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A New Chapter for The Truth About Guns

Scott Witner - comments 217 comments

If you’re reading this, that means you’re already part of one of the best firearms communities on the internet. I’m Scott Witner, and I’m stepping in as the new Managing Editor for The Truth About Guns. If you know me, you know I don’t do half-ass. If you don’t know me yet—stick around, you will.

I’m a Marine Corps veteran and have spent the better part of the last decade knee-deep in the firearms industry—writing, testing gear, dialing in SEO, and making sure the best content rises to the top.

I currently run content marketing for HOP Munitions, provide SEO services for Achilles Heel Tactical, and tinker with my own little corner of the internet over at The Gear Bunker. Now, I’m bringing all of that experience (and my ever-growing Rolodex) to TTAG with one goal in mind: keeping this place at the top.

We’re still going to deliver the best damn firearms reviews, product deep-dives, industry news, and anything else tied to our Second Amendment freedoms.

But, big things are coming. Within the next few weeks, we’ll be rolling out a newly designed website. Yes, there may be a brief downtime (a day or two at most), but trust me—it’ll be worth it. When we flip the switch, TTAG is going to look bad-ass.

So, what does this mean for you? More of what you love, bigger and better than before. And if there’s anything you’d like to see us cover that we aren’t already, drop a comment below and let us know. We’re here to keep the conversation going, and your input matters.

Welcome to the pirate ship. The course is set, the cannons are loaded, and the adventure is just getting started.

217 thoughts on “A New Chapter for The Truth About Guns”

    • I’ve been here in varying degrees of participation for about a dozen years now, give or take. Seen a few “big changes coming” announcements. Seen good content, and filler-fluff. Seen robust debate and conversations in the comments, and over-moderation by the site admins/bots. Seen excuses for poor moderation practices by both the recent overlords, as well as the previous who started another site elsewhere.

      Clean up the comment over-moderation first. The rest will more easily fall into place.

      And for the sake of all on God’s Green Earth, if you choose to continue with a moderation platform, at least give us an idea of what the parameters and triggers are so we can navigate as we wordcraft our contributions to the conversations!! Don’t just ghost our comments into the ether, never to be seen again, with no explanation as to why.

          • I still get the occasional comment about that. My wife changed carriers and it went away. Never bothered to get a new one.

          • I don’t even know what the scooter type was. Anybody that knows mw knows that I have wrecked at least one of every type of vehicle I’ve ever driven. I’ve done a head on. Rolled a car. Wrecked at least two company vehicles. Never been at fault in any of them. People that know me are grateful I don’t have a pilot’s license.

            Just for shits and giggles my wife picked that scooter.

      • “Clean up the comment over-moderation first.”

        And clear the moderation in-box quickly. When comments are held in moderation for over 24 hours, it utterly destroys the back-and-forth in conversation.

        Under the first owner (Farago), it was common to see comments get cleared in 2 to 3 hours, max, many times in under an hour. That kept the conversation flowing…

        • Getting back to the Farago era editorial quality would also be fantastic. Unfortunately a lot of the great writers of that day have moved on in their careers.

  1. Welcome, Scott!

    Can we get actual secure login credentials for comments? I dislike the game-playing that some have done using other peoples’ screen names.

    Also, the comment section is at times very heavy-handed when it comes to screening comments.

    Next, here in the gun and 2A community, we do a great job of paying lip-service to 2A topics and issues, but I suspect we’re actually underperformers when it comes to engaging with our public officials and politicians, including judges. I don’t know how to fix that on a critical-mass basis, but maybe the site can brainstorm with us so we can all do more than just say “write to your so-and-so”?

    And finally, I would love to see a few more postings daily on news articles that are pertinent to some current or recent incident or news item. Our member .40 cal, along with some others, does a great job of bringing things to our attention.

    Thanks in advance sir, thank you for your service, and good luck going forward. I’m here for it!

    • “Can we get actual secure login credentials for comments? I dislike the game-playing that some have done using other peoples’ screen names.”

      Hard pass. That’s what the Gravatar option is for…so nobody else can hijack your moniker. Some of us have chosen it with great success. If TTAG finally goes in the direction of a logon/Discus platform, my decade-long run here will be over.

      • Just the other day I told a friend he should check out TTAG, a lot of useful information about guns and gun politics and you don’t have to use passwords and stuff.

        • “…I told a friend he should check out TTAG, a lot of useful information about guns and gun politics and you don’t have to use passwords and stuff.”

          So much THIS.

          I never would have begun commenting here about 15 YEARS AGO if a login was required…

      • Well then, we need to talk about this. I’m tired of “Fifty Shades of Miner” or “Dacian: The Drama, Part LXXIV”. If we can fix that, then I’ll probably be okay with it.

        I’m open to different alternatives that can get us to a workable solution, as long as I don’t have to play the 4th grade identity game.

        • Mock them for their lack of facts, context, cognitive function, or ability to acknowledge previous assertions that turned out to be horrifically incorrect. I am less than polite about it but there is plenty to mock and demean and not much worth actual debate as they lack integrity, ability or creativity (they cannot even make up their own criticisms towards us without us using it on them first )

          • “Mock them for their lack of facts, context, cognitive function, or ability“

            The fact is, you voted for this:

            “VA Crisis Line Employees Among Those Fired Amid Federal Workforce Purge
            Military.com | By Patricia Kime
            Published February 19, 2025 at 6:11pm ET

            An unknown number of Department of Veterans Affairs employees at the department’s suicide crisis line and workers who manned the phones and completed administrative tasks for Vet Centers were among those fired last week in a purge of the federal government workforce.“

            Apparently, you weren’t happy with the VA trying to lower the number of veterans who self-terminate, how ‘patriotic’ of you.

            Like Donald Quisling, you think they are all “suckers and losers”.

          • You already used that one and were mocked for it fuckwad. Your side never gave a shit about vets, ask me how I know.

          • So you don’t care that President Musk cut counselors for the VA crisis line?

            You don’t give a shit about anybody but yourself, sad.

          • Aww you are out of facts and reasonable arguments so you have to try to resort to shaming. Lol fuck off with your womanly tactics, VA needs a trim and can be restaffed quickly if needed. None of the federal employees is irreplaceable and all need to be examined and cut if they do not offer more value than they cost.

        • …or maybe just ignore them and let their plies at attention wither on the vine.

          I mean, there’s that option. I might be able to count on a single hand on the times I’ve ever responded to Miner.

          Vladdie and Peegee, however, were fun to poke.

          • Pretty sure one of the cut and run type trolls is a coworker of mine. If you notice I only mock him after the workday that would be a hint (avoiding HR moderation).

        • Thanks, and I appreciate your suggestions here.

          It’s what makes this, at its root, a worthwhile community.

          But you fellas aren’t getting me. I’m not angry or mad at them showing up. I’m not even annoyed when the membership responds by creating fictional personas to respond to them, as long as it’s obvious who’s not whom.

          It’s when people start leaving posts AS THEM that rubs me the wrong way.

          And that’s because I know I wouldn’t like it of one of them left a post under my own nom de plume.

          So again, if we can avoid that, I’ll probably be agreeable.

          • Not really a concern, ultimately it’s easy to tell when it happens and the correct person tends to get mocked until it stops.

        • “Well then, we need to talk about this. I’m tired of “Fifty Shades of Miner” or “Dacian: The Drama, Part LXXIV”. If we can fix that, then I’ll probably be okay with it.”

