Larysa Switlyk hunting photo sex toy outrage Scotland
courtesy Fox News

This one isn’t just cringe-worthy, it’s the kind of industry news that makes me wonder if there’s a way to get off this particular ride. Larysa Switlyk, the hunter known for the show Larysa Unleashed, has found herself in a bit of international trouble after a foreign goat hunt. And although the American mainstream media is focusing on the anti-hunters’ outrage that Larysa dared to hunt goats at all and post a trophy pic, there is far more to this than that little tidbit.

Earlier this fall Larysa went on an all-women hunt to Scotland to celebrate a friend’s birthday. For reasons known only to Larysa she brought along a sex toy, shot a ram, and had her picture taken holding one of the ram’s horns in one hand and the bloodied sex toy in her other hand.

Yes, you read that right: she had her picture taken with an animal she’d just shot, gripping a sex toy she’d coated in blood. Check it out:

Larysa Switlyk hunting photo sex toy outrage Scotland
courtesy Larysa Switlyk’s social media

According to The Sun at least one of the women on the hunt was outraged by Larysa’s behavior:

British hunter Jenna Gearing was one of the women on the trip but left because Larysa “disrespected” the animal.

Jenna added that the marital aid had been given as a birthday present but said Larysa was “rude and arrogant” throughout the trip.

She told MailOnline: “It was a bit of fun during the party but I have no idea why it was brought out the following day on a hunt.

“It was an appalling thing to do, a complete show of disrespect to the animal she has just killed.

“I’m not friends with Larysa any longer and In fact the reason I left that hunt early was because I was so against what she stood for and her morals.”

Larysa has drawn the ire of not only the anti-hunting crowd, but of the Scottish government itself. Her trophy pictures of herself posing with a number of sheep and goats are being criticized as “barbaric” and the Scottish government has decided to review their hunting laws as a result.

Here’s Larysa’s response to the people who are upset about her hunt via Fox News:

Switlyk hit back to defend her actions, and has released a new clothing line mocking the outrage she faced online. The T-shirts included the slogans “Don’t Let Me Get Your Goat” and “Barbaric Hunter”.

Larysa Switlyk hunting photo sex toy outrage Scotland
courtesy Woodbury Outfitters

Even Nicola Sturgeon, the First Minister of Scotland, has gotten involved. She took to Twitter to address the issue:

Larysa Switlyk hunting photo sex toy outrage Scotland
courtesy Twitter

According to The Evening Standard, Scottish minister Mike Russell got into it, too:

Scottish minister Mike Russell called for an end of the hunting of wild goats on the island.

Could it be the end of hunting on the island of Islay? Let’s hope not. But wait, there’s more.

In response to the uproar of Larysa’s fall hunts, Scottish officials found a way to fire back at Switlyk by reporting both her and an un-named man to local prosecutors (and they did it just in time for Christmas). She’s being brought up on gun charges which is no small thing in the UK:

“Following several complaints of wild goat ‘trophy’ hunting on Islay in (October), Police Scotland can now confirm that a 33-year-old woman and a 41-year-old man from the USA have been reported to the Procurator Fiscal for firearms offences,” police said in a statement.

She was reported under section 11a of the Firearms Act 1968, which refers rules for someone who borrows or lends a firearm for hunting, according to BBC. Such person must be using the firearm for hunting animals, follow the rules of the lender’s certificate and be accompanied by the lender.

To sum up: Switlyk spent time on foreign soil hunting sheep and goats. She posted the aforementioned bloody-sex-toy-and-ram photo on social media along with multiple standard trophy photos with other animals. Outrage followed, some stirred by the sex toy photo, some by the hunt in general. Gun charges have now been filed against Larysa.

I’m one of the most pro-hunting people you’ll ever meet. Hunting is like my religion and is something I would gladly do all day, every day. Defending our ability to hunt is not just part of my job, it’s part of my life.

Defending our Second Amendment rights is in my blood. So, do I support the witch-hunt appearance of these gun charges being filed? No (if she did violate the law though, that is on her…you must always, always know the laws where you hunt). Do I support her behavior? Also no.

For better or for worse Larysa Switlyk has become highly visible in the hunting world. Her public Facebook page has more than 52,000 likes, her Instagram account has 88,900 followers, and her show runs on multiple channels including The Pursuit Channel, Untamed Sports, and the Women’s Outdoor Network on Roku. Her actions are a brush all hunters are painted with – specifically female hunters, if I’m going to be blunt. She has a following and now she has garnered negative international attention and sparked international fury.

I support legal hunts and it does appear Larysa’s foreign hunts were legal…with the possible exception being the alleged violation of local firearms laws. Culling is part of the culture on Islay, in fact. I believe if she had simply done her legal hunt and behaved professionally this entire mess would never have happened. Or, if it had, it likely would have taken place on a smaller scale with less damaging results for the larger hunting and firearms worlds.

