Accuracy International's president thinks America needs more gun control laws.

They say history repeats itself. It certainly seems to in the firearms industry. Long ago, Bill Ruger supported magazine capacity limits. Back in 2000, Smith & Wesson threw in with the Clinton administration on expanding gun control. Much more recently, Springfield Armory and Rock River Arms…well…you probably know all about that. The latest gun maker that’s sure to to draw the ire of America’s gun owners: Accuracy International.

AI head honcho, Tom Irwin, doesn’t like the idea that Americans can buy bump fire stocks. As the Evening Standard is reporting,

The British maker of the most accurate sniper rifle in the world, on Friday called for greater gun controls in the US after the latest series of tragic attacks.

Speaking as he reported rising sales and profits, Tom Irwin, chief executive of Accuracy International, said it was “ridiculous” that you could legally buy devices to turn semi-automatic rifles into automatics, which are illegal in the US. Such devices were used in the Las Vegas shootings.

OK, Tom. Anything else you’d like to add about what Americans should and shouldn’t be able to own in the way of firepower?

Asked whether semi-automatics — still capable of firing rapidly — should be legal as well, he said: “Personally, I don’t think so. I can’t see the benefit.”

Have you found your pitchfork yet? Gotten on social media to try to organize a boycott of Accuracy International’s rifles? Good luck with that. You’re not in Irwin’s target market anyway.

Accuracy International's AX-50 rifle

AI makes some of the best precision bolt guns on the planet. They’re primarily sold to military and law enforcement customers all over the world and they don’t come cheap (see our reviews of the AT rifle here and two of their AX series guns here and here). Their rifles start in the mid four figures and go up from there pretty quickly.

So Irwin coming out for more restrictions on what civilians in the United States should be “allowed” to own won’t affect his company’s bottom line much at all. Retail sales represent a minuscule part of AI’s revenue. Still, it’s always good to know who’s on our side and…more importantly…who isn’t.

UPDATE: See our post regarding Tom Irwin’s clarification of his comments here.



    • Really, could you imagine it?
      “Oh, no! Accuracy International won’t sell our military anymore obscenely expensive bolt-action rifles until we take away our citizen’s civil rights!”
      Pfft… whatever… keep them. That’s what laser-guided bombs are for…

    • No one with any sense is listening to the collective voice of a nation that has voluntarily submitted to a violent political philosophy masquerading as a religion. Unfortunately, one of our greatest allies has committed national suicide by opening the gates to the murderous hoarded of Islanimals. RIP Great Britain. We can’t/won’t save you a third time Genocide is your only remedy. Will you have the courage to exterminate the subhuman Islamists that seek to destroy western civilization? Time will only tell.

      • The fact that some believe genocide is a solution for social problems is why everyone (including Muslims!) has a human right to keep and bear arms.

        • The “social problem” is Islam – nothing more, nothing less.

          The express position of that death cult (in their ‘good book) is that they are to take over the world, that there is no “god” but Allah, everyone is to submit or die, the list goes on.

          The most foolish thing (some of us) do in Western Civilization, is to not only tolerate, but encourage people who are required by their particular magical-sky-daddy to destroy us by any means necessary.

          If The Crusades had not been effective, the world would be a much different place.

          Learn what you’re defending. Learn what is really happening in Europe. I’m not a fan of genocide in any way, shape, or form. I truly hope we can avoid it. But if the Muslim problem is allowed to continue on it’s current trajectory, the harsh reality is that you are either going to be on the giving end, or receiving end.

          As one sees every-effen-day, they have absolutely no problem exterminating us.

  1. I don’t own an Accuracy International rifle, but I do own a Surgeon Scalpel that utilizes AI magazines, and I won’t buy any more of those any time soon.

    Speaking of that, can anyone recommend a good alternative to AI magazines?

  2. So the British still have opinions on our guns? I wonder if that will be allowed after Sharia law takes over beyond the current “No Go” zones? They went from fighting Nazis to a standstill to those stupid “”turn in your knives” bins. How the mighty have fallen.