          Disagree, let the trolls stay, they make excellent practice for debating the 2A with others in the real world of our day-to-day lives.

          Besides, I found it great fun to relentlessly insult trolls like PG until he doesn’t bother posting here anymore.

          (And if he ever does drop in again, *Evil Laugh*…)

        • Honestly, it doesn’t take long to pick out the imposters. Most of them fail to mimic their target’s ‘style of speech’, so to say, with any real fidelity…

    • “Can we get actual secure login credentials for comments?“

      Yes, it’s important we stamp out anonymous political speech. It’s not like there’s any tradition of anonymous political speech in the United States.

      “McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Commission, 514 U.S. 334 (1995), is a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that an Ohio statute prohibiting anonymous campaign literature is unconstitutional because it violates the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which protects the freedom of speech. In a 7–2 decision authored by Justice John Paul Stevens, the Court found that the First Amendment protects the decision of an author to remain anonymous.“

        • It’s not my concerns, I think the Supreme Court is right to protect anonymous political speech.

          It’s the MAGA fascists on this site who are attempting to stop anonymous political speech.

          • Make America Great Again just rankles your very evil soul, don’t it miner.

            You are proof positive that we need to scrap our current failure of an education system and start over.

          • When hasn’t it been great? Why do people risk all to get here?

            You’re the kind of putz that will only realize and regret what you helped to destroy once it has been destroyed.

          • “So exactly when was America great?”

            It began again about one month ago… 😉

          • So this is what makes America great?

            “VA Crisis Line Employees Among Those Fired Amid Federal Workforce Purge
            Military.com | By Patricia Kime
            Published February 19, 2025 at 6:11pm ET

            An unknown number of Department of Veterans Affairs employees at the department’s suicide crisis line and workers who manned the phones and completed administrative tasks for Vet Centers were among those fired last week in a purge of the federal government workforce.“

          • Well that line didn’t age well h ttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd7-4zy8l4Q&pp=ygUqZmVkZXJhbCBlbXBsb3llZSBsYXlvZmZzIDIwMjUgY29tcGlsYXRpb24g
            Fake and gay as usual much like the bitching about the corrupt immigration judges that got cut.

          • So here’s a comment by a friend making an observation about the path to greatness:

            “Yesterday, I visited with family members who I know voted for Trump. It turns out that their daughter has just received a letter terminating her high-level federal job. She receives no severance or unemployment benefits. She had been there for over 15 years, and her contract stated that she could not be fired unless she had done something wrong. They could not believe what was happening. I love seeing Trump supporters receive what they voted for. They voted for others to lose their jobs and civil rights, not for themselves.“

          • Jeebus, marty and jobus, miner. Tell me that you are an uneducated fool without using those actual words.

            Are you this clueless? Or as it now seems likely you are a secret Trump fan?

            The fact that you’re still attempting to sink the left suggests that you are indeed a Trumpette.

          • And? Sorry but really no fucks to give about fired feds facing the same reality as every American for the last 40 odd years of outsourcing. If anything in your story is true the family is almost as dumb as your narrative. And yes it is possible it will happen with me in NY and that is why I have been preparing alternative careers since that vax ID thing was pushed until it crashed.

          • So here’s a comment by a friend making an observation about the path to greatness

            Translation: here’s a copy of another made-up story I saw on the net.

          • And that is why you and your story is more fake and gay than the trans movement and rapidly getting more mentally ill.

          • Lol yeah not the experience for anyone who had to deal with the Biden Admin during the scamdemic but you keep projecting you may convince your cult buddies something they were not already programmed to believe. Oh and regarding the majority of your “sources” h ttps://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1891371074429792299.html
            I am having a harder time finding anything you ever referenced that wasn’t paid government propaganda theoretically one step removed.

          • Remember when, in coordination with the FBI and the DNC, all the major social media sites censored speech that was negative towards Biden? Mention Hunter’s laptop which had proof of a pay for access to the VP and you were banned. State that COVID came from a lab in China and you were banned.

            Remember that?

            You use the word fascist too much and you blindly use it for things your own party does, but never against your own party.

            You are a hypocrite and a fool. But never change. I want Vance in 2028.

            P.S. Sorry to hear about your USAID money drying up. I wondered why you’d been less active here lately.

          • “Hunter’s laptop which had proof of a pay for access“

            So where is the criminal indictments by the DOJ? So why no criminal referral from any congressional investigation?
            Why no impeachment of Joe Biden?

            “your USAID money“


          • Why did biden hand out pardons to his crime family?

            You’re a walking indictment of our failed education system, miner.

          • Presidential pardon after years of agency capture, and if you are not getting paid you are worthless as well as retarded.

          • “It’s not my concerns, I think the Supreme Court is right to protect anonymous political speech.”

            and if TTAG were a government entity it would apply.

            “It’s the MAGA fascists on this site who are attempting to stop anonymous political speech.”

            100% false.

            Mynr49r, your cherry picking out of context do you can troll, posting lies, and trolling is not political speech – its an expression of your mental illness and SCOTUS can’t help you with that.

      • MAJOR MORON!!! You’re back! (So to speak – illiterate and unsourced (or poorly sourced) propaganda isn’t really much of a contribution) – I thought you were so butthurt over the curb stomping y’all received Nov. 5 that you couldn’t bear to come here for the inevitable curb stomping YOU were going to receive. Your neighborhood CVS must have gotten an emergency delivery of Preparation H (or your momma finally paid the utility bill to turn the power back on in your basement).

        I’d love to say I missed you, but that would be a lie . . . other than the fact that spanking your stupid @$$ was the most fun I could get for a few pennies worth of electricity.

        See you changed you (objectively stoopid) handle, so that it’s now even MORE stoopid – nice play, dipsh*t). Was that to prevent folks from being able to easily look up and bust you for your prior idiotic commentary??? Or did you just forget how to type your old handle??

        I see the ‘quality’ of your sources hasn’t improved and iota, nor has your reading comprehension, nor has your grasp of context and what stories/comments ACTUALLY say, vs. your idiot straw man arguments. Do you really think (WTF am I even typing?!? MajorIdiot thinking???? Unpossible) that just changing your weak-@$$ handle will protect you from ridicule??

        Nice to see you back, MajorMoron – I didn’t miss you, but I did miss abusing you. You are God’s gift to people seeking cheap entertainment playing whack-a-mole with idiot, uneducated, illiterate, innumerate Leftist/fascist morons. Thanks for the opportunity, twerp!!

    • Yes please bring back a liberal gun owner, who thinks school staff should not have guns on them to protect children.

      And yes I’m very serious. Bring her and others back so they expose themselves, as the control opposition that they are.

    • “Bring back ElaineD”

      Yes! The ‘Vietnamese Vixen’ was loads of fun to read and converse with… 🙂

  2. More musical chairs. Is this the fourth managing editor? Has there been another ownership change? Not that that matters much, just keep the content coming and I’ll keep reading..

    • Running a commentary website is a hard business. Not for the faint of heart, and not for somebody with limited funds or limited motivation to find multiple funding sources just to keep the lights on and the servers powered up.

      Would not be surprised if that’s why Robert Farrago sold The Truth About Cars, and a few years later sold The Truth About Guns.

      I still think there’s lots of opportunity in this space. I just don’t know what it is.

