“According to the latest reports from police, at least 17 incidents were reported after a group of approximately 200 teens began robbing and assaulting people Saturday night,” Louisville, Kentucky’s wdrb.com reports. “Police say it started around 7:45 p.m. when the teens gathered near the entrance of the Big Four Bridge. That’s where police say 12 teens assaulted and robbed a 13-year-old girl, as well as a man who came and tried to help her.” As the lead says, it gets worse. A lot worse . . .
Officers broke up the crowd, but shortly after that, there were more problems in the downtown area.
Police say once the large group left Waterfront Park, 70-80 teens were reported to be causing a scene at the White Castle on 1st Street. Nearby, a woman reported a group of teens assaulted her while she was parked in her car. Police say her two children were in the car with her, as the suspects repeatedly punched her and threw trash cans at the car.
A group then raided Bader’s Market on South 1st Street. Police say they took items off the shelves and assaulted the clerk as he tried to close the doors on them.
Police were then called to three separate assaults on 5th and Broadway, 6th and Broadway, and 3rd and Chestnut. Each victim in those assaults had to be transported to the hospital.
The focus on the police account is standard for any story of crime and [non] punishment. Law enforcement officers are in charge of law enforcement after all. But police – perp interaction is fundamentally different from non-LEO civilian – predator encounters. As witnessed by the fact that no police were harmed in the making of this debacle, while plenty of law-abiding citizens were.
If the teen gangs had come face-to-face with an armed citizen (or two or three or more) they would have had a profoundly different reaction than they did when the po-po made the scene at White Castle and told the crowd to disperse. Not to mention the fact that the gangs were gone from other crime scenes before the cops arrived.
Criminals – even gangs of criminals – operate on a risk – reward basis. The greater the risk – something like, say, death – the less likely they are to seek the reward. And the more likely they are to abandon their pursuit of a reward in the midst of an attack. Nothing makes a bad guy reconsider his action, or their actions, more quickly and completely than a drawn gun from a prospective victim.
Gun control advocates argue that “untrained” armed citizens escalate criminal attacks, creating even more injury and bloodshed. I repeat: they reckon an unarmed American is less likely to be hurt than an armed one. Common sense says that’s absurd. But it allows the antis to put the focus on society, police and, of course, guns.
In this campaign to controlling the terms of the “debate” they have been successful. Even in Louisville, the police dare not say “we recommend that citizens facing this sort of threat exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms.” So I’ll say it: citizens facing this sort of threat should exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. Preferably whilst carrying a gun with a “high-capacity” magazine.
Anyway, here’s the official reaction:
Police say this is not common for Louisville, pointing out that crime rates in downtown Louisville have dropped in recent years.
On Monday, Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer addressed the problem, telling the teens their behavior was unacceptable.
“To the young kids, y’all know what you did was wrong. You weren’t raised this way. It’s not the way we roll in the city. We expect greatness from our youth. We don’t expect violence from our youth. So we’re calling on you, obviously, to get your act together.”
Police patrols will be stepped up near the Big Four bridge on nights and weekends.
Officers will increase patrols in Waterfront park on nights and weekends. So far, police say only one arrest has been made in connection with the incidents, and they’re still looking for more suspects.
And I’m still looking for a reason why a defensive gun use (or two or three or more) wouldn’t nip this problem in the bud. [h/t ShaunL.]
We have 2 species of black tail, white tail and mule deer.
Cant blame someone for not wanting to be the next George Zimmerman, as I can imagine the media shit storm that might ensue. seems to be one of those GTFO situations unless you think you can fight a mob.
For the NRA there is going to be a fine line between “righteous indignation” and “self-righteous indignation”. The reaction needs to be more sombre than joyous. I suspect they will fail on that accord. Another opportunity lost.
There is such a thing as honestly pointing out, loudly and repeatedly, that if U.S. firearm laws don’t even inhibit a gun-grabbing state senator, they aren’t going to forestall criminals. Gun laws only abuse the rights of law-abiding people. They have no deterrent effect on erstwhile gun-grabbing politicians or criminals.
I think poor old Gabby is being abused by that baldheaded cretin next to her, guess his government retirement isn’t enough dough, got to have some dog and pony show to skim more funds off the idiots.
It’s friggin Lord of the Flies out there. I never want to see 70-80 teens coming at me under any circumstances.
We’ve got some good sized deer in Maine. Not big mulies with high bag limits like other places. This year I bagged an 8 pointer that was dressed at 155 lbs Buy yielded 70 lbs of boneless lean meat. Don’t tell DiFi that I dropped him with a .223 out of my AR.
