Gavin Newsom,Eric Garcetti
Mayor Eric Garcetti (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes, File)
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California’s gun control schemes have earned it the title of #1 state for “gun law strength” from Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun  Safety Control. The political leaders elected by the political masochists in the not-so-Golden State have assured residents time and again that those gun control laws will keep them safe. Unfortunately, in Los Angeles, armed robberies involving firearms are up 57% from 2020.

But how could that possibly be? After all, California has enacted countless laws and schemes that infringe on the state’s law-abiding gun-owners’ rights…all in the name of “public safety.”

Examples, you ask? Sure! How about a ban on private gun transfers, scary-looking gun bans, and standard capacity magazine bans. How about gun rationing laws, red flag laws, bans on firearms in schools and universities, and gun storage requirement laws. Approved firearm lists limit the makes and models available for purchase to a fraction of those available in the rest of the country. Then there’s the 10-day waiting period and background checks…even on ammunition purchases. And California was the first to enact a red flag law, too.

Had enough? California’s legislature sure hasn’t. They’ve also permitted their counties to freely discriminate against carry license applicants.

Not only that, but the more populated counties in the state effectively won’t issue carry permits unless you’re connected, ultra-rich or an A-list celebrity. If you’re a poor or working class Joe or Jane Sixpack, you can forget about getting a carry license to protect yourself or your family. The prohibition applies even if you’re a member of an extra-protected class like women, gays, minorities, or even illegal aliens.

Breitbart has the story . . .

LAPD Chief Michael Moore says robberies with a gun in Los Angeles are “up 44 percent from 2021” and “up 57 percent from 2020.”

CBS Los Angeles reports Moore also indicated “Robberies with a firearm account for 36% of all robberies, and accounts for 74% of the city’s year-to-date total robbery increase.”

Moore said, “There’s been a marked increase of armed robberies involving victims wearing expensive jewelry, as well as just other individuals whether they’re at commercial stores such as mini markets, convenience stores, gas stations, or on the street.”

It’s almost as if with more gun control comes more crime. Who would have thought that?

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        • Yes, it’s the parents and family (and culture). If one really wanted to solve the problem, then why not start by looking at the family situation and the state of morality? Because they aren’t really interested in solving “those” problems. Furthermore, they’d have to deal with the fact that they routinely push ideas and policies that are going in the opposite direction.

          My kids attend a school that routinely tests in the top of the state. People from the outside looking in think it’s the teachers. Trust me, it isn’t. They’re extremely unimpressive. It’s the parents. The school accepts a limited amount of new students by “lottery” (wink, wink). Plus the school kicks out kids that aren’t serious or cause trouble. There’s also a high amount of Indian and Asian kids (for the area) to offset everyone else’s scores. And why do those kids test so well? It’s the parents and the culture.

        • You hit the nail on the head. Until parents are made responsible for the actions of their children, this will continue. If Johnny misses or disrupts class a certain amount of times, the parents should come to municipal court and explain why.

      • Name came from the 1910 patent date on the Mills Bell Fruit Gum reel strips on the early slot machines. Wonderful machines; bad band.

    • Actually have their album inherited from older sibling. “Little old lady from Pasadena”

      • Thanks MJ for the trip down Memory Lane.

        Sooo much bubble gum in the audience…the 40’ish lady with dark hair and the beehive hairdo was chomping like a mad cow.

  1. Crime is up in Los Angeles…this is my surprised face…what a shame!

    Do you think it could be different if Chief Moore and Sheriff Villanueva actually upheld their Oaths of Service and WORKED for their pay? Inquiring minds want to know.

      • The Chief just last week warned people about wearing expensive jewelry. He said if you do, you are liable to get robbed, thereby making the victim of the robbery the one at fault for tempting felons out wandering around with guns to rob the folks who are wearing expensive jewelry.

