“Alabama candidate Roy Moore said that children were massacred at Sandy Hook Elementary School because Americans have ‘forgotten the law of God,’ according to footage that resurfaced this week,” nypost.com reports. “Video found by CNN was republished after Moore beat his fellow conservative Luther Strange in the Republican primary to represent the Southern state in the U.S. Senate.” Strangely . . .
the video in question — posted by the wedding and corporate videographers at Atlanta’s Studio 25 productions — has disappeared down the YouTube memory hole. nypost.com presents this quote as the money shot from the now missing video:
“You wonder why we’re having problems in Newtown, Connecticut? All across our country with killing, stealing, committing adultery,” Moore told the First Baptist Church of Guin in an undated clip. “Because we’ve forgotten the law of God.”
CNN’s online account of Mr. Moore’s remarks — which contains the “video removed by user” YouTube link — doesn’t contain any reference to Sandy Hook. It offers a different, less inflammatory version of the key part of the now deleted video.
“You wonder why we’re having shootings, and killings here in 2017? Because we’ve asked for it,” Moore said. “We’ve taken God out of everything. We’ve taken prayer out of school, we’ve taken prayer out of council meetings.”
Back at nypost.com, we learn that Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy Tweeted his disgust at Moore’s [alleged] comment connecting godlessness with the attack on Sandy Hook.
“Here Roy Moore says that the Newtown community is to blame for the Sandy Hook School massacre bc they weren’t following “God’s law.” Sick,” Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat, posted on Twitter.
Moore has not publicly addressed the content of the video. In any case, we know that the responsibility for the Sandy Hook attack rests squarely on the shoulders of one Adam Lanza.
AND the school administrators who ignored and isolated Mr. Lanza, despite incontrovertible evidence that he was deeply disturbed (letting him remain enrolled as a student even though he was never in school).
AND Lanza’s mother, who allowed her son to bunker in her basement for weeks on end without any human contact or supervision (she left his meals at the door). Who took her mentally ill son, an anorexic teenager whose basement lair was plastered with news clippings of mass shootings, to the gun range.
AND Lanza’s father, who cut off all contact with, and thus responsibility for, his son.
Whether or not their action and inaction somehow reflects an inability to “follow God’s law” depends on your belief in God and, if so, what you consider His law to be. Meanwhile, Mr. Moore’s wider point — that shootings and killings show a lack of religiosity — seems innocuous enough. Doesn’t it?
…Unless you’re selling thin mints…get off our ranch!
“Meanwhile, Mr. Moore’s wider point — that shootings and killings show a lack of religiosity — seems innocuous enough. Doesn’t it?”
You’re kidding, right? It seems to me that the Crusades, and their attendant slaughter and mayhem, were committed in the name of the Christian god (and the opposition in the name of the Muslim God). most of what is going on in Iraq and Syria has an underlying animus of the religious schism between the Shi’ia and the Sunni. All of the wars Israel has fought, from its inception to the current day, are religious wars. Then of course there was the Spanish Inquisition (and similar pogroms across Europe), plus the various wars between the Catholics and the Protestants in Europe and England. I am not too familiar with the various wars in east Persia and India between the Muslims and everybody else, but I seem to recall that when the Muslims invaded India they killed, burned and pillaged everything and everyone that was not Muslim.
An awful lot of killing is thus attributable directly to “religiosity.”
Being religious (or not) has nothing to do with mental health. In fact, the two primary issues confronting paranoid schizophrenics are religion and sex.
Mr. Moore is a clown. And unfortunately, he, if elected, will immediately be identified as the face of the Republican Party, typified as white, racist, homophobic, hypocritical.
“Wa wa wa! The crusades! Wa wa wa! 900 years ago the Catholic Church blah blah blah!” – every atheist ever. It’s 2017. No one cares anymore.
I love how these people have to go back literally 900 years to find an example of Christianity being remotely as bad as modern-day Islam.
dB numbers still LOUD…even with a can…definitely not SILENT …like opponents would like you to believe
6 pound civil war era cannon. Helluva BOOM…
Another story mixing religion with gun politics.
Nothing wrong with it IMHO but it is kinda like putting Motley Crue on one side of a hotel room, G.G. Allen on the other side, putting a pile of whiskey and drugs on the bed and letting them go at it.
Fakenews gonna Fakenews.
Being able to strip the gun down without pulling the trigger is something Glock should have done decades ago but the rotating barrel is not an improvement its actually a step backward. Every rotating barrel pistol I ever shot had very sharp recoil due to the fact that it is really not a true locked breach system rather its a delayed blowback and the recoil is sudden and sharp. I have a French MAB in 9mm and even though the gun is made out of old fashioned high quality steel making it a very heavy pistol the recoil on this gun makes it a very uncomfortable gun to shoot. Because of the guns weight it is controllable but you will not find that in a light weight plasticky rotating barrel pistol that is certain.
Even though I know the camera is on a tripod, it still gives me the willies to look into the business end of a gat.
A request for TTAG’s resident suppresssor reviewer –
How about an ablative gel ‘shoot-out’?
