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A 21-year-old Floridian with a P365: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

John Boch - comments No comments

Bravo to Patrick Rudnicky, a recently turned 21-year-old who has a Florida carry license peeking out of his wallet for today’s EDC Pocket Dump of the Day courtesy of Everyday Carry.

Patrick calls it his “Updated” EDC.  Titles don’t really matter.  Besides, he’s young and learning.  On the other hand, I’ve been carrying since before Mr. Rudnicky was even a gleam in daddy’s eye which makes me feel old.  Really old.

He’s got the P365, a fantastic general-purpose carry piece.  Great choice Patrick!

He writes that he carries it in a Crossbreed Hybrid holster that he left out for aesthetic reasons.  (Don’t worry about pretty, Patrick.  Functional trumps appearances any day of the week and twice on Sunday.)

Since I got my CCW I have updated my carry to include my p365 as my EDC. I carry it in a Crossbreed hybrid holster that isn’t pictured for aesthetic reasons.

Speaking of “leaving out,” I cropped out his smart phone.  Nothing exciting there, but you can see it if you really want to (here).

Throw in a Gerber Dime multitool, a Benchmade Mini-Griptilian that looks like it has a little bit of wear on it.  Most of his other stuff looks brand new or close to it.

The Olight S1mini is a great light.  Just wish it had a momentary switch.

He checks all the boxes except for a reload.

Good work Patrick!  We need more young folks like you carrying.


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