According to John H. Laub of the DOJ’s National Institute of Justice, “We want to look at potential human errors in forensic practice. We want to better understand how this bias may occur, as well as the ways forensic practitioners and other criminal justice practitioners interact.” Mike Barrett, CEO of Pyramidal Technologies, agrees. He reckons his company’s ALIAS Advanced Ballistics Analysis System system is the answer. “ALIAS simplifies storing, analyzing and sending off data to be viewed by other police labs,” Barret claims. “Our system is less-expensive, faster and more effective than the traditional alternatives.” Equally important . . .
By manipulating a digital clone of a cartridge case or expended bullet – which is what ALIAS creates – an examiner performs an in-depth analysis without any chance of contaminating the actual evidence. ALIAS also has an advantage over a comparison microscope when trying to match a clean cartridge case with one that is tarnished or corroded. Because ALIAS presents a topographical map and volumetric model of the ballistic specimen, physical appearance to the human eye is not an impediment. ALIAS can go from the box to producing evidence that can be used in a conviction in about 15 minutes.
There’s your Christmas present sorted, then. Minus the creepy soundtrack, one hopes.