whnt.com is reporting that “The Nashville Metro Police Department has confirmed that at least seven victims were shot in an active shooter situation at Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Antioch, Tennessee. Police say one woman was found shot dead in the parking lot and six other people were found shot inside.”
The gunman was reported as one of the wounded, but it’s not yet who shot him/her. No information is known yet about the shooter or any motivation for the attack.
Update from tennessean.com:
The gunman has been identified as a 26-year-old man. Police have not yet released his name.
The gunman shot and killed a woman in the parking lot of the church.
He then went inside the church and began firing “indiscriminately.”
A church usher confronted the shooter and was pistol-whipped, followed by a “significant struggle” in which the shooter shot himself in the left side of his chest.
After the struggle, the usher ran to his car and got his gun. He then went back inside and made sure the gunman didn’t do anything else before police arrived.
The gunman has been taken to Vanderbilt University Medical Center, where he remains under police guard.
Right down the street from me. Per Nashville police a permit holder was able to get his gun from his vehicle and confront the shooter who apparently shot himself. One dead 6 in hospitals with two reported as critical. Most victims were described as ” elderly”. Wonder if mainstream media will report that a permit holder was involved with this….
If they do, it’ll be to say he didn’t act soon enough.
National reciprocity is unlikely to happen while there is a single Democrat in power, a single RINO in office or a single billionaire like Bloomberg or Soros (to name only two) who is willing to crush freedom.
But national reciprocity simply cannot and will not happen as long as there are conspiracy kooks who actually believe that reciprocity is a Commie trick to take over firearms licensing via the back door.
Yep, son, we have met the enemy and he is us.
Never thought much about it. I know as a HC professional myself I would mention that while we are sharing I’d ask if they still enjoyed anal sex. That should cover that segment of the exam nicely.
May not be a joke, but it is funny.
Under the progressive administrative state, every interaction with the bureaucracy is politicized. Guns have been turned into a public health issue, and physicians encouraged to see gun ownership from a “dangerous practice” standpoint, for just this reason. Once a practice is “medicalized” it must be treated. And so it goes. In the Soviet Union opposing the state was a mental illness that would get you committed and shot up with Thorazine.
So, no, I won’t answer that kind of question or anything similar from a doctor. Generally speaking, I think it’s important to let your doctor know that you’re in charge of your illness . . . and not him or her . . . and so you’ll also be in charge of what kinds of answers to questions you chose to give. If they say they “have” to ask the question—treat them like a cop who asks if you “mind” if he looks inside your car.
I’m with Liberty Mama: leave the Lame Stream Media terms like “active shooter” and ” gun violence” to them.
Well, if I were seeking to invade Oz, I’d have a pretty good idea of how to do it with minimal arms, ammunition and effort.
All I’d have to do is confuse them enough to cause them to lose a couple hundred rounds of ammo, a few magazines and (gasp!) a firearm or two – and then I’d just waltz on in whilst they’re climbing up their own backsides, filling out paperwork, making reports of investigations and the like.
It sounds to me like we need to be laying on the pressure to Ryan – McConnell.
Using any dirty trick we can think of.
Any Ideas, Ralph? 😉
Junk headline Robert
By training they mean standard.40 cal as Qld police use .40 glock.
Not the hollow points they use on duty. A fairly common practice worldwide. An over reaction to four loose rounds but they are not dummy rounds
Officially about a million firearms here Qld with a population of 4 million.
As my grandmother used to say when referring to juvenile or stupid people “Well, bless their hearts…”
Current medical thinking is that it is an increased risk for suicide and a risk for children. Many people cannot switch MDs due to insurance plans. Best choice if you cannot switch MDs is to simply say “Next question please”. Do not argue, make smart*** remarks or debate. Just say next question please. For many MDs they are required to ask, that does not mean that you are required to answer.
As for the gentleman who wore a firearm into an office where you know that they will be doing a physical exam, sorry your mistake. Should not be that way, but it is. Put it in your bag or leave it in the car. If the neighborhood is that bad wear it into the office, go to the restroom put in in a bag/pack/briefcase or whatever and reverse the process when leaving.
I am a healthcare worker who is also a strong proponent of 2A but when working it is a major hassle when someone wears one in for their test. I am supposed to notify security who will call the police and have the person arrested.Put it in a locked bag or leave it in your vehicle.
The funny thing is that in over over 40 years of working in hospitals I have been hit, bit, kicked, knocked over and insulted many times (I’ve worked both psych and ER) but every single person who has ever carried a gun in has been nothing but polite, friendly and compliant.
I would be more likely during a traffic stop to tell a police officer that I occasional had irritable bowel syndrome than I would be to tell any doctor about my firearms ownership. At least the former might be of useful information to the police officer… especially if he felt he had to go “hands-on”. 😉
I have no problem with warning shots. I only have one rule: All warning shots will be fired to center of mass.
Mr. Santiago shouldn’t have said anything about the shooting to the police. Hasn’t he even seen a cop/court show?
Again with the warning shots. If the threat is sufficient for deadly force, then neutralize the threat. Don’t hope to scare the threat away with a big noise. As pointed out many times on this blog, even shouting a warning can be twisted to prove you intended to shoot/kill the recipient of your pointed disapproval of pending activity.
Shouldn’t doctors/nurses etc. be required to inform patients as to their, the medical professional’s, “sexuality” and HIV/AIDS/Hep C “status”? I’d like to know whether my healthcare worker engages in risky behavior that could negatively affect me if they accidentally puncture themselves and/or contaminate another piece of equipment while treating me.
