Accuracy International's Owner clarifies his statements on gun control in the US

Yesterday we reported that Accuracy International’s owner, Tom Irwin, had commented on the availability of bump fire stocks and semi-automatic weapons in the United States. Our report was based an article quoting him in the British daily, the Evening Standard.

Mr. Irwin has spoken to Frank Galli of the Sniper’s Hide, who writes the following:

Prior to publication, Tom spoke to the reporter and the question of Bump stocks came up. This is the majority of the article, and delivered two quotes from Tom.

“Personally, I don’t think so. I can’t see the benefit.”

Clearly these were taken out of context and help create the headline that the “US needs greater gun controls, says rifle boss”.

Meanwhile gun control was never mentioned, nor was the topic. These two comments were about bump stocks. Not semi auto rifles, or anything else, bump stocks.

Clearly out of context, clearly meant to incite a reaction among their US market. Remember, the reporter had access to their financial documents, hurting their US sales could hurt a company that showed growth. Because they supported the outcome of the election you get a political hit job.

Read the whole thing here.

Nothing in the Sniper’s Hide post seems to contradict the point about bump fire stocks. The matter of semi-automatic firearms isn’t addressed.

Tom explained, Accuracy International and Tom Irwin are not calling for more gun control in the US. And does (not) agree with the way the article frames any of Tom’s statements.

Fair enough. The British press has never been known for its restraint. However, libel laws being what they are in the UK, utter fabrications by “reputable” media outlets are few and far between. We’ll let you draw your own conclusions.


    I will not be buying anymore mags from them.
    at best he is an idiot for believing the press would be honest.
    More than likely its a SA and RRA deal.
    Up until last night i followed them on instagram. I let them know my thoughts and no longer follow them.

    • Jesus the knee-jerk around here. Get the pitchforks.

      You know what my response is when we talk about bump-fire stocks? I’m going to paraphrase, using words you’re familiar with.

      “Personally, I don’t think so. I can’t see the benefit.”

      Also, I’ll add, “Damn, that looks like it’d get expensive quick.”

      Are you going to “not buy anymore mags” from me, too?

      The guy expressed a personal opinion. We’re still allowed to have those. My opinion is that you’re an idiot who can’t separate reality from “muh feelins.”

      • You do realize that all this “sensitivity” you’re seeing is a direct result of the constant barrage of attempts at gun control and the usurpation of our God given rights acknowledged in the BOR? There are plenty of people, more than you would likely care to admit, who are down to their last nerve, who have no tolerance at all for anyone not “absolutist” and who have adopted “not one more inch” as their motto. Others still who believe “it is no longer enough to be willing to fight and die to preserve our rights, one must be willing to kill for them too”. It shouldn’t be too hard to understand that a majority of these folks would be found on a, wait for it…… a gun website. Re-read your last sentence. You advocate for folks to have a “personal opinion”, yet admonish others for having the same. That’s the epitome of hypocrisy. And, as customers (or potential customers), we only have 2 alternatives to demonstrate our displeasure; 1) express our opinions, and 2) boycott the companies offerings and dissuade others from patronizing them, too. In other words- that’s us utilizing our freedoms. Folks have the freedom to do and say as they’d like. Others have the freedom to react accordingly.

  2. Even if the quote was accurate that hardly constitutes advocacy. Deeds are more important than a single quote.

  3. Thank you for the update. Personally, I think bumpstocks are ridiculous as well, but I don’t support banning them. I’m a 2A absolutist. Fried Twinkies, 800 HP Tesla P100Ds, and V-8 powered chainsaws are ridiculous, too, and we don’t need to ban them, either.

    Here’s some more context:

    12-01-2017, 07:51 PM

    I am on the phone with Tom Irwin RIght now,

    This is completely false … standby

    Sniper’s Hide took the time on Friday to reach out to Tom Irwin of Accuracy International Regarding the Article in “The Evening Standard”. Tom called me that evening from a Hockey Game to set the record straight for everyone.

    Within the Accuracy International Financial Disclosure were comments regarding the US election. How the election of Trump was seen as a positive for Accuracy International and the fact there was always a risk, had she been elected Hillary could have harmed the business. The quote from Tom was included 

    “There was always a risk that she would… ban gun imports” 

    The document is public and a reporter on seeing the comments regarding the US election contacted AI to say he was writing an article about it. Everything Trump is news and the fact AI mentioned support for his election makes it news.

    Prior to publication, Tom spoke to the reporter and the question of Bump stocks came up. This is the majority of the article, and delivered two quotes from Tom. 

