Members of Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua storm an Aurora, Colorado, apartment complex.
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Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky has shined light on a frightening situation unfolding in Aurora, Colorado, by leaking footage of a Venezuelan migrant prison gang storming The Edge at Lowry, an apartment complex in the Denver metro city. Jurinsky announced that heavily armed men have seized control of the buildings, which are full of American citizens, carrying out violent robberies, shootings and assaults, causing a terrifying ordeal for residents who are now trapped with their families under horrifying conditions. She describes trash littered throughout the buildings, broken windows, vandalism and lots of guns. According to Jurinsky, the gang has attacked management, causing them to flee in fear, and is now “actively patrolling” the complexes unchallenged. The apartment investor told The New York Post they’ve “lost control” of several properties with the gang taking over multiple units.

“They were first hanging out around the property and creating a bad element that’s constantly there. And then they started taking over, quite a few months ago, they started taking over vacant units,” they told the Post.  

Speaking with TMZ Thursday about the now-viral video, Jurinsky said she released the footage in response to politicians she felt were not moving fast enough to stop the danger and protect the lives of residents, instead playing politics out of fear of stirring the pot and losing reelection, as many of the gang members are undocumented migrants. She also claims the video is not exactly new, stating that authorities have been aware of the situation for some time. According to a local news station, the footage was captured earlier in August shortly before a shootout at the complex severely injured one person and damaged multiple cars.

Aurora Police and the DEA have confirmed that Tren de Aragua, the prison gang represented by these terrorists, is operating in the area. The gang, which hails from Venezuela’s Aragua region, has been sending its members across the U.S.-Mexico border for years, expanding recruitment efforts within the U.S. as well among migrant communities in New York, Denver, and Chicago. Homeland Security sources have confirmed that Tren de Aragua has been linked to multiple high-profile crimes in sanctuary states, including the shooting of two NYPD officers in June and the murder of Georgia nursing student, Laken Riley. A Homeland Security memo warned that Tren de Aragua’s leadership recently gave a “green light” for members to shoot and attack law enforcement officers across the U.S, while the gang is also said to be smuggling guns into local migrant shelters. Statements issued Thursday suggest the Aurora Police Department has set up a joint task force to deal with Tren de Aragua. 

The New York Post recently identified the gang’s “shot-caller” in the Colorado region, as Jhonardy Jose Pacheco-Chirino, known as “Galleta,” meaning “Cookie” in Spanish. Pacheco-Chirino was arrested but set free on bail after he and fellow gang members brutally beat a man at an apartment complex allegedly run by the terror organization. He was arrested once again in Aurora in July for a shooting that took place at the same complex, leaving two men wounded.

Jean Torres-Roman, 21, another Tren de Aragua gang member, was involved in a violent robbery caught on camera on June 25 in a Denver jewelry store. Torres-Roman was released from custody in Chicago only a month before the burglary, after getting caught attempting to stash a stolen gun. He fled from Colorado to El Paso, Texas, where he was caught at a local motel.

Tren de Aragua gang member, Jean Torres-Roman, 21, arrested in El Paso, Texas by Homeland Security Agents.

Cindy and Edward Romero expressed that they had been trying to move out of the complex into safer living conditions, but could not get the help they needed. “We couldn’t get any help. We tried reaching out to resources, but they told us since it was not a condemned building, we would have to wait ’til that was the issue, but we didn’t want to wait for that,” Edward Romero told the local news. In a stunningly heroic turn of events, Jurinsky herself with the help of several police officers provided that help, rescuing the family from the complex on Wednesday amidst gang infighting over the soon-to-be unoccupied space, even witnessing the gang move things into the apartment as it was being vacated.

According to Cindy Romero, “It’s been a nightmare and I can’t wait to get out of here,” The couple recounted their experience, explaining that the violence began when a large number of migrants moved into the building. Cindy described using five locks on the apartment door, arranged from top to bottom combined with a door jammer home security bar. “Every day when we come home, we have to do this every time we go outside to take out the garbage,” continuing, “Every time we go to bed at night. We have to keep like this so that nobody can kick in the door.” The family’s car was one of the vehicles riddled with bullets after the shootout.