          • ” Following in the path of SNL?”

            Viciously mean comedy is making a comeback at SNL, check out their last annual ‘Joke Swap’, and note the reaction of Colin Jost’s wife Scarlett Johansson to Micheal Che’s jokes about her :

            h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWu01Jr9sLY

      • Yeah I’ve been here some dozen years too(I MAY be the longest tenure with guys like Ralph mia). It was pretty great some 10 years ago under Farago. Dunno if it all matters but I have no plans to leave. All the best to the new crew!

        • Field notes man, gotta have them field notes, and on a dark and stormy night how you going to read them without a flashlight?

          • If I want to take notes, I’ll use my Apple watch, iPhone, or iPad to take them. If it’s something truly IMPORTANT, I’ll just remember it. Luckily for me, there’s still room in the noggin for new information.


        • @Osprey,

          (gasp!) You don’t carry a light?! Dude…I have a light clipped to my pocket, and a larger one in my backpack. Two is one, and all that.

          I carry a blade, a light, and a weapon. I myself get scolded for not wearing a paracord bracelet. I’m still looking for that perfect smaller Zippo lighter so I can at least feel like I’m in the Big Leagues for having a fire source on me. You know…so I can theatrically toss a lit flame into a gasoline-soaked barrier and watch all the zombies scream as they go up in smoke. Or something to that effect…

          • I kept a zippo for years after I quit smoking. Occasionally used it as a nervous fidget deal. After I had worked at a place for a decade a co-worker asked why I carried it and I did not smoke.

            I told him I never knew when I might want to burn down a hootch.

          • A girl I worked with many years ago got me one for my birthday. She had my name engraved on it. I still have it. I bet it would still work if I filled it up.

          • “(gasp!) You don’t carry a light?! Dude…I have a light clipped to my pocket, and a larger one in my backpack. Two is one, and all that.”

            I did not say that I don’t carry a light. I just don’t like reading the self-righteous scolding!

            I have flashlights coming out my ears.

            And even when I don’t have a flashlight, I STILL have light. My iPhone has a light, and my Apple Watch has a light function, if I ever find myself in the bathroom or kitchen after the house has gone to sleep.

            I live in Florida. So dude, I HAVE FLASHLIGHTS.

            If there’s anything I could use, it’s a flame source. I want a badass torch, but with all the crap I carry already (including the damned flashlight), I’m reaching my own limits without getting a pack mule. Or being one!

          • Do Ospreys envy Owls?
            I see Florida and flashlight and I see bugs, lots and lots of bugs.
            I learned real quick a headband flashlight isn’t such a good idea out with the froggies

          • When out cycling late at night here in central Florida, I ride fast enough the skeeters can’t catch me… 😉

        • Osprey,

          One of the reasons I mostly don’t comment on/follow “EDC” articles is the underlying logical fallacy of that – EDC, of necessity, describes a limited array of items YOU consider important for your daily life, and the most likely circumstances you are going to address. There AIN’T no ‘one size fits all’ answer to that. Nor can a normal human engaged in normal activities carry everything that the “experts” recommend, without looking like a clown.

          An acquaintance of mine once got the EDC bug, and outfitted himself based on such “expert” advice. One item he carried was a fairly pricey compact IFAK. So I casually inquired as to whether it (i) really contained what he would be likely to need, and (ii) did he know how to use all the components it did have? Turned out he had no idea what an IFAK was for, or even how/when to use most of the items he did have. A simple first aid course (there are many out there, cheap and/or free) would have done him twice as much good as his bougie IFAK – for a lot less money.

          EDC and similar (get home bags, bug-out bags, self-defense carry options, etc.) are INHERENTLY personal and situational. Learn the theory, then make your own (almost always cheaper (usually with better-quality items) and certainly more tailored to your ACTUAL circumstances.

          Saying “always have a flashlight” is great, completely useless, advice. WHAT flashlight makes the most sense for you? Some long-time TTAG commenters may notice that I rarely, if ever, comment about “Why is X gun the PERFECT self-defense carry??” – umm, because there AIN’T no such thing. What “works” for me likely will not work for most other people, and vice-versa.

          Carry what YOU feel comfortable with, and tell anyone who purports to tell you the “right” way to do it to take a flying fornication at a rolling breakfast pastry.

      • I Haz a Question,

        I also really enjoyed this site’s “Weekend Photo Caption Contest”. That went away a few (or several?) years ago.

        Note: while it was extra fun when this site sent actual prizes to contest “winners”, that is not necessary for the fun that was/is the weekend photo caption contest.

        For reference prizes could be simple swag such as coffee mugs or t-shirts which promote this site or companies that produce firearms, firearm components, ammunition, and related merchandise.

    • Sites running WordPress for their CMMS can be good, but this hasn’t historically been one of them. I’m looking forward to something more modern and useable across the board.

  3. Why is it when I read “sleek, modern site” I just assume some asshat is going to publish a shitty font on terribly clashing colors in frames with embedded advertising that breaks the page entirely if you try to block it?

    Probably because that’s what usually happens.

    The dead internet theory is real.

    • Your concerns are legit.

      That said, if they can clean up the moderation stuff and do at least one article about the intent behind *new gun laws* for a state like Colorado where the author actually knows WTF they’re talking about (unlike guntube) I’ll call it a win.

      • “…if they can clean up the moderation stuff and do at least one article about the intent behind *new gun laws* for a state like Colorado where the author actually knows WTF they’re talking about (unlike guntube) I’ll call it a win.”

        You’ve proven you can write well, put something together and submit it.

        At the very least, you can righteously claim you’re a published 2A author…

  4. Oh-oh, a newly designed website……..
    I have yet to come across one that was redone and was better than before. They all seem to want to fix something that isn’t broken🤷‍♂️

  5. Been here since ‘10 when “The Gilded One” (R. Farago) started it up.
    I’ve changed avatar names a few times due to unscrupulous peeps commenting under my name (& others).

    This website WAS the best, first and foremost, at posting excellent gun & gear reviews.
    That ebbed away slowly after RF took the $$$ and ran. (Good for him BTW!)
    At least 3-4 gun reviews a week. With strict criteria of posting range details & photos of the targets w/ shot details.

    To this day no other site has attained that level of specificity.

    These days I wander the web like Diogenes, searching for well written, well edited, professional reviews that take zero $$ from manufacturers for reviewing their wares.
    Do that one thing better than anybody else and you’ll have success.

    Thank you for your service to our nation Mr. Witner, it is much appreciated.
    You have my respect as a patriot and fellow citizen, now go kick some butt on rebuilding & rebranding.

  6. I also came to state that this site has to significantly improve its moderation censorship ugliness.

    I have had a simple one-sentence comment go to moderation limbo for absolutely no defensible reason whatsoever. (In that case I finally discovered that merely typing the name of the person to whom I was replying–the name “Geoff”–triggered moderation limbo.) And it appears that other common words which are very important to political discussions are also forbidden. (One example is the word “Pr0 gress ive”.)

    Last but not least, my e-mail address (which is linked to my avatar as well) that I have been using for at least 12 years is suddenly forbidden, apparently: if I use that e-mail address, my comments simply vanish without any mention of moderation problems. That type of nonsense has to end as well.