Better yet. I say we all chip in to send these wonderful children via airconditioned motor coach (w satellite tv ofcourse) to Zionsville,Indiana, to Shannow Watts’ home,I mean MDA world HQ. I am certain Ms Watts can bring out the loving side of these misguided youth, who just need affection and patience. After all,her dad was the first white member of the NAACP at Northwestern Univ.
I have $1,000 down
15 YEARS!?! Thanks mom. Pre-Crime control?
18″ 870 Express 4+1, no mods, #4 shot in the mag with 5 more rounds of #4 on side saddle. That’s it.
Every single law on the books, regardless how minor the offense or severe the punishment, ultimately depends for its force upon the presumption that a potential offender anticipates being alive tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and numerous years thereafter that. It is being alive and having to endure imprisonment, fines, and other restrictions of freedoms that is the negative consequense which serves as a deterrent.
Absent that expectation of living, what is there to fear? The Law’s force turns flacid before a fatalistic killer. Once resigned to his own imminent death, he’s free to launch an albeit short-lived reign of terror, as did the ex profiled in the letter. No new law can accomplish what thousands of others have failed to do. At that point, only immediate, likely lethal, physical prophylactic offers protection.
Nothing performs that duty better than a self-defense firearm.
Just to clarify, this happened in Louisville Kentucky, not Tennessee. I was born and raised here and a friend of mine was one of the victims. The mob was caught on several surveillance cameras vandalizing cars and jumping on the hoods of cars like they were irate monkeys. Supposedly this started as a vigil for a 13 year old kid who got killed a couple weeks back because he and several other teenagers attacked a man on a city bus. The man stabbed him in self defense. I fear these mobs will get worse as the state dropped all charges against the man today (as they should have since it was self defense) but the black community is “outraged” that there was no justice for the kid who attacked an innocent man
This scumbag has been beating on law-abiding CA gun owners since he arrived in Sacramento. He has made our lives miserable. To think that we wouldn’t take this opportunity to pig pile on his political carcass is ludicrous. Ace and Iowahawk have now joined in.
Yet another “ugly” gun ban. What does a muzzle brake, compensator, or flash hider have to do with anything? Well, to an uninformed politician, it obviously makes the round more deadly. Bayonet lugs? Give me a break. When was the last time anybody ever put a bayonet lug on a MSR, (with an emphasis on the “M”). You don’t see pics in the posts of this blog, or, what our beloved writers here at TTAG call the dead tree rags, of fancy new rifles with bayonets. This is almost identical to the Clinton ban, yet scarier.
Assault me in my car with my kids? Well, looks like I’ll be calling my attorney after the po-po, but I will not have to describe the “suspect” because I could just point to the prone, bleeding Billy Badass and say “that guy.” Hopefully.
That dangerous malcontent is off the streets and that’s good. But seriously, that DOES sound like pre-crime conviction, doesn’t it? He was charged with assault, although nobody was assaulted. He was charged with armed criminal action, although there was no action. It’s for the best that they got him for something, but this also sounds like a pretty alarming precedent. Can a man be arrested for rape if he has lusty thoughts about a pretty woman at the mall? God, I hope not. Just forget I said anything.
I understand the popular perception that somehow this guy is a ‘valid threat’ and needs to be dealt with. He’s definitely mentally ill, and needs treatment. Beyond that? If you think hard, it’s dangerous and very sketchy territory.
Here’s the meta-problem that will be the issue of the next decade – pre-crime is a very real thing. No tinfoil required, the NSA currently uses powerful algos to filter all the data they get about all of us, and by data, I mean everything you do over the web or cell. In real time.
There are currently a slew of developers tasked with refining those algos for the express purpose of determining who may “pose a threat”. If you think Google, Netflix, and Amazon have some occasional creepy levels of ‘mind reading’, multiply by ten and then triple distill. That’s what the NSA is into now with Bluffdale fully online. Happening now, and the public will finally get the point of the extent in about 5 years. Like TSA roadblocks…
Just like everything else the “common sense” sheeple said could never happen, precrime is a very slippery slope, one which we’re already sliding down.
That’s a nice overview. I think it’s interesting how we always half joked about the threat of overt surveillance, Big Brother and all of that bogeyman stuff. Then, still thinking it was mostly far out fiction, we walked right into it with eyes wide open. A smart phone in every pocket, an EZ Pass in every car, our entire lives tossed out onto the world wide web. The spooks who watch us don’t even have to work very hard. By and large, we do most of the work for them. Charges brought before any crime was committed. How many do-gooders will rejoice over that? Oh, thank heavens. Finally someone is doing something to protect the children. I could puke.
