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Daily Digest: Pro-Liberty Edition

Matt in FL - comments No comments

Drop Shot 6 (courtesy Lex Augusteijn)

A Dutch engineer turned photographer has combined those two skillsets to create photos like the one above, where a projectile from a pellet gun smashes through the splashback of a drop of water falling into a pool. It’s pretty neat when you think about the timing required to get all of that stuff to line up at once, and then capture it on film. TheBlaze has the story that photographer Lex Augusteijn loves to make art and engineering meet. “That reveals scenes which cannot be captured by the naked eye and require a lot of electronic control to make all events happen at the right instance,” Augusteijn said, “I have designed and build my own equipment for this purpose.” You can see more of the series (and other ones not involving bullets) over at his site. [h/t Tom in Oregon] . . .

Your Lockdown of the Day™ comes from Sandoval, Illinois. Sandoval Jr./Sr. High School was locked down for about a half hour on Wednesday after an empty shotgun shell box was found in a garbage can inside the school. Administrators issued a “Code Red” warning for a potential active shooter, locking down the school and calling in local police. At some point shortly thereafter, a school administrator realized the box was in the trash from a recent general cleanup of the school grounds, and the alert was called off. The article states that “In recent times, schools have been practicing “Code Red” drills in the event of a violent or potentially violent school intruder.” Or a potentially violent cardboard box, apparently. [h/t dmac]

Two gun-related laws will go before the New Jersey Senate Law and Public Safety committee on Monday. One bill, A2006, reduces the permitted size of ammunition magazines from 15 rounds to 10, and the other, A2777, clarifies circumstances in which drivers can make stops while transporting firearms. The first requires no explanation, but the second could actually be a very bad thing for gun owners, because while it clarifies the permitted deviations from travel as “collecting and discharging certain passengers, purchasing fuel, using a restroom, and contending with an emergency situation,” Scott Bach, executive director of the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, says that because that clause doesn’t have the word “including” in front of it, the permitted deviations are limited to those circumstances, giving no discretion for enforcement. Bach hopes that the bill will be amended before passage to include the missing language. Both bills were already approved by the Assembly back in March.

Though many say that Detroit is on its way back, in many ways it remains a city under siege. While police wait for expected money that will allow them to upgrade their systems and replace outdated equipment like patrol cars and radios, many citizens are taking responsibility for their own security. According to an article at businessweek.com, eight times this year residents have killed intruders. On April 29th, a 50-year-old woman shot and seriously wounded a 24-year-old man that had climbed into her house through a window. On April 17th, gunshots from a homeowner interrupted a break-in and mortally wounded the getaway driver of the SUV that waited outside, causing the SUV to crash into the house across the street belonging to Raymond Bradley, pinning his 29-year-old daughter inside the bathroom. As a contractor assessed the damage to his home, Bradley said, “People are taking a stand, they’re just not going to put up with it any longer,” he said. “If you can’t be safe in your own home, where can you be safe?”

Yankee Marshal with a short discourse on language, “I am NOT Pro-Gun.” I’ve seen similar things said on these pages, both by the contributors and the commenters, so I think most of us get it, but for those that don’t…

Primary Weapons Systems Direct Impingement Stripped Uppers Product Release video is slick, and makes me want one. I suppose that was their nefarious plan all along, huh?

Love that wrist snap with the BCG when Lindsey was assembling the upper at the beginning of the video. Not the action of someone that’s a stranger to the platform.

0 thoughts on “Daily Digest: Pro-Liberty Edition”

  1. One bill, A2006, reduces the permitted size of ammunition magazines from 15 rounds to 10, and the other, A2777, clarifies circumstances in which drivers can make stops while transporting firearms. The first requires no explanation, but the second could actually be a very bad thing for gun owners, because while it clarifies the permitted deviations from travel as “collecting and discharging certain passengers, purchasing fuel, using a restroom, and contending with an emergency situation,” Scott Bach, executive director of the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, says that because that clause doesn’t have the word “including” in front of it, the permitted deviations are limited to those circumstances, giving no discretion for enforcement.

    As I’ve pointed out before, just putting in the word “including” isn’t enough to cure problems like that, because the Powers That Be are always going to interpret that as meaning “only including” when they want to. You would actually need “including but not restricted to“, or something like that. That’s why the U.S. Bill of Rights has precisely that sort of language to do precisely that.

  2. ” . . . the most reliable and accurate piston driven weapons system in the industry . . .” ?? I’ll put my LMT piston guns up against theirs any day, under any circumstances. SOME of the most reliable? Maybe. THE most reliable? THE most accurate? Whatever.

    • I saw that, and I tried to care, really I did, but it just didn’t work. Sometimes life just happens. Maybe they reshot that scene 5 times, and in the first four his rifle was angled 6-8″ lower so it didn’t flag her, but something else was wrong with those takes. The fifth one was good except that he maybe, possibly flagged her ankle, so they just rolled with it. Life goes on.

  3. I do like that upper. And the price is on par (actually a little lower than) a keymod bravo company upper…..

    So, the real question is, which one do I buy? 🙁

  4. Regarding the PWS, looks good if you have an existing AR that needs improvement, otherwise, for the money a StagArms 3G gives you everything they just talked about in a ready to run gun. I love my 3G and know nobody who has tried my gun who did not also love it. I am only a club/state level 3 Gun competitor thanks to articles on TTAG but my 3G has had zero failures in all my competition and range work nor is it a safe queen in that it has many scars from rough use. My point being is that their many ready to go AR’s which have all the features of just that upper.

  5. Yankee Marshal runs his mouth too much……I am ‘pro-gun!’

    I wear camo in public….and that is becoming more popular not less.

    We, you and I, do not need a fuzzy bear to promote our hobby and rights. Besides the animal rights wackos hate him for even using a bear! You cannot ever, no matter what, NEVER convince some people that our form of society is safer, better or more free. They could care less about our opinion or any fact you might be able to present.

    We need to quit trying to be everyone. Learn first to accept yourself! Show them how we can be safe at home through self defense and at the range or hunting. A family sport that is safe and fun.

    Look at the new members to the NRA and your state associations. Membership is EXPLODING!

    Quit pretending to be something your are not.

    • Speaking of which, my wife won’t let me tell Lindsey I’m single, which I suspect would undermine my pitiful begging.

      • There are more fish in the sea….and if your wife reads this you might find yourself a sardine can to hide in…..you bring the oil.

  6. Sandoval Jr./Sr. High School was locked down for about a half hour on Wednesday after an empty shotgun shell box was found in a garbage can inside the school.

    It’s now conclusive – the terrorists won.


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