    “Personally, I don’t think so. I can’t see the benefit.”

    Clearly these were taken out of context and help create the headline that the “US needs greater gun controls, says rifle boss”. 

    Meanwhile gun control was never mentioned, nor was the topic. These two comments were about bump stocks. Not semi auto rifles, or anything else, bump stocks.

    Clearly out of context, clearly meant to incite a reaction among their US market. Remember, the reporter had access to their financial documents, hurting their US sales could hurt a company that showed growth. Because they supported the outcome of the election you get a political hit job.

    Tom explained, Accuracy International and Tom Irwin are not calling for more gun control in the US. And does agree with the way the article frames any of Tom’s statements. The conversation was reduced to three quotes: 

    “Personally, I don’t think so. I can’t see the benefit.”
    “There was always a risk that she would… ban gun imports”

    With the last one about Hillary. So really you have one word and a sentence , out of a much longer discussion. 

    Take it from the source, Tom has spoken to me directly and can tell you this is the true definition of fake news dressed in click bait.

    Last edited by Lowlight; 12-01-2017, 10:30 PM

    • “I’m a 2A absolutist. Fried Twinkies, 800 HP Tesla P100Ds, and V-8 powered chainsaws are ridiculous, too…”

      I have a whimsical Tesla ridiculous update for you –

      Elon Musk announced for the inaugural flight next month of the new Falcon Heavy heavy-lift rocket, he would be launching the most ridiculous thing possible for the payload, his personal midnight cherry red Tesla Roadster, into orbit, around Mars.

      While the car stereo is playing David Bowie’s ‘Space Oddity’.

      That’s right, a red car for a red planet.

      I am *not* kidding.

      Billionaires have seriously strange, yet cool, senses of humor.

      (There are unconfirmed reports he will have cameras on the car sending back video…)

    • Wonderful.
      Nice to know our Enemies List that had another name added last night can now be amended to one less today.
      Still doesn’t change the main take-away from last night’s post: AI rifles are too freakin’ expensive to be a target for our ire or advocacy. So they can say whatever the hell they want… only three or four of this blog’s audience members are in a position to have their opinions matter to AI.

  4. What’s wrong with ”no comment”, or “leave me the f@ck alone”? There is nothing to be gained, EVER, from talking to filthy, subhuman Liberal Terrorists™ NOTHING.

    • Or make sure you are recording it and have their competition on speed dial. Libs love eating their own. And yeah I think there’s a joke in there somewhere.

  5. Shocker… the media lied by omission and context switches to fit their disarmament agenda…

  6. If they framed him, there would be a retraction or a lawsuit. Neither is happening, aside from a pathetic post on a forum. Fuck AI.

  7. Libel laws being what they are in the UK…

    In the USA, the burden of proof is extreme, the victim has to prove that the statements were false, and in the case of ‘public figures’, like businesses for instance, they have to prove that the author knew they were false when he wrote them. Look at George Zimmerman vs NBC: NBC clearly edited a taped phone conversation to make it appear to be the opposite of what it was, then presented the edited tape to the public as proof that Zimmerman, a man who was obviously not very racist, was a racist murderer. George lost that libel suit, proving that the courts have declared open season on everybody for the national media, because publishing lies about you in the national media automatically makes you a public figure.

    In the UK, the author has to prove the statements were not false. Obviously, it’s a lot easier to successfully sue the UK news media. Funny how UK tabloids have the reputation for being the most dishonest publishers of ‘news’ since the Soviet Union crumbled.

    • Plus, I imagine that in England falsely attributing anti-gun rights opinions to someone is considered undeserved praise, not libel.

  8. At this point, anybody who is pro 2nd Amendment that is interviewed by the media that doesn’t record their full interview and then have it available to have as a rebuttal to the expected mis-representation, obfuscation, mis-direction and lies by omission by these “authorized” journalists is a complete and utter idiot.

    • Um this pretty much. DO NOT TRUST THE MEDIA. They are not your friends, and they will bury you if possible to achieve their end. We have seen how many gun companies, personalities and groups have been laid across their alter due to foolishly talking to them without protection.

    • Same here. The SH forum did little to clarify even though that was their stated intent. Bottom line, we know who stick up for our rights and many of them make outstanding products.

    • American or Canadian, Savage makes a very nice bolt gun, I know their rimfire rifles are made in Hockeyland. They kept that little confused felon traitor out, wish we could keep unwanted criminals out of our country.
      Also other companies make just as nice mags without the insane AI price. AI does not take the cake on mag pricing, Sig has that honor for their Blaser Tac2 mag on their store website, $250 for a 5 round mag. Now that is insane.