Thanks, I only wish it was harder to guess the future.
What’s technologically possible + unlimited funding + people who want to control us = what will happen…
Glad to see another young sister of the gun being raised right! Way to go Dad! Shooting is a sport she can enjoy her whole life. It can provide self defense and self confidence.
Love the pink gear! Even more reason to be a lady in a predominantly man’s sport.
So Wyatt CARRIED a Colt with him at the OK… because I thought he USED a Schofield at the OK. Or is that just Wikipedia talking?
Good point.
Also, the Glenn Boyer dude, (his estate currently owns the stuff), didn’t seem to have the best reputation.
But the gun does come with a certificate of authenticity. Signed by Glenn Boyer.
So there’s that….
It’s highly possible he carried the Colt and the Schofield. The Schofield would have been faster to reload than the SAA, but not fast enough in the middle of a shootout.
Uh yeah. I’m pretty sure they were raised that way and they do have their act together. They are operating as trained.
Ammo at walmart? he really showed his ass on this one.
I think with everyone watching Shannon Watts, Gabby got a little jealous and is seeking attention. Like Britney and Madonna.
I live in colorado and the other dad we had some pretty big deer behind the house. It was interesting as they came back in the afternoon, too bad it’s aresedential area
Did a search for “Christin was a 35-year old mother of two” in Washington state. Nothing came up.
Does anyone have something on the case?
The handgun is a deterrent brother, the key is to move to safety while avoiding the mob. The best was is to move away while remaining parellel, and always having an escape. My brother did a lot of humanitarian work in the Mid East right as Arab spring ramped up. To make a long story short, if your caught up in a mob it’s a real problem to get back out
William Burke, yeah I should have explained better, the point is that I’ve found based off my experience is that when young kids act this way there’s typically some body behind them pushing them to do this. An example would be madras or Islamic boys schools in the Middle East, this is where jihad begins, the point I’m trying to make is that violence and no respect for human life are taught at a young age. If that makes sense. I’ve seen flash mob videos in the interwebz, but still something like this is funny. When I said some bodies “pushing” them to do this it could simply mean they see an older member of their community doing it so they immolate them (after all if it was just one or two assaults I’d say it was a gang initiation. The fact there were so many kids involved tells me there’s more to the picture than what we’re seeing.)
ErinTarn, the people on this site believe in the right to defend yourself when you are in a bad situation. The people on this site probably hope to never have to use thier firearm to defend themselves or others. In a situation like the one in KY the best way to survive is to be off the street. However I’m sure if theoretically I was ambushed by a group of teens a couple of strategically placed rounds would break off the attack
The funny thing is, this law doesn’t apply to shotguns, only to handguns. So, you can have loaded shotguns lying around the house/apartment, but not handguns.
That’s great.
(And in which category would the “law” put a Taurus Judge 410? Hmmmm….)
Living in New Orleans this is quite disturbing. It just happened again a few days after this happened when a person reported an attempted rape and the police never showed. I am so grateful that I am a gun owner as well as a concealed handgun permit holder.
How should I answer this question? Do I want to comment in public about what firearms I might have, and where I might keep them, and what ammo I might load? I’m all for openly spreading information and the sharing of experiences, but now I’m thinking that maybe I’ll STFU about what firearms I may or may not have. Who will it be helping? The TTAG crew just laid out a laundry list of the guns they own, and where they might be kept/found. Aren’t we a chatty bunch?
Out of an abundance of caution, and after due consideration to the mindset of those running this country, from now on, what firearms I may or may not have and how many will no longer be discussed, disseminated, or divulged at TTAG or in any public forum. As of now, it’s nobodies business but mine what guns I have. Before, I would comment about the article, but now I can’t seem to remember if I still own a shotgun or not. Dang!
What other magazines would it take? I’m hoping to find cheaper ones. I can only find the one same with the factory magazine and they go for around $30++.
Someone who carries a gun is more likely to be more aware of situations like this brewing, and thus more likely to hightail it before things get hairy, or turn around instead of trying to park, etc…
This really gets to me about our rights as us citizens in California is so much less than rest of our states. Freedom to keep and bear arms, but they can choose the only ones we can own and use. Well that’s like saying yes you have free speech but you can only say what they approve. This is why our founding fathers thought so long and hard to word our rights so they would not be taken away from us. But in California it seems they can take anything from us because we will allow it. I have worked in law enforcement, raised my children, own two houses here in California but now it’s time to get out of California and rejoin the United States with the rights that goes along with it.
