the best still-image photography of gun of anybody, online our old-school print media. Nobody comes close. Their writing is good, videos are good, stills are unmatched. And that matters when you’re trying to figure out how a gun works.
Their 2004 article on the Ruger New Vaquero is why Maurice the FrankenRuger exists today.
I studied philosophy and took as many ‘modern’ philosophy courses as I could (feminist theory, political philosophy, social justice etc) to compliment all the classical philosophical learnings. This was my biggest problem with these ‘modern’ classes; it is great to talk about and debate this stuff academically but it is all head in the clouds dreamy we all have feelings and rights bs. It doesn’t actually apply to the real world the slightest bit. It made me cynical after a while; these people just couldn’t see past the bs…
The outrageous head in the clouds idealism in this video (on the part of Zerlina) is that exact kind of crap! We need to end rape by telling men not to rape? Are you fvcking kidding me?!?!?! We already know rape is morally and legally wrong as a society, how much clearer can it be that we aren’t supposed to be raping women/men? What rape culture? I don’t presume to have any answers but if what Zerlina Maxwell and lots of others like her suggest is all that is needed we wouldn’t have any rape.
The real and difficult fact to face is that evil people exist and there is nothing words and good intentions can do to compel them to stop evil acts.
I had a first cousin, biker trash, that died proving you can’t rape a .38. A very quick hearing in court and she got her gun back. Saw her leave the court with the evidence tag dangling from it.
I’ve taught my daughters and will teach my grand daughters how to say no. My daughters are armed and my granddaughter, at 6 yo, stomped a boy so bad on the playground that adults had to peel her off him.
In my youth I’ve been to parties where girls were foolish enough to pass out. Guess what? I left them alone. It takes more than male genitalia to be a man.
-Iraqveteran8888: Usually informative, especially the “Gun Gripes” and “5 (shotguns, .45s, revolvers, guns under $300, surplus, rifles, etc) Everyone Should Own” series.
-Older Yankee Marshal: The newer stuff just doesn’t do it for me.
-tnoutdoors: As mentioned above, really good ammo reviews.
-Gunblast: For the detailed info on the good features of new guns. (I agree, he’s never met a gun he doesn’t like).
My fave though is James Yeager.
His demeanor aside (though I don’t think he’s a douchey as people make him out to be), his channel is the one I feel like I’ve learned the most from.
I tend to agree with his general approach to firearms and training- get down to basics, incorporate what works and toss the rest.
I also couldn’t care less what happened in Najaf (though again, I don’t think Yeager looked as bad from that as people make it seem),
P.S. I agree with a lot of what he says, but by no means all of it. To wit: I don’t own any Glocks and will be buying a few 1911s long before I ever buy a Glock 19.
Like Neo still plugged into the Matrix most of you men are such white knights you wouldn’t see the real problem here if it were a 20lb trout that hit you upside the face.
Do you really want to fight and win the gun control fight?? Learn the truth about Feminism. Stop white knighting for women who don’t deserve it! Stop thinking that men’s behavior and attitudes have changed in a vaccum! Take the Red Pill !!! aaccckkkkk!!!
Heh, it keeps reminding me of this:
Grew up with two older brothers, one younger My dad taught us all how not to look like “rabbits iin wolf country” His advice: Stand up straight, walk like you know where your going, even if you don’t know. Do not let anyone get close enough to grab you. Men do not hit women, if a women hits, do not hit back, walk away. If someone grabs one fight like it’s the last day of your life, because otherwise it just might be, kick, hit, scream, bite, grab a “tender part of the body, squeeze hard.
The biting part served me well when an Aussie guy invited me back to his apartment for coffee after a party. Seemed like a nice guy. Turns out he wanted more than coffee, told him “no” persisted, so when he tried to kiss me, grabbed his bottom lip and bit down HARD, he let me go and I made my escape. And he learned that, contary, to what his Rugby freiends told him, American girls are not “easy” First and last time anyone tried to make me do something I didn’t want to. A lot of modern day women are candy pants, won’t fight back! Guess they didn’t have a WW II veteran daddy like I did.
I don’t know why you would want to cite facts that just don’t feel right. This is meant to make you feel bad for the children (teenage gang bangers). The anti-2A will never really look for the true cause as it goes against their goal.
Thank you for the good reporting.
One may deplore the industry’s emphasis on horsepower and aerodynamic stylings. Or one may see the new products as neat. Either way, the car business is continuing to introduce models that allude to auto racing. The strategy assumes that consumers want to buy versions of the cars depicted on sports reports from race tracks. Strong revenue figures in recent years indicate that this pitch is working.
Fixed that for ya.
the link under the story is Bloomy’s shot out to his MDA b!tches . . . . see, he likes his womynz.. . . .
I am going to take a radical stance here, so bear with me. It is my sincere belief that registration does not, in fact, always lead to confiscation. Does it lay the groundwork for confiscation? Absolutely, but there is still one more step that has to take place: You have to take guns from armed men, without getting shot. Surely, if anyone on earth knows about corrupt government, it is the citizens of the Mexican interior. Show of hands: how many people think they are going to simply let ANYONE take their guns, for ANY reason? Anyone…. Bueller?
I’m sure I’m not the first to notice, but it occurs to me how similar the phrase “gun sense” is to the word “nonsense”, and how interchangeable they are in relation to every part of MDA, including their full name.