  9. “Accuracy International’s Tom Irwin Clarifies His Comments Regarding Gun Control in the US”

    “Clarifies”, another way of saying backpeddles…choose your words carefully tom, they carry great weight…

  10. Given the choice between Barrett based here in the US, with their incredible history of standing up for the Second Amendment, and Accuracy International from soggy old England, I know where I’ll be getting future long-range rifles.

    • I would trade ALL of great Britain for a “rediculous” BROKEN bump-stock.

      At least the bump stock has a chance of being fixed.

      AND there is, no longer, any such FING thing as ‘media’.

    • AI makes some cool shit, don’t get me wrong. Barrett, and those fine Americans working there, are much better. There’s zero chance in my mind, even prior to this, that AI would’ve beaten out Ronnie Barrett.

  11. Good.
    I’m sitting on an AI that a friend has for sale. It’s another boring .308.
    But this thing is so effing accurate. Even with factory federal premium, it shoots one hole groups.
    I’m thinking I’ll buy it. It’s got a great Zeiss scope on it.

    • That’s good. You’re not buying new, so it’s not putting any money in AI’s pocket.

    • Go ahead, bud! There’s still scotch and cigars down here for you if you ever want to visit Brea, CA. Also, I’ll probably pick up an additional AI mag for my .338 Lapua. I don’t expect AI to be perfect. If Magpul or La Rue, who are pretty right wing, make .338 mags, I’m in. Otherwise, having just one mag for my rifle makes me nervous.

  12. I took more issue with the statement that AI makes “some of the best rifles in the world” than I did what some POHMy subject had to say about gun rights in America.
    I have owned two of them, and it wasn’t hard to find an upgrade.

  13. Fair enough. He came out immediately after it happened, stated what he did say, and what was a flat out lie. That is more than could be said for rock river arms and Springfield armory. We are not his target market and his sales probably wouldn’t seen much of an impact so it is admiral that he made sure his comments were corrected. I don’t own any of his products and probably never will because of priorities but I would not be opposed at this point

  14. I see there are a bunch of keyboards bad@sses on today. To all those with a chip on their shoulder about my post, go get l@id. Seriously.

  15. So basically, “Accuracy International” is not a correct description of any global news organization ever.

  16. I’m reminded of the UK Press bullshit, when they describe ‘American tourists’ love for wearing “jeans” as a “solidarity with American workers”.

    Ya, exactly how a fing communist would see it. What a pant load.

  17. I’m not to good with a keyboard, but a lot better then this POS phone keypad. Christ, push u and I mite pop up, then you gotta backspace. ,,,Oh yeah AI , this phones all ready got it and it’s all fucked up too.

  18. “Tom explained, Accuracy International and Tom Irwin are not calling for more gun control in the US.”

    look, i think bump stocks are stupid as hell, but if you’re calling for their regulation, that IS more gun control.
    plus, if you support civilian ownership of semi-automatic rifles, then just SAY THAT when you’re “clarifying” instead of just saying “oh, it was all out of context.”

  19. Funny, the Evening Standard is typically a conservative, pro business newspaper. Wouldn’t really expect a raving anti gun piece from them. Whatev’s.

  20. Accuracy International can drop off the face of the Earth. Any thoughts I had of my AICS 700 build just died badly. BTW, Magpul makes solid AICS magazines. If you have one of their admittedly good stocks, don’t destroy it to make a point. Just buy Magpul mags. Every penny kept out of AI’s coffers is a victory for us. First HS Precision, now AI. We’re running out of good stock-makers for Remington 700s…

  21. Underneath the original article in the newspaper, an American gun owner said that the problem is evil, not guns. We need evil control.

    I replied:

    “However, there is no such thing as evil.

    All of the cells in the body have a computer program encoded in the DNA. The mechanics of each cell takes the code, the position in the body, and the state of things, and then does something.

    The brain is made out of cells, and these cells work in the same way. The brain instructs the finger to pull the trigger. So the killing is a direct result of the DNA.

    The choice is clear. An ineffective potpourri of good/evil, thoughts, prayers on the one hand. On the other, an investigation of the person’s DNA, via a mouth swab.

    Your call. “

    • I can… I own an AXMC in .300WM.

      I don’t buy the “clarification”, until it’s followed up with a lawsuit.

      • It was their organization. Led by a guy who did something they didn’t want him to do. They fired the guy and disbanded the lobbying organization. Who, exactly, do you think they should sue?

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