    • Buy American. Someone, a foreigner with absolutely no business whatsoever telling us what to do with our gun laws can look for business elsewhere. His pathetic inappropriate remarks will cost him. The Brits don’t understand the scale and infrastructure of this country and how the consumer can put “someone” out of business. They think they can come here and make remarks that are fit for sheep and subjects. The distinction between a subject and a citizen eludes them. American are citizens not “subjects” to any crown Tom Irwin. Get that through your thick head and take a hike. Just another Piers Morgan. An agitator trying to upset our gun laws. Tom Irwin, go find another playground boy.

  3. Huh we need more gun control but I don’t see him shutting down the production lines to help stem the flow of guns into our bitter clinging hands.

  4. Bullshit ads, each one a lie, all designed to lure you through 10-30 pages filled with more of the same, and now they cover the whole page based on a timer. Your stuff isn’t worth the aggravation. Just wanted you to know why I left.

  5. We have a long standing dispute with the British about what kind of guns and how much ammunition we should have dating back to April 18th & 19th, 1775.

    I believe the matter is closed.

    • I still think that the next time we have to invade some hell hole to fix problems created by these effeminate soyboys, we should charge them for the privilege.

  6. Yes, but his company is making the rifles that the people who come to take yours will be using. So of course he has to kiss up to gun grabbing politicians and warmongers. Civilians are beneath him.

  7. UK Contact Email: [email protected]
    US Contact Email: [email protected]

    Just in case you cordially want to let them know how much you appreciate their opinion.

    I suggested that they should keep their opinions on their side of the pond.
    No I didn’t tell them that I was never going to buy their product.
    It’s not like I was their target buyer.

    • Anyone who is LEO can legit say they’ll make their objections known to senior officials if buying AI products is explored.

    • Thank you for those emails. Because honestly if you’re not an American you really don’t have a say. I don’t think it’s possible to comprehend the magnitude of the 2A unless you have been raised in it’s presence.

    • “The British maker of the most accurate sniper rifle in the world, on Friday called for greater gun controls in the US after the latest series of tragic attacks.”. Not surprising since your parent company comes from a land that doesn’t even respect the right of free speech. Tell your Founder to STFU since he obviously doesn’t understand the rights of free people.

      An American Citizen

  8. I’ll not run out and buy an artic warfare police magnum in .338 Lupna mag then lol… Counter-Strike players hate their rifle as it is.

    • So just because some dude on Snipers Hide forums posted that this was false, that means TTAG be damned for not scouring user forums as a method of “fact checking”? How many other sites do you visit that reference other sites where the news broke first? I’ll bet it’s a lot. Maybe call AI yourself and post the audio to YouTube to settle it once and for all. No? If you don’t feel like doing the work yourself then maybe your opinion isn’t wanted.

      • That “some dude” is the owner and founder of Snipers Hide. And yes, due diligence in journalism means finding any other credible source besides a UK tabloid which used blatantly cherry-picked bits and pieces of statements twisted together to fit their narrative.

        • I’m not saying what TTAG did is right or wrong, but honestly, if you sit there and suggest that publishers and writers should check every fucking website on the entire internet to see if someone out there has published or posted a counter, you’re delusional. Nothing would ever get published or posted due to the amount of time that would take.

          The best option would be to reach out to said company for a quote before publishing but that also is not always feasible.

          Should TTAG post a retraction, sure, retractions exist for this exact type of scenario.

      • Not Fox News appears to have something here. Frank Galli from Snipers Hide is well connected to AI. I don’t doubt what Frank states when he called up the CEO to clarify what was printed in the British rag. I suggest TTAG do more digging on this rather than reposting fake news. If it is fake news TTAG owes AI an apology for spreading bullshit news.

    • I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt, but it would behoove them to come out with an official statement, because it’s devolved into a he said, she said situation. Since I’m not familiar with all the parties involved, the thread was merely iterating they were claiming the opposite and statements taken out of context. How much out of context I am not entirely sure.

  9. I’ve actually be thinking about an AI. I have a few guns I’ve built and I was looking at thinning the herd for a nice AI rifle. I hope what he said was just taken out of context. Otherwise they stepped on it.