While I appreciate Mrs. Gifford’s and Mr. Kelly’s service to our nation, and I’m sorry for what they’ve been through, it seems to me that even a couple of comedians on the Vegas strip have more common sense about women’s safety safe than this former Congresswoman and her rocket scientist husband. How ironic is that?
“What if every woman were issued a gun… Now suppose only half the women decided to carry… Still, who’s going to rob or rape when there’s a 50% chance that Jamie’s got a gun?”
I got this web site from my friend who told me on the topic of this
site and now this time I am browsing this web site and reading very informative articles here.
Method 3: Get Free DC Universe Online Beta Key for PS3.
Of the seven new cards, Vampire’s Grace is the only one not to make the cut.
There is still the free-aim feature, but the new lock-on feature will surely
improve your accuracy.
Hey! Big funny joke!
Leeland Yee has been arrested for corruption and illegal weapons trafficking including machine guns and rocket launchers. It’s all over the news. I don’t think it’s worth contacting HIM at this point. He’s done.
Affidavit linky (reads like fiction) http://cbssanfran.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/complaint_affidavit_14-70421-nc.pdf
La times article: http://www.latimes.com/local/la-me-yee-arrest-20140327,0,3801978.story#axzz2x92bw22u
In addition, a third party set up this facebook site after Senator Miller set his own Facebook page to private this morning so that people could no longer post comments to it.
A third party set up a site with the explicit purpose of posting comments on it after Miller restricted access to the original. I believe the creator is attempting to try and get more likes on the anti Miller page than Senator Miller himself gets on his own page.
I thought this was going to be some kind of get rich quick plan….big bucks and all.
; )
I wonder if the C96 style pistols(internal, non-detachable magazines) will come back due to regs like this. We’ve already seen a compliant AR-15, albeit it looks like its from Voltron.
I have not noticed any reporting of this issue by CNN or NBCNews. The SFGate has reported it. TownHall has reported on it. Surprisingly, I have not seen FoxNews featuring the story though I might have missed it on their site.
Glad to see MS wasn’t mentioned. We have enough out of towners during hunting season tramping around the woods and shooting everything that moves as it is. But we have so many white-tail (2nd biggest population behind only Texas and greatest population density) I could probably kill a dozen every day on my way to and from work. But that concentration of animals leads to smaller bucks.
Look. Call for pizza delivery. Some of those guys carry and get there a lot quicker than the cops.
What she doesn’t understand is that her gun is a precursor, a “gateway drug,” if you will, to tomb raiding. And gang involvement. And suicide. /sarc
Come and take them. Let’s get it over with.
She was obviously a threat to Wells Fargo. Too much common sense and practical wisdom with a strong moral compass- taking care of herself and her family.
Can’t have that in the banking biz, where ripping off the little guy is the name of the game.
The good news is some smart employer is going to snap her right up and she will be making three times what she was at Wells Fargo.
Wells Fargo is a private corporation and has the right to set the terms and conditions of employment. She signed a statement and then disregarded it. Your word should be your bond and she broke it. If she didn’t like the term and conditions of employment find another job. I have no sympathy.
tdi – technically you are correct, and normally I’d agree, but having worked in the financial services business…
Let me just say that in that ecology, banks are at the bottom, and Wells Fargo had gone far astray from what they once were…on all sorts of levels, and we dont know all the facts here.
Just based on what we DO know, this is a perfect example of how they could have handled this much better, to their credit. PR fiasco at the very least.
What ever happened to ridding shotgun on the stage coaches? Trained employees not just guards should be armed if they choose to be.
Interestingly enough, on some of the WF logos you can still see that one of the stagecoachmen is carrying that trusty shotgun. I am also curious if WF Armored Car drivers are armed.
100 shoplifting thugs in a part of town you never go or 10 cops with AR15s at your door, which one is more of a threat to your civil liberties?
Has the bill bee signed?
This is my hometown, and anyone who has paid attention here knows the black teens have been “active” at the new bridge. As soon as it opened there were reports of groups of “teens” stealing people’s cell phones or fighting at the bridge. Visiting in the evening on a Friday or Saturday is a risky proposition if the weather is nice. I’ve walked the bridge 3-4 times during mid day hours both during the week and on the weekend and not seen anything like this. Definitely important to have in your mind though. It’s making me reconsider carrying a slim 9 with only 7 rounds. I need a better holster for my g 19!!