    • Same thing happened to me last year, which is why I stopped commenting for a few months. Then I started up again under a different moniker and (completely made up) email address. Never experienced a hiccup with it. I recently dumped it and resumed with my IHAQ one, and have not had a ghosting so far. Perhaps the moderation overlords place a time limit, like probation? Dunno…but as I commented at the top, we simply wish to know what terms will trigger the WordPress demons to jump on our comments. To punish us without explaining why is like grounding your kids from playing outside without ever telling them why.

    • “…the name “Geoff”–triggered moderation limbo.”

      Wow, I’m considered dangerous by someone with censorship powers?

      I’m not sure If I’m supposed to be flattered, insulted, or offended… 😉

  7. Get rid of the widely known long time trolls here for they are communist & poison.

    Semper Fi brother, once a Marine always a Marine.

      • This is NOT the government. The site owner could decide to put you in the penalty box for insulting another member. RF did it many times.

        The owner can make his own rules. He could even make a rule against arguing about caliber sizes!

        Oh the humanity!

        • True that however being put in the penalty box to much just might make someone say I quit.
          Enough of that and all you wind up with is an echo box.

          • I did not say I was in favor of penalizing anybody for having an opinion that differed from my own.

            I just said that it can happen. Twitter and Facebook sure did it. YouTube still does it.

  8. I want to remind the people who operate this website that the comments are at least as important/valuable as the articles themselves. That being the case, TTaG should put in a huge effort to improve the highly negative characteristics of this site which “moderate” or even completely hide comments posted in good faith.

    Saying it another way, the only comments that this site should “moderate” or disappear are comments which are obviously spam, frivolous/trivial, grotesque, obscene, or criminal.

    • How long will moderation take?
      Frivolous undue moderation leads to agitation and that leads to clicking elsewhere.
      There are many ways to lose customers/commenters.

      • If you’re able to even READ his comment, let alone respond to it, then it is by definition NOT “waiting for moderation”.

        He fooled you!

  9. Godspeed.

    I read here only occasionally now.

    Used to be a lot more fun when Farago was here and before all the trolls.

    A lot more content about guns and stuff. And a lot more light hearted.

    If you go to a sign in system…..I’m done.

    And fix the moderation so I can spell my monicker correctly (Specialist38).

  10. Please end the practice of posting manufacturer adverts cloaked as reviews or original content.
    I second another poster’s comment that reviews should be detailed tests with thoughtful material. I also understand that generating truly original content is thankless work; so I’m fine with manufacturer product announcements and such as long as they are clearly identified as such.
    Mostly I’d like to see more material talking about the community and actual guns.

  11. I forgot to put this into my first post.

    I’d also like to see a regular deep-dive on DGUs. And a deep-dive on the numbers, too! It’s unacceptable that we all just say there are “between” (some low number like 100,000 or 300,000) and (some high number like 5 million or 30 million) DGUs each year…and somehow, that’s good enough for us.

    And of course, everybody hates rules. But we might need to reconsider some of the original framework that RF enacted when he had the site.

    Also, I’d like to know who here has a financial interest in being here. Are you a gunsmith? Do you work for an ammo company? Do you get paid by a political organization? I think we should have more disclosure.

    I’m not saying you’d have to disclose your name, but if you get paid by USAID, Bloomberg, or Soros organization money, or if you’re being paid to write legislation, maybe you should have to disclose it.

    I’m open to discussion and refinement, of course. I just want it out there. I don’t get paid. I want to know if I’m up against somebody making certain claims…who does get paid.

    Let’s talk about this.

    • “…but if you get paid by USAID, Bloomberg, or Soros organization money, or if you’re being paid to write legislation, maybe you should have to disclose it.”

      seriously? you expect these deceptive entities to not be deceptive and tell the truth?

      that must have been a really deep cave ya been living in for the last 4 years.


  12. So does this mean the frustrated impotent boomer from Texas calling everyone making a counter argument, an incel, as well as the fat hog with her silly goose opinion pieces, are gone?
    And the small hats are no longer in control, we can talk about certain ethno-religious group behind, among many other things, attempts to disarm people in US?
    All I want to know is, if you’ve been to kiss the demon wall, and do you acknowledge that 13% does 52%?

  13. “…acknowledge that 13% does 52%?”

    Actually… overall violent crime – from one demographic comprising 14% of the population:

    ~6% of the 14% (i.e. males – including LGBTQ) does 52%
    ~2% of the 14% (i.e. females – including LGBTQ) does 10%

    As of June 2024 – collectively, for overall violent crime (all types, from assault to rape to murder – and all types in between including domestic-violence): ~8% of the single demographic population does 62% at a rate 6 times higher than any other demographic. And for murder alone at a rate 3.7 times that of any other single demographic. And for the LGBTQ within that single demographic, violent crime at a rate of 3 times higher than LGBTQ in any other demographic.

    • Let’s put the blame where it truly belongs. The dems eliminated the black family with the welfare state. Kids raised in broken homes do broken things.

      The dems are responsible for a war to keep slavery. They are responsible for fighting against the civil rights movement and when that failed they started the welfare state to destroy what was left of the black community.

      • Still gotta stop the bleeding before trying to reattach a limb. Tourniquets can hurt but are a necessary step to survival in with such injuries. If we cannot acknowledge and handle the criminal actions of a mislead minority how do we hope to acknowledge and address the criminal actions of their manipulators? In short both need to be addressed with no excuses or attempts of misplaced mercy.

        • Criminal actions need to be dealt with. Yes. But the folks creating the actions are a more immediate threat. Burn down the dems house and a lot of the follow on problems will sort themselves out.

          Put all the street cred guys in prison and there will be an endless supply of replacements for them. You kill a snake at its head.

          • We do neither and both are needed equally as there will be a constant need of the first for a minimum of 20 years (see 80s early 00s crime control results) even if you sever the head. There is no silver bullet just a lot of thankless work.

          • Depends on how you go after the problem.

            I’ve posted a solution set for this on here before. No one likes it because it requires the slaughter of sacred cows on both sides.

            It also requires fixing a bunch of tangential shit (like the schools or exactly how we do policing, for example) that most people don’t think about or want to think about.

            As usual, you actually have to go to these communities and live there a while to see how the place works and figure out why it works before you can craft a solution. Everything else is carpetbaggery and the results will be gameable and suboptimal, at best.

          • “you actually have to go to these communities and live there a while to see how the place works and figure out why it works before you can craft a solution“

            I think President Musk skipped that step:

            “People brace for impacts on land, water and wildlife after feds fire thousands over holiday weekend
            Career employees told HCN they were unsettled by the termination email sent by HR, which cited ‘performance issues.’
            Christine Peterson
            February 17, 2025

            For people on the ground in mountain communities, small towns and rural areas, the cuts were nothing short of devastating. They came with no explanation, warning or discernment, and the impact on public land and wildlife, observers say, will be felt for years.”

            Remember, you voted for this.

          • Who is this President Musk you’re on about, miner?

            And we did not vote for this. You did by supporting a crime family that looted the treasury and drove Americans to desperation.

          • “And we did not vote for this.”

            So the denials begin…

            “Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.”

          • Better read up on the false prophet sections bud, but out of context garbage aside. No one voted for Musk, no one voted for the corrupt shitpile of federal employees either so yeah good to go with the Trump vote. Can you say the same for your Biden/Harris votes?