The stuff you linked is 11 bucks for 3 tubes (25.5 oz.) while dirt cheap cable-pull jell is as cheap as 35 bucks for 4 gallons…
Standing on a street corner preaching to the choir is far different than protesting in front of millions of people on National TV.
In the past the Far Right Racists even called Martin Luther King Un-American and that his peaceful marches an outrage. To them no time is a good time or proper time to speak out for social injustices if it involves losing any White Supremacy or White Privilege.
He looks like he’s rolled a few around until the swelling went down.
twin 40mm Bofors on an M42 Duster. I can still remember how to handle a hang fire/misfire event.
Wearing earbuds in Baghdad – great idea.
I think the same thing but for anyone anywhere but their home bunker with friends about.
152 mm HEAT round from an m551 AR/AAV Sheridan vehicle when I was with the 4/68th armor, 82’nd Abn. Div.
All the Way.
120mm Rheinmetall.
“The SHARE Act includes the so-called “Hearing Protection Act,” a proposal that was drafted, with help from the gun silencer industry, to gut longstanding silencer safety laws and make it easy for anyone to buy a silencer without a background check.”
I know his entire schtick is a lie, but I think we all know it, and expect to see that when it comes to liberals and suppressors. But once I got to that “5 Pinocchio” whopper, I just couldn’t subject myself to any more of this guy’s bullshit. TL;DR;DC (don’t care.)
I loathe Bass…just bought some ammo at Cabelas and got a new club card. I hope they keep the Hammond,IN store open as Bass is a scant 10miles away. We’ll see…😫
I have to agree with Moore. A lack of faith and healthy fear of the Almighty is a major reason for our current woes. If they believe we end when we die then there is no reason to be decent. If they know they will face a final judgement for their actions they may not act in an evil manner.
“What the heck is Little Joe doing to that Steer”
Phone doesn’t play well with videos. It sounds like #4 buck with (slightly) tighter patterns.
TTAG once again desperate for clickbait article topics.
I’m surprised that the wolf didn’t overtake the 1-year-old pointer. either it was a young wolf too or an adult that wasn’t trying too hard.
wolves or a bear? a bear kills its food first. wolves don’t do that.
I don’t have much experience with wolves, but, if they kill and eat their prey anything like coyotes, seems like a pretty shitty way to go.
Just cut up another shotgun, pack it into a shotshell, and shoot it.
Shooting a shotgun out of a shotgun.
You know it’s coming.
Seriously, these “will it blend” posts from this doofus are getting old. As of three months of ago.
What a money grab!
She shot a shmuck with a toy gun – thats why she did’nt get blown away!
She ran out to her car to get her gun minutes before the attempted robbery – because she heard of another robbery close by… sure she did; what bunch a horsehocky she told the cops – so she does’nt get pinched for illegally carrying a concealed weapon.
Gullible people sending her wads of cash without knowing she was never in danger, shot a guy with a toy gun!
Just a young beat down guy without a criminal record and a fake gun!
What a money grab!
“Too far for a revolver. Hoss, you got it?”
Meet the new Glock, same as the old Glock. We just got fooled again.
Is Glock required to put in a couple of dumb things every time they fix some? It’s almost like they have a dumb thing quota.
I thought M&P 45 mags were stiff until I experienced a Glock 21 10 rd mag. That thing feels like is has a spring for a 30 rd mag in it. A b*tch to fill, even with a mag loader. More Glock perfection, my ass.
“Christians” and atheists are not the only options, of course. There are hundreds or more different religions on the planet, each with their own view of “god” and life.
A good number of people are deists instead, accepting a “creator,” but rejecting all man made religion and its dogma. We don’t see any need to blame either “god” or the devil for our choices and actions – or as an excuse to aggress against others. That certainly works best for me. But I have nothing against the religious… as long as they mind their own business.
WTF? 😡
These jocks just keep doubling down on stupid. They all need to burn up like a rear ended Ford.
most pleasant suppressed firearm I’ve ever fired and how many would that be?
Puerto Rico gun laws:
Individuals who wish to purchase a firearm to keep at home (known as a license to possess, or licencia de posesión de armas) must be 21 years or older, be a US citizen or legal resident of Puerto Rico, never have renounced US citizenship, not be under a restraining order, submit a notarized application, three character references from individuals who are not close relatives of the applicant, proof of non-delinquency in child support payments, fingerprints, photographs, and pay a $100 fee. The license holder is limited to possessing two firearms (there is an exception for firearms acquired through inheritance), purchasing up to 50 bullets per year per firearm possessed, and may only purchase ammunition of the firearms’ caliber. If any of the bullets are used or lost, police authorization is required in order to replenish them.
After the license is granted, the police are authorized to “passively, without disturbing the peace and tranquility of the individual under investigation or violating the privacy of the home” continue investigating the license holder to ensure that no false information was provided by the applicant during the application process. The license must be renewed every five years by submitting a sworn statement and paying a $100 fee.
Almost perfect. Scores on gun, blade and light. Now just get a real watch and a serious pen. May I suggest Rolex and Mont Blanc. Oh, and ditch the vape.