Unprofessional behavior and snark in the face of criticism aren’t what we need. This applies to all of us, hunters and gun owners alike, and applies exponentially more to those of us who are in the industry spotlight (granted the degree of spotlight varies from person to person). You absolutely cannot be rude, dismissive, or immature. Such behavior hurts us all. A sense of humor is great, but do you know what’s even better? The ability to deliver a reasonable, well-thought response; the ability to be courteous in the face of criticism.

I find myself torn. I’m absolutely disgusted by the photo Larysa had taken with the bloodied sex toy. That photo is inarguably, unequivocally wrong. As for the tee shirts she’s selling to mock the anti-hunting outrage, I feel they are being offered in an unprofessional spirit. You may feel differently. These are simply my opinions.

The gun charge against Larysa requires more information before I can say much about them. If she broke the law, she broke the law and should be held accountable. I may not agree with the law – it reeks of Washington State’s ridiculous laws, by the way – but it’s still the law. This seems to be a case of the Scottish government looking for some way to punish her to appease anti-gun and anti-hunting voters.

And I certainly don’t want to see hunting on Islay – or in Scotland at large – closed to us as a result of this. There is certainly a history of hunting-related anger in the area, but this spark seems to have started a raging fire.

I’m torn. Can we actively support her from a right-to-hunt standpoint while being openly disdainful of her actions? I don’t know. What do you think? And before you answer, take a moment to consider this: how do you think the general public would have reacted if it had been a man posing with a dead animal and a bloodied sex toy? Something to ponder.


  1. Young, dumb, etc. No, that applies to either sex, or gender, or whatever they call it at this moment in time. Oh, and I am by no means an expert but that doesn’t look like any sex toy I’ve ever seen, looks like a clenched fist. Okay, maybe that can be found on the web sites I never venture to. Bet you a crumpet one of the local ladies gifted it to her, now there’s something you might call rude, but then the English always are, ain’t they? Still, have some sense and manners if you’re going to be in the spotlight, or even if you aren’t.

    • Uhm yeah I know that is in fact a sex toy, don’t ask.
      Still a bit confused as the the statement she was trying to make.

        • It could be personal. Many people with dark/sick senses of humor like this are people who have been sexually or physically abused in an extreme way. They then learn to cope with this abuse by making fun of it. Similar to the sexualization of fear. It’s no excuse to behave this way, however. This kind of perversion needs reprimanding.

        • Maybe ad a journalist someone from TTAG should reach out to Ms. Switlyk and get her side of the story.

        • “All the possibilities have one common thread: satinism.”

          “Hail satin, Big Sky – hail satin.”

          The chick shooter might look decent in (or out) of a satin dress, I think you pagans mean Satan/Satanism.

      • Gotta agree with you Daniel, I don’t know what she is trying to say. (btw, good to see you, haven’t in a while.)

        Whatever her point is, I doubt that this is a good way to make it. If nothing else, being respectful of the animal, even deferential to it, is a good way to keep the anti-hunting pitchfork mobs at bay and is just plain more classy. I’m certainly not a druid and I don’t worship the creatures but, I appreciate that when I kill one to feed me, there is a certain difference of perspective on how equitable that bargain is.

      • I don’t think people are having trouble figuring out what the sex toy is. I think people are confused as to why she is holding it, covered in blood, with a dead goat and why she would put the picture online. Pretty sure that scene is weird whatever one’s age.

  2. I can not comment as either comcast or safari or both would not allow the picture to show, just a ? mark.. as for the story , hang the bitch she gives a real hunter a bad name.Scotland will teach her or it which is the best vernacular, how to behave when hunting in a foreign country..and by the way BEING A LEFTIST FUR-TRADER AIN’T GOING TO HELP….

  3. Wow read over some of the tweets on the PM’s of scotland’s feed

    AND man…brave scottish warriors and lady’s that took nothing from anyone…in less than a 100 years…soy boys and girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yes I used small ‘s’ in scott on purpose…they don’t deserve the BIG one anymore…!!!)

  4. It’s never a good idea to post bloodied hunting pics on social media anymore. Her tee shirts do nothing for the hunting world either. That sex toy could sell some CD’s if she modeled the proper use of them on tape for everyone’s viewing pleasure.

  5. This seems to be a case of the Scottish government looking for some way to punish her to appease anti-gun and anti-hunting voters.


    And for that reason, the traditional two-finger gesture is the appropriate response.

    If the Scots want to make it illegal to control the population of critters who’s predators have been extirpated, and make it unappealing for foreigners to come by and spend big money to hunt, that’s their problem, not mine. They can learn the hard way.

    • I believe fisting and artwork with menstural blood are sacrements of the Left.
      If she announced herself as a militant lesbian all would be forgiven.

      • This ^
        Sorry the Scottish can shove it this is why I always wait to get home before posting online…..

        She should just re title her picture emergency late term abortion Scotland loves that

  6. This is an absolutley great article, Kat. I don’t know anything about hunting, but I certainly understand the issue of having people in a pursuit or field you care about portray all of the rest of us as fools. Every time yet another article comes out from an uninformed mental health professional, I cringe yet again.

