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Airport Security Theater Revealed

Robert Farago - comments No comments

We caught sight of this Vice video over at everydaynodaysoff.com. It’s so last year, but it proves what we’ve been saying since inception: airport security is a a joke. Actually, it’s worse than a joke because it lulls millions of people into a false sense of security (not to mention the billions of tax dollars pissed away on the overweight, under-educated blue shirted unionized goons charged with enforcing it). In an alternative world where things are as they should be, Americans would be “allowed” to exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms whenever and wherever they travel within the United States. Self defense doesn’t end at airport security. Disarming people only makes them more vulnerable to attack. As we have seen time and time again.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Airport Security Theater Revealed”

  1. I examined this issue late last year with all the MRAPs and other things going to LEOs; http://wp.me/p45P9s-5Y.

    It’s a little disconcerting to see that so many of the weapons of war are coming home here in the US and then being placed in a position to basically turn Downtown USA into the next battlefield.

  2. Wouldn’t a more appropirate title be, “Chris Dumm Shoots an Assault Rifle for the First Time”?

    You know…practice what you preach and such.

  3. I’m starting to think we need to remind police departments that no matter how many stripes they have on their sleeves or stars, bars, and oak leaves on their collars, they are not in actually in the military.


    I remember a BIG flap about that a few years ago. Seemed like “REL WaPo” almost became a legitimate marking caveat. The one teensy-weensie thing they HADN’T worked out yet was how to approve release once the info became “stale.” Looks like the answer here was just to put it on the web. Typical.

  5. Maybe I’m latching on to the wrong part of the story, but why in the hell does the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives have a “Mexico country office?”

  6. Makes you wonder about all the counterfeit guns that passed as real……

    How many counterfeit guns were reported as USA sourced through ATF’s eTrace system? The computer won’t know they’re fake, and ATF won’t care as long as it helps their “statistics”..

  7. Let’s go back to the old days of policing.

    I miss being able to beat confessions out of people.

    I miss being able to beat people rather than take them to jail.

    I miss being able to beat people who mouth off.

    I miss being able to send people to the ER for fighting me.

  8. Russians destroyed many German tanks with bottles filled with gas. Afghans destroyed many Russian tanks with tarp covered pits. These type of vehicles depend on external fire support to survive. They also depend on a submissive populace.

  9. Good thing for LEOSA right? Cops and retired cops are first responders against terrorism in a post 9/11 world.

    Like that idiot retired NYPD assemblyman in New York said! retired cops need their high cap mags and the ability to carry because they are an “experienced” class of people.

  10. Anyone else wondering if it’s an Alzheimers/dementia thing, considering the age? Not that it would be an excuse, of course.

  11. So I have an opportunity to pick up a P30 .40 cal for $500. Comes with 50 rounds and a hard plastic holster. The gun itself appears to be in excellent shape with very little holster markings. It feels and shoots great. What do y’all think? Should I get it?


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