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Dear Readers (and anti-gunner lurkers looking for prngomeone to SWAT),

Welcome to the first weekly post designed to keep you up-to-date on TTAG’s past, present and future. As the site’s Managing Editor, I’ve been tasked with clueing you in on meta material, updating you on various contests and competitions and pimping previewing upcoming content. Let’s start with the spring content contest. The response has been good, but we’re all Oliver Twist over here. We need more! In case you missed it, the current prizes are . . .a REXzero 1 pistol and a BLACKHAWK! range bag stuffed with more NSSF Fantasy Camp-sourced gun swag than you can shake a cleaning rod at (not included).

If TTAG selects your prose, you’ll see it here in all its glory, perched above Armed Intelligentsia attaboys. You can then send your friends and family a link to the post, confirming all the worst fears they’ve always had about you and your, you know, “gun thing.” And maybe even win a new gun to show them. Or not. Show them, I mean.

The winner of last weekend’s photo caption contest was DH34. He or she will be receiving a set of ever-so-stylish SIG SAUER lapel pins — just as soon as he or she discloses their home address to us. OpSec be damned. The winner of this week’s contest will receive a Telor Tactical Comfort-Air ankle holster. So hop to it (so to speak).

You may notice we’ve added a banner at the top of the site for our friends at Lucky Gunner. If you’d like to support TTAG and its ongoing effort to END AUTOPLAY AUDIO ADS (our ground-up site design should cure that once and for all), click on the Lucky Gunner link and buy yourself something nice. A small but insignificant portion of the sale comes to us. For which we are eternally grateful.

As always, we’ve got gun reviews in progress that are sure to float your firearms boat. On its way here to the Live Music Capitol of the World: a Remington V3 shotty. Also headed toward TTAG’s super-secret above ground bunker: an IWI X95 carbine. Kahr’s promised us some arms, and Bond Arms has promised us a car. I mean, a derringer, for a boot carry test. STI’s sending us their new 3-gun pistol — which RF will do well to hide from Nick.

Now that Jon Wayne Taylor’s written up the 9mm version, I’m reviewing the Springfield Armory XD Mod.2 in fo-tay. Speaking of my honeydew list, I once again tried and failed to get to Capitol Trap and Skeet to give the Tri-Star TT-15 unsingle trap gun a good workout and write-up. Turns out RF’s flu is no fun for him or me.

[Speaking of which, our Dear Leader apologizes to the NSSF for not writing up the Fantasy Camp earlier. He’s now almost back amongst the living, so this week it is. As well as a look at Atlas Defense’s live fire training.]

Our endlessly comprehensive Jeremy S. is busy compiling one of his patented roundup posts, this time of drop-in AR triggers. Not to be outdone, Tyler’s beavering away on a McMillan stock measuring kit, as well as reviewing a brace of new silencers. Not to mention the Bergara LRP Elite rifle.

Now that’s Spring’s springing (in its own special way), TTAG’s tooling up for the annual trip to the NRA Convention. Nick, Jeremy S. and I will be making the journey to Louisville next month, with RF holding down the e-fort and single-parenting in Austin. Meanwhile, feel free to add your comments, criticisms and suggestions below. Thank you for your time, attention and patience.

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  1. That IWI X95 carbine doesn’t even look like a rifle! I expect we will see plenty of those represented in Sci-Fi movies in the not distant future in a galaxy close to home.

    I am imagining what it would look like with a Calico-style magazine. Hmmm.

    • I see the Tavor popping up more and more in sci fi TV and movies. It’s a good thing. I know as a kid I would have obsessed over a “space gun” like that and wanted a real one. Whwn Bushmaster came out with the M17, I tried to figure out how to buy one. I dodnt understand how gun purchasing worked, so I thought you had to wait for one to arrive in a store. I also didnt have $600 for one. I’m sure other young people today do the same thing. Well, I do own one now, and if I didn’t already have a Tavor, I would grab an X95.

  2. “….as well as reviews of a brace of new silencers…not to mention the Bergara LRP Elite rifle.”

    Is a group of silencers called a “brace”? A brace of silencers? It must be like a school of fish, murder of crows or an asylum of Democrats.

    • In gun-speak a matched pair of pistols, be they dueling pistols, a gunslinger’s dual rig holster, or a double shoulder-holster is generally referred to as a “brace of pistols”. IMO, then, a matched set of suppressors would be considered a brace. Mis-matched suppressors, maybe not.

      Maybe that’s where the famous “Two is one and one is none” quote came from?

    • I believe it’s a “slew” of silencers and a “slander” of democrats… but I could be mistaken.

      • I don’t know about silencers, but I believe the proper expression is a “short bus” of Democrats.

  3. If you need someone to wring out that Bergara, I’ve got a hunt scheduled near Austin the third weekend in May…

  4. Spring is bear gun time. How ’bout an article on selecting the best tool for keeping those unfriendly ursines at bay? (Oh, I’m mainly talking about grizzlies; black bears are wimps).

    • Anything crew-served should do the trick. The problem is keeping the Fish & Game people from throwing your ass in jail after you stop the critter, even in self-defense.

  5. Can we do a followup with the MCX and MSBS?

    Tired of ARs, really, really hate the SCAR which I have to swap out so many parts to fit myself after paying 2500.

    And yeah, I buy from Luckygunner all the time, for the blog content they put out

  6. The auto play ads don’t bother me (I always read on a mobile).

    What’s aggravating is the “Cyclops” ad that hijacks my browser. I wouldn’t mind so much except it wipes the history for that tab when it does it, so I have to close the tab and reopen the page (sometimes to see the stupid ad once again).

    It has a ‘X’ in the corner, but it’s just for show. Click and it’s no different than hitting anywhere else on it. Even if you click the ad, you can’t go back to whatever page you were on before you got jacked.

    • “It has a ‘X’ in the corner, but it’s just for show.”

      As far as I’m concerned, that kind of stunt ought to earn that ad provider a permanent internet-wide blacklist. An advertising death penalty.

      I consider that crap the equivalent of a personal physical assault…

  7. “Now that’s Spring’s springing…”,
    which reads as “Now that is Spring is springing…”
    —should be—
    “Now that Spring’s springing…”,
    which reads as “Now that Spring is springing…”


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