  14. Biden’s ATF Policy: Zero Tolerance DOWN // How Biden Weaponized ATF and What That Now Means.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEf9deMUzzk

    • Merely abolishing the A T F isn’t enough, although it is a good start, holding A T F personnel accountable who had anything to do with those murdered(Bryan Malinowski) and businesses and lives ruined(Patrick “Tate” Adamiak) should be a top priority.

  15. BREAKING: Elon Musk discovers $260 billion in social security checks being cashed by ‘vampires’ (note: people over 100 years old i.e. 139 years old a few at 300 years old – also, 60 million more SS checks going out than the number of people in the U.S. population).

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhTDYQAw0d0

    • 150 year old Social Security recipients? Friggin hilarious!
      So other than an off-the-cuff remark, where is the actual data?

      They ain’t got none, they just don’t know anything about how large scale databases work.

      It’s all about when the Convention of the Metre was signed, which ISO 8601 defines to be 1875-05-20.

      “Under an international standard called ISO 8601, a missing value for a date is coded as May 20, 1875, because that was the date of an international standards-setting conference held in Paris, known as the “Convention du Mètre.”

      For that reason, under some coding systems, a missing value for a date will default to 1875 — which in the year 2025 produces a round figure of 150.

      “Some people, particularly some immigrants, really don’t know their exact birthday, so there would have to be some alternative means of verification,” said C. Eugene Steuerle, a fellow at the Urban Institute, a think tank, and a former deputy assistant secretary of the Treasury Department during the Reagan administration.“

      Unfortunately DOGE is a bunch of tech bros who think they know everything, but actually know very little about how the world really works.

      Here’s another example of their incompetence:

      “Trump administration fires and then tries to rehire nuclear weapons workers in DOGE reversal
      February 17, 2025 / 9:33 AM EST / AP

      The Trump administration has paused the firings of hundreds of federal employees working on the nation’s nuclear weapons programs, in a reversal that has left workers confused and experts cautioning that DOGE’s blind cost cutting will put communities at risk.

      Late Thursday afternoon, a number probationary employees of the National Nuclear Security Administration were fired, a source in the Energy Department confirmed. This is the entity within the department that manages the nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile, among other responsibilities.“

      Just remember, when the system starts falling apart, you voted for this.

      • If you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance…..
        You contribute nothing to counter the accusations and do much to indicate the investigation is proceeding well. Don’t worry this will be small potatoes compared to the various other payments from the Treasury that cannot be anonymous anymore.

          • Nope, just putting out the facts to clear away the fog of fear y’all seem to be laboring under.

            So when will we see the list of fraud charges against the 150 year old Social Security recipients?

          • After we sort through the 12 million over 120 years old h ttps://www.theepochtimes.com/us/database-lists-12-million-people-older-than-120-eligible-for-social-security-musk-5811532?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=BonginoReport&src_src=partner&src_cmp=BonginoReport

            But of greater interest is the trillions of unaccounted spending h ttps://wokespy.com/insane-musks-doge-discovers-that-4-7-trillion-vanished-in-untraceable-payments/

            Your reply is irrelevant as this is more for anyone willing to read and think.

          • Amazing, do you think that is solid news?

            “The database reportedly includes millions of supercentenarians and outnumbers the current U.S. population“

            Do you understand what these words mean in English?

            “The database reportedly… “

            So one should be able to file a freedom of information act request to verify these actual numbers.

            Not so fast, President Musk has already blocked that transparency:

            “Trump’s Declaration Allows Musk’s Efficiency Team to Skirt Open Records Laws
            Government watchdog groups say they will challenge the Trump administration’s decision to put the initiative under the Presidential Records Act, which shields its work from public disclosure.

            The White House has designated Mr. Musk’s office, United States DOGE Service, as an entity insulated from public records requests or most judicial intervention until at least 2034, by declaring the documents it produces and receives presidential records.“

            I am so excited to see the federal indictments for fraud that you folks are promising, and just remember, you voted for this.

          • Trump’s claims of transparency are just more bullshit lies, and you know it’s lies and don’t care.

            “The White House has designated Mr. Musk’s office, United States DOGE Service, as an entity insulated from public records requests or most judicial intervention until at least 2034“

            Trump bought himself the presidency for $280 million, and it’s already really paying off for him:

            “State department removes word ‘Tesla’ from $400m US armoured vehicles list
            Earlier procurement forecast had suggested Elon Musk’s company would be a beneficiary of planned purchases
            Jasper Jolly
            Thu 13 Feb 2025 11.57 EST
            The US Department of State has removed the name “Tesla” from a list of planned purchases, after an earlier version of the list said it would spend $400m buying new electric armoured vehicles, even as the carmaker’s boss, Elon Musk, leads efforts to slash government spending under Donald Trump.

            A procurement forecast produced by the department showed the $400m (£320m) proposed spending on “armoured Tesla (production units)” in December. The most likely Tesla model was the Cybertruck, the company’s electric pickup, given Musk’s claims that the vehicle is bulletproof.“

            Interesting, just took out the word ‘Tesla’.

            Well then, alrighty now, everything is just fine, no corruption here.

          • Lol that’s it? Bitch you are short a minimum of 5 decimal places for me to even begin to notice compared to .gov even assuming whatever failed propaganda piece you are pushing is remotely true l. You/they lost the narrative now time to be known by your antics

          • Trump’s claims of transparency are just more bullshit lies, and you know it’s lies and don’t care.

            “The White House has designated Mr. Musk’s office, United States DOGE Service, as an entity insulated from public records requests or most judicial intervention until at least 2034“

            President Musk bought himself the presidency for $280 million, and it’s already really paying off for him:

            “State department removes word ‘Tesla’ from $400m US armoured vehicles list
            Earlier procurement forecast had suggested Elon Musk’s company would be a beneficiary of planned purchases
            Jasper Jolly
            Thu 13 Feb 2025 11.57 EST
            The US Department of State has removed the name “Tesla” from a list of planned purchases, after an earlier version of the list said it would spend $400m buying new electric armoured vehicles, even as the carmaker’s boss, Elon Musk, leads efforts to slash government spending under Donald Trump.

            A procurement forecast produced by the department showed the $400m (£320m) proposed spending on “armoured Tesla (production units)” in December. The most likely Tesla model was the Cybertruck, the company’s electric pickup, given Musk’s claims that the vehicle is bulletproof.“

            Interesting, just took out the word ‘Tesla’.

            Well then, alrighty now, everything is just fine, no corruption here.

          • Let’s not forget the two negroids in Crooklyn back in ’16 that kept their deceased mothers “on ice” one had wrapped his mammy in garbage bags in the shed the other stuffed his old lady in a freezer all so the “aspiring astronauts” & “gud boyz” could continue collecting the pension and social security checks.

          • Tesla as .mil vehicles? Probably won’t pass trials and if not will be something to criticize. Now do you have anything besides proposed or pending review?

          • “A procurement forecast produced by the department showed the $400m (£320m) proposed spending on “armoured Tesla (production units)” in December. The most likely Tesla model was the Cybertruck, the company’s electric pickup, given Musk’s claims that the vehicle is bulletproof.“”

            It turns out that request and effort was made by the Biden admin, who wanted armored electric vehicles and Tesla was the one and only company that responded when the ‘bid’ request came around. Biden gave them a contract.