Councilwoman Jurinsky has been outspoken regarding Tren de Aragua, and a leading voice against incentives offered to migrants in Aurora, as the influx of Venezuelan gang members overruns the suburb populated by 390,000 residents.

“The city nonprofits have lined up to help the migrants that have come here but nobody is helping the Americans that are trapped in these apartment complexes,” Jurinsky reported to the local news. “This isn’t just Americans. Other Venezuelans are being extorted by this gang.”

Jurinsky has become fed up with state leaders who have allowed sanctuary policies to roll out a proverbial welcome mat to the Venezuelan prison gang, which has unleashed violent crime and terror into her community. Denver has received the largest number of migrants per capita in the nation, attracting more than 40,000 arrivals since December 2022 due to these policies. Tren de Aragua came with them, ultimately spilling out of the Sanctuary City and into suburban Aurora, situated directly east of the Mile High City.

In recent months, Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed legislation into effect supporting migrant efforts in the state, making it easier for them to obtain driver’s licenses, attend schools and acquire taxpayer-funded resources. This is in light of his previous 2023 decision to start busing them to New York City when the influx of migrants became too much for the state to handle. That program has since been discontinued.

In a shocking dismissal by Governor Polis, his office referred to the anger over Tren de Aragua’s taking over of apartment buildings in the Denver suburb of Aurora as “largely a feature of Danielle Jurinsky’s imagination,” despite viral video footage, police reports and the city’s own mayor confirming that the atrocity is real and taking place at this very moment. The Democratic Governer’s spokesperson, Shelby Wieman, had this to say to the Post, “The Governor has already let the Mayor know that the State is ready to support the local police department with assistance from state troopers and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation if needed,” adding that “it’s illegal to take over buildings in Colorado” and that the governor’s office is “ready to assist” authorities if Jurinsky has “knowledge” of such activity.

In further deflection, Wieman states, “He really hopes that the city council members in charge stop trashing their own city when they are supposed to keep it safe. We know violent crime in Aurora went down between 2022-2023, fully expect the data will show further declines for 2024 and the recent misinformation campaign threatens actual criminal investigations and could hurt the climate for small businesses in Aurora.”

Despite the governor’s dismissal of the developing situation and continued embrace of Colorado’s sanctuary policies, the evidence is clear, as Fox Denver aired the surveillance video released by Jurinsky on Wednesday night, showing the armed gang, later confirmed by police as suspected members of Tren de Aragua, strolling armed through the overrun apartment complex. Additionally, Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman, spoke to Fox News on Thursday stating, “there are several buildings” that have “fallen to these Venezuelan gangs” in his city. Coffman says he believes the buildings being used as taxpayer-funded migrant housing provided a foothold for the gangs to take over.

The New York Post asked the governor’s office if it intends to backtrack its statement given the overwhelming evidence of Tren de Aragua’s takeover. There was no response as of Thursday evening.

Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky

Councilwoman Jurinsky had a strong message for Governor Polis and Denver Mayor Michael Christopher Johnston.

“To our governor and to the mayor of Denver, I refuse to be silenced. I refuse to play the game of politics with you regarding this migrant crisis. And I will continue to speak up and speak out and help as many people as I can,” Jurinsky told The Post. The councilwoman also pointed the finger at the Biden-Harris administration, saying the people of Aurora are “suffering” at their “hands.”

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  1. This could have probably all been averted if the existing tenants had merely reached out and welcomed the new arrivals, perhaps with a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies. As anyone who’s had to relocate can tell you, it just takes awhile to adjust to your new surroundings. Can’t we just all get along?
    Now sing it with me – Kumbaya….

    • And THIS BS is what awaits America if you vote Dim. Or welcome illegal aliens from south of the border. The pathetic po-leece are constrained by gringo law & cowardice. Pathetic😧

    • “We get the kind of government we deserve…”
      Gee – it’s call stupidity, the American Pandemic – not the other fake pandemic which was just further evidence of the endemic stupidity and, well etc.
      Down the rabbit whole we go OR where are we going and why are we in a handbasket?

      • What i can’t believe is that politicians are keeping it hush shush. This os not how we do things in America!! Aggggggjhhhhhhhhh

    • We have an un-verified *UPDATE* on the gang invasion on that a[apartment complex :


      • The Hells are a heartless business. They are more likely to negotiate a financial deal than have a conflict. Violence is bad business. Human trafficking, drug sales, are “good” business. I very much doubt the Hells will apply force to these gangs, but I hope I’m wrong.