  10. Before we get all bent out of shape, let’s take a deep breath and allow AI to issue an official statement on this. I strongly suspect that the original reporting is a misquote. Mr. Irwin is on the floor at Shot Show every year and undoubtedly has a good understanding of the politics related to this issue.

    • Agreed. From Low light at Snipers Hide:

      12-01-2017, 07:51 PM

      I am on the phone with Tom Irwin RIght now,

      This is completely false … standby

      Sniper’s Hide took the time on Friday to reach out to Tom Irwin of Accuracy International Regarding the Article in “The Evening Standard”. Tom called me that evening from a Hockey Game to set the record straight for everyone.

      Within the Accuracy International Financial Disclosure were comments regarding the US election. How the election of Trump was seen as a positive for Accuracy International and the fact there was always a risk, had she been elected Hillary could have harmed the business. The quote from Tom was included 

      “There was always a risk that she would… ban gun imports” 

      The document is public and a reporter on seeing the comments regarding the US election contacted AI to say he was writing an article about it. Everything Trump is news and the fact AI mentioned support for his election makes it news.

      Prior to publication, Tom spoke to the reporter and the question of Bump stocks came up. This is the majority of the article, and delivered two quotes from Tom. 

      “Personally, I don’t think so. I can’t see the benefit.”

      Clearly these were taken out of context and help create the headline that the “US needs greater gun controls, says rifle boss”. 

      Meanwhile gun control was never mentioned, nor was the topic. These two comments were about bump stocks. Not semi auto rifles, or anything else, bump stocks.

      Clearly out of context, clearly meant to incite a reaction among their US market. Remember, the reporter had access to their financial documents, hurting their US sales could hurt a company that showed growth. Because they supported the outcome of the election you get a political hit job.

      Tom explained, Accuracy International and Tom Irwin are not calling for more gun control in the US. And does agree with the way the article frames any of Tom’s statements. The conversation was reduced to three quotes: 

      “Personally, I don’t think so. I can’t see the benefit.”
      “There was always a risk that she would… ban gun imports”

      With the last one about Hillary. So really you have one word and a sentence , out of a much longer discussion. 

      Take it from the source, Tom has spoken to me directly and can tell you this is the true definition of fake news dressed in click bait.

      Last edited by Lowlight; 12-01-2017, 10:30 PM

  11. Well the soon to be bitch princess is an American loony toon entertainer.
    She doesn’t want the Trumps at her wedding and invited Odumbos family. As if that will bother the Trumps.
    We kicked the limeys out in 1770’s and 1812 and bailed their sorry asses out in two world wars. Let them start paying back their war debts.

  12. Who cares? There are companies out there making cooler stock systems than theirs for actions besides Rem700s. People like this guy at AI are probably one of the reasons their AS50 stalled out.

  13. True or not, just another reason to buy weapons and ammo. Buy crazy shit you can’t even understand HOW to use it, Dukes of Hazard exploding compound bow arrow heads.

    I don’t like mild shock and awe.

    If the AI story is true and they think they have market impunity, we’ll have to think of other exciting ways to sweat ’em.

  14. Well, let’s see, in any country where citizens are not permitted, thanks to their government, to own most types of firearms, those citizens are slaves to their governments. Simply put, if those governments, that control their citizens, decided to exact tyranny upon them, those citizens would not be able to defend themselves from acts of aggression by government forces intent on forcing them to comply with this rule or that rule with which the citizens do not agree. Such things as banning ownership of private property (including money) and draining personal savings and retirement funds for use by the government. Then, there is forcing citizens from their homes and into community housing high-rises where they can be easily controlled and manipulated to suit any purpose defined by government. How about being forced to house two or three refugee, poor, illegal alien families in your home and being responsible for their care and feeding. These things have happened in the past and can happen again.

    We the People of the United States of America have a Constitutional Republic wherein government is a product of the citizen’s choices of people to whom they give their consent for managing the business of government according to the expressed desires of those citizens. (The intent of those great men that gave so much in order to create our Constitution, not necessarily the situation that America finds itself in today.)