    Maybe it is just part of the deal. Maybe in our culture we have reached a low point where in order to get 88,000 Instagram followers, someone who wants to keep up that level of media exposure has to resort to greater and greater acts of shock value and attention getting in order to keep the attention of their fans for just .03 more seconds. One can become slave to their virtual fan club and give in to forces and impulses in the moment. “Oh haha, look let’s take a photo that will make people talk.” That kind of decision takes less than a second to make and snap a photo. It requires no forethought at all.

    I also think there is this thing that happens to people when they attain celebrity status no matter how minor it is, and especially when that status starts to escalate: They forget who they are. They forget who they used to be. They forget their roots. They start pandering to the people who give them the most attention and make them the most promises. It happens to performers, politicians, media figures, you name it.

    I have counseled many powerful and wealthy people behind the scenes during my life as a therapist. CEOs, millionaires, powerful people in politics, movie stars, and the like. The seductions of wealth, power, and attention do not so much corrupt people as they give them a false self to believe in, one that can do no wrong and whose mistakes are not really that bad no matter what. Of course, if you buy into all of that, you then have to maintain it.

    There’s also the additional question of how much any one person doing a “thing” has come to represent a “thing.” That’s a slippery slope. As a non white woman I’m quite familiar with all the strange ways it can go when I’m taken as a token representative of all Vietnamese American women. Clearly this hunter does not represent women like you in terms of how you would like women hunters to be seen. You have a powerful and articulate voice to contribute to how you *would* like to be seen and why that’s important. Maybe you need your own set of 88,000 Instagram followers. But then, of course, you’d have to enter the morass that this creates, too.

    • Wow, that was VERY well said. I don’t often agree with you, but that was several excellent points, and all very succinctly stated. Bravo!

      • Thanks, Red.

        I literally got a call the other day from a client of mine who was about to present at an international conference on a topic at which she is a huge star. These were her exact words:

        “Elaine, I am at this huge conference, and people are falling all over me and kissing my ass and putting me on a pedestal. I’ve been here for three days and I’m starting to feel scared, Iike I’m losing myself. I need you to remind me RIGHT NOW about all the ways in which I’m flawed and weak and working on things, because I feel like I’m in danger of falling down a rabbit hole, and I don’t want to go. This stuff is like a drug and I don’t want to get hooked on it.”

        Wise woman.

        • Sounds like someone who has a healthy dose of perspective and wants to maintain it.

          Catch that unicorn, study it and figure out how to bring it back from the brink of extinction.

          People who are capable of identifying a potentially dangerous personal paradigm shift, seeking to maintain self-balance, proactively acting to preserve it and being humble enough to realize they might not be able to correct it alone are the kinds of people we need in leadership positions.

          It is one of the few traits I identify amongst the height of human mental maturity.

          As far as the main-topic, I don’t know. My own personal levels of weird/dark humor don’t really go beyond obscure references to Tim & Eric’s Awesome Show, dark Family Guy humor or the latest Bill Burr observation that cracks me up.

        • In short: WTF was she (that hunter) thinking?

          Not just in poor taste, but disrespectful and bizarre beyond note.

        • @Montana

          Yeah. She said that, before that experience, she had always thought that if that day came (she’s been working in her field for a long time with little recognition), she would be completely immune to it. To the adoration. To the fandom. She felt that she was a strong person and would be able to maintain an appropriate sense of humility and balance no matter what.

          She said, though, that when you’re really in it, it’s amazing how fast it changes you, to have people all over you and clinging to your every word. She saw herself becoming arrogant and snappy with people who disagreed with her, or dismissing them where previously she would have taken the time to listen to them, because there was always this cushion of “fans” who would shout that person down. She said the feeling of power was dizzying. And truly like a drug.

    • Thanks again Elame. This was hilarious.

      You put such extraordinary effort into fluffing yourself it’s clear how shameful and desperate you have become.

      Please humble us oh wise one with your tall tales and bedtime stories of how other people need your guidance and direction and the blessings and benefits they received from your Devine knowledge!

      Your life is so meager I must consider whether it’s more appropriate to laugh or to cry.
      Fortunately for myself all I need to do is read any scripture you’ve contrived and I can laugh so hard that I cry and no more thought is needed. Do continue my dear, if only for my pure enjoyment and your subconscious worth. 🙂

      • Now Rump, don’t get your panties in a wad. Elaine’s words have the ring of authenticity.

        Your sarcastic words are just more negative PR for the pro gun crowd. She was speaking reasonably about a subject in which she is well-informed and your response brings nothing to the discussion.

        Perhaps deep down you were frightened by the truth she speaks, perhaps you’ve been looking at that bloody fist with a gleam in your eye.

      • @Rumple

        Ya know, I usually don’t bother to reply to comments like yours, because why bother? Y’all are a dime a dozen. You don’t really have anything to say that’s unique yourself. All you do is roll in and accuse me of lying about everything no matter what it is.