        A felon arrested with a gun doesn’t go to state prison for a mandatory years. He doesn’t go to federal prison for a mandatory eight or ten years. He is continued on probation with credit for time served while awaiting disposition of his case which is usually about three months unless he cops a plea right away. With the new bail system in place, time served may be overnight.

    • Even if every law enforcement officer in California upheld their oath and did their job. It wouldn’t change the crime problem. When Prosecutors refuse to do their job of prosecuting criminals for the crimes they commit and elected politicians spend their time reducing or removing the penalties for crimes being committed. The only thing that will effect change in California and every other Liberal Democrat controlled city and state infested with ever increasing crime. Is the will of the voters to elect the people who will effect the necessary change. As long as they continue to elect the kind of people who allow the destruction of their communities. It’s a pretty good bet that they aren’t that concerned about the problem. Regardless of all the pissing and moaning. Societies get the government they vote for or support by not voting against and all the consequences that come with it. Otherwise their only other choice is to move away from the chaos they are being subjected to. Which seems to be the case with so many people moving out of Illinois. Which is now the number 1 state ( based on 2022 stats) for people leaving. Followed by New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and California. All controlled by Liberal Democrats. So until a decided shift in politics occurs in these states. The problem shows little chance of changing.

  2. The only way California is going to correct its downward trajectory is for it to hit rock bottom and hopefully enough people will be left to raise it back up to a civilized state.

    • That won’t help. It’ll send crazy radicals running to infect other states, like pus bursting from a boil.

    • They will spend every last cent you have left to generate the most farcical laws that could ever exist and they still they won’t quit. Look at Detroit for an example. The west coast has at least another 20 years to slide to the bottom of the pit before it levels out.

    • Walter,

      Agreed, but what exactly is the difference between an idiot and a nit wit? Example will be entertaining.

      Seems worth exploring.

      • IDIOT = A person of low general intelligence.
        NIT WIT = Scatterbrained person.

        From Google, I was curious too.

        • Riderless/Shoot Off Canuck. If I am an idiot and/or a nitwit, that makes you… Certainly not honest. You are too busy lying about me.
          Do you have a fixation?

          Or is it your narcissism? Get help.

        • beverly, you are correct, my bad. I’ll replace “nitwit” with “liar” as it’s more fitting, although nitwit is certainly not far off the mark. Now was it 6yrs as a cop or 10, beverly? Pick one and explain the other.

        • Riderless/ShootOff Canuck. Now you aren’t just “bad”, you are the worst liar on TTAG.

          As to what we term of service with the police department was, has been repeatedly answered. And I have rightly identified you are a liar claiming that I said 6 yrs. Funny thing is that no one else has made his accusation or seconded your lie. Gee could it be that they also consider you a liar?

          Again, It’s Mr Beverly or Sergeant to you, Slimy. If you can’t respect your elders, respect your betters.

        • Geez, beverly, you sound so awfully sure of yourself with that shovel in your hands. How many times do you think now that you have made me out to be the liar?

      • MinorIQ is a nitwit, dacian the stupid is an idiot. The difference is subtle, but it exists.

        • Lamp is such a loser It seems that you are the loser. You have the mind of a 10 yr old bully in the school yard. Get lost; we have no found department.

        • Nice sentence structure there, beverly, speaking of remedial writing courses. And how odd that you choose 10yrs of being a bully. Will you now change that to 6yrs, as is your wont?

  3. The “#1” (fiftieth in freedom) Everytown selection surprised me, since the state seemed to have more exceptions, workarounds, etc. than some others when I was stationed there. Since it’s been a few years since my escape, I’d be interested in hearing our CA commenters’ perspectives on the subject.

    • They are not finished yet. Now they are trying to outlaw (again) ghost guns by regulating “precursor parts.” Since we cannot be trusted to obtain a serial number and inscribe it on the receiver before starting a build, they now what to have background checks before obtaining an 80% kit. 80% receivers will be regulated as firearms under a law making its way through the Legislature. The question I have is whether you have to have two background checks, one to buy the kit and another to get the qualifying serial number. They also want to regulate 3d printers (or ban them all together).