    The Framers of our Constitution included the Second Amendment thereto to prevent the American people from ever being subjected to tyranny by their own government as they were by the King of England in consort with the Church of England. In order for the American people to be able to put down any attempts at tyranny by their government they must be able to keep arms of their choosing, the best that they can afford, the most advanced technology (just as the people did at the time the Constitution was framed) that they can obtain. They must also have those arms ready to bear should those in government run amok of the Constitution and attempt to take control from the people and usurp it for themselves.

    “Extract from Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith
    Paris Nov. 13. 1787.

    the people can not be all, & always, well informed. the part which is wrong [. . .] will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. if they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. we have had 13. states independant 11. years. there has been one rebellion. that comes to one rebellion in a century & a half for each state. what country before ever existed a century & half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure.”

    That, is the reason that the Second Amendment is cast as in stone and cannot be amended or changed by ruling or statute. It is the natural right of citizens as much so as the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (amongst others) given each of us by our Creator. The words “shall not be infringed”, in Constitutional law upon which our system of laws is dependent, declares that no man, or group thereof, shall have the ability to diminish, restrict, control, or otherwise “infringe” on every citizens right to keep arms to bear in defense of attacks, from any quarter, intended to diminish their freedom and liberty guaranteed them by our Constitution.

    May I add that our Constitution is the only one of its kind that has ever existed. It is a precious jewel like none other before it. It must be protected at all costs all the time.

    The force that will protect it lies in the hearts of the citizens to whom it belongs. Those citizens taken to arms as the people’s militia will right the wrongs of those empowered but not controlled, chosen and entrusted to manage our country for our citizens, who chose to violate that trust in order to profit through gains in personal power and wealth while advancing the causes of “political parties” not provided for in the Constitution.

    Run “amok” is getting closer and closer each day that passes. We are constantly presented with one smoke screen or another that disguise what those in government are actually doing. Those things unseen and unheard are the things that are going to hurt us all, American or otherwise.

    Beware of the United Nations, there are plots of which they are part, to destroy the United States Constitution and make America part of One World Government. If the United States should fail, all the peoples of the World will suffer unheard of atrocities for the benefits of the rich and powerful of the World who are working hard to complete taking control of everyone and everything for themselves.

    Learn about U.N Agenda 2030 and Initiative 2050. They are tools to affect absolute control.

  15. Russian troll shit stirrers botniks. LOL… American TTAGers correct me if I’m wrong…..This from me to other countries that visit this site. ” We Americans may bitch and complain, vaguely hint at revolution, and other comments here that may appear ???? like we hate America, or something like that.Nothing could be further from the truth, like it or not, no matter whom the commander in chief may be, when OUR country calls WE stand behind her.” Simply put, I can pick on my kid brother, but you can’t.

  16. TTAG, this is fake news and you need to update this story to reflect the situation!!!

    Frank Galli (the owner of SnipersHide), posted this on his site today:

    “I am on the phone with Tom Irwin RIght now,

    This is completely false … standby

    Sniper’s Hide took the time on Friday to reach out to Tom Irwin of Accuracy International Regarding the Article in “The Evening Standard”. Tom called me that evening from a Hockey Game to set the record straight for everyone.

    Within the Accuracy International Financial Disclosure were comments regarding the US election. How the election of Trump was seen as a positive for Accuracy International and the fact there was always a risk, had she been elected Hillary could have harmed the business. The quote from Tom was included

    “There was always a risk that she would… ban gun imports”

    The document is public and a reporter on seeing the comments regarding the US election contacted AI to say he was writing an article about it. Everything Trump is news and the fact AI mentioned support for his election makes it news.

    Prior to publication, Tom spoke to the reporter and the question of Bump stocks came up. This is the majority of the article, and delivered two quotes from Tom.

    “Personally, I don’t think so. I can’t see the benefit.”

    Clearly these were taken out of context and help create the headline that the “US needs greater gun controls, says rifle boss”.

    Meanwhile gun control was never mentioned, nor was the topic. These two comments were about bump stocks. Not semi auto rifles, or anything else, bump stocks.