Yes, the current bill is too restrictive but I carry just about everywhere and still stay within the law. When you consider just how blue this state is, the law is better than most Democrat dominated states. Hopefully we can work to make it better. How bout next election all you complainers vote to oust the anti gun (mostly demos) from office.
I m sure gang members are quaking in their boots.
The thing of it is, the professional shills aside, most of the gun control crowd just likes to add this argument to their collection of “activisms,” like a gun grabbing charm on a big stupid bracelet.
I think the only reason most of them have continued to push at us is because in general, gun folk are easy going, and we tend to react non-threateningly. That’s why there’s no “pro-abortion” counter rallies at clinics- they’re scared shitless of the pro-life crowd, and don’t dare go toe-to-toe. Can’t say as I blame them.
But us gun guys, this IS our main issue. Which means long after that angry, frumpy lady goes back to the Macy’s counter, or selling Avon or whatever, we’ll still be here, handing out flyers. If we were half as bad as she was pretending we were, she would’ve been running down the street with buckshot in her ass. But since we’re not, she can add her gun control For The Children Merit Badge to her fancy sash, and go about her usual mundane. She ain’t gonna “crash” any gun rallies, any more than she’s going to cut down on carbs. But we will. Because we actually stand for something.
So that leaves the grocery store, gas station and bank, right?
JR you really do have serious reading comprehension issues.
You continue to miss my point, put words in my mouth and distort what I am saying.
I can tell when I am talking into an empty can though, so do proceed.
Your position is like a little kid whining, “But Dad , he did it first! He made me do it because he is so mean!”
i need an answer to this asap as I’m leaving for germany on sunday …. I’m going out to play paintball for a month , and I’m taking my three markers with me . now in the UK you dont need a permit to carry , or any permit for that matter.
do i need a permit to take them into germany ? i have stripped them all down to components to kinda show that i have no bad intent I’m just a sportsman ..
any advice ? please ?
What is “Casablanca”? I’ll take “CORRUPTION IN CALIFORNIA” for $500 Alex!
Annnnd, the humans come full circle…..
The 2nd amendment was added to get slave states to sign on. Nothing to do with protecting other rights.
Sometimes I just wish the zombie apoclypse would just happen so stuff like this would go away. I mean, the world would be a better place right?
I think this is the most outrageous story like this to come along on TTAG in quite some time. I read more about the trial and the whole incident and it has made me absolutely livid.
Isn’t it funny how AR-15s become more powerful in the hands of non-uniformed people? While most cops are running ARs in 5.56 in their trunks, they’re all of a sudden outgunned by someone with the same rifle?
when i get my new fully stocked swat mobile then we can talk
Who was he talking to, Leland Yee?
I frankly have better luck at a place called Pine Tree Trading in Lewiston, Maine. It’s a fairly typical pawn shop but with a heavy emphasis on firearms. Better still, they’re friendly and will chat you up immediately once you show an interest in conversation. Last time I was in there, looking for a Mossberg 500, the dude lamented that they didn’t have any and offered to send an H&R Pardner out to have its barrel sawed to 18 1/2 so I could use it for home defense. Think he was offering it for $175 new. I didn’t get it, but I still take all my business there (if I’m not doing it on the internet, that is) because they’re friendly, they know their guns and they don’t have that air of disdain for their customers the way some local shops do.
peirsonb, wiping it down is good, I’ve known a couple guys who’ve cut themselves with their knife and wound up with really nasty infections (flesh eating bacteria in one case). I use my knives for a lot of tasks so cleaning it every couple of weeks is a priority for me
Gander Mountain in Mooresville, NC. They took out their friendly, accessible gun racks and cases and put all the racks behind the glass cased pistols, scopes, etc. Then they decided that you had to get a number and stand in line to talk to a salesman! I guess it separates the buyers from the lookers, but it also separated me from that store!
Painful to read
Bills Gun Shop in Hudson WI has a range supervisor who likes to look over your shoulder while you shoot. It’s creepy. I sometimes buy ammo there but don’t use the range anymore because that guy makes me angry. Last week I watched him slap the trigger on his own gun, then play with the front sight because he had poor control. Makes me wonder how many people he has “corrected.”.
Who do we complain to that can help get this fixed? Maybe a massive email / letter campaign might stir the pot with some votes shifting to those that can fix this.