  2. Gee, why don’t they just buy the apartment? Seriously, one of my sons just sold his 700k home in Lakewood for 75 over list, all cash, no inspection… realtor “suggested” he accept the offer from the “Out of state investment concern”. Implied that it’s Mexican or Venezuelan money laundering, and you don’t want to be on their bad side – arson anyone? He’s taking the money and leaving Colorado.
    By the way, he bought the property four years ago for a little under 435k.

    • “Implied that it’s Mexican or Venezuelan money laundering“

      Either you don’t understand how money laundering works, or you are saying your son is involved in a criminal conspiracy to illegally launder funds.

      “he bought the property four years ago for a little under 435k“

      Colorado must have a really great economy, doubled your real estate investment in four years is excellent performance. Didn’t you say they have had a series of democrat governors, I guess that did the trick!

      • Miner49er…

        Either you don’t understand the English language and know what a question mark is or you don’t understand context … well, actual its both in this case.

        You cherry picked part of a question he asked in his post, it wasn’t a statement of fact like you treated it to launch into another of your stupid comment orgasms.

        Were you not educated beyond third grade?

        Learn what context means moron.

      • Miner, I see your understanding of real estate transactions is right up there with your math skills, huh? ….once you list your property the buyer has all of the legal protections on their side and can sue both the seller and the realtor for a number of reasons if the sale gets squashed. Assuming a sale price of over $700,000, thats a lot of dirty money that could be laundered, isn’t it? Also, not seeing anything in the post about past governors, but yes, Polis is a Dem, and as indicated in the story is apparently lookikg the other way about this widespread problem in his state. Hmmm, I wonder if he’ll be coming into his own laundry problems.

  3. “Jurinsky announced that heavily armed men have seized control of the buildings, which are full of American citizens, carrying out violent robberies, shootings and assaults, causing a terrifying ordeal for residents who are now trapped with their families under horrifying conditions.”

    and instead of going after the actual criminals like this the ATF decided to send, basically, a ‘murder’ team to the home of a peaceful innocent man in Arkansas at zero-dark-thirty, who had actually, it turns out, comitted no crime at all …’cause the ATF said so.

    of ‘qualified immunity’ had not been included in this ‘murder’, the ATF agents who did this ‘murder’ would have been charged with a murder charge because their over bearing and improper action intentionally created the situation under which they justified their, in actuality under law, they shot and killed their victim. ya can’t claim ‘self defense’, like the ATF did here, under law if you created the situation under which you shot someone in supposedly ‘self defense’. if it wasn’t for qualified immunity these ATF government kill team thug criminals would have been charged with a murder charge.

    • The government doesn’t have the time to go after these foreign terrorists. Didn’t you see the latest DHS / DOJ ALERT? The greatest threat and enemy #1 is MVEs (Militant Violent Extremists). MVEs can easily be identified by their using terms like, “Patriot”, “Second Amendment”, “Prepper” and displaying “hate symbols, such as the Gadsden Flag”.

      If you are reading this, you are not the latest edition to the “Quiet Skies” list. You’re welcome.

      • yep… that mean old Gadsden flag… lol

        did ya see the DHS memo that just came out where the DHS basically green lighted federal law enforcement to shoot on sight anyone they basically wanted to for any reason? I think bongino has it in one of his videos.

    • Yes, because Trump told people not to vote for the bipartisan border bill that would have “controlled” illegal immigration (wink, nod). That’s what people really believe. I suggest that everyone talk to democrats in real life. Most really don’t understand that our open borders are intentional.

      Look at Kamala’s ads and speeches. She’s pretending like she wants to stop illegal immigration. You know. The thing that she did! She’s doing this after years of saying that they would welcome all people, and that no one is illegal. The first priority of the Puppet-Harris Admin was to end all of Trump’s immigration policies. They made it clear they would do that before they assumed office. It was their number one priority.

      That’s why I had a bet with Miner that we would have open borders. He was the one that suggested the bet. He “keeps up with the news.” Yet, he didn’t understand the plan?