Best answer is a calm “not anymore”, or” not in years”. A flat out no may be marked down as a yes ( yes they are counting, yes they will “decode” your response. A “none of your business” will be a definite yes.
I figured telling my son’s first pediatrician “That’s none of your f*cking business” was marked a yes. At least she didn’t try to counsel me on it.
I literally just got my Omega .30 in yesterday. Filed 1/4/17, received 9/23/17. Not great, but I’ll take 8 months over the projected 12 we’re currently seeing.
I’m in love. They’re expensive, but worth every penny. Would love to see the act pass as I now want one for every caliber lol. At the very least require a 30 day turnaround period and drop the price of the tax stamp. They have no problem cashing the check in 30 days.
If you decide to replicate this load, realize the thicker the magnesium shaving is, the longer it will stay lit.
Meaning, the further downrange it will go while still burning.
Magnesium ‘chips’ may be a better choice…
Four lost rounds???
Pah!!, Our ATF “Lost” dozens of rifles to Mexican Narco-Terrorists!
The ushers (if not half the adult congregation) at my church are armed.
It should have been a defensive gun use.
I have a 48″ “Job Box” in my closet.
We tried to open one at work with a forklift, not happening!
Send the U.N. full army force, this is way worst N.Korea with Nukes.
I once read a book titled “Three Felonies a Day”.
That tomb spelled out in excruciating detail how complex and punitive the laws had become to the point that the average citizen couldn’t help but misunderstand what’s legal and not and, as a consequence, committed, on average, 3 felonies a day just going about his business.
I live in Texas and have a concealed carry license. I never, ever heard of the crimes associated with chasing your own child around while dressed as a clown. It’s crazy.
But I am aware of the law prohibiting the handling of a firearm while intoxicated.
Blacks are inherently dangerous, best to always avoid them
First, I’ve never been asked. Second, my doctor is a solid Republican, so I don’t see him as a gun banner. Third, I only talk to my doctor when the office will not renew my prescription, which is about once a year or so.
First of all, stop making the argument the Second Amendment is inalienable if you support a whole slew of conditions to take the right away. Inalienable means it can never be taken away, no matter what. Second, saying you’re afraid for your life if Tim Allen or Martha Stewart ever get a gun again is just dumb. You’d be fine with people who beat up women for fun with a gun, but not Martha Stewart. Really? So someone who gets arrested because two decades ago they opened someone else’s mail, that’s the person that keeps you up at night. But the guy lighting people’s dogs on fire for fun, you’re cool with him having a gun. The Dahmers out there not caught yet, you’re fine with them having guns. The people who had an 11 round clip, or who drilled a hole in a quarter. Those people you feel safer knowing they’ll never have a gun again. And who do these laws stop? Will violent felons with no respect for the law not get guns because of this? Nope. They’ll still get them. This will only stop reformed people with records from defending their lives or their family. And there’s a website out there that shows about 75% of Americans have broken the laws and just never got caught, so it’s a game of semantics, saying one person who gets caught doesn’t deserve it, but if you got away with it you do. You’re actively saying rapists who got away with the rapes, or even people like GW Bush, who admitted to using Cocaine, deserve to have gun rights.
If society isn’t going to execute all criminals and even maybe everyone who gets any traffic offense, or even a parking ticket then you have to allow them to defend themselves with equal force.Nothing in the Second Amendment says you can’t.
I would recite my numerous certifications as a firearms instructor, and then demand he provide me proof that he is qualified to ask any questions about firearms. And as I walk out of the office, I will make sure everyone in the waiting room knows why I am walking out. Further, I will make sure the insurance company knows that the doctor insulted me, did not finish providing service, and that I believe the insurance claim was partially bogus.
Wait, the antis would rather ban all firearms & double the number of living dead trying to kill themselves fruitlessly (I’m using their bad logic) than do something about the 19 times more lost souls already trying to die by other means & failing? How is society, or even these poor individuals, served by that outcome? Again, assuming determined folks can’t figure another way to off themselves.
I would like to know the crime statistics for stolen water bottles. Very serious. And are those stolen water bottles being recycled?
True freedom of choice, usually happens only once! all about power and control over your supposed free rights, such as the NFL Ass****s, Being a Veteran this conduct really agitates me hope all those Muslim Loving SOB’s Geld them selves and have blood poisoning for using the same implement!
This is why I always have a gun anywhere I am legally permitted to concealed carry. Some people don’t understand why I am always armed, even for a quick trip to the grocery store or mowing the lawn.
I don’t hang out with criminals and drug dealers, but ya just never know when some nutbag is going to take out his frustrations with the world on innocent bystanders.
In case of a deranged attacker, I’d rather a LCP II in my back pocket plus my natural weapons, than just my natural weapons.
I suppose she MIGHT have been able to get a shotgun or hunting rifle, but I doubt she would get local government approval for a handgun in Brazil or elsewhere.
I’ve been told by Brazilians that ordinary citizens cannot get handguns. Note that criminals have no problems getting handguns and the murder rate in Brazil is several times the US murder rate.
maybe someone knowledgeable of the area can chime in.
Like I sad yesterday –
September 24, 2017, was the beginning of the end of the NFL as an institution in the USA.
They can’t seem to figure out if you go out of your way to piss off the majority of your fans, you’re gonna pay a steep cost for that…