      I am waiting to see the old manure hit the rotating air circulation device if the Supreme Court decides that we have a right to “shall issue” CCWs. I suspect they will try to make the qualifying training and required background check so onerous and expensive that few will be inclined to apply.

      They did pass a law that required for every new handgun added to the Roster of Approved Handguns that three be removed. Fortunately, not even the courts here could stomach that one.

      They are slowly working their way to requiring lead free ammo for all purposes, i.e., not just required for hunting but for range shooting too. I don’t know if they will go so far as to require it for indoor ranges, but since lead fumes are released during firing )allegedly–I don’t see how that happens with FMJ, but what do I know) , I have to assume they will.

      It used to be that if you had a CCW you were exempt from the law banning guns on campus. For reasons unrelated to logic, and no instances of holders of CCWs engaging in illegal acts on campuses, the exemption was revoked.

      The California Legislature will never be satisfied until it finds a way, constitutionally or not, from banning handguns and semiauto rifles in the state.

      • Mark N.,
        Thanks for all the updates! It looks like I left at exactly the right time – except, of course, for the part where my new, “free” home subsequently passed a GG law worse than CA’s, with zero real paths to legality.

        • Umm,

          The ‘People’s Democratic Republic of KKKalifornia’ will not reform until it crashes and burns. I used to harbor that delusion – LOVE the state, but despise its government – but I got over that pathetic delusion and GTFO of KKKalifornia. After the dust clears, I may go back and reclaim a piece. Then pass a law to exclude morons. Sorry, MinorIQ and dacian the stupid, sucks to be you, dunnit??

        • Steven Peden,
          I never harbored that delusion; it was my intention all along to transfer back to the US as soon as I could (stayed longer than I planned for family and career reasons).

          It’s just that (at least while I was there) they were “less-worse” than some of the northeastern states (and unable, being INCONUS, to have totalitarian control like HI).

      • Well, it also used to be that if one were an honorably discharged veteran one did not need the regal permission slip to purchase a firearm but merely needed to show the gun shop evidence of the honorable discharge and no need to pay the added fee for a permission slip nor take the simple-minded test that, I quite agree, if the taker can’t pass it, they should not have a firearm. They should also not be allowed out of the house unaccompanied by an adult person.

  4. quote—————Unfortunately, in Los Angeles, armed robberies involving firearms are up 57% from 2020.

    But how could that possibly be? After all, California has enacted countless laws and schemes that infringe on the state’s law-abiding gun-owners’ rights…all in the name of “public safety.”———————–quote

    Even a Denisovan or a Neanderthal could comprehend the simple fact that State Laws are useless when other States with lax laws funnel in second hand guns to States with tough laws. Even a 6th grader could grasp the simple concept.

    quote———–California was the first to enact a red flag law, too.————-quote

    Yes they were and other states have followed suit. The red flag laws were long overdue and certainly have saved lives and continue to do so. Yes occasionally an innocent guy loses his guns but he can get them back. The alternative is to have no red flag law and let nut cases and wife abusers go on to kill their spouses but of course to the paranoid Far Right “Losses can never be too high”. This is not rocket science except for the paranoid Far Right who are incapable of thinking even at the most primitive level.

    quote——————- background checks…even on ammunition purchases———-quote

    All civilized countries have background checks before buying ammo and its another tool to keep nut cases and criminals from getting ammo easily. If a gun is stolen the crook then must go through a check to buy ammo and if he has a record, which he usually does, he is denied the purchase of ammo making his stolen gun as useless as a door stop. Of course this concept is to far advanced for the mind of the paranoid Far Right who are not that high on the evolutionary scale anyway. But lets be perfectly clear such laws are useless if they are not passed on the Federal Level.