    • Trump’s fault?

      Yes, yes it is.

      Why don’t we just deport the undocumented Venezuelans?

      “Trump blocks Venezuelans’ deportation in last political gift
      Updated 10:58 PM EDT, January 19, 2021
      CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — With the clock winding down on his term, U.S. President Donald Trump shielded tens of thousands of Venezuelan migrants from deportation Tuesday night, rewarding Venezuelan exiles who have been among his most loyal supporters and who fear losing the same privileged access to the White House during the Biden administration.

      Trump signed an executive order deferring for 18 months the removal of more than 145,000 Venezuelans who were at risk of being sent back to their crisis-wracked homeland. He cited the “deteriorative condition” within Venezuela that constitutes a national security threat as the basis for his decision.“

      Blocking the deportation of 145,000 undocumented Venezuelan migrants, releasing 5000 Taliban terrorists back into Afghanistan, Donald Trump really knows how to keep America safe.

      Aren’t the actual facts of history just so fascinating.

      • So, for 4 years now the biden/harris team has allowed this to stand? And that’s Trumps fault?

        Two comments today and they paint you as pants on head stupid.

      • Damn, miner was joked about then decided to double down on his insane partisanship zealotry.
        Man could stub his toe on the way to the bathroom at 2:30am and scream “DAMN IT TRUMP STRIKES AGAIN”
        Always funny to see him rail one political side but be unable to equally criticize his side. After all, it’s obviously just big, evil, scary devils vs honest, good natured freedom fighters like a Disney movie and they are totally not both to blame for a myriad of awful rights infringements.
        But anyway, Republicans are evil fascists who will turn the country into a dictatorship and that’s why we need to remove the ability of the population to fight against them and take their firearms.
        S O L I D

        • “Always funny to see him rail one political side but be unable to equally criticize his side.”

          The folks posting on this forum are overwhelmingly pro-Trump, I’m just providing an element of balance to the discussion.

          “So, for 4 years now the biden/harris team has allowed”

          You should check your math, Trump signed the order in January 2021, extended the deadline by 18 months.

          That moved the deadline to July 2022, giving the Biden administration just 1.5 years to round up Trump’s 145,000 undocumented Venezuelan immigrants.

          Trump gave 145,000 undocumented Venezuelans the opportunity to disappear into the population.

          Apparently, some of Donald Trump’s most favored immigrants went to Colorado.

          “Trump Approves Deportation Protections for Venezuelans in U.S. Illegally
          The action comes under the Deferred Enforced Departure program that offers deportation protections and work permits to immigrants in the country without authorization
          Michelle Hackman
          Updated Jan. 19, 2021 10:30 pm ET“

          • And still the biden/harris crime family has done nothing.

            And you are not providing balance here. You are the very essence of a troll.

          • Just to be clear, you are for deporting illegal immigrants. Trump isn’t right wing enough for you, huh?

            You previously told us that people who have v-a-g-i-n-a-s* are women, and that secksual* orientation is a choice. None of that sounds very progressive.

            You don’t really believe in anything, other than winning. You’ll say anything in the moment to win the argument. You’re a chameleon, just like Kamala. Typical left winger.

      • stop trying to spin it Miner49er. these criminal terrorists came across the intentionally open and insure border Biden an border czar created, and they knew it too because Venezuelan government told them they were dumping all these, thousands of such criminals out of their prisons, and sending them to the border to cross. that’s not Trumps fault. not only that but the DHS has pointed out that fully armed terrorists groups are now in the US and planning attacks and they all came across Bidens and border czar Harris intentionally insecure and open border.

        this is a big difference from Trump wanting some vetted actual immigrants to stay in the country.

        • and again… Thanks to Joe Biden and Border Czar Comrade Kamala, and Comrade Miner49er and the other the rest of their Comrade radical extremists left wing terrorist and criminals facilitators and sympathizes including those comrades who claim to be democrat congress members….

          Venezuelan criminal terrorist posing as delivery people. Why Gun Owners NEED To Watch Out For This Delivery Driver Scheme.

            • “some how Trumps fault when he wasn’t even in office“

              That’s all part of the conservative plan, trumps action on the Venezuelans moved the deadline 1.5 years into Bidens administration, Trump just kicked the can down the road.

