Sawn-off shotgun (courtesy

“Reputed gang member shoots self with own sawed-off shotgun [not shown],” reports. So if you’re a “reputed gang member” (i.e. a gang banger) your gun doesn’t just “go off.” You actually shoot yourself. “It appears that Mcbride was in a home when he heard gunshots, put a sawed-off shotgun in his pants and went outside to investigate. When Mcbride tried to draw the gun, he pulled the trigger and shot himself.” Hey, what have we been saying about always using a proper holster? Which brings us to this revelation: “Police say Saturday night, another gang member accidentally wounded himself while threatening someone with a revolver.” Negligently! Sigh. So close . . . [h/t TP]


  1. Okay, first of all; Finally! Second of all; this is probably the best title for an article on this site I’ve seen.

    • If it went off in his pants he may have removed himself from the gene pool even if he lived. That battered wreckage in the picture looks like it’s what’s left of a Savage model 24 over/under.

      • No such luck. Report says he shot himself in the leg, not the crotch. Too bad he didn’t have a proper concealable gun with a really short barrel.

        I’m sure he has good health insurance so we taxpayers won’t have to foot the bill for his treatment.

        Maybe next time.

  2. Trey: ” yo, dawg, anyone seen where ice is?”
    D-money: ” fo shizzle, I hears he was kicking it wit stumpy.”
    Trey: ” you mean Mc-b ?”
    D-money: ” yea dawg, Mc-b – stumpy, whatever.”

  3. That birds nest of a firearm is safe enough to wait for the idiot to pull the trigger and our unmolested guns shoot people by themselves… State run msm to the rescue.

  4. “Police say Saturday night, another gang member accidentally wounded himself while threatening someone with a revolver.”

    Do I see a positive trend beginning here? Maybe if they carried their heat in their hair…

    • As the saying goes,

      “It doesn’t matter who does the shooting as long as the right people get shot.”

    • He’s lucky the guy with the revolver didn’t shoot him also.

      The journalist is unlucky to have graduated without learning what dangling and misplaced participles are.

  5. If it was holstered in a shoulder holster, it might of killed him! Hmmm take a pick ” heart or goodies”, one lucky guy! Shotgun looks a little short, but a good felony.

  6. Sounds like how the NYC cops kept shooting themselves when they first got Glocks. Keep your finger off the trigger!

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