    Ammo background checks and amount restrictions have proven very useful and successful in foreign countries and the laws forbid private transfer of ammo drying up the street ammo considerably. The only ammo left is that which might be stolen and it is few and far between.

    quote—————Examples, you ask? Sure! How about a ban on private gun transfers,———–quote

    Absolutely a ban on private transfers is needed at the Federal Level. All civilized nations have them. Only in Capitalvania can any nut case or criminal buy a second hand gun with no paperwork and that is pure insanity. Again even a 5th grader can grasp the concept.

    quote————–If you’re a poor or working class Joe or Jane Sixpack, you can forget about getting a carry license to protect yourself or your family. The prohibition applies even if you’re a member of an extra-protected class like women, gays, minorities, or even illegal aliens.—————quote

    Extra protected class???????? Now that is really a sick statement. What the author meant was that women, gays , minorities or resident aliens are supposed to be second class citizens who should not have the equal rights as compared to the male white protestant Anglo Saxons.

    As far as a carry permit many Nations forbid it because when they did the studies more people died because of being legally able to carry a gun then when they were banned from doing so. Our road rage daily murders are certainly a good example of this. Or the recent shoot outs on Spring Break in Florida or during the annual Mardi Gras. Mixing naked women with booze the under 25 naked ape is just looking for a fight and shoot out. Ever wonder why most bars ban carrying guns????

    quote—————–Moore said, “There’s been a marked increase of armed robberies involving victims wearing expensive jewelry, as well as just other individuals whether they’re at commercial stores such as mini markets, convenience stores, gas stations, or on the street.”

    It’s almost as if with more gun control comes more crime. Who would have thought that?—————-quote

    Only the Paranoid Far Right fail to realize that without Federal Gun laws which would ban private sales, institute registration, and Safe Storage Laws will the crime rate with guns go down. Its been proven effective in dozens of civilized industrialized countries. Something the Far Right always ignore and attempt to sweep under the rug.

      • They are overpaying but you have a point in we don’t see much of him or Minor on the weekends generally.

        • Southern is from the Land Down Under, if he doesn’t see your post. (German Irish Canadian replying. My friends tell me that explains much but is still no excuse)

    • A few weeks back one of my neighbors, a casual visitor to this website, took in a rescue dog. A nice enough mutt, but stupid to the edge of being retarded. He’s ugly as sin and spends most of his time in the garage licking his equipment, if you know what I mean (and I think y’all do).

      We were trying to figure out what to name this freak show when I suggested the name “Dacian” would be appropriate, and so it is — the dog is now officially and, I believe, very appropriately named.

    • Quote———-Even a Denisovan or a Neanderthal could comprehend…———-Quote

      Juvenile comments. Fake dacian.

      • Hey, dacian the stupid, you have a serious problem. The “fake” dacian is far more intelligent that you, and usually has your s*** down cold. Perhaps YOU are the fake dacian, and we should ignore you? Oh, I already do ignore you . . . when I’m not curb-stomping your worthless arse. You are too stupid to breathe. You are an oxygen thief. Go pound sand in your @$$.

    • Even a Denisovan or a Neanderthal could comprehend the simple fact that State Laws are useless when other States with lax laws funnel in second hand guns to States with tough laws. Even a 6th grader could grasp the simple concept.

      You are doubling down on gun control, some more. But they have laws against what you have proposed here too. What you are admitting, unequivocally, is that gun control doesn’t work. Hard drugs was banned in every state. Banned at the federal level too. People ignored those laws and the “war on drugs” was lost anyways. Just like your “war on guns.” The difference being, that gun owners are by large completely innocent people wishing others well, whereas drug addicts are not. Which makes what you are proposing even worse.

      The red flag laws were long overdue and certainly have saved lives and continue to do so… …to the paranoid Far Right “Losses can never be too high”.

      The same can be said of you. Except instead of “losses can never be too high” the best to describe you is – “Freedom can never be too low.” You are “Freedom can never be too low” Dacian.

      • anonymous “War on Drugs” is a misnomer. What is really is is a challenge to law enforcement to do a better job of enforcing the drug laws. Suppression of drugs will never be complete. There will always be people who are incapable to handling life as it is. There will always be addicts as there will always be alcoholics.