              That’s the same for the Afghanistan withdrawal, Trump did not do the hard work of actually pulling the troops out, he just negotiated with the terrorists for a deadline that was two years into the next presidency, once more avoiding the messy business of actually unassing the AO.

              Same for the middle class tax cuts, they expire in 2025. Donald Trump made the tax cuts for the wealthy one percent permanent, but put a sunset clause in the middle class tax cuts so they would disappear during the next president’s term.

              “Parts of the massive Trump tax cuts are expiring, providing an opportunity to change course
              July 11, 2024
              By: OCPP

              Next year, 2025, is setting up to be a pivotal year when it comes to how our nation raises the money needed to pay for public services — things like health, housing, the nation’s safety net, and more.

              The reason 2025 will be so important dates back to 2017. That year, Congress enacted the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, better known as the Trump tax cuts. This tax package contained massive changes to our tax system that mostly amounted to huge tax cuts for the rich and corporations. For procedural reasons, as well as to mask the true costs of these massive tax cuts, Congress made some parts of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act temporary. It gave them an expiration date. And that expiration date is 2025.“

              • “That’s all part of the conservative plan, trumps action on the Venezuelans moved the deadline 1.5 years into Bidens administration, Trump just kicked the can down the road.”

                If your claim wasn’t such a lie I’d be laughing my ass off at how completely stupid you are.

                Seriously, get some help for that mental illness TDS ya got Miner49er.

  4. “The Governor has already let the Mayor know that the State is ready to support the local police department with assistance from state troopers and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation if needed,” 

    ready to support, but only if needed when its obvious its needed… really? instead he says publicly it’s ‘imaginary’.

    I tend to think the ‘support’ is imaginary.

    • The Knob gobbler is saying the takeovers are not real. Bitch has 24/7 security. See how that works? Fuck You Pole Smoker you fucking POS!

      • Until this stuff affects the politicians they will not change their opinions and even when it does many will still not change.

  5. “A Homeland Security memo warned that Tren de Aragua’s leadership recently gave a “green light” for members to shoot and attack law enforcement officers across the U.S,…”

    ‘Prosecute them’, hell, they need citizens to step up and exterminate them… 🙁

    • According to DHS U.S. law enforcement and immigration officials have launched more than 100 investigations of crimes tied to suspected members of a violent Venezuelan gang, including sex trafficking in Louisiana and the shooting of two New York City police officers.

      According to DHS, this Venezuelan gang is all over the country.

      100% of those known entered the country illegally due to Biden-Harris intentionally open and insecure border. Some were encountered, but due to the way the Biden-Harris immigration invasion policy works and with the help of so-called “sanctuary” cities/states democrat politicians and their NGO’s and other left-wing organizations behind the scenes (e.g. some anti-gun orgs for example) and left-wing wealthy people ‘donors’ even those gang members (as well as other illegal entry people) who entered illegally and caught were given a ‘legal proceeding’ opportunity and released with hearing date they did not show for and simply vanished into the country.

      In Aurora, Colorado although one apartment complex is implied to be involved in this article its actually a bigger problem. The mayor has stated several apartment complexes in the area are affected. According to ‘The Gazette’ > gazette. … com/government/venezuelan-gang-tren-de-aragua-used-border-chaos-to-infiltrate-u-s/article_8836082e-66ef-11ef-8474-2becb71b044b. … (link malformed on purpose so as to hopefully not go into moderation):

      “Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman acknowledged on Thursday that a Venezuelan gang that is likely Tren de Aragua has taken control of several apartment complexes in the northern part of the city in what he called ‘a nightmare situation.’

      He also admitted that the city ‘lost control’ of the gang infiltration ‘and we’re working aggressively to get it back. ”

      Its also not just the apartment complexes, like it is where ever they are there is also street level activity with drugs and robbery and human trafficking and other focused criminal activity such as posing as common carrier (e.g. Amazon, UPS, FED EX) delivery drivers. This particular gang specializes in rape and murder.

      • “100% of those known entered the country illegally due to Biden-Harris“

        Biden was not president when Donald Trump signed the executive order allowing 145,000 Venezuelans to stay in the country illegally.