            Rachel Maddow Gets Clown-Slapped With the Truth About Elon… > h ttps://pjmedia.com/victoria-taft/2025/02/14/rachel-maddow-gets-clown-slapped-by-truth-n4936996

            “The Trump admin says they have no intention to fulfill Biden’s $400M armored EV contract just hours after MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow made a fool of herself on national TV.”

            “The show host suggested Trump and Musk were putting together some sort of back-door deal to purchase Teslas when in reality, the plan was initially started under Biden.

            ‘There are no current plans to issue [the contract],’ the State Department said.

            ‘It was launched under the Biden administration, which had sought to make more investments in electric vehicles (EV). Trump has signaled a shift in the opposite direction,’ the Hill reported.”

            h ttps://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1890459477230379458?mx=2

          • Lol damn 40 give me a chance to get bored enough to look his bullshit up and confirm what I already know 😉. Minor or whatever, do you actually have any real complaints or are you just the old man yelling at the sky meme at this point?

          • You completely missed the point, President Musk has a conflict of interest because of the billions of dollars he receives from the federal government, there’s no way he is an ‘unbiased auditor’.

            That $400 million procurement request was but a drop in the bucket compared to his overall federal financial entanglements.

            It’s all a sham. How do you let someone who has stake in the federal budget, monitor the federal budget? His companies are subsidized by the government, he shouldn’t be anywhere near our treasury or any federal funds.

            But of course, Donald Trump has promised him a return on his investment, apparently you can buy a lot of corrupt power for $280 million.

            “Some federal workers are ‘getting wealthy at taxpayer expense,’ says Elon Musk, whose companies have received at least $20 billion from the government
            February 13, 2025, 5:17 AM EST

            His space exploration company SpaceX has received over $20 billion from the federal government over the past 15 years, according to federal spending records. SpaceX CEO Gwynne Shotwell has said that the company has $22 billion in government contracts, Reuters reported.
            EV company Tesla, whose stock makes up the bulk of Musk’s nearly $400 billion net worth, has benefited from $2.8 billion in tax subsidies or grants, according to subsidy tracker Good Jobs First. The Los Angeles Times calculated in 2015 that Musk’s empire of companies, which includes Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity and The Boring Company, took in nearly $5 billion in tax breaks.

            Tesla, SpaceX, and DOGE did not reply to a request for comment from Fortune.“

          • It’s funny how Miner will end up undermining his own arguments if you give him enough time.

            Miner: “The richest man in the world has to work for the current administration so he can get rich! My proof: $400m gov contract! Boom!”

            Others: “The gov has already made that contract null and void. Next.”

            Miner: “The richest man in the world has to work for the current administration so he can get rich! My proof: Elon’s companies have made over $20B from the fed gov over the past 15 years under MULTIPLE ADMINISTRATIONS.” (LOL)

            Also Miner: Supports subsidies to fight the Climate cRiSis.

            Also Miner: “The fed gov is subsidizing EV and solar companies! NOOO!!!!”

          • The very essence of a strawman argument, you fabricate a quote from me, and then respond indignantly.

            “Miner: “The richest man in the world has to work for the current administration so he can get rich! My proof: $400m gov contract! Boom!”

            Of course, you can’t refute the content, Elon Musk receives billions of taxpayer dollars from the federal government which means he has a vested interest in manipulating the federal budget.

            That’s why granting him deep access to the United States Treasury is an element of deep corruption by the current administration.

            Remember, you voted for this.

          • You don’t understand what a straw man is if you think that’s what I did. My slightly paraphrased quotes are very obviously summarizing the hilariously retarded arguments you have made. You’re the one that said he has made over $20B under multiple administrations for over 15 years! You’ve already undermined your own argument!

            Did Elon need to operate DOGE for the past 15 years plus in order to get those contracts? We know the answer is no. Did Elon use DOGE to get a new $400M contract? We know the answer is no because the contract is null and void. In other words, you were pushing fake news. Now show us exactly how the richest man in the world needs DOGE to get rich. We’re waiting.

            “Remember, you voted for this.”

            Yes, I did. It’s been like Christmas morning every day! Cope harder, commie.

          • “After we sort through the 12 million over 120 years old“

            Isn’t it interesting, Elon Musk has not said they were receiving checks…

            And they have blocked citizens from making FOIA requests for the actual source documents.

            Just the special brand of President Musk’s ‘transparency’.

            Remember, you voted for this

          • Still going with that retarded president musk nonsense? Well so far so good with President Trump and wasted tax money getting identified and cut faster than you can make up narratives that even begin to be possible let alone credible.

          • “Well so far so good with President Trump“

            Remember, this is what you voted for, so the consequences of Trump’s incompetence are your responsibility:

            “Trump administration trying to rehire USDA bird flu officials it fired
            Author, Madeline Halpert
            Role, BBC News
            19 February 2025
            US President Donald Trump’s administration is attempting to rehire officials with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) who worked on the government response to bird flu before being fired over the weekend, US media report.
            The layoffs were a part of a cost-cutting mission across the US government by Trump and his Department of Government Efficiency (Doge) leader Elon Musk.
            The terminations came as the latest outbreak of the bird flu has wreaked havoc on poultry and cattle farms, causing egg prices to skyrocket and raising concerns among public health experts.“

          • Lol yes we did and it’s wild seeing you become a parody h ttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qLAJZWRHrNA

            We aren’t expecting perfection just an honest effort at improvement and yeah happy with the vote so far. Now anything relevant or are you just going to kvetch uselessly?

          • Donald Trump, working to make Russia great again:

            “Speaking after talks between US and Russia on ending the war, the US President told Ukraine: “You should have never started it, you could have made a deal … I could have made a deal that would have given them almost all of the land.”

            Just remember, you voted for this.

          • USAID, you voted for this. Your argument is invalid. The fact that is barely getting started is just the tragicomedy that will be all of your prattle. h ttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qLAJZWRHrNA

        • I guess you MAGA racists are still upset about your defeat at Gettysburg.
          Of course, they’ll be no need for park rangers once President Musk sells the national parks to China.

          “National Park Service Job Cuts Include Gettysburg
          February 17, 2025 by Gettysburg Connection News Team
          The National Park Service has begun cutting jobs as part of President Donald Trump’s effort to shrink the federal government, with dismissals reaching several national parks over the weekend.

          At Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia, two probationary employees were let go, adding to an already strained workforce with at least 30 vacancies. Gettysburg National Military Park and Steamtown National Historic Site in Scranton each saw five dismissals. Shenandoah National Park in Virginia was hit harder, with 15 terminations. More cuts are expected in New Jersey and New York.“

          • Part one you are fake and gay for trying to use racism, part two what in retardation are you rambling about, part three oh noes we will have fewer roll booth employees at national parks whatever shall we do.

          • “you are fake and gay”

            Gay? And that’s a slur to you? Weak.

            “oh @noes’ we will have fewer ‘roll’ booth employees at national parks whatever shall we do“

            Yes, personally I’m glad it will be more difficult for humans to access our national parks, help preserve the wildlife habitat.

            “Fewer staff means shorter visitor center hours, delayed openings and closed campgrounds,″ said Kristen Brengel, senior vice president of government affairs at the National Parks Conservation Association, an advocacy group.

            Trash will pile up, restrooms won’t be cleaned, and maintenance problems will grow, she predicted. Guided tours will be cut back or canceled and, in the worst cases, public safety could be at risk.“

          • If you prefer how about counterfeit and deviant. And a bit of trash buildup and no guided tours yeah you have a feeble argument that is easily fixed with volunteers or work release prisoners. Your premise and logic is more fake and gay than the trans movement and somehow you are managing to come off as more unhinged.