        • And there will always be gun owners too. And some of those gun owners will be running drugs. And just like the failed war on drugs, there will be a failed war on guns too it seems.

        • anonymous There is a decidedly big difference. LEGAL gun owners do not do drugs. Again, the “War On Drugs” is a misnomer. It’s not real. The idea of the “War on Drugs” was/is to suppress the drug use. If you think that total suppression is the goal, you are sadly mistaken.

        • Walter,

          And where, EXACTLY, in the Constitution is the federal government empowered to control my personal behavior?? Sorry, but you are deluded. It isn’t possible (“effectiveness” of law enforcement is a pathetic distraction), and it isn’t appropriate. Everyone gets to go to hell their own way. Trying to stop it is narcissistic idiocy . . . which, with Senile Joe in office, we already have entirely too much of.

        • LAMP, We have to agree to disagree. The responsibility of government if to protect the people from predators. Drug dealers certainly qualify.

          Drugs are a scourge on our society. While it is not possible to stamp it out, it is possible to suppress it. If we were to go with your interpretation, then DWI should not be a crime? Doesn’t the government regulate your behavior relative to drunk driving? No, we will never stop it, but we have to make a concerted effort to suppress it.

    • Absolutely a ban on private transfers is needed at the Federal Level. All civilized nations have them. Only in Capitalvania can any nut case or criminal buy a second hand gun with no paperwork and that is pure insanity. Again even a 5th grader can grasp the concept.

      Buy a second hand gun??? I can build a first hand gun right now, with or without a piece of paper saying I can’t. Don’t need to buy anything.. 10 years from now, everyone will have 3d laser sintering cnc machine in their home on their desk. The future, is, complete and total inability to enforce gun control. That IS the future. And again, Mr. “we need it at the federal level” like the tyrant he is, because him having it in his own commie state isn’t good enough, he needs it everyone else’s state too, regardless if they want it or not. No surprise there from the “FREEDOM CAN NEVER BE TOO LOW” Dacian.

      Extra protected class???????? Now that is really a sick statement. What the author meant was that women, gays , minorities or resident aliens are supposed to be second class citizens who should not have the equal rights as compared to the male white protestant Anglo Saxons.

      No. It means they have extra protections.

      As far as a carry permit many Nations forbid it because when they did the studies more people died because of being legally able to carry a gun then when they were banned from doing so.

      LOL! “Freedom can never be too low” dacian speaks! I doubt you are telling the truth, because you have proven yourself to be a pathological liar. From the last known stats, crime in the USA was decreasing, not increasing. Certainly before democrats took to the streets in 2020 to burn everything down. Even if you were correct. The crime rates in my neighborhood have been going down, not up, and all of us have guns. So you’ll have to peddle your tyrant talk somewhere else.

      Only the Paranoid Far Right fail to realize that without Federal Gun laws which would ban private sales, institute registration, and Safe Storage Laws will the crime rate with guns go down. Its been proven effective in dozens of civilized industrialized countries. Something the Far Right always ignore and attempt to sweep under the rug.

      It’s never been proven effective here. The states with the most gun control have horrible crime rates, while their citizenry are unarmed. You can double down, and say that we need more gun control, and blame it on neighboring states and “used” guns. But there will always be a neighboring state. Even if all of the US were to ban guns, the flow would continue through Mexico (a neighboring state), just like banned drugs do. Then who would have the guns, even if you were successful? The government and the criminals. Great. The two groups of people that would do the worst with them.

      Further, asking for federal gun control laws, is like asking for federal abortion bans. Some states don’t want them. Some states, are NOT going to cooperate. In the end, you will disarm the moral gun owner that does not desire people harm, but not those that don’t. Which is an undesirable position.

      • anonymous,

        You are arguing with a brain-dead retard. You will definitely win your argument (because he’s a retard), but he’s too stupid to realize he’s had his head handed to him. Don’t bother. Ignore him or mock him, he’s too stupid to understand anything else.