        Those Venezuelans entered the country illegally during the Trump administration:

        “Trump Approves Deportation Protections for Venezuelans in U.S. Illegally
        The action comes under the Deferred Enforced Departure program that offers deportation protections and work permits to immigrants in the country without authorization
        Michelle Hackman
        Updated Jan. 19, 2021 10:30 pm ET“

        • Once agaiun your cherry picking out of context to promote a lie.

          What I posted was this: “100% of those known entered the country illegally due to Biden-Harris intentionally open and insecure border.”

          Biden was for a fact president when that happened. Even if it were Trump that did something as you claimed in your overall lie, Biden was still president when it happened and had the responsibility to stop it.

          This gang AND ALL THE REST is squarely the fault of Biden and Border Czar Harris, period.

          Fact: 100% of those known entered the country illegally due to Biden-Harris intentionally open and insecure border. Some were encountered, but due to the way the Biden-Harris immigration invasion policy works and with the help of so-called “sanctuary” cities/states democrat politicians and their NGO’s and other left-wing organizations behind the scenes (e.g. some anti-gun orgs for example) and left-wing wealthy people ‘donors’ even those gang members (as well as other illegal entry people) who entered illegally and caught were given a ‘legal proceeding’ opportunity and released with hearing date they did not show for and simply vanished into the country.

          And a few of the democrat congresswomen even applauded it, and said they were glad Biden did it in between their supporting Hamas.

          • clarification for : “…Biden was still president when it happened and had the responsibility to stop it.”

            meaning when the gangs and the millions of others came in, including the middle eastern terrorist groups that sneaked in illegally fully equipped over a Biden-Harris intentionally insecure and open border.

            Trump saying 145,000 actual non-criminal immigrants could stay so they would have time to apply for citizenship is no where near what you claim.

            You lied again.

            • Miner49er,

              You need to have your butt dragged out back and kicked until you stop breathing, then necessitated and it done all over again for your support of this terrorist gang that for a 100% fact did illegally enter the country under the Biden-Harris intentionally insecure open border plan. Heck, even Venezuela warned Biden they were going to empty their prisons and send them to the border, he knew they were coming you moron and the intentionally insecure and open border that basically said ‘come on in, we left wingers love rapist and murderers and terrorist, so sure come on in.”

            • And heck, after intensive grilling and being shown the documentation even Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, broke down and admitted under oath in house hearings he was aware that these gang terrorist and middle east terrorist groups were entering the country illegally AFTER Biden-Harris put in place their border policy that allowed this.

            • and now once again, the American people have to endure the death and carnage from crime that Miner49er and bunches of other radical extremist left-wing liars like Biden and Harris try to spin away.

              “Oh no, its imaginary.”

              “Oh no, criminals aren’t killing people, its guns.

              “Oh no, this is Trumps fault even though he wasn’t in office”

              As you so gladly show your support of these criminals and terrorists.

  6. The Mayor of Denver as well as the Governor of Colorado are eager to assist, but only to persecute any Americans who are assaulted by these vermin for using deadly force to defend themselves.

    This will only get worse until such time as actual American citizens start lynching politicians and subjecting judges to good old fashioned public stonings.

  7. If I was at Aurora Apt 301 Whatever, there would be 7 dead cocksucking gang bangers and I would be the one “Perp Walked’ in front of the media. So be it. I am at the age that I won’t put up with this shit. Also I am 17 miles from Aurora.

    • Cloudbuster,

      I came to post the same sentiment. These guys are armed enemy combatants. Our nation–government and citizens alike–should treat them as such.

  8. All evil needs to be successful is for good people to do nothing to stop it. You deserve what you allow. Either in the voting booth or on the street.

  9. All criminals are not Leftists, but all Leftists are criminals. Illegal immigration is a racket that harvests huge revenues before the invaders even cross the border. Is it surprising that the Left supports and enables the destabilizing racket? Do you think there is no quid pro quo?

    It is high time to hold the criminals who participate by giving the product sanctuary legally accountable.

  10. They’re just forcibly evicting the tenants and garrisoning the apartment buildings Americans don’t want to.

    There must be something else going on because a serious city in a serious state in a serious country would have responded seriously. It’s almost as if nobody called 911 to say there are armed men storming the complex or banging on the door. Almost as if anyone who could have, would have or should have done something decided not to.