          • Just remember, you voted for this:


            Veterans reliant on transportation affected by federal hiring freeze
            dav freeze.jpg
            Photo by: MTN NEWS
            By: Owen Skornik-Hayes
            Posted 10:22 AM, Feb 13, 2025 and last updated 11:05 AM, Feb 18, 2025
            MONTANA — It may be oversight, or an unintended consequence, but due to the federal hiring freeze put in place by President Donald Trump, it’s become more difficult for veterans who rely on ride-share programs to make their VA appointments.

            Legally, volunteer drivers for the Disabled American Veterans program are termed as, ‘non-compensated VA employees’. They are responsible for ensuring veterans who can’t drive themselves make their VA appointments and fulfill their health needs, such as, re-filling prescriptions and receiving medical attention.

            As non-compensated VA employees, they fall under the same umbrella as other paid employees and cannot be hired during the freeze.

            It’s a program that was already stretched thin on volunteers. Now a vetting process which takes three months to onboard a new volunteer, has been delayed for weeks, and it’s creating more work for the few involved.“

            “work release prisoners“

            Work Makes Free’, eh?

            Interesting, you know the first people they put in concentration camps weren’t Jews, they were communists.

            But you already knew that.

          • Veterans getting screwed is news?
            LMAO even
            As a vet fuck off with that weak shit and call me when they are forcing experimental science juice to get basic services again. As to work makes free should be right up your alley and honestly never bothered me as the criminal shitbags owe society already. Any other fake and gay false equivalence to push that is remotely coherent.

          • It was the democrats, your party, that were defeated at Gettysburg. But they got payback by creating the klan and poll taxes. They also fought the civil rights movement. And they helped to get planned parenthood, you know sangers genocide against blacks, into service. They destroyed the black community with the welfare state.

            And at long last history is turning its back on your dems.

  16. (Mexico caves) BREAKING: US SPECIAL FORCES GOING INTO MEXICO (supposedly to train Mexican marines)… Mexican Senate APPROVES Action Against Cartels.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdH6GxnvnWc

    • “Action Against Cartels“

      Right, an 11 man B team in the field against the cartels!

      Good Lord, the ignorance is breathtaking.

      “Eleven Green Berets from the Army’s 7th Special Forces Group will be in Mexico from Feb. 17 through the end of March. The special operators arrived fully armed but will focus on training their Mexican counterparts, according to Border Report.

      The 7th Special Forces Group is no stranger to working in Central and South America. Its motto is “De Oppresso Liber,” or “Free the Oppressed.”

        • yep, basically what I said.

          Mynr49r is trying to impress with his lack of reading AND comprehension skills and not understanding what context means.

          • read again. I never said any such thing, I never portrayed any such thing, the link I posted never portrayed any such thing.

            Mynr49r, you are the perfect moron…can’t read AND comprehend, operates on emotional knee jerk confirmation bias, zero knowledge of what context means , and can’t generate an original cohesive thought on the subject matter. Typical street level garden variety left wing looser.

          • “I never said any such thing“

            Bullshit, you led your post with:

            “(Mexico caves) BREAKING”

            As if welcoming an 11 man B team means Mexico has ‘caved’ to Donald Trump.


            And you can’t even spell properly when you attempt to insult me, hilarious…

            “left wing looser”

          • “Bullshit, you led your post with:

            ‘(Mexico caves) BREAKING'”

            Why yes, yes I did – that’s ’cause Mexico did cave after previously saying they would not.

            But here is what you took from what I posted: “No I’m laughing at you attempting to portray an 11 man squad as some sort of ‘attack on the cartels’.

            Go back and read – this is what I posted: “(Mexico caves) BREAKING: US SPECIAL FORCES GOING INTO MEXICO (supposedly to train Mexican marines)… Mexican Senate APPROVES Action Against Cartels.”

            1. Fact – US special forces will be training Mexican marines.

            2. Fact – MEXICO APPROVED ACTION AGAINST CARTELS – not US special forces fighting cartels you moron. If you understand what context is and knew how to read AND comprehend the English language – you would have quickly discovered and discerned from the link to the news article that the mexico approved action is having its marines trained to go after the cartels, not have US special forces go after the cartels like you HAVE BEEN SO VERY FALSELY CLAIMING.


            Like I said in response to your 100% false claim that I was portraying “an 11 man squad as some sort of ‘attack on the cartels’ “….

            I never said any such thing, I never portrayed any such thing, the link I posted never portrayed any such thing.

          • “Mexico did cave after previously saying they would not”


            “previously saying they would not”

            Interesting, the United States Army and Mexican military often had joint exercises during the Biden/Harris administration:

            “U.S. Army North, Joint Task Force Civil Support begin annual exercise with Mexican Army
            By Cathryn Lindsay, Joint Task Force Civil Support Public Affairs Joint Task Force Civil Support

            MCALLEN, TEXAS –
            Fuerzas Amigas 2022, a binational disaster-response exercise between the U.S. and Mexican militaries, began on October 17, 2022, and will run through October 21, 2022, along the U.S.- Mexican border.
            The annual exercise will work to improve disaster-response readiness and strengthen the two nations’ cooperative relationship.”

            “US troops to train in Juárez, Chihuahua in US-Mexico military, disaster exercises
            El Paso Times June 19, 2024

            Contingents of U.S. military troops will take part in separate training exercises alongside the Mexican military in Juárez and Chihuahua state this summer as part of strengthening cooperation between the neighboring countries.

            A delegation of 220 U.S. military personnel is scheduled to be in Juárez as part of the Fuerzas Amigas 2024 annual binational disaster training exercise from June 23-29, according to a Mexican Senate newsletter. Similar exercises have taken place along the border for years.“

            “Similar exercises have taken place along the border for years.“

            So, are you really this oblivious to the actual situation at the US border, or are you lying to support your delusional narrative?

          • The proof is in the pudding. Cope harder, commie.

            The new US Border Patrol chief said the number of illegal migrants stopped trying to cross the besieged southern border has dropped an astonishing 90% since January 21 — a day after President Trump’s inauguration.

            Michael Banks, a longtime former border agent himself, touted the plunge in illegal crossings in an interview on Fox News’ “Fox and Friends” Thursday, adding that prosecutions of criminal migrants the agency has apprehended have also jumped 52%.

          • Sure, Trump will claim victory after less than 30 days of data, but it’s actually just all part of the trend started under Biden:

            “Call it the Trump Effect,” the White House said in a statement.

            Border arrests fell sharply well before Trump took office from an all-time high of 250,000 in December 2023. Mexican authorities increased enforcement within their own borders and then-President Joe Biden introduced severe asylum restrictions in June.“


          • Breaking News: The Puppet-Harris Admin slightly increased control of the “secure” border during an election year. Wow, thanks Miner. What would we do without you?

            Then Trump actually set about securing the border. And it turns out that he didn’t even need that border bill because that border bill was a lie pushed by Democrats and supported by their brain dead, ignorant, and/or evil followers.

            That bill would have legalized the open border immigration and paid for more processing, under the guise of securing the border. You guys can’t be honest about anything.