        If I asked Dan to post up a photo of my collection and my targets, you’d find a way to say that those aren’t my guns and I didn’t shoot those targets, I had a mob of Latvian Elves come in to shoot them just so I can write an article about it all and somehow coerce DZ into posting it up to TTAG just so I can rile you cats up. Because, you know, that’s how those commie libtard shedevils roll!n They, we, I, spend all damn day trying to figure out how to make you cats MADDDDD!

        I just don’t get it. Eh, the world is a strange place and people like you being in it are just part of that, I guess. You’re beautiful, keep rollin.

    • As a non white woman I’m quite familiar with all the strange ways it can go when I’m taken as a token representative of all Vietnamese American women.

      Vietnamese are white.

      • Heh. Not on effin’ Pantsuit Nation we weren’t. You shoulda seen what happened when we tried to get our own thread on there. Lot of us quit after that.

        • My wife is Vietnamese. Born in Vietnam. I consider her white. She considers herself white.

          I’m not surprised at all that “pantsuit nation” wasn’t race blind or otherwise felt the need to categorize on the basis of group identity.

      • Really?

        And here I was thinking I was surrounded by Asians. So why doesn’t other white people want them to move into their neighborhood/country? After all they did follow the Euro’s concept of government known as communism.

    • This is absurd. The government is bringing out the pitchforks in order to prosecute something that is legal. What they’re really prosecuting is the photo. Since that isn’t illegal, they are looking for some i that wasn’t dotted or some t that wasn’t crossed. If it weren’t for the objectionable photo, no one would care about these other minor offenses. For this reason, we should not support the government (and the pitchfork mob) in this endeavor. I hear something similar is going on in the USA for electing the wrong president…

  7. Meh, don’t care what happens to her. She went to another country where the freedoms of America do not exist. There is no “freedom of expression” or RTBA there. When you go to another country and act like a jackass don’t be upset when they toss you in the clink.

    • Which is why one of the reasons we have a military. If some hellhole wants to abuse a US citizen in violation of OUR laws, they should get a friendly visit from a carrier strike group with enough firepower to level whatever jurisdiction was stupid enough to provoke the planetary hegemon. It’s an approach that kept the Romans on top for almost 2000 years.

      • I’m not aware of any particular instance where Rome used its war machine to return its own captured (regular) citizens. I could imagine them doing so for their imperial class, but not it’s everyday citizen. Similarly, using American military force to free American citizens abroad could be very justified for things like the Iran hostage crisis, or other terror related abductions, but for this shitshow? Come on man. She made her bed now she can lay in it.

          • I’ll just quote my reply to the other Fudd

            A Fudd is someone who is a “gun guy” or an “avid hunter,” but the second he sees something he doesn’t like or doesn’t want for himself, he abandons all principles and is all about the totalitarian government cracking down on the subject of his ire.

            What did this woman actually do that was harmful? She disrespected a dead animal? Oh heaven forbid! Let’s ruin her entire life!

            You’re a Fudd. If you respond, you’ll go on some rant about how she makes the rest of us look bad, etc etc. Either you support the first and second amendments, or you don’t.

  8. That was one of the FUDDiest articles I’ve ever read on TTAG. I totally agree that the picture was in poor taste. But then this:

    “If she broke the law, she broke the law and should be held accountable. I may not agree with the law – it reeks of Washington State’s ridiculous laws, by the way – but it’s still the law.”

    MUH LAWS! I guess if we should all turn in our guns then, if they get banned. After all, it’d be the law. Now into the boxcars everyone – we may not agree with it, but it’s the law.

    How is it that people figure out that Santa Claus isn’t real by the time they’re 10 years old, but continue to believe that “the law” is holy scripture? What we call “the rule of law” is nothing more than the opinion of liars and thieves (i.e. politicians). That’s all it is: the opinion of one or more maniac control freaks with a god complex – and the only reason any of us care is because they have a literal army of thugs prepared to kill us if we don’t comply. And yet, this insane arrangement is actually defended by those whom it victimizes! Hook, line, and Stockholm sinker.

    None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

    • Yeah but to be fair, this is the laws of another country. You can’t expect American constitutional protections or rights in another country, no matter how correct those rights are. Just like the idiots who go to Iran or North Korea then cry when they end up being beaten and tortured.

      • I don’t disagree that she should have seen this coming. What she did was foolish considering the country she was in. But that doesn’t make her any less a victim of the tyranny of the state (walking down a dark alley in gangland, Los Angeles is foolish too, but it doesn’t give anyone the right to assault you). We can tell the victim that she showed poor judgment without blaming the victim for someone else’s violent actions.

        • That’s right Salty.

          When madam Nicola, or whoever, asks for extradition, we should send the bloody rubber fist in her stead.


    • From one perspective, you’re right. From one perspective, everyone’s right about anything.
      However, how would you feel if, as an example, a Muslim visitor to this country saw a female in your family driving, and decided to publicly shame her for doing so? Without having a male family member with her as an escort?
      I’ll bet you’d sing a different song then.
      When visiting a friend’s home, do you criticize the way the table is set because it’s not the way you do it at home? Do you openly criticize if you see a parent giving his child something you don’t think children should have, like candy?
      No, you don’t. And that’s because you know what boundaries are.
      Except, it seems, when your philosophical ox is involved, but you incur no harm.