    Clearly out of context, clearly meant to incite a reaction among their US market. Remember, the reporter had access to their financial documents, hurting their US sales could hurt a company that showed growth. Because they supported the outcome of the election you get a political hit job.

    Tom explained, Accuracy International and Tom Irwin are not calling for more gun control in the US. And does agree with the way the article frames any of Tom’s statements. The conversation was reduced to three quotes:

    “Personally, I don’t think so. I can’t see the benefit.”
    “There was always a risk that she would… ban gun imports”

    With the last one about Hillary. So really you have one word and a sentence , out of a much longer discussion.

    Take it from the source, Tom has spoken to me directly and can tell you this is the true definition of fake news dressed in click bait.”

    • And more posted by Frank:

      “I spoke to Tom tonight who called me from a Hockey Game, in order to set the record straight,

      AI is required to submit a financial document as most companies of this type do. The reporter had access to this document, and in it, Tom stated that the election was good for business as part of projections for the future. So the reporter, being that everything Trump is news, contacted them saying they are printing a story about what was in the document.

      Tom, prior to the article reached out to reporter to make sure it was put in context, cause clearly this is the issue.

      The actual conversation that is quoted, out of context and severely edited, was regarding bump stocks.

      Again, this was in regards to bump stocks.

      Being asked about them directly, he said, that bump stocks, were the issue, nothing to do with semi auto fire, or semi auto rifles in the US. What he did say was, it’s bad business to have a product that can cross in to “gray area” being that full auto fire is illegal in the US, and “He” did not find them useful products, in the context of what they do. The conversation was not about semi autos, it was about one thing, bump stocks.

      The fact one word, “ridiculous” was quoted tells you how much of the conversation was take out of context, as well that he personally saw no use for the product is not the same as saying semi auto rifles should be controlled or outlawed. In fact there was nothing said about “gun control” especially regarding semi auto fire.

      If I was asked about a bump stock would say the same thing, it’s a stupid product used by prepper dweebs more than anyone serious about this sport or industry.

      You’re asking a precision rifle guy about a product designed for shooting off the hip. Context !

      Accuracy International does not advocate for gun control and categorically denies the way this article represents their position.

      I went to the source, I spoke to Tom and he explained this entire thing. It was taken out of context and the fact the words “Bump Stock” are not mentioned should tell you something. They were looking to make a political statement to start keying off the election comment in the disclosure, and then during the course of the interview the question was about the bump stock. All of that context is missing.

      Now if you feel he was wrong, I want to hear it, but for the rest of you now crying foul, you owe him an apology.

      1, for taking the side of an anti gun reporter first
      2. Not asking for clarity

      I await your responses”

      • Good to know. Interesting that the article *specifically* says his “i can’t see the benefit” comment is in regard to semi-auto firearms rather than in regard to bump fire stocks. I hope he recorded his interview? That’s talking with the media 101, especially when you aren’t on their side politically. Why did he even get into bump fire stocks? It’s completely outside of his wheelhouse. An interviewer calls to ask about AI’s business prospects and he’s answering questions about his opinion on United States firearm accessories policy for things incompatible with the guns he makes? I don’t begrudge him his choice to say whatever he wants, but it seems silly to get into the weeds on random crap not related to anything AI does.

        That said, I do take some exception even with his explanation of his side of the story. Full auto fire is not illegal in the US. Bump fire devices aren’t a gray zone and don’t turn a semi auto into a full auto (not any more than AI selling sniper rifles is a gray zone or turns civilians into snipers!) nor does one require a bump fire device to bump fire a gun. They’re also not useless, they’re fun. They’re for silly fun on the range for turning ammo into loud noise. Shooting guns is fun and that’s okay. Implying that a gun product must have a tactically-sound, serious functional purpose in order to have a benefit and therefore be deemed legal and not be “ridiculous” is an issue for me. In America, it isn’t legal only after permission is granted, it’s legal if it isn’t in violation of existing law. Bump fire stocks violate zero laws. Heck, gun control laws are the only reason these stocks exist in the first place. Would Tom support the repeal of the Hughes Amendment?