    • They are collecting rent, stealing, dealing dope, sex, protection, and more, I do not doubt. Just a few of the knock-on rackets that follow the protected racket that is illegal immigration.

      • Amen!
        This is why the tenants as well as the landlord should be shooting, shoveling and shutting up.

        A half dozen loads of 00 buckshot fired through the door would have been highly educational.

    • Yep, local reporting often has the ground truth the sensationalized right wing propaganda outlets conceal from their viewers.

      From your linked article:

      “the owners of an apartment beset with crime in Aurora, are using the gang as a scapegoat for the unsanitary, unsafe and unhealthy conditions of their apartments that were condemned by the city this month.“

      • typical left wing slant lie there Miner49er. Expected nothing less from you.

        Even the video for the article proves it a lie. Even the left-wing mayor of the city shows it for a lie.

        The “unsanitary, unsafe and unhealthy conditions” were created by the violent gang. They wrecked it so badly the city has to condemn it. Its always “unsafe and unhealthy conditions” if a violent gang with specialties in rape and murder are threatening and shooting at the people living there.

        • clarification for : “Even the video for the article proves it a lie.”

          meaning the various videos that are available that support the article.

  11. And people wonder why I hate libertarians so much. Well, here is just one reason.

    They are comfortable with criminals coming across open american borders. They don’t believe in any screening process, when it comes to immigration. And it’s doesn’t matter if the criminals are child rapists, murderer’s, robbers, or identification thieves.

    Libertarians are just like Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. Both are scum bags who support open borders.

  12. Methinks Ms. Jurinsky needs a personal protection detail now. At the least she, and those around her, need to tool up pronto.

    • That display of power on the part of the criminals turns Polis on. He wants to S*$U(C@K all of these criminals off.

  13. Funny how these gangs and criminals always show up in leftist/democrat controlled cities.
    Just another reason I made an effort to get out of the big city and refuse to live in such a place. Sure it may be more convenient to have all the alleged services and entertainment close at hand, but at what cost to personal security and liberties.
    Long past time for local citizens to wise up and stop supporting the leftist agenda. And long past time for the citizens to step up and do what the local or state governments can’t or won’t do.

    • Speaking of locals wising up, here is one I would like to know more about. Looks like maybe an oldfashioned case of got-to-arrest-somebody –

      “HONOLULU (AP) — Three people were killed and two others injured in a shooting at a home stemming from a dispute between neighbors on Saturday night in Hawaii, police said. The shooter was also fatally shot by a resident, who was arrested on a second-degree murder charge.

      Witnesses reported that a 58-year-old man was using a front-end loader to ram cars into the home where a family gathering was taking place, then opened fire at people gathered in the carport, fatally shooting three women at the residence in Waianae, a community about 30 miles (48 kilometers) west of downtown Honolulu, Honolulu police detective Lt. Deena Thoemmes said.

      At some point, a 42-year-old man who lived in the home fatally shot the suspect with a handgun. A police spokesperson did not immediately respond to to a telephone message or an email asking for details about why the resident was arrested.”

  14. The government that is ostensibly suppose to protect us from this, and has instead decided the better course of action is to let them in in Job Lots, had better deal with this. Americans know how to deal with this. It doesn’t require law enforcement personnel. We’ll tolerate this insanity for a bit, but not forever.

  15. The libertarians liberals and the left have never believed in the concept of private property rights.

    If you as a property owner use deadly force to protect your private property. The three L’s will cheer the police when they come to arrest you. And always remember. The three L’s always say you can’t trust the police.

    The only thing that the three L’s support is legal butt sex and drugs. They are comfortable slaves in states like Colorado. And they want everyone else to be slaves too.

  16. Sorry for the good people trapped in Colorado by whatever keeps you there but you either voted for or allowed the current government to take power by not voting so my sympathy only goes so far. Sell if you can and move regardless – your state is already lost and isn’t going to get better. Or just chew another “gummie”, sit back and relax…whatever happens it’s all good because you stuck it to the rich and can get legal THC now – well worth a few rapes, robberies and murders…

  17. It appears what this article has shed light upon one thing:


    and….The POLICE will NOT be coming to our aid.


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