Alaskan Brenton Linegar found an unwelcome message (pictured above) on his work truck about three weeks ago. The message was delivered in the form of business cards from two State of Alaska employees. Later the same day, when he learned of a malicious social media post on a State of Alaska website, Linegar went public with the notes.
In doing so, he showed a couple of state workers that not everyone cowers to bullies.

Marti Buscaglia, the executive director of the Alaska State Commission for Human Rights, spotted a “Black Rifles Matter” sticker on Linegar’s commercial pickup truck parked in the building’s parking lot. That little sticker proved a big deal to the state-employed social justice warrior.
She snapped a photo and promptly posted it on the official Alaska State Commission for Human Rights website with the caption, “In what world is this okay?” She did this on state computers, on state time on an official state of Alaska social media page. As though her position allows her to regulate Alaskans’ free speech rights.
In making the post, she not only impugned the reputation of Brenton Linegar and his company, Sage Mechanical, in a very large public forum, but she also reportedly emailed the building’s landlord and maliciously filed a false complaint against the company.
The Alaska Landmine (explosive Alaska news) reported on her email:
…the email implied Linegar was a racist and asked the client to “please do something” about Sage Mechanical. The email also accused Sage Mechanical of performing substandard work and exercising poor judgement.

In addition to Buscaglia leaving her business card with a demand that Linegar park elsewhere, a second business card from Chief Probation Officer Kendell Rhyne was also left on his truck. Was Rhyne the gun-toting muscle behind Buscaglia in trying to bully Linegar to park elsewhere? Neither responded to an email asking for comment.
Alaska’s governor condemned the tweet posted on a state website and launched a criminal investigation.
The wheels of justice turned slowly in the case. Finally though, the Alaska Commission for Human Rights voted 5-2 last Friday to suspend Buscaglia for 15 days without pay, starting today, April 9th.
One of the “no” votes said he voted against the sanction because he wanted Buscaglia’s termination.
Meanwhile, Linegar released this statement on Friday, as reported by Must Read Alaska.
If A bumper sticker can incite a call to ban one from a parking lot, cost them their livelihood and ostracize them as an outcast. I can only imagine the anger that someone has to be carrying to follow such a path about a total stranger. This is who she is and a slap on the wrist is not going to change her ideology. When she was hired or appointed, she wasn’t even qualified for the job.
She has lied in the past to get hired and has been fired before. From an internal source, she has been weaponizing this department and she will continue to do so. This cannot be tolerated at this level and is a dangerous precedent to set if she is allowed to continue in this job. She has willingly wasted taxpayer money, willingly infringed on my 1st and 2nd amendment rights, she willingly tried to cost me and my employees their livelihood and ostracize me in a small community.
She then went on to speak to the press and continue to lie about her intentions. If she wanted to simply have a conversation with me, then a note to that effect could have been left on my windshield.
Instead, she saw fit to write a different type of note, put my truck on Facebook on the State page and email my client from her state provided email, all the while using the full weight of her title along with her cohort, the chief of parole officers to intimidate me and my client.
She also did this all on tax payer paid time, taxpayer-provided business cards and so on.
The Governor was elected to do many things, and one of those things was to get rid of this type of abuse of position and to stop this type of behavior.
The only way to stop people like this is to get them out of these positions where they can willingly damage others, while pushing their personal agendas and purposefully operate outside of their job scope and directive. This is dangerous and Alaska is watching. The world is watching as this situation has been seen all the way in India. Future voters are watching.
Linegar’s remarks about Buscaglia’s employment past may have been referring to Buscaglia’s failed effort to become the Orange County Register’s publisher because she “misrepresented her educational qualifications”. From The Orange County Register:
Marti Buscaglia will not become the Orange County Register’s new publisher because she misrepresented her educational qualifications on her resume, said N. Christian Anderson, current publisher and president and chief executive of Freedom Orange County Information.
Buscaglia’s resume listed graduation from Lima University in Peru. She has been publisher of the Duluth News Tribune in Minnesota for five years. She was slated to join the Register on July 9.
Time will tell if Ms. Buscaglia has learned her lesson about treading on the rights of others.
In the meantime, Brenton Linegar stands as an example of how little people can push back against government employees trying to bully people into surrendering their constitutional rights.