  17. Should I even bother commenting…We all know this is a blatant attack on the USA by both enemies Foreign, and Domestic…On our US Constitutional-Bill of Rights, freedoms, and principles…Even with Trump in office who promised 2nd Amendment reforms…We the People are still begging government representatives, judiciary and the Law Enforcement community to uphold “All of our Civil Rights…” But, in most cases to no avail…Creeping Incrementalism , Divide & Conquer are still the Political ploy of the day to destory liberty…Instead of passing notes here on this comments board…What decisive legal challenges are We the People going to put forth to unhorse Anti-American, and Anti-Freedom forces inside the USA?!?

  18. I have some good news: The LONDON Evening Standard did this in a British newspaper. Even American libel laws may have been violated, let alone the much easier to trigger British ones. They intentionally lied and caused (or at least seriously risked) major financial harm to AI and its pres and AI certainly has the legal team to sue. This will be fun.

  19. Nothing has changed in England. Since the 1920s, the subjects, there have no right to defend their own life.

  20. Mr. Irvin needs to learn how to talk to reporters or else hire people who k ow what to say. Then he won’t stick foot in mouth and have to retract or correct anything.

    Have your friend pass that bit of advice from America on to Tom.

  21. I wish the Left would go ahead and repeal the Second Amendment, pass a law banning all guns in civilian hands and provide a date up to which you can turn in your weapons without criminal charges. That would cut thru all the crap and eliminate the Left’s incessant whining. Of course, that only leaves one thing for them to do…

    Come take’em away from us…

  22. Gee am I the only one who is slightly offended by a sniper rifle maker saying ANYTHING gun related?!? Probably not…

  23. Sniper’s Hide took the time on Friday to reach out to Tom Irwin of Accuracy International Regarding the Article in “The Evening Standard”. Tom called me that evening from a Hockey Game to set the record straight for everyone.

    Within the Accuracy International Financial Disclosure were comments regarding the US election. How the election of Trump was seen as a positive for Accuracy International and the fact there was always a risk, had she been elected Hillary could have harmed the business. The quote from Tom was included

    “There was always a risk that she would… ban gun imports”

    The document is public and a reporter on seeing the comments regarding the US election contacted AI to say he was writing an article about it. Everything Trump is news and the fact AI mentioned support for his election makes it news.

    Prior to publication, Tom spoke to the reporter and the question of Bump stocks came up. This is the majority of the article, and delivered two quotes from Tom.

    “Personally, I don’t think so. I can’t see the benefit.”

    Clearly these were taken out of context and help create the headline that the “US needs greater gun controls, says rifle boss”.

    Meanwhile gun control was never mentioned, nor was the topic. These two comments were about bump stocks. Not semi auto rifles, or anything else, bump stocks.

    Clearly out of context, clearly meant to incite a reaction among their US market. Remember, the reporter had access to their financial documents, hurting their US sales could hurt a company that showed growth. Because they supported the outcome of the election you get a political hit job.

    Tom explained, Accuracy International and Tom Irwin are not calling for more gun control in the US. And does agree with the way the article frames any of Tom’s statements. The conversation was reduced to three quotes:

    “Personally, I don’t think so. I can’t see the benefit.”
    “There was always a risk that she would… ban gun imports”

    With the last one about Hillary. So really you have one word and a sentence , out of a much longer discussion.

    Take it from the source, Tom has spoken to me directly and can tell you this is the true definition of fake news dressed in click bait.

  24. Frankly there are lots of American companies that will be more than happy to take Accuracy Internationals business away from them. Either they do or do not support gun control. The Brits were pro-gun control PRIOR to WW2 and it has continually accelerated since than. Daily reminder to all Americans, it was not till WW1 that the UK became the US’s ally and that was so the US would enter the war on there behalf. Prior to that the UK was never the US’s ally. The UK today is as messed up as it comes with their genocidal policies against their own population.

    Frankly from everything I know their rifles are just a Remington bolt action with improvements. Bolt actions have been around for 100+ years already. Its not rocket science to accuratize one. Ask Weatherby, Remington or any number of other companies to make a similar gun. Done.

    Good riddance

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