      Respect. It’s a very valuable tool.

      • Utter bull. Whatever firearms laws the lady broke did not hurt anyone. A mohammedin savage throwing acid on your sister’s face for driving sure as hell does. How could you possibly draw equivalence between the two?

        • If you will reread what I wrote, I mentioned nothing about throwing acid in anyone’s face.
          You attempt to create a false dichotomy,and I am calling you out on it. I did not even mention any violence, while you attempt to say that’s what I must mean.
          You, sir, are a great example of just how bad our education system is.

          • I was extrapolating. That’s what those Mohammedin savages do to women for many imagined crimes against their demon-god. This woman’s behavior harmed nobody and could not possibly ever harm anybody.

            What was going through your head when you used the vague term “public shaming?” When it comes to women in Muslim nations, that almost involves violence.

            Finally, even if your hypothetical shaming was nonviolent, that is still a direct offense towards an innocent woman. Again, Larysa didn’t actually hurt anyone personally with this, in the figurative or literal sense.

        • Try again…this time put your glasses on and READ what the words said instead of going off into fantasy land with what you thought he said. You can not participate in a conversation with any meaning if you are only attempting to be a verbal bully.

      • However, how would you feel if, as an example, a Muslim visitor to this country saw a female in your family driving, and decided to publicly shame her for doing so? Without having a male family member with her as an escort?

        I don’t think he should go to prison for it. Maybe I just give him the bird? Whereas they are suggesting this rubber fist wielding lady go to prison for her antics.

        In this circumstance, they are seeking gun charges for her (on a technicality) because they didn’t like the rubber fist. She hurt no one, except their delicate sensibilities, which is what all of Europe has become. The land of delicate snowflakes.

        So your analogy isn’t comparable.

        • Of course it isn’t comparable on that way. It is, though, in the way I put it.
          We live here, and expect people to behave in such a way that it fits not only our laws, but in the spirit of our laws.
          If you were to travel in, say, Iraq (however little you may want to do so) you would be wrong to publicly berate someone for demanding his sister not travel out without a male family member as an escort. That person traveling here would be just as wrong for publicly berating a female for traveling without such an escort. I doubt you’d argue with that. But, if their law carried a prison term for doing that, and you did it anyway, you’d have volunteered for that prison time, just as a bank robber here volunteers for prison time for the robbery.
          Different laws for different places. Just because a violation here doesn’t carry jail time does not say it shouldn’t anywhere else.

  9. A little bit of a bizarre political stunt…Maybe she was telling the “EU Government of Scotland and the EU Anti-Hunting crowd to go FIST THEMSELVES!” Or she was set up to take a fall in the EU Political circles…An excuse by the EU aristocracies to further THEIR agenda for “more control” more “hyped outrage”. All it seams that to required to pass a law in the EU…Almost sounds like Europe of old…Wonder when THEY’LL start murdering the peasents again…Anyhow, the whole thing is just bizzare….Obviously our female hunter/Pro-Hunting political dissent, wanted to send a “strong” message….So, she did…..

  10. Hunting laws and gun laws are 2 different things. Hunting laws are supposed to be for the good of the wild herds and allow culling when the population gets out of hand. This is proper – yes, you do get some Bambi believers trying to make laws against all hunting, but that costs much more money and they end up hiring professional hunters to cull the herd after inbreeding and starvation have hurt the herds.

    Gun laws are political, made by those in power to keep the citizens from being able to overturn them. Many are scared that they may be killed outright, all the laws are made because those in power do not want the little people to have any power.

    • Personally, I find it to be a stretch to see the photos involved as any sort of protest against any gun laws. I mean,there are guns in the photos, and guns were used in the activities the photos depict.

  11. Her response to the “Mob” was the ONLY way to respond:

    “Go Fuck Yourself, you POS Scottish fucks! And then, when you are done, Go Fuck Yourself Again!”

    The “Mob” will never be satisfied, and apologies are pointless…

    • There’s a lot of truth there ^^^^
      Never apologize to the Left because they will demand your head o matter what.

    • Yep. What she did in taking that picture was stupid, disrespectful, gruesome, and tactless, sure. But there is no appeasing the mob. Nothing she does from here on out can change what the mob does.

      Once it starts, the mob will destroy you if they can, no matter what you do. What’s done is done. Better to go down spitting and snarling than whining and groveling.

  12. Saw this on fakebook. Pretty sure your right’s as a ‘Murican end when you do stupid chit in a foreign country. SOL fistgal…

    • Yeah, let’s just abandon one of our women, and a woman of the gun no less, because she did something dumb but harmless. Guess there are still plenty of fudds posting here.

      • Back in the day you would just slap her upside the head and tell her don’t be a dumbass. You can’t teach people like that anymore if you want to stay out of prison. Now people have to berate them through text messages or have the government handle it.