  17. DOD ‘Social Engineering’ Program Developed Bots Capable Of Psychological Warfare.

    “The Department of Defense funded a ‘large scale social deception’ program, according to public spending disclosures. The Federalist has uncovered documents showing how the federal government used ‘social engineering’ programs to develop networks of fraudulent social media accounts capable of violating Americans’ rights to speech and privacy online — and, potentially, psychological warfare.

    The DOD awarded more than $9.1 million for Thomson Reuters Special Services (TRSS) for ‘ACTIVE SOCIAL ENGINEERING DEFENSE… LARGE SCALE SOCIAL DECEPTION’ …

    TRSS is a subsidiary of Thomson Reuters, which owns the leftist media outlet Reuters. According to the company’s website, it offers ‘scalable solutions to governments and global institutions,’ and its leadership ‘leverages real-world experience in the US Intelligence Community, Department of Defense, law enforcement and the private sector.’

    h ttps://thefederalist.com/2025/02/17/dod-social-engineering-program-developed-bots-capable-of-psychological-warfare/

    • “The Department of Defense funded a ‘large scale social deception’ program“

      Good Lord, you guys are such a pile of piece of shit liars, it’s embarrassing that you call yourself Americans.

      Your claims regarding the Reuters contacts are total bullshit, but the funniest part is the fact that this contract was injured during Donald Trump‘s administration, read the facts for yourself:



      North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)Code

      Start Date
      Sep 28, 2018
      Current End Date
      Nov 29, 2022
      Potential End Date
      Nov 29, 2022“

      Here’s the original source document, but of course you will ignore the facts that do not align with your delusions.


      Just remember, you voted for this.

      • Getting a bit far fetched with your criticism. Mockingbird is getting to be well known and never really ended. But keep spinning it helps remove doubt of our being correct.

  18. No, Ladies, Self-Preservation Is NOT ‘Bigotry’ Despite What the New World Order Says.

    “A friend I will refer to as ‘Carol’ recently told me she fears for her safety as her Democrat-controlled town is crawling with illegal immigrants. Crime has exploded in her New York community and continuing to ignore it isn’t healthy.

    Worse, she told me she is afraid to talk about it with her friends and neighbors, most of whom are progressive white women, lest she be deemed the most unconscionable monster since Dr. Frankenstein’s creation, a big, bad boogeyman ‘racist.’

    Her fears are not unfounded.

    h ttps://pjmedia.com/kevindowneyjr/2025/02/17/self-preservation-is-not-bigotry-despite-what-the-new-world-order-says-n4937054

    h ttps://pjmedia.com/kevindowneyjr/2025/02/17/self-preservation-is-not-bigotry-despite-what-the-new-world-order-says-n4937054

    • While I am a bit interested in where in NY the more important takeaway is we are finally starting to see some basic realities get acknowledged that we’re gaslight as unhinged conspiracy theories for the last 60 years.

    • I suspect that Political Correctness (TM) is the 2nd biggest cause of human death and suffering.

      2nd only to communism.

      Not even war can touch it.

      • Weren’t you just supporting anonymous posting to protect those who would face backlash for speaking the truth? Oh right not this truth. Fuck off commie, this describes three people I know in as many locations up here.

  19. In the left wing media ‘fake news’ ‘grasping at straws’ department: There’s Something Interesting About the Two USAID Employees CBS News Just Interviewed.

    h ttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2025/02/18/oh-theres-something-interesting-about-the-two-usaid-employees-cbs-news-interviewed-n2652328

    • In the left wing media ‘fake news’ ‘grasping at straws’ department: Karoline Leavitt Slams AP Story as ‘Fake News’ Over Non-Existent DOGE Facebook Account.

      h ttps://twitchy.com/warren-squire/2025/02/17/karoline-leavitt-slams-ap-tara-copp-over-bon-existent-doge-fb-page-and-other-lies-n2408491

  20. Another long timer here … although I don’t engage nearly as much as I used to in the comments, for several reasons. Mainly, though, the comments very often drift completely off-topic. That’s fine, but if it’s not relevant to the article I stop bothering reading them or responding.

    More reviews would be nice, especially if they are more than copying the press releases. But hands-on costs money, so I get it.

    Best of luck, and I look forward to seeing what you make of this place.

  21. I hope you actually review products.
    And can we please stop these “stopping power” articles? That’s clickbait garbage. Nothing stops someone other than psychology, CNS destruction, or exsanguination.

  22. i would suggest not repeating articles on the title home page. i don’t understand why there are articles with closed comments (shooters day with a specific passed date or whatevs and with next to no comments) and topics represented twice- sometimes both below the fold- while heavily commented on articles get folded into the archives.
    and why are so many of the archived reviews no longer accessible?

  23. Best wishes. I have always liked the firearm reviews. Not so much for the lively commentaries. But hey, we have free speech. Also like to be up on new 2A topics. Good luck on this new endeavor.

  24. TTAG has a large library of reviews. People still want to read those old articles. Organize those reviews by gun type, etc. A previous iteration of TTAG had that.

  25. Was here when Robert ran the site. I’ve been entertained for years.
    Most articles are good but some fluff. That’s everywhere though.
    See how it goes I guess.

  26. More on firearms (old and new) and ammunition. The last to of yours on shotgun and .38 SPL stirred a little controversy. That’s what I like. Current legislation is interesting, but only so far as it affects me directly.

  27. The most effective way to “clean up”, streamline, control TTAG remains paid memberships.

    Related note: I don’t need the TTAG website to be “bad ass”. Simple and efficient is sufficient. Current format and organization meets expectations, without an overload of “bad ass” clutter.


  28. Scott,

    Welcome, and my best wishes that you can/will improve this site. Most of my beefs have already been articulated, above, but since ‘numbers count’, I’ll add my two cents for a few of my pet peeves:

    1. 99% of the gear reviews on this site read like manufacturer’s press releases. They are short on field testing, absurdly short on actual data (don’t just tell me “I found this gun to be accurate, right out of the box. I was shooting 1″ groups with X, Y, and Z ammo at 100 yards.” REALLY?? Then post your targets and SHOW the groups. Did you try the gun under different conditions? How easy was it to take down and clean? Give us USEFUL product reviews, please.

    2. The ‘moderation’ system on this site is a joke, and has been getting worse. Do NOT tell me ‘it’s the algorithms’; that’s a stupid and clumsy lie. “Algorithms” can be either good or bad, but being computer-based, one thing they always are is consistent – the mistakes may be stupid, but they are consistently stupid the same way. The ‘moderation’ system on this site is inconsistent, haphazard, and chaotic. Either get rid of it entirely, or clean it up and actually POST what the standards are. It’s a private site; you can adopt your own rules, but PLEASE be honest about what the rules are. If I don’t like the rules, I am free to go elsewhere.

    3. I enjoy a variety of viewpoints (even those I disagree with), and I’m adult enough that, after a few posts by your authors, I can usually suss out what their biases are, but it wouldn’t be the worst thing to have the posters/authors/editors (and MODERATORS!!!) post meaningful biographies that gave us a clue what particular axe they are trying to grind.

    4. Within reason, I have no problem with a verification system for commenters. If it’s too burdensome, I’ll go elsewhere, but the small-but-annoying number of commenters who hijack others’ handles, consistently ‘sock-puppet’ this site, etc. are not improving the quality of the site.

    Again, good luck and best wishes, and (like Trump and Elon) “get ‘er done!”.


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