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After Police Shooting, Hawaii Has Gone Completely Insane

Carl Bussjaeger - comments No comments

A gaggle of asylum escapees in the Hawaii legislature have filed a bill which will surely stop all future criminal activity in the 50th state:


Requires a personal representative of a decedent appointed under the Uniform Probate Code to notify the police department of the appropriate county of any and all firearms in an estate. Requires the police department to certify that all registered firearms in an estate and other firearms of which the police department has been notified are properly transferred or disposed of before the estate may close.

That may seem innocuous enough — allowing that registration and licensing are already bad ideas — but the backstory on this bill is the certifiable crazytown part.

Last month, a chumbucket who was a prohibited person due to a restraining order murdered his landlord, stabbed a woman, obtained a rifle from the landlord’s collection, and then fatally shot two responding police officers.

The landlord apparently inherited a number of firearms from her husband when he died. “ReporterLynn Kawano calls that a “loophole” which HB2907 will surely “close.”

Let me get this straight: these loons legislators believe their bill would have prevented Chumboy’s murderous streak. Because — stick with me now — a representative of the deceased landlord’s estate would have fired up a crystal ball, foreseen the murder by a future tenant, showed up at the crime scene, and taken the gun collection before the violent wack-o could get the rifle.

Call me crazy, but if precognition is a real thing in Hawaii, why didn’t the cops just show up and prevent the landlord’s murder in the first place?

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