  5. psssssttt… hey L.A., uh uh uh criminals don’t obey the law and they especially don’t obey gun control laws.

  6. I would’ve thought CA’s practice of not prosecuting thefts valued less than $1,500 would’ve made armed robberies obsolete.

    Sure, you might have to make multiple trips to the same convenience store but you’ll get off scott free. Maybe the armed part comes I to ay because some shop clerks might be armed themselves and not like being robbed? Well, if that’s the case we need to disarm those clerks ASAP to make it safer for the robbers.

    • Good point. Maybe they should pass a law requiring the cash to be left on the counter for easy access.

  7. Time and again, Liberals address problems by passing blanket laws that primarily effect the vast majority of citizens who aren’t the cause of the problems. Liberals seem to deny human nature in their misbegotten belief that criminals aren’t to blame for their actions but, rather, the blame lies in some external cause like…guns…or “Society”.

    The inevitable result is that we innocent citizens are more and more regulated and have our rights limited while criminals, who don’t obey the law anyway actually live freer lives that we do.

    It’s an idiotic situation brought about by politicians and voters who exercise their own form of racism and bigotry by refusing to deal with the problem of crime because so much of it is committed by a small fraction of the black population. They refuse to deal with the problem rationally because of their own misguided angst over being seen as “oppressing” criminals who they believe to be victims of “Society”.

  8. Stop complaining. Just sit back and enjoy your legalized recreational marijuana. Or just flash your get-out-of-jail-free medical marijuana card to the authorities.

    • Because of legalized marijuana, no medical cards needed any more. Convenient for the pot heads, because those cards were disqualifying to gun purchases from an FFL. And in California, there are not legal private sales–all must be processed through an FFL. Much harder to get caught when there are not records of use.

  9. Yeah, they’ll let criminals out with no bail and they’ve all but decriminalized theft, but God help you if you’re caught carrying a gun for self defense, especially if you use it, then you’ll see the full force of the law come down on you harder than a hellfire missile onto a Pakistani orphanage.

    Welcome to Anarcho-tyranny.

  10. The late Col Jeff Cooper observed in 1958, “Killing is a matter of will. You cannot control the act by passing laws about the means.”

    And, my observation for last several decades…..
    A politician with a law never controls a bad guy with a gun…or other tool.
    He merely controls the good guys, which is his true agenda.

    Bad guys are merely Useful Idiot Tools supporting the politician in corrupting the perceptions of the Useful Idiot Masses toward achieving his anti-America, anti-freedom, power, wealth, and control agenda.

  11. Of course, the politicians seem to think if they can make a criminal act just a little more illegal those who commit the crimes will finally see the error of their ways and be good. And of course, any crime committed by a non white person is always the fault of racism, or some other sin of society in general and light skinned people in particular. it’s the white mans fault. It’s the evil magical gun that makes people commit crimes. Their just the poor victims of an evil racist system.

  12. One point of clarification. The “background check” for ammo purchases are only against the APPS (Armed Prohibited Persons System) and are “instant”and the charge is $1. Plus there is no ten day waiting period–unless you are not a California state resident. Those poor bastards have to do the full blown background check, with a ten day wait, and the full $37 and change fee applicable to firearms purchases. The only upside (if you want to call it that) is that you can bring in up to fifty rounds when you come to go hunting.

  13. Singapore has basically nil crime shootings as you get 5 years for being caught with an empty shotgun shell.
    They have very few muggers as well as they pretty much discourage that with severe sentences as well as caning then around the third arrest they kill the accused. Oh, no street drugs either. They kill or deport dealers. Kinda proves dead people don’t do crime.

  14. When will these Knuckleheads (as my dad would have called them) wake up and realize that IT IS NOT THE GUNS! Their motive is power, not guns. And, let’s bring the uneducated and illegals in so we have a larger voter base. They are only facilitating an end to the State.

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