    • There is a reason why you don’t let loud mouths into secret societies. Now the loud ones have the ability to create their own groups out in plain view.

      There is no shame when out seeking fame if it brings in the money.

  13. I’m not surprised at her actions. She is a sexually liberated woman. Perhaps people are upset a huntress did this? There are new people in the hunting community now. This is not your grandmothers world anymore.

    At Austin Texas university dozens of sexually Liberated woman wore strap on dildos, well fitted for public attire. They were protesting AGAINST the Second Amendment. Many were latter invited to the White House. Many gun people were upset. Why?

    This has been going on in Homosexual Pride Parades for decades now. Its ok for the gays to do it, in public, correct? It also happens at the many sex festival in California. Such as the Folsom Street Fair which attracts over 300,000 participants. All acting out in full public view.

    Or are you upset that it was done on a hunt? But ok else where?

    There was a time when sexual acts were done behind closed doors. Including keeping sex toys in a brown paper sack until you got home.

    You “squares” need to get with the new and improved modern world.
    sarcasm switch off

    • A lot of people, myself included, never understood what a public display of sex toys ad to do with the 2A.
      Just like a lot of people, myself included, don’t understand what a sex toy has to do with hunting.
      I’ve tried, and I can’t find any connection.
      Being liberated is a good thing. Lack of logic isn’t.

      • No kiddin’.

        I live here in Atown, so I was here when that protest happened. I just didn’t get it. I read their manifesto, tried to understand it from a bunch of different angles and at the end of the day was still scratching my head.

        I did, however, wonder what they did after the protest with the 4,000+ dildos that were donated for the event.

  14. I’d never guess that thing was a sex toy, looks like a prop for a self defense class or something. I swear things are getting stranger by the minute.

  15. Sad how they do things across the pond. At least in the colonies it’s not against the law to be an asshole. For now.

  16. Never apologize to leftists or anti-gunners. Never look ashamed. She’s actually doing that right, because we have seen over and over and over, apologies to either group are just like blood in the water.

    It also helps if pro-gun people don’t throw her under the bus as some in this thread are eager to do.

    • Yep. What she did was undeniably stupid and tasteless. Under ordinary circumstances, it’d call for a sincere apology and some contrition. But we don’t live in ordinary circumstances anymore. Apologies are no longer an option for any of us.

      The howling mob doesn’t want contrition, it wants utter destruction. To anyone who has any self-respect, defiance is the only thing left.

      I actually like that she’s going “been there, done that, got the t-shirt.”

      You all go ahead and throw her under the bus if you want. They’ll come after you sooner or later, and for far less, and your apologies and protestations will do you no good.

  17. Well that’s a headscratcher. Looking for publicity or just facebook likes? Probably not worth dealing with firearms charges in the UK. In fact I would be very hesitant to go hunting there at all, given the laws. But drawing attention to yourself like that?

  18. A bunch of people are all wee-wee’d up about some tacky thing somebody did, so a government functionary is gonna buy votes by finding something in the slimey thatch of vague laws to “refer” to the enforcers.

    This is called “rule of law”… as if we had forgotten what all those laws are for.

  19. If being tacky is now a crime, Scotland’s gonna need to turn the whole place into a prison camp.

  20. The gun was pressured: pose with the marital aid or you’ll never work in this town again. (You know how sensitive they are.)

  21. One offensive photo and a single fractured friendship from a bachlorette expedition in Scotland?

    They’re slipping.

  22. Anyone who’s been to an “open mic night” knows, what some one person thinks funny isn’t necessarily funny.

    We generally don’t jail people for this. But it is Scotland, so…

  23. Well, when the feral hogs get there, she’ll be hunting giant chromium pigs… and won’t have to bring the marital aid.

  24. it would appear that the scots care more about the lives of animals than they do the lives of babies

  25. My nephew couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t allow him to put sunglasses and a camo cap on the shoulder mounts in my living room.
    It’s about R-E-S-P-E-C-T!
    I don’t include myself in any of my photos. Its abBig Bubbsout the animal, not me.

  26. “I believe if she had simply done her legal hunt and behaved professionally”

    Yes, I’m sure that she should have cried, lit a candle as tribute to the Goddess and held a small funeral service for the dead animal accompanied by a coven of witches.

    And you wonder why I think that women are untrustworthy partners in support of 2A. Sheesh.

      • ^^^^ This.
        No where in the professional ethics of hunting do you find the necessity to light a candle, or cry, or hold a funeral for the dead animal.
        You will, however, find that you should be respectful, not only to the dead animal, but to the people who voluntarily allow you to hunt on their ground.

        • You will, however, find that you should be respectful, not only to the dead animal, but to the people who voluntarily allow you to hunt on their ground.

          It’s not something Europeans in the Americas have been known to respect. So it’s not shocking to see it passed down. Even these days some people from tribes in the U.S. don’t respect anything.

          Respect in general has been lost in America. People don’t respect: marriage, human rights, property, privacy, etc. Without respect society doesn’t work so well. The only thing a disrespectful society will understand is violence.

    • She behaves like a 12 year old boy that never had a father.

      She brings her female sense of humor to a male activity, apparently, it doesn’t mix so well. To her it’s just a game for fame.

      I wonder if this qualifies as a “red flag” for a judge in America. You better be smart about what you put out there for everyone to see. Once you post something it’s there forever.

  27. She behaved disgustingly. Cancel every hunting license or permit or tag she has, every place she has them. Deny her a new one every where for any type of hunting.

    We do not need people on our side that behave like that.

        • A Fudd is someone who is a “gun guy” or an “avid hunter,” but the second he sees something he doesn’t like or doesn’t want for himself, he abandons all principles and is all about the totalitarian government cracking down on the subject of his ire.

          What did this woman actually do that was harmful? She disrespected a dead animal? Oh heaven forbid! Let’s ruin her entire life!

          You’re a Fudd. If you respond, you’ll go on some rant about how she makes the rest of us look bad, etc etc. Either you support the first and second amendments, or you don’t.

  28. It’s weird as fxxx. But who cares. Not my business. She took one animal like everyone else. Not going to take part in the woe is me, I’m super offended, outrage squad, already gearing to pass some laws limiting their own freedom like the retarded serfs that they are.

  29. Ok….I am out of the loop. WTH.

    The photo with “the fist” lends creedence to the idea that overuse of social media limits brain function. Dead animals are fine, but that is pretty sick.

    The hunting stuff will be sorted by Scottish authorities.

    On the post photo, I defer to Red Foreman.

  30. Where is Leroy Jethro Gibbs when he’s needed to slap Switlyk in the back of her head? No idea whether the gun charges are legitimate (aside from the laws themselves being stupid). If Switlyk hadn’t made a fool of herself on the internet, no one would have noticed.

  31. I see nothing wrong with it.

    It was her page. It was her kill. It was her “toy”?

    When all of you thought police and snowflakes calm down maybe you can let her business be her business.

    If someone views this negatively it doesn’t make me or your or anyone other than HER look bad. To say otherwise shows ignorance and incompetence.

    Continue on and do what you wish….

    • Are you an American because you sound like one?

      Muslims around the world will chop off your head if they know you are an American (or at least look European) because of what other Americans have done to their homeland and people. The actions of other people, that have ties with you, does paint you with the same brush. Look at how white people think about black people.

      • Oh those poor, poor, Muslims…

        Gag me with a spoon. They’ve been trying to exterminate us for almost 1400 years.

      • No, they chop off heads of infidels because it’s what their barbaric, pitiful excuse for a religion tells them to do.

  32. The left has no sense of humor. The Scottish humor is way more zero than the Germans.
    We can see everyone is way to sensitive these days.

    • So you carry around dildos to stick into animals after you kill them or before? Your Afghan buddies must have an amazing time…

  33. “Following several complaints of wild goat ‘trophy’ hunting on Islay…”

    Mmm, Islay….where the really *good* scotch comes from….

    • Are you kidding? Lubed with genuine Islay goat’s blood is priceless in my circles.

      Matt, thanks for not being afraid to make a dumb joke to make me laugh.

      All you pearl clutchers are making this an intolerable world to live in. I’ve made a lot of dumb jokes in my life that have undoubtedly offended many, many people. I don’t miss any of them.

      Rock on with your bloody fisty thing Ms. Switlyk. I’m not sure I get the joke, but maybe you had to be there.

  34. This is the kind of comment thread that simultaneously reveals the antiquity of the commenting crowd here and their propensity for living in nowheresville where a sex toy might actually still be shocking.

    I see absolutely nothing wrong with what she did and I applaud her response to the absurdity of the situation. I just purchased a Barbaric hunter shirt too.

    Maybe the USA should pass legislation condemning Scotland for all the weird American dudes that wear kilts and pollute our peace and quiet with bagpipes.

  35. Distasteful, absolutely. But, this is a prime example of a country of men, not laws. This is where laws are not evenly enforced, where if you piss off the aristocracy, they will scour the huge lawbooks for some obscure law to imprison you. In the USA, With the number of crazy gun laws the leftists are enacting faster than the courts can declare them unconstitutional, this is what our future looks like. Soon, political opponents and commoners alike will be investigated and prosecuted for violating small, weird, mostly unenforced and unknown clauses hidden in the hundreds of thousands of pages of US laws and regulations. Oh, that’s right, this is already happening. Ain’t tyranny a #%+@&$.

  36. Reminds me of the Logan Paul incident. He posted videos of himself acting like a moron in Japan, then posted a pic of someone who committed suicide. Posing with the body and what not. The backlash was incredible. While I do not know if it was actually a person, it was done in incredibly poor taste, and quite honestly he got what he deserved. I hope she does too. I dont mind if you post pics of your hunts, but for fucks sake have some class.

    • The Logan video was real.

      It’s a forest area that lonely people go to kill themselves on a routine basis. You are not allowed to leave the designated paths because you are likely to find someone committing suicide. The government doesn’t want people to see the problem their society has.

      The younger people in America are so desensitized they do not care about other living beings more than they do their likes and thumbs up ratio. Their parents are failures because they didn’t teach their children respect, dignity and honor. This isn’t just a problem for black people and their Worldstar culture, as you can see in this article and top Youtube stars like the Paul brothers.

      Youtube is mostly white young males from America; whatever is most popular there can be an indicator of what’s in the minds of the children that have access to the site. Facebook is now mainly older people, I think mostly from America. Twitter is is very mixed.

  37. I think the old saying “just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should” applies here. I’m normally all for triggering the snowflakes, but just a pic of the kill would have been sufficient to do that. Now, because of this, the government officials are in full tyrant mode trying to figure out what they need to outlaw next. Not to say that they wouldn’t have gotten to it eventually, but this just expedited the process.

  38. Saw all this yesterday on Drudge- long article with pics, quotes, etc. The Inbreds from the Isles have a thing for animal rights that goes back before P and L McCartney- I suspect it’s because a lot of them never got to eat any of the more choice parts of an animal…

    Side comment on the fisting toy- this one attributed to the Brits: In 603 AD some arabs figured out how to use a goat’s colon as a condom. About 1200 years later the Brits colonizing the area perfected the idea by removing it from the goat first…

      • Dang- I thought it was a true story… Lonely out there herding all themthar goats.

        Then there was the little guy who spent 3 years up in the Yukon panning for gold. No women the entire time. Went up a 99 pound weakling, came home a Husky fucker.

  39. She really painted a dismal picture of hunting for everyone! an egotistical non sequitur basic spoiled human being only cares for self,
    Hey look at me!

  40. Seems to me she’s in need of a good amount of sex to address these issues.
    Sometimes even attractive women come up short.

    • Seems to me she’s in need of a good amount of sex to address these issues. Sometimes even attractive women come up empty handed.

      If fixed it for you.

  41. It looks like she created a self full-filling prophecy. (emphasis on the pun)
    She knew that folks would get butthurt over her hunt, so she offered them something to get butthurt about… literally.

    Sounds like she failed to size up who she was picking this fist-fight with. Government doesn’t take kindly to such competition. They’re the ones in charge of taxation! Certainly a comely armed foreigner, who also has a gun (gasp… gasp again), doesn’t get to do so. They’ll show her who’s got more girth.

  42. With a few exceptions, “hunting celebrities” have consistently been the worst thing to happen to hunting. I’m happy to see these people being vilified by real hunters who actually care about the long-term viability of our sport.

    • Be careful you aren’t committing publicity suicide along with her.
      Point…I’m just learning shut her here and I can honestly say I’ve known and dropped immature thinkers who become totally self absorbed and believe they make the rules or that they don’t apply to them. There is no excuse for public extremism and in essence blinding everyone within a mile of themselves with this kind of explosive attitude on display….the response is fit for her and very predictable to anyone with decent common sense. This isn’t about being just crass….It is darkly and reasonably offensive and gives cannon fodder to the enemies of common sense and science. There is no middle ground here and she has clearly given no reasonable explanation for her dumping on the rest of us around the world and especially those that had desired to one day hunt ancestorially overseas. Just a few short decades ago we as a hunting community would’ve cleaned out own ranks not because of gender or orientation but simply because of her public awkwardness and perceived stupidity in public. In essence we all would’ve bowed our heads thanked the heavens for Curt Gowty and never glanced in her direction again. End of story. Redemption for the enemies of our sport and was almost impossible once you crossed the line of no return. Do I hate her…no…I am through with her because I can ill afford this self styled mud slinging on my activities as a hunter or for my 14 grandchildren that have no power to say anything about this aberration in history that may affect their rights. Boiled down this a public display of rebellion and disregard for all on a grand scale. Keep your dark thoughts to yourself no matter how privileged and worldly you may seem to yourself.

  43. So killing an animal just for a laugh is respectful, but making a joke after killing it is disrespectful? That’s some interesting logic…

  44. I’m not a hunter. Personally, I find killing things without the need to do so to be a little outside my moral comfort zone. That said, I don’t try to force my morality on other people, so long as they do no harm to other people (directly, or indirectly). That being the case, I’m going to go out on a limb here. While mine may be an unpopular opinion, I don’t think the outrage is justified. Is it a tasteful photo? No, of course not. But looking at it objectively–and without focusing on this through the lenses of one’s own morality–what’s the big deal? The animal is already dead; I doubt it cares that the woman who killed it was carrying around a sex toy and posed for a photo with it. I’m trying to find some sort of offense here that isn’t based on a sense of morality–one which is my morality, and has no business being applied to someone else. I can’t find it.

  45. Seems like a silly non-event. The anti-gun, anti-hunting crowd (i.e. the offended class) is feigning righteous indignation and causing the pro-gun, pro-hunting crowd to examine their navels with a microscope. Dividing